V.I.P. (TV Series 1998–2002) Poster


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Semi stylish romp
maligor517 January 2021
This was Pamela Anderson's break away show after becoming famous on Baywatch. The shows main attraction was Pam as eye candy, but she is a sweet and funny actress as well. The show is pretty slickly shot with good music and decent action sequences. There are quite a few deaths at times and for that reason it never totally fuses the genres imo. On a comedic level it does work to some degree.
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It's All Just A Joke!
Woof2098 November 1999
Everyone in this forum is so quick to criticize this show, but NO ONE here is putting the show in context! Not only is it no Law and Order, but they are not even trying to give that impression!

The show is all a spoof: It's spoofing Hollywood, It's spoofing bimbos, it's spoofing female cliches... Hell, it's even spoofing itself.

The point of the show is not to watch and analyze the characters' decisions! It is meant to be watched as a show making fun of itself.

You say that Val is stupid to do bodyguarding with High Heels? Well what would the show be like if she had dressed up in a skin-tight sexy suit which was perfect for bodyguarding?? Then the humor wouldn't be humor and Val wouldn't be Val. Where's the fun in that?

You people need to open your eyes, and watch this show with a lighter heart. If you want something slick with smooth people who just won't understand your jokes, then go watch the X-files!
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Worst show ever made
Nightshade8517 March 2008
Imagine a manual containing all the movie and TV-series clichés in existence. Then take the worst kind of actors there is, a completely idiotic storyline and then you follow this cliché-manual to 100 percent. The end-product would be a TV-show called V.I.P. that is so bad that even a pervert wouldn't use it to stimulate themself. This show was meant to be parody - thats what everyone is saying. But the thing about parodies is that they contain humor (often so much that you grow sick of it) - but V.I.P. doesn't even have that. I would rather spend my time in a doorless, padded room, staring at a blank wall for years rather than watch all episodes of V.I.P. No sane nor insane person would give this show more than 1 star out of 10. AVOID AT ALL COSTS.
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Jeez, lighten up people...
winstonfg18 January 2008
I've always thought of Pamela Anderson as one of Canada's worst (or best, depending on how you look at it) exports; but this show suggests to me that there might be a few synapses there after all.

Unashamedly silly and with lots of comic-book violence, it started a trend that's been carried on by 'She Spies' and others; and while that may not be a glowing recommendation for any of you, I find it an enjoyable way to switch off the brain for an hour. And it's proved to me that she may just have a second career as a comedienne once she's gotten too old for her Barbie Doll image.

Probably one for the guys rather than the gals, but *definitely* better than Baywatch.
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You have to get it to get it
safenoe3 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
V.I.P. is pure guilty pleasure fun, and to its credit, the show never held itself out as being an Emmy contender, and that's fine. If you demand a TV series that deals with a 70 year old guy who wants to be a woman, then this show isn't for you I'm afraid. V.I.P. is what it is, a load of fun and lots of camp, and that's fine with me. There's an audience for V.I.P. and whilst some may not admit to watching it and prefer to admit to pollsters they prefer more "high-minded" fare such as vampires with feelings, V.I.P. endures.

Dustin Nguyen was a standout in this fine series, and kudos to the producers for bringing him in. I just hope that if V.I.P. is rebooted, Dustin will return to the cast.
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VIP - Great show!
z_atkinberry31 May 2007
First off, most people commenting on this show are looking at the show in the totally wrong light!! The show is very cheesy, over-the-top, campy and is not meant to be taken as a serious show, and that is pretty obvious from watching it for only a few minutes. I mean, it's biggest star is Pamela Anderson - that should tell you it's not serious.

Anyways, on to the show!! I remember flipping through the channels one weekday afternoon and landing on VIP, and from the very first minute of seeing it I knew I would love it. I am a big fan of Pamela Anderson (I'm female so I'm not a fan in that way!) and I thing she is totally funny in her own way. This show was just so tailored to Pamela. I mean every episode had her running around LA in skin-tight outfits while the other bodyguards were performing over-the-top stunts and blowing up things. Plus the show had lots of subtle jokes about Pamela herself, and she seemed to enjoy making fun of herself. The best thing about this show was that you knew any time you watched it, you would enjoy it! So to all the other reviewers who dismissed this show - lighten up!! VIP is great!

