Don Matteo (TV Series 2000– ) Poster

(2000– )

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16 Reviews
Jessica Fletcher à la italiana
MegaSuperstar15 October 2014
This is a highly recommendable series about a priest who helps police to solve mysteries in the beautiful Italian village of Gubbio. The priest Don Matteo is played by Terence Hill in his usually light hearted, mocking way and his personality, with the excellent supporting actors, is what gives this series a special glint: Natalina his housekeeper (french actress Natalie Guetta) always grieving for no being married, Pippo the sacristan (Francesco Scali), Francesco Scali and Simone Montedoro as capt. Anceschi and his successor capt. Tomassi, always trying to avoid Don Matteo snoops in the police cases and especially maresciallo Cecchini (Nino Frassica), special friend of Don Matteo and who always pass him the information about cases to help him solves the mysteries. The relationship between Gubbio inhabitants is as important as the cases and provides the humour touch that makes the series so enjoyable. In the last season Gubbio has been changed to Spoleto, causing people's protest in Italy. Interesting mystery cases mixed with humor, charismatic characters and a beautiful town location. All this makes the perfect combination for a successful and non alcoholic cocktail: no sex nor violence but good vibrations and final ending morals makes this series a good entertainment for the whole family not to be missed. Undoubtedly, highly recommended.
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Have watched since the beginning
CasualOzzy10 November 2022
I've enjoed watching this lovely Italian series throughout the years. However I sometimes do find it frustrating how the cast keeps changing over and over again and it seems like for some characters the writers only knew what to do with them for a season. After that the character is gone and never seen or mentioned again.

Then again it is refreshing to see new faces I guess, but some of the storylines kind of just don't get closure. Or by that I mean we as a viewer have no idea what happened, after suddenly in the next season they are gone and there's no explanation.

Well at least I guess we got something, when they showed what happened to Tommasi and Anceschi, so we got some sort of closure. Even though Tommasi seemed to be a fan favorite and I also think he should've stayed for a longer time. Seasons 6-10 I think were the golden era of Don Matteo.

Acting has been brilliant and especially during the later years it has brough tears into grown mans eyes. Keep up with the good work!
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Crazy-silly but lovable
LauraAnnG20 October 2014
I don't even know where to begin with this show.

It is addictive.

When I first started watching Don Matteo (consisting of almost 200 episodes in total since starting in 2000) on MHz Worldview International Mystery, it was on the advice of a good friend who'd stumbled across the channel and the international mysteries that air on it in the evenings. I didn't even know MHz existed down there in the Comcast 250's before that. "A detective priest!" my friend raved. "You'll love him!" At first watch, Don Matteo seemed crazy silly to me. About a bike-riding, cassock-wearing, priest (played by the endlessly energetic Terrence Hill -- of spaghetti western fame) who solves crimes because the local police force (the "Carabinieri") is (frankly) too incompetent to do it on their own.

There seemed to be about five basic plots for the shows that the writers of this series rehashed over and over AND OVER again, throwing in a slight variation here, changing a minor story line there (for example, there's the kayaking competition episode, the boxing competition episode, the bicycling competition episode... and then there's the episode where Natalina (one of Matteo's "side-kicks") gets a dog, another where she gets a baby. I could imagine the writers sitting around a table and looking at their blank pages and saying "let's do THIS again!" It all seemed... well... like I said, silly. And then, suddenly, I realized I was hooked. I love this show. I totally adore it. Yes. The characters are silly. The mysteries not very mysterious. The police are more like the Marx Brothers than SVU. BUT IT WORKS.

It is adorable and enjoyable and it makes me feel great to watch it on a good day, and it makes me feel better to watch it on a lousy day.

Much of the brilliance here falls directly on the capable shoulders of Nino Frassica, who plays Maresciallo Cecchini (one of the aforementioned Carabinieri). He's a physical comedy genius, and his interactions with his Captain (played by the equally enjoyable Simone Montedoro) are miracles of timing and humor. Some of my very favorite scenes in the series involve these two actors playing off each other with great skill and aplomb.

