Cannibal Hookers (Video 1987) Poster

(1987 Video)

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Last Russian Communist Leader's Big Movie...
MrNefarious29 October 2003
Warning: Spoilers
****POSSIBLE SPOILERS***** Alright... I know that there probably isn't too many out there that will actually sit more than five minutes through this horrible movie. If you can call it a movie. It is edging on campy,but falls well short on it's groin. The best character for a good part of the movie has a very familiar spot on his head. It reminds me of the last Russian communist leader. His name was Lobo. He was disturbed,but not quite a zombie. I wouldn't recommend this film,but it was fun to laugh at. At least parts of it. Of course this is way better then the movie "Any Given Sunday"(which I gave a 1 out of 10)... This film I give a 3 out of 10. Thats one point for effort,and one point for the spot on Lobo's head. I also gave one point for humor. Once again that's 3 out of 10.
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Go dress like hookers
nogodnomasters31 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This is a low budget direct to VHS film with horrible film quality and sound. Two young ladies pledge Gamma Zeta Beta and cross paths with vampire/zombie cult who were equally bad at acting. The opening title was "I will dance on your grave 3" which might explain why there was no introduction to the cult we knew little about.

Poor characters and dialogue.

Guide: Don't recall any profanity. Some nudity...less than you would expect from the title. No sex.
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80s Heart-eating faux-horreur
MattyMunky17 April 2004
Cannibal Hookers isn't the worst film you could imagine. Despite the fact that it starts out in the manner of an 80s poorly shot porn film, it does actually manage to be better than that.

There has been an attempt to produce a storyline, however that has clearly failed.

Whilst the acting is most unnatural, the camera work is dodgy and the script is pure rubbish, the saving grace of this film is the fact that it does break away from conventions of the cannibal sub-genre.

Firstly, these are causcasian, ugly, Californian women who are the cannibals, not Amazonians in grass skirts. Also the most absurd aspect of the plot bridges the gap between the cannibal and vampire genres, a feat, to my knowledge, attempted by no other filmmaker.

In summary, this film is not to be watched in any seriousness. It is, and hopefully was intended to be, a trashy, no budget video release designed for those who find cannibalism, 80s hairstyles and vaseline filtered glamour photography amusing.
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TERRIBLE!!!!!!! (spoilers)
lthseldy121 May 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Oh this movie was sooo BAD!!! I thaught that it would be just one of those cheep cheezy horror movies in the 80's that were so bad they were great? But no.... this movie was awfull. But it is cheep because aparently they have the next door neighbor doing camera as he follows these hookers around makeing this movie seem more like a home movie than an actual productive film. It's about a girl that lives with her overbearing mother who keeps asking where shes going as the girl pretends to be a high schooler and looks to be in her early twenties and hangs around another girl of the same age trying to be younger than she looks. They end up joining some sorority that recuits girls and turns them into flesh eating hookers and shows some of the most laughable, cheeziest blood and guts scenes I have ever seen. One scene as one of the hookers eats something that resembles a tounge after mutilating her male victim and a retarded fat man looking over a hooker and her victim as he sits there drooling blood. And my favorite scene in which one of the male victims turns into a zombie-like state and starts foaming at the mouth with his tounge haging out as he attacks one of the hookers. Trash, pure thrash. I thaught this was going to be like "Sorority House Massacure" or "House on Sorority Row" but far from it.
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More painful than taking a barb-wire suppository.
bergma15@msu.edu24 October 2005
I didn't think I'd ever hear myself say that I've seen something so bad that I'm permanently scarred, but this movie could be it. This makes Ed Wood's later films look genius. The whole premise is that these girls are rushing a sorority (forgiving the fact that they're in their early 30's) and told to pretend they're hookers for part of their initiation and some how get mixed up with a group of vampire hookers. I know, you're thinking "hey, that doesn't sound so bad," oh contraire mon frer. This the loose string that tries to hold the plot together (it's harder to find than a virgin in a maternity ward).

The film looks like it was made by a porn company trying to go legit. I think it was shot with a hand held video camera. The acting is wretched (the guy playing Lobo is a complete hack, who is only in the pic because he's the producer). The actresses are not that good looking and don't come close to playing a convincing performance. They even repeated a scene twice in a row (I kid you not, it cut from one scene back to the beginning of the same damn scene).