PS - If you liked this show, I recommend watching Relic Hunter. It is similar to VIP and also features another funny female - Tia Carrere.
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AndrewHatch4 January 2002
sure VIP's not the most intelligent or thought provoking show, but that doesn't make it bad. Reading the other user's comments it's clear that many are missing the point of this show. It's an action comedy, with emphasis on comedy. It's a fun waste of an hour.
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Real airhead
valstone5212 October 2020
I really liked this series. But Pam doing all that simpering, being ditzy went out with Jayne Mansfield. I mean it's ok to be a little dense, but in every episode is two much. The rest of the crew are, believable. Just a series to show her chest, Cause she definitely has no ass.
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Fun and a sexy camp tease that has adventure with eye candy beauty!
blanbrn26 October 2016
I remember years ago watching this series called "V.I.P." with Pamela Anderson as she's such an eye candy treat from her "Playboy" and "Baywatch" days. This was a series that didn't take things to serious it had it's fun and the acting was a little silly yet, the stories often involved adventures of crime solving and a little action on the side and yes of course some eye candy. Pamela Anderson lead the way as Vallery Irons a bodyguard and security type for the rich and famous and her group of girls included Tasha(Molly Culver)it was like a nice little detective agency. I recall many segments in which the girls including Pamela would be damsels in distress as they were tied up and gagged and many scenes were sexy with the gals sporting sexy colored bras, still thru it all these ladies saved the day from the bad guys! This little series had it's day in syndication and in reruns on UPN, CW or WB it was one fun remembered series for the action and eye candy with Pamela Anderson.
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women in silly clothes with lots of gratuitous violence
akjordan24 March 2001
This ("women in silly clothes with lots of gratuitous violence") was how Valerie Irons (Pamela Anderson) described a "movie" being made... obviously making fun of her own show. Truly, I always disliked Pam Anderson and have never really seen anything she's been in, but sometimes I am up very late and "V.I.P." is the only thing on. I expected to hate it, but instead found myself laughing at her [Pam Anderson's] antics. She is much funnier than I ever gave her credit for, and she, with this show, is really just making fun of herself. Who knew Ms. Anderson could be self-deprecating? This is not a show I would set my VCR to record, but if it's on and you're up, GO FOR IT! It's mindless, it's silly, but it can also be downright funny. Plus, it's great eye-candy. :-)
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Super fun show
msgigi7815 February 2023
This show is sexy fun and was a great watch Saturday afternoons! I hope to find reruns one day! The show is about a Sexy woman (Pamela Anderson) who starts a security service hiring attractive women who can also kick ass to protect the rich and famous ( VIP, get it?). Lots of Scooby Doo type capers and action/fight scenes but also really funny and the fashion ( for the time) was fun colorful and did I forget to mention sexy? I was sad to see it go but it's definitely in the time capsule where Nirvana and Spice Girls coexisted and where Once upon a time a girl next door Playboy Bunny was the lead and I think producer of a an awesome woman empowering TV show.
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Very funny stuff
alice-1827 April 2000
I love it when I turn on the TV and find this show on. It is really so funny. The satire is great and Pam Anderson is wonderful at making fun of herself. The outfits she wears are outrageous, which just makes me smile even more. The plots are obviously thin, but it is meant to be fluff and fun to watch. I am a woman, but am not in the least offended by this show. The other females balance perfectly against Vallery's bumbling character. Good, no-brainer stuff.
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An Underrated Millennium Time-Capsule
MardiShakti29 January 2024
Disappointed to see such a low audience rating; obviously most people are too uncultured to appreciate such a show that captures the very essence of the millennium and plays like a live-action superhero comic.

Full of chrome, rainbow leopard-print, cool cars and diversity before it was demanded, this cast represents the "Fox Force Five" that Tarantino could only imagine.

And for the more enlightened among us, Pam introduces us to "11:11" before 11:11 was a thing.

V. I. P. Is a really cool and fun show that documents the Y2K era, with a brainy female hacker character; scary tough women; a fun female character, and everything in between.

