Legion (TV Movie 1998) Poster

(1998 TV Movie)

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There's a mutant killing people in a space factory and... that's it, basically.
Vomitron_G20 March 2010
This one was like "Aliens" without the aliens... or maybe it was more like a sci-fi slasher movie... Yes, that's it, a sci-fi slasher B-flick. Some folks say that this movie steals the basic premise of "The Dirty Dozen" and puts it in outer space. Indeed, here we have a group of convicts turned into soldiers and sent off to a planet to secure a space station (or something). Amongst them are a religious fanatic female military doctor, a drug-addict/rapist, a nymphomaniac, and Corey Feldman as a computer nerd. The space station looks, of course, like an old factory. You know the drill: all of them get slaughtered (in a not too bloody way) one by one. Lots of running around, lots of shooting and near the end you won't even care about who's doing the killing or if the mutant make-up looks cool or not. I managed to sit through it without too many problems, so I guess it could have been worse.
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Routine rip-off
Leofwine_draca8 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
LEGION is a B-movie science fiction flick from 1998 which still seems keen to reprise tropes and plot elements from 1980s classics. This makes it feel very dated when you consider that THE MATRIX would revolutionise the genre merely a year later. The plot is the same old age-old yarn in which a group of convicts are given a chance at freedom if they undertake a deadly mission, which seems to consist of exploring a space factory. Once there they're unceremoniously bumped off one by one by creature(s) unknown. This is a dark and dingy affair, mildly gruesome for a television movie, but singularly unsuspenseful. Cast members include a geeky Corey Feldman and STAR TREK actress Terry Farrell, while the whole thing rips off ALIENS and PREDATOR, either of which you'd be better off revisiting instead of sticking with this.
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Somewhat Allright
Tweetienator16 August 2021
I put Legion on my screen mainly because of Terry Farrall (mostly known for her role as Jadzia Dax in Deep Space Nine). Production is rather low budget, story and action is somewhat okay. For a higher rate the production value is too low and the action subpar. What you get is a rather tame mix of movies like Doom (2005), Screamers (1995), Soldier (1998), Ghosts of Mars (2001) and the like. My rate a 4 + 1 bonus for Terry Farrall's appearance.
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Duchess-523 September 1998
I found this movie to be a classic "B" movie. I was interested in it because Terry Farrell was starring in it, but soon became disappointed as the plot unfolded. I won't say that the acting was bad, only that the script and storyline was poor. I do not think that this movie could even become a "Cult Classic". I would recommend others not to see it.
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Another B-horror movie
derob21 January 1999
Me and my brother had borrowed some movies......all B-rated movies.I thought it would be cool to see Corey Feldman in a horror movie. And he did really good as a computer hacker. But I found the movie as pretty lame, but still pretty fun to watch. I think a lot of new space-horror movies is trying to be in the same class as Alien and the Predator movies, but most movies are far away from close. Legion is ok, it gets 6 out of 10 from me.
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fboltjr20 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This seems like your run-of-the-mill small group in an isolated location being picked off by someone or something unknown, until you take a closer look. There are 10 members in the group, the leader's first name is Agatha, and she feigns death so she and the 'lone' survivor can defeat the killer. Those details make this flick is an homage to Agatha Christie's Ten Little Indians. Also, the leader's last name is Doyle which may or may not refer to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, creator of Sherlock Holmes.
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Passable, but barely
I_Ailurophile22 July 2021
'Legion' is unmistakably a TV movie in every regard. It's underwritten, and underwhelming, and only just manages to be entertaining enough to keep us watching.

Before anything else, let's just admire the cast for a moment. Terry Farrell, best known as Jadzia Dax on 'Star Trek: Deep Space 9.' Corey Feldman, child actor all grown up. Trevor Goddard, best known as Kano in the underappreciated 1995 'Mortal Kombat' film. Tricia Peters, experienced stuntwoman. Rick Springfield, musician.

It's unfortunate that they're all given so little to do.

Set design and special effects are adequate, though curious, and mostly feel outdated even by the standards of 1998. Sometimes I'm reminded of cutscenes from mid-90s PC videogames; at other points it seems like effects are a throwback to the 1970s - I could swear that some explosions wouldn't look out of place in the infamous B-movie 'Phase IV.' Roger Neill's music is probably best described as simply perfunctory. Make-up and blood effects look good, at least.