In sum, I would rather watch a performance of "Robot Monster" done by chimps than sit through this pile of dung again.
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Horrid, wretched, execrable
Thosle19 January 2003
I only saw about four minutes. This is the worst movie ever! I later went back and watched it at 8x speed. A good plot idea--girls pretend to be hookers to lure men to a cannibal lair to be consumed by a mad-man. Well, I guess that's the plot--I may be giving it more credit than its worth. Find a few cute girls (not to imply that the girls in this movie are attractive) willing to bare their breasts and walk around in lingerie, mixup some fake blood, and virtually anyone could make a better movie. A waste of plastic! The worst movie I have ever seen, it makes Garden of the Dead look like Gone With The Wind. At least Garden of the Dead is campy (no pun intended). If you want gratuitous nudity and campy horror, watch Zombie Lake. What were they thinking when they made this "movie"? Anyone who claims any other film is the worst ever should be mailed a copy of this contrivance. Horrid, wretched, execrable. Words fail to convey....
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shot on home video schlock
hotcarls9 March 2001
my friends and i rented this film during a 5 for $5 at our local video store. the film starts off crappily and ends like crap. tons of plot holes, ugly saggy breasted girls and laughable gore. only watch this with a bunch of friends so you can all laugh together. Cannibal Campout was better than this crap. also, if you feel renting it for nudity, i will warn you that there is hardly any nudity in this movie at all and when there is, be warned that there are ugly saggy breasted girls and saggy ass. its icky!! oh yeah, and on top of that, there is horrid acting.

mat drumladdy the hot carls
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jappelbaum17 April 2005
This movie is amazing. It is probably the worst acting, cinematography, sound, and scripting i have EVER seen. Especially amazing are Diana Cruz as the divergent-chested "Carmila" and the woman who plays Hillary's mom. Some highlights of the movie are Lobo's differing forehead makeup, the way all the cannibal hookers look and act, and Sheila Best as the sorority president. ALso hair and makeup are impeccable.

A true cinematic wonder.

I also love the song "Angelfire" featured in the movie. I can't wait to see the other titles featured in the "I WILL DANCE ON YOUR GRAVE" series!!@
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* out of 4.
brandonsites198113 August 2002
Group of college girls pledging a sorority are forced to pretend to be hookers and pick up some johns. They are able to do this, but the pledge master turns the girls into cannibals and soon no male in the city is safe. Really terrible film is entertaining because it is so bad. The special effects are mainly shots of a person screaming and then you see a fake limb with some blood on it torn apart. They don't even bother to show the limbs being torn off because the budget was so low, that the effect would have came off even worse, if that is possible.

Unrated; Sexual Situations, Nudity, Graphic Violence, and Profanity.
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Beautiful Naked Ladies and Blood...
Michael_Elliott19 December 2017
Cannibal Hookers (1987)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

A couple young ladies want to pledge to a sorority but first they must make it past the initiation, which is them dressing up as hookers and walking the streets. Before long they end up at a bordello that appears to have a sinister thing going on.

Donald Farmer's CANNIBAL HOOKERS is the perfect example of the shot-on-video releases from the 1980s. If you weren't around for the VHS craze then you probably won't understand what it was like going into a video store every weekend and going through the racks looking at the latest releases. As a horror fan you'd notice that a lot of shot on video films were right there for you.

If you're looking for Oscar-winning acting, hard-hitting drama and a film that is going to change your life and lead you on a rewarding path then you're not going to find it here. THis film doesn't try to hide what it is and that's an extremely low-budget horror film that throws a lot of beautiful naked ladies, violence and blood at you.

The film is quite short, which works to its advantage since it allows you to get what you'd want from a film like it without the movie going on too long or getting watered down with a bunch of worthless dialogue scenes. As I said, people rented movies like CANNIBAL HOOKERS for the blood and nudity and both are presented here. CANNIBAL HOOKERS isn't a masterpiece of cinema but for what the movie is it kept me entertained.
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AVOID THIS!!!!!!!!!!!
deadlymantis66624 November 2002
Well i saw this in the hope to see cannibal hookers, I didn't get that far. If you come across this crap movie DESTROY IT! even if your still in the store, trust me it is for good. The movie is filmed badly, it has horrible acting and the story is so very stupid a group of intoxicated seven year old's could do much better. The gore is soo very bad there is no sex and some how those idiot writers turned the characters into vampires. So spend the $2.50 on a candy bar instead of this movie.

I give it 1 out of 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000
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Gross-out horror video
lor_23 March 2023
My review was written in December 1988 after watching the feature on Hollywood International Pictures video cassette.

Beneath the lurid title "Cannibal Hookers" lies a lurid video, slightly tongue-in-cheek but mainly a gross-out horror pic, lensed on videotape.

Director Donald Farme, whose previous work includes shot-on-video "Demon Queen", ably captures a sleazy milieu wherein two cuties (Amy Waddell, Annette Munro) have to pose as street hooker as part of their sorority initiation for taskmaster Sheila Best. The actual prosties are part of some demonic cult, preying on human flesh, namely their unsuspecting johns.

The extremely gory makeup effects by Bill Barschdorf and Brian Sipe are intensified by the immediacy of video photography, marking this tape for the hardline horror addicts. Coproducer Gary J. Levinon doubles as an on-camera geek named Lobo, whose fight with the cops ends the picture abruptly. Acting and tech credits are a bit ragged.
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