This show would have made a great comic, or a great comic would have made a great show; we are blessed with a great show.
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It's not to be taken so seriously
snoopy-4411 August 1999
I've been watching this show for a while now and I like it. It's not to be taken so seriously. They're more like comic book characters. It shows that Pamela Anderson Lee has a sense of humor. She's not a barbie doll. I think that's just envy talking. A lot of people said the same thing about Goldie Hawn and she's a good actress. She's beautiful, she can't help that. And finally, the show has gotten an emmy nomination and it's not because of the wardrobe.
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Possibly Guilty but Certainly Harmless Pleasure
opusv531 January 2011
The trivia feature of the box set I've just purchased says (through subtitles) that this series was a great favourite of Jim Jarmusch. He may have liked it for the same reasons I do: it's a self-parody that is meant to be enjoyed as such. The series kept to the spirit of fun by not over-indulging in violence: there were at least as many kicks and punches as bullets flying, and those bullets never drew blood. The villains were take-offs on stereotypical baddies; the plots, while un-original, were again enjoyable as take-offs. The show had substantial sex appeal, though I confess (especially being Canadian)that I don't find Pamela Anderson that compelling physically. She does (or did) keep in shape, though, and can look good in hot pants. And that's part of what made V.I.P. enjoyable: good-looking, well-dressed people getting themselves into and out of ridiculous situations.
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Hey, it's funny!
luciyen18 April 2002
Sure, it may be cheesy, but that's the whole point! The show does exactly what it aims to do: Have lots of action and lots of laughs. Sure, Pamela Anderson isn't that great of an actress, but the rest of a cast does a great job, despite the material they are given!
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taynic-744894 May 2021
Worth watching for all those 1990s icon cameos....and other reasons!
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Good pickup show for Pamela Anderson.
Brian-27214 June 2001
"V.I.P." is a great pickup for Pamela Anderson since leaving her "Baywatch" days behind. Pam in this series runs a security group with other women who are hired mostly to protect stars and celebrities. Molly Culver is very strong in this series and very sexy also she makes a great partner to Pam. "V.I.P." is one of those great series that is different from many others making it one to watch.
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Action Comedy with touch of Bay Watch
ebiros230 September 2013
High quality late night action comedy that's done with lots of action, and tongue in cheek humor. High skin exposure may have been the reason for it's late night time slot when it used to come on air.

Val (Pamela Anderson) used to work at Tail of Pup hot dog stand in LA. By accident she gets used as a bullet shield by a Hollywood actor who asked her out on a date. He didn't want the truth to be told on TV, so he tells the reporter that she's actually his body guard. This goes on air and Val becomes an instant celebrity. In the meantime employees at VIP body guarding agency gets conned by their boss to buy out the agency for $5000 each. Actually the agency has no assets or money in the bank, and is worthless. The four former employees, now out $5000, and no prospect of continued business comes up with a plan to use Val's sudden fame to bring in new clients for their agency. They ask her to be the head of the agency, with promise that she won't have to do any of the dangerous work. Val gets seduced by the Jag and Sunset boulevard penthouse apartment that former boss left behind, and agrees to head the agency. She almost fits the "dumb blonde" stereotype, except she has remarkable knack for doing the right things in critical moments (quite accidentally).

The chemistry between the members of VIP agency is fantastic. The show often has cameo appearance by famous celebrity of the time. The color scheme of each of the scene is beautiful, with house walls, street poles, and handrails freshly painted for the occasion. The look and feel is like the "Miami Vice", and even the music at the end roll is spoofing Miami Vice. The difference is that this show has lot more explosions, shooting , and fight scenes.

Pamela Anderson is often more beautiful compared even to other beautiful girls who guest stars in the show, or even many of the girls in bikini that lines the background in some scenes. But my favorite was Val's room mate played by Angelle Brooks. The two plays the comic relief of this show while others act completely strait. The situation Val gets into and the characters of the bad guys are designed to enhance the funniness of the show.