Terrence Hill is also magnificent in the starring role.

As I've written in another review, Italian mystery shows like this are a genre unto themselves. If there's a spectrum, and the Scandinavian mysteries like Wallander are on the ultraviolet end of the spectrum, Don Matteo is as far as you can get on the other side in the infrared. It is bright and funny and not at all subtle. This show is not so much about the mystery as it is about the characters, their relationships with each other and the world around them, and about morality, fairness and kindness, family and love.

And when the show hits pay dirt, like with the season 6 "Francesca e il lupo," it is extremely good.

Yes, as someone wrote, this show may be a vehicle for the Catholic Church (although Matteo does seem to be very open minded about many things the Church does not approve of). And it may be predicable and at times a little mind-numbing (there is a lot of comic relief in this show, but it is often played as a single note). However, Don Matteo is simply wonderful to watch.

Many thanks to MHz Worldview International Mystery for airing this series. As I write this review, I am anxiously anticipating the start of the seventh season of Don Matteo. Since being introduced to MHz I've had my eyes opened to these amazing shows made in Italy, France, Denmark, Sweden, and so on. MHz is a national treasure, and if you're not watching it, but like good mysteries, you should give it a try.
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Great Television!
Suzy3193 May 2013
Don Matteo is a charming Italian television series about a priest who investigates crimes in the little town of Gubbio, Italy. The interaction between characters: the priest, police, mayor of the town and others is delightful with some comedy. The mayor of the town who is a stunning, bright woman is dating the head of police. There are funny episodes with the housekeeper and her husband. There's no blood and guts, sex or profanity: Just good stories each episode. The scenery is lovely. The theme music is really enjoyable. The English subtitles are absolutely excellent. And, in my opinion, Terence Hill, who plays Don Matteo (Father Matthew) has the charisma of Cary Grant.
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hoapo20 August 2005
As good as the first 3 series, with Terence Hill, who gets better every series. Sicilian Nino Frassica (Maresciallo Nino Cecchini) is great and Flavio Insinna from Rome (Capitano Flavio Anceschi) has a fine art of acting. They are the best characters of the series. In the fourth series, the appearance of Milena Miconi (Sindaco) is a new way of fun. Nathalie Guetta plays the dragon of Natalina very really. Francesco Scali (Pippo) is one of the best characters. The producers of Lux Vide and Rai Fiction made the best series of this this years. There is not any violence in the series, but if you want to have fun and a little bit of action, you must see it.
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Ficcanasu Priest
csdcsdcsd200327 May 2022
Recently here in the USA, I began watching Don Matteo, a long running mystery series on MHz set in an Italian hill town near Perugia which I visited some years ago - so what's not to like? Well, I'll explain. Being of Italian-American heritage and also Roman Catholic, I can say with certainty that no priest I've ever encountered cared so deeply about his parishoners as the fictional Don Matteo, much less lift a finger to alleviate their trials and tribulations, some of which they themselves have caused! The energetic, clever Don Matteo is what is known in Italian as a ficcanasu, sticking his nose in everywhere - the well-meaning but lame-brained cop who gives Don Matteo unauthorized, unlimited access to police business really should be fired at the get-go. Although everything turns out perfectly in the end in TV land, this insipid show is almost unbearable. I cannot fathom how so many viewers have stuck with Don Matteo for 20 years. I cringe every time I see the hulking gleeful priest in his ankle-length cassock racing around the steep stony pavements of Gubbio on an old bicycle looking much like the proverbial bat out of hell, a high-speed danger to himself and others. Bastante!
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An Italian priest that solves every village murder mystery!
rusticever5 August 2013
Although I have not been fortunate to see older Don Matteo shows I have been lucky to see Don Matteo on MHZ (worldview TV). I immediately was drawn to this show subtitles and all. In spite of the difference in language it is now my favorite scheduled show on TV. (I have been searching for subtitled older shows and have not been successful.) Don Matteo is akin to a Father Miss Marple, giving Sergeant Chekkini the accurate killer instead of the unfortunate suspect they usually lock up. Each character in the show from the housekeeper to the mayor has a side plot occurring which typically provides the source of the show's humor. My greatest draw to the show of course is the wonderful scenery and architecture, heritage not withstanding.
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I love the series but...
kalamityk34726 July 2022
I just love this show but the constant change in casts & stories from season to season is difficult for me. I just finished season 10. First, it broke my heart to learn that they took Patrizia off the show. But now there will be no more Lia & Gulio. They broke up Laura & Tommaso and I'm guessing they will be gone too. 😢 It is just making me so sad but I'll keep watching when Season 11 is available.
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Incredibly witty dialogue
loosefeather12 April 2018
I am constantly amazed at the twists in this show & the very clever dialogue. A simple repeating plot, but the characters really draw you in. Nice, clean, humor & fun. You will grow to love each one.
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Good, Clean Fun
Littlelep27 November 2018
Fr. Matteo is fine family fare and always has a moral or two to make one think. I do enjoy all of the characters, but I would not recommend binge watching more than one season at a time. It is more enjoyable to come to it fresh.