Writing and direction is very forthright, maintaining a quick pace bereft of subtlety and leaving little room for the assembled cast to explore their roles. Characters are diverse in their personalities and backgrounds, yet that small sense of variation belies generally flat, one-dimensional parts that pigeon-hole the actors. This is most vividly true of Farrell as Major Doyle: She maintains the same force of personality we got to see in her much more dynamic role in 'Deep Space 9,' but Doyle is considerably more hard-boiled, and Farrell is bulldozed into chewing scenery as much as anything else. If this is less true of her co-stars, it's only because their roles are less prominent.

Much of 'Legion' thrums along with minimal meaningful narrative, and sparse significant story beats mostly serve as impetus for the characters to a) stalk through an empty industrial setting with their nerves on edge, and b) fight among each other. In the first two-thirds of the feature I counted exactly 3 instances of plot development. The screenplay opens up a bit in the run-up to the finale, allowing characters to show slightly more depth, but at all points the dialogue is irrepressibly ham-fisted, so blocky as to almost give the sense of "square peg, round hole."

It's gratifying, at least, that the climax is unquestionably the best part of 'Legion' - clearly the greatest energy was poured into the final minutes, in every regard. Yet by that point we've sat through so much middling pablum, barely holding our attention, that I'm unsure the conclusion is worth it.

It's difficult to recommend this even for particular fans of the cast, as they go to waste here more than not. 'Legion' isn't altogether bad, but there's so little to keep us truly engaged, and watching feels like checking off an item on a mundane to-do list. It's mildly interesting enough if you come across it and aren't notably discerning in your film preferences, but definitely don't go out of your way for it.
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Not much of a storyline, but one good actor
Dr. Who (au)22 February 2000
I hate to see Terry Farrell's talents go to waste. Terry Farrell played Major Agatha Doyle in this movie, but only to put her talents to waste.

The movie was so boring that if I didn't have Terry Farrell, it would flop. Same storyline as Agatha Christie's Ten Little Niggers, and honestly, I was bored to death by this book.

I give the 4/10 just because of Terry Farrell.
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No no no no no!!
Hubby-219 February 1999
Terrible film, terribly overacted, terrible over-used plot. Although this movie sports some well known thespians, they cannot hide how utterly terrible this film actually is. Even accounting for a low budget you cannot but flinch from the attempted suspense which soon becomes repetitive, after 30 minutes I was wishing the unseen alien would just wipe out the motley bunch in one swoop. How an actor from 'the Godfather ' could associate himself with such rubbish beats me. Do not pay to see this film!
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Underrated Classic
davech12071 August 2002
This movie has gotten a lot of flak, but given the low budget, I think the cast and crew did an exemplary job. It's reminiscent of the Dirty Dozen meets Predator meets Aliens, with a group of futuristic soldiers slated for execution given a last chance at redemption by going on a dangerous mission. Most of the characters are somewhat two-dimensional, but each has a few particular traits that seperate them from the rest of the group. It's a solid movie the whole way through, and might be worth your time to watch.
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You Know The Script Is Bad...
soulcrisis283 December 2021
When you actually have some credible actors and the movie is still super hoaky and just bad.

Can't blame the actors in this one cause there's actually credible actors and actresses in this movie and honestly the acting was good, even Rick Springfield, yep THAT Rick Springfield, Jesse's girl.

So anywho, yeah if you're really bored and having trouble finding something to watch you could turn this one on. But don't expect anything award winning.

I'm blaming the script and director for this rotten apple. Even a bad script can sometimes be salvaged a little with a good director.
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Promising cast which failed to deliver
Matt-18623 February 1999
This film potentially offered many great things. Terry Farrell is a great actress in any condition, however the plot was just too wafer thin even for her. The suspense only really began to build up towards the end, by which time my interest had already jumped out of the window. The idea of an ultimate legion is hardly original and the cheap sets and poor effects only made this film more disappointing. A shame as it could have been so much better.
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Ridiculous yet occasionally hilarious.
berg-7453213 May 2021
What do you get when you take the least talented Hardy Boy a woman who immediately regretted leaving the most popular TV science fiction franchise add a former child star and current rock star wannabe teetering on the brink of insanity with man obsessed with a woman whose name he didn't know and only saw once yet knew she was Jesse's girl. This occasionally unintentionally funny Sci Fi nonsense is what you get and for a quick second I thought this could be interesting that thought was immediately expelled when Parker Stevensons double high kicked his way out of death row cell. Don't waste your time. Nothing else needs to be said.
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Predator meets Starship Troopers in this cult sci-fright!
The Yeti4 March 2002
When I saw the box to this movie I thought it might be good for a laugh as it was a normal low budget frightener. I was quite impressed by the way it started though. It has the main character trying to escape from a prison and getting caught only to be told he was being tested for a mission. He and a train load of other misfits are to be sent to a space colony to kill everyone. The introductions to the characters automatically tell you what they're like. Theres Koosman, a pilot. Goodis, a dumb acrobatic who is great small range. Cutter, a rapist and killer. Po, a huge black guy who killed loads of people and so on. There are more but I'd take forever explaining them. They all arrive on the space port anyway and find that everyone has been butchered and mutilated by an animal or something. Is it Bigfoot? Is it the Loch Ness Monster? No. It's just the usual alien monster cover up type thing but its fun to guess WHO it is. An adult Corey Feldman and 80's pop idol Rick Springfield give good performances and make it quite suspenseful. It just turns into a rip-off of Predator at the end though. Quite bloody, good fight scenes and a good monster make it worthwhile too. Overall the good and bad points it gets a 6 out of 10. Now go and find it!
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saint_brett6 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Before watching 'Legion' or 'Lesion' I endured about 5 minutes of 2016's 'Lights Out' and could proceed no farther. Another option was some British thing called 'Des' but it went for over 140 minutes so I went with this award-winning doozy instead.