I've only seen few episodes when it was on air, but recently I got to see the entire seasons, and was surprised that I was quite entertained by the show. The producer did it right, and it's one of the best series of its kind. Recommended for viewing.
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Just have a good time
dtucker863 September 2003
This show got some of the worst reviews that I have ever read, but it is one of my guilty pleasures. Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert did a show on Sneak Previews once called Guilty Pleasures, in this show they talked about movies that they were almost embarassed to admit that they liked. VIP is one of my guilty pleasures, I like to think that I am an intelligent person, I am a college graduate and have traveled all over the world in my military career, but I really loved watching the exploits of "the beautiful and lethal Vallery Irons!!!" People, this show was tongue in cheek and it was not meant to be taken seriously don't you realize that? Pamela Anderson is not the dumb bimbo people make her out to be, that is only the part she played. She is very intelligent and in fact was one of VIPs creators. She is a loving mother of two small children and needs all our prayers right now because she is battling a fatal liver disease. Pamela you brought me a lot of joy with your wonderful show and I wanted to thank you, forget about what all those other people have said. VIP was sort of like I Spy or The Man From Uncle. It took us into a world of glamour and excitement and it threw a lot of humor in along the way! Just relax and have a good time. I admit, Val was a ditz, but her heart was always in the right place.
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Forever a hit
jane-0224811 April 2020
This show was on a marathon one summer where I was at my grandmas .. I was probably 10 at the time, no older than 12 that's for sure. Anyway my cousin who was the same age as me well we binged the whole damn thing. So I'll be thirty this summer and idk maybe it's quarantine making me think of this show but it is etched in my brain until the day I die. I'm a lesbian and molly culver probably influenced that. It was a dumb show, but most entertaining. I'll probably buy the series on DVD for kicks. Thanks Pam Anderson
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This show may be smarter than you are
spinin31 December 2002
Before I comment on the show lets get my credentials out of the way. I recently graduated from Indiana University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry and a minor in Mathematics. I have also taken several film/arts courses because of my intense interest in them. I love art, but I am most familiar with film. There is nothing that I enjoy more than a thought-provoking movie. I understand film as art and I appreciate all the great directors (and I'm not talking Spielberg here). Color or B&W, old or new, domestic or foreign, it doesn't matter as long as the film is good. I'm not bragging here, but I'm trying to establish that I do have some intelligence before I get crucified for being an idiot that actually enjoys "VIP" from time to time. One of the things that upsets me is when people complain about a film being stupid when they don't even understand it. This happens with just about any non-conventional movie. However, the same thing can partly be said about "VIP." From most of the negative comments I can see that people are completely missing the point (not all the negative comments). Yes the show is ridiculous, unrealistic, predictable, and features one-dimensional characters, but does it ever pretend to be something better? NO IT DOES NOT. It never pretends that it is not any of the above. It wallows in its ridiculousness and embraces its one-dimensional characters. For those reasons, it will never be a great show, but it can be kind of fun.

One comment I read complained about Pammy spying at night in a tight purple outfit and stiletto heels. The reviewer was really bothered by this and believed that it could never happen. Let's think about it... OF COURSE IT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN! THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT! Yes it is simple and silly, but don't miss the fact that that's the point. Would you also complain that Lt. Frank Drebin from the NAKED GUN doesn't really act like a very competent cop? Did the inflatable autopilot in AIRPLANE seem a little too "literal" to you? If so, then you are stupid. The quality of "VIP" and the show's humor cannot be compared to those great comedies, but "VIP" is in the same vein. There have been several witty moments in the series. Not genius, but witty.

The characters are supposed to be one-dimensional. Every member of the VIP team has pretty much one characteristic and they just go with it. Is it redundant? Yes it is. But it also makes them into cartoon characters. Why would you watch the Road Runner cartoons many times? It's always the same thing, but it can still be fun. The cars, the colors, the outfits, and the people are all beautiful, but that's the show's style. IT IS NOT AN EXERCISE IN REALISM.

Before I give the show too much credit, I do want to say that this is definitely nothing to admire. I think the show is decent if you have nothing else to watch and can be kind of fun. At the same time, there is always that tug of war going on in my brain between the intelligent me and the me who needs to stop thinking in order to enjoy the show. Because "VIP" is so one-dimensional, I don't get much satisfaction from it. The MTV-style editing can be kind of annoying. Everyone in the show is a walking arsenal of guns, but the only time they use them is to shoot other people's guns out of their hands (which is also kind of a funny thing). Everything comes down to hand to hand combat. And when they shoot those gorgeous vehicles, the bullets just bounce off. So all of these things get on my nerves, but they are kind of funny as well. It's all a part of the ridiculous nature of the show. The only time the show is really bad is when it abandons its nature. Anytime it tries to be serious or dramatic it becomes terrible. When the bodyguards actually believe that they are more important than the FBI or the cops, that's when the show is a little stupid. This would be fine if that belief was yet another joke, but the characters do appear to be a little too serious about what they are doing sometimes. Then again, even that can work well in contrast to Pammy's goofiness.