One huge distraction -- or, rather, attraction, perhaps -- is watching Mr. Hill's hairline recede. It would not even have entered my mind, except in the first episode, the Bishop tells him that he is too good-looking and implies that if, among other things, he were bald, he would be less of a temptation to women.

Each episode, it becomes more and more obvious that his hair is "thinning"; and each episode, the makeup folks try other ways to conceal that fact. A fun pastime in itself! Plus, the camera folks zoom in and take off the top of heads, so that we see less and less of Fr. Matteo's less-and-less. Perhaps related to this issue, Mr. Hill's character has less of a role to play and the feuding officers become more prominent. That is a bit of a shock, and sad, because the show is supposed to be about Don Matteo.
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My grandpa is addicted
niglioalessandro20 August 2020
I watch this wonderful series with my grandpa. He loves it and me too. Great emotions everytime i see it. They only miss the Emmy
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Nice series
bavoko22 April 2022
Nice series. The best season is undoubtedly 8.

The series revolved around Don Matteo, Marshal Cecchini and Giulio and was perfect. Now he has lost a lot without captain Tommasi.
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Agree with so many other reviews...Wonderful show!
jbajoie23 June 2021
I'll simply say the show is SENSATIONAL!!!

I have All of the available dvds!
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pami9431 October 2022
This show is so Beautifully done addicting that I can't stop watching it. Don Matteo is so endearing as he helps everyone who needs him, riding on his bicycle up and down hills and steps. It's hard to believe how he does it. The characters are so genuine and caring like Natalina and little Nerino is so adorable and sweet, and such a good actor. He takes care of his grandmother finding them living quarters and food. The policemen are terrific as they let Don Matteo help with the cases. The police and Don Matteo are respectful of each other. I was so happy to find so many seasons to watch. Don't miss this show.
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A great classic. The 13th season also hits the mark.
Radiante26 May 2022
Don Matteo is the triumph of good feelings, of the most authentic values and, for those who have it, of the most genuine faith.

The 13th season, with Raoul Bova, is definitely up to the previous ones. Bova does not make a legend like Terence Hill regret, and he fits perfectly into a role that seems to have always been written for him.

All good, excellent interpreters Nino Frassica, Maria Chiara Giannetta, Maurizio Lastrico and all others. Applause.
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a pleasant series
Kirpianuscus29 September 2022
It is just that series who you deserves. Charming, touching, full of humor and proposing one of best roles of Terence Hill who gives to Don Matteo the fair traits defining a good priest who feels his mission more complex than you expect.

Nice dialogues, good doses of tension and drama, reasonable solutions and a wise exploration of the human nature.

In short, a good series with the only basic sin of change of cast time by time , sure, in the name of good cause but transforming it in a sort of puzzle.

It is that kind of old fashion and pure italian series, charming and cool , surprising in some moments and profound honest. And this , today, is more than a precious virtue.
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