It must also be noted that I purchased this DVD at a goodwill op shop for only 2 bucks. They found it in their bleeding hearts to allow me to have it for a basement bargain slasher price. Let's see if it's worth two bucks though!

James Caan is dragged from his holding cell, beaten and tortured, then placed in a million watt microwave and nuked.

Michael Ironside, or John Saxon, does his best Colonel Trautman impression to assemble a bunch of Dollar Store actors to do some 'Aliens' drop mission and Kane from 'Mortal Kombat' and Corey Feldman are part of the ice cream posse. Urgh, Corey Feldman! I'd rather pull splinters from my fingers.

With 'Moon Patrol' graphics the crew land on some Los Angeles planet in less than a minute of flying and no sooner are they on the ground somewhere in a steel mill factory searching for aliens from the movie 'Aliens.' Was this filmed on a shoestring budget and is that Peter Weller?

This 'Legion' thing isn't even entertaining.

There aren't even any monsters in this movie!

It won't surprise me if 'The Boogens' are the killer in this. It's the same sepia background whenever the monster appears only they were cockroaches in 'Boogens.' I've watched nothing but 1/10 movies lately and the trend continues with this apparently?

Did anybody watch that Oscar nominated movie 'Creepozoids?' Well, that is a thousand times more entertaining than this pointless roundabout.

Forgive my F-student education but what's the actual mission in this movie?

The only thing that could save this movie right now is if Neil Breen were to show up as 'The Being' and start a lightsaber duel.

Wow, could Feldman have overacted his death scene a little more dramatic and long-winded? I thought Gary Busey's dying scene in 'Point Break' was over the top. The monster finally drops in at the end and it's only Baraka from 'Mortal Kombat 2.' "Call me legion for we are many." Wow, did you just steal that from William Peter Blatty's book, or the bible? Creative writers indeed, ain't we?

I'll give this movie one point for Agatha Doyle's hard-hitting character. She looks like a checkout lady at my local super market.

A bunch of desperate actors walk around aimlessly, point guns, replace multiple fuses in power boxes, press buttons on Commodore 64 computers, upload B-dos messages on high school computers, die here and there, help arrives when it's too late, monster suddenly becomes clumsy at the end and forgets its stealth action, humans win in the end as they do.

Give this a wide birth like a 20-pound baby.
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Umm... It was okay i guess
slasherszn14 July 2022
In all honestly I only watched this movie bc I was bored and there was Terry Farrell in it.

First off I gave it a 5 out of 10 because it isn't the worst thing I have ever watched but it isn't good either. It's right in the middle. I don't hate it but I most likely won't watch it again.

Second, the acting was really awkward at times. During the briefing scene I wanted to rip my ears off because it was just so cringe. The acting was off and it felt so forced. The actors themselves aren't bad but the scripts and directions they were given did nothing for their acting.

Third, the characters were a whole other problem. They each had interesting backstories but other than that they seemed like they were writing by an angsty wattpad teen writer. Major Doyle was just not it. Terry seemed to have tried her best but the character had so many issues. During the scenes when we are supposed to be receiving character growth it seemed like a whinny character that has learned nothing. The only saving grace was the fact that even Major Agatha Doyle thought her name was stupid.

Lastly, the ending was horrible. Even though the film was trying to lead up to something it completely failed and the entire ending is like 5 minutes long. It felt so rushed, I have taken bathroom brakes longer than the ending. In some way I was grad it was rushed because that just meant less movie.