The bottom line is there is nothing amazing about this show, but it can be fun in a "cartoonish" way. It does not satisfy in a large variety of ways, but "VIP" can be enjoyable if you are willing to accept its nature. The acting is one-dimensional because that is how it is supposed to be and as that, it is quite good. Pammy herself has never been better. If you look at "Baywatch" or BARB WIRE, there she is a weak actress because she is stretching for dramatic levels that she cannot reach. She is perfect in "VIP" and is very willing to mock herself. Let's not forget all of her great outfits since she does look real good. It's definitely one of the reasons why people watch. "VIP" is a perfectly acceptable show because it is not an insult to our intelligence. It comes straight out and says, "I'm incredibly stupid. If you want, enjoy my stupidity. If not, change the channel." It is infinitely better than a show like "Baywatch" where the melodrama is truly ridiculous and insulting and the acting is pure garbage (because people are trying to act in dramatic ways they cannot). "Baywatch" actually pretends to have a serious story and "VIP" does not. That's what makes it much better. And if you are getting angry about how stupid "VIP" is and how a girl in high-heels could never be a bodyguard, think for a moment. You may be missing the point.
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V.I.P. I will not let you R.I.P.
RavenGlamDVDCollector6 April 2014
Continuing my rants against the dull old exec types up there in their high-fallutin' offices who decide what we the poor simpletons with the cash are gonna see on DVD or not: Come on you buncha horn-rimmed glasses bedeckered whusses, release Seasons 2, 3 and 4 on DVD. Market them properly, give it a great box, include a Pamela Anderson centerfold, a life-sized figurine, get her to dance naked at promotional tours when releasing this extravaganza, I'm sure she'd still love to :) but anyway, you catch my drift, do anything, even overcharge us, buyers of original DVDs are used to getting screwed, but come on! Release V.I.P. in its entirety! It's good, clean American fun!

It might not be high-brow entertainment, but people who want that could go catch a symphony concert, just as long as the orchestra doesn't bother us too much as we take in Pamela's gorgeous body,

Anyway, thanks for Season 1, and my heartfelt sympathies that you did not make millions out of it like you expected to. Just a couple hundred thousand, huh? For shame! Well, if you actually have to watch the stuff that the bleating sheep out there buys in droves, I'm sure you'd agree that V.I.P. is, at the very least, not boring at all. You might actually like it, and become addicted to it to liven up your life, you nerdy creature, you little accountant, you money-grubbing little weasel.

I love this show, and you'll have to grant me a license to attack its enemies. Been searching for it on DVD since 2007, the search was fruitless till 2010 as I live in South Africa, then suddenly a breakthrough, and I had new hope, but no! Years later, and just a quarter of the way! Come on, America! Pamela Anderson is a symbol of the United States of America! And this is how you honor her?

There is much more to this show than its most obvious attributes. At its best, there are extremely funny moments. I have to admit that it suffers from corniness a whole lot of times, some scripts are far weaker than others, but overall, seen as a whole, it is WELL WORTH BEING SO DAMNED OBSESSED OVER!

Join me in my cause to get V.I.P. Seasons 2 - 4 released on DVD at RavenGlamDVDCollector@gmail.com. And chant with me, WE WON'T LET V.I.P. R.I.P.! Hell, we're gonna overturn cars in the streets, man!

Long live Pamela!
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Surprisingly entertaining
Bev-72 September 2002
Like so many I know, I have little interest in any show with a high jiggle factor. I was prepared to hate V.I.P. I caught one episode to watch a guest star and found myself laughing and actually enjoying the show. V.I.P. comes at you on at least two different levels. On one, there is exciting action and uncomplicated plots typical of the A-Team: bad guys who do bad things always get caught by an eclectic team of good guys, each with special talents and rampant egos. On another level, there is glamour, glitz, ditz, jiggle, and jokes making fun of glamour, glitz, ditz, and jiggle, most at Miss Anderson's willing expense. I would recommend V.I.P. and ask that you give it a try. It's actually a fun show.
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VIP is the best
ivansd_71 March 2008
First,this TV show is one of the best TV shows ever.Couz there is mixed comedy and action and the great character of beautiful and lethal Vallery Irons.Pam really did a good acting and she was all in the character.Also all the other actors in this show making it even more special.There is a lot of fun,a lot of action,and if you start watching it you can't stop.:-) The story of V.I.P. is also created very well and it makes you feel that things like that really happens in the real world.I am just very very very sorry because there is just first serial of this great show made on DVD.I really hope that it will be and the other 3 serials on DVD soon because the V.I.P. have a lot of fun's and people would buy those DVD's.I would!:-)
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