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MPAA Rated PG-13 for violence, sexuality and language

Sex & Nudity

  • a woman in the backround of a race is wearing suggestive clothing.
  • Man undresses woman down to her thong (we see a shot of the man touching her nearly completely bare buttocks and we also see the side of her bare breast), and then they fall onto a bed, presumably ready to have intercourse
  • a woman straddles a car's stick shift to get closer to a man in the driver's seat, says some sexual innuendo, and then they kiss briefly (we see a close-up of his hand touching right below her clothed breast)
  • Angelina and Nick characters discuss whether they prefer or stealing cars and end up kissing before being interrupted.
  • A man and woman appear kissing and in the back of a stolen car.

Violence & Gore

  • A man is shot in the shoulder while in a car chase. We see blood coming from his shoulder. Scene lasts about one minute.
  • A lot of gunnery use. One man tries to steal a car and aims a gun at a characters head saying he'll "blow his brains out" said character beats him up. No blood. Also, main character threatened dead multiple times and gun aimed at his head. No shots, but very intense.
  • The film contains several fight scenes which mostly just involve people punching each other however one scene does involve a gang of people chasing two characters using shotguns and handguns. There is also one fight scene in which one man grabs another by the genitals. This does not appear onscreen but is clearly implied.
  • During a big chase, many policemen are involved in traffic accidents, but they come out unscathed from the crashed cars reducing the violent tone.
  • A police car and its driver are smashed by a wrecking ball and passes through a wall. The driver goes slightly dizzy, but unharmed.
  • The main villain is thrown is pushed off a four story railing, and crashes through the floor and lands on a coffiin. He is presumably dead.


  • At least one "Jesus" used in an intense sequence. As well as one 'horseshit'.
  • Jesus is exclaimed two times
  • One use of "f*ggot".
  • One prominent use of "b*tch" in the Director's Cut.
  • At least 18 "s" words, 16 asses (8 used with "hole"), 5 damns, 10 hells, 2 S.O.B.s, 3 uses of "G-damn," 3 of "God," 1 of "Jesus" and 1 use each of "Christ," "Jesus Christ," "Oh Christ" and "Oh my God" as exclamations.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • Despite not being used by any characters, packages with something that would be heroin are shown inside the trunk of a car.
  • Several scenes show people drinking alcohol in a civilised manner. There are one or two mentions of drugs notably "roll a joint" however no drug use is shown on screen.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • Intense fight scene and a brief scene at a morgue with many bodies may disturb some viewers.

See also

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