Would I recommend you watch it, no. Its not worth your time unless you are hella bored and love one of the actors. Would I rewatch it, never. Was any of it good, yes. The story was good enough to keep you watching, you sort of want to know what is happening.
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Dirty Dozen + Aliens + a good helping of suck = Legion
Kaleidoscope20 January 2004
This movie is decent only because it so faithfully rips off a couple of very good movies. Basically, you have a group of American commandos, made up from death row inmates, who are going on a suicide mission under the leadership of a tough-as-nails officer. Sound familiar? That's because it is. The resemblance to 'The Dirty Dozen' is shamefully apparent--it even has many of the same characters, albeit some have undergone a sex change. There's a religious fanatic who continuously quotes scripture. There's the one guy who was condemned for something that really isn't wrong at all, making it okay for him to survive to the end. And of course, since the rest of the group are murders, rapists, and deserters, you know they have to pay their debt to society as the monster picks 'em off one by one.

But back to the story. Once this commando team is formed, they head to an enemy (we never find out who the US is fighting) planet, there to secure a fueling station that is apparently vital to the war effort. Once they get there, they find no enemies about, and a bunch of dead Americans piled up in a room of some kind. No sign of what brutally slaughtered them. Here is where the film begins channeling 'Aliens'--some scenes (and lines) are literally ripped from that movie, which is to 'Legion' as Albert Einstein is to a three-year-old child. All the tension comes from betting who will die next (my brother and I made quite a game of this, and I made a pretty penny, I don't mind telling you). The commandos die one by one until the climactic battle between man and beast.

The cast is decent, headed by Terry Farrell, the former DS9 hottie, and some dude I've never heard of. They do a good job of delivering lines from a script that ought to have been taken out and shot alongside its writer.

Still, 'Legion' is fun if you're a fan of B-movies. The monster is... uh, interesting-looking, though it only appears for about two minutes in the movie. The end has a "surprise" twist, but most people will figure it out within the first half-hour. I'd suggest this movie to fans of Terry Farrell--actually, I'd suggest 'Back to School,' but who's asking?:)--or to people who would like to see 'The Dirty Dozen' and 'Aliens' but just don't have enough time in the day.

If you do have enough time to watch both, do so, and pass this one by.
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Good overall but how many viewers will give up in 5 minutes?
rtw218 January 2000
Overall I felt this was a good film, but the first five minutes? Since I'd just paid to hire the video I wasn't going to give up that easily but I really worried what the rest of the film would be like.

Once the mission begins the film improved markedly so that by the time it finished I was quite impressed. Well worth watching.
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Well, *I* liked it...
Logic125 March 1999
I thought it was pretty good. Better than almost all Outer Limits episodes for example (except ones like 'Inconstant Moon') though not quite as good as something like 'Deep Rising' (which I'm *not* holding up as a shining example of movie-making BTW, just comparing).

All in all, enjoyable though, yes, somewhat cliched and the monster was a little disappointing. Liked the King Menelaus and his Minotaur Maze references though.
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A Real B-Grade Shocker
topcatandcy3 October 2001
Lets start with the fact that a lot of movies have been successfully produced using the plot from another film, here is a classic exception to that rule. Dirty Dozen was a classic war movie working with the premise that 12 convicted criminals , with nothing to lose, would be perfect fighting machines for a covert operation. Legion tries to put a 21st century Sci Fi spin on this concept, and not only does it fall short, it never gets off the ground.

With a couple of recognisable names in the cast, it promised to be at least an average film, but, boy! were we wrong. Classic heart throb Troy Donahue acted like some one had placed a carrot in his underwear, and then sprayed his face with some form of transparent plastic compound, only his eyeballs seemed to move.

Corey Feldman, as a computer nerd, was obviously told that as long as he wore thick rimmed glasses, that would be all the method acting he would require. Lucky for him these advanced computers of the future consisted of giant flashing lights on a huge panel ( all that was missing was some reel to reel tape spinning in the background)

Expatriate Australian Rick Springfield, as an actor makes a damn fine singer songwriter, at least he gets a little more action than he did when he was in Battlestar Galactica. As Lorne Greens' son, he gets killed off in the first five minutes. He is probably wishing that he had suffered the same fate in this turkey.

The props were farcical, the setting was obviously an old factory which we are told to believe is a space station, the plot, script, and directing are abysmal, but the actual space monster is the crowning glory to this all. We are not permitted to see this creature till the very end of the film, and you can see why. Loosely based on an extra from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, this creatures face refuses to show any animation, even when it speaks, nothing moves. If they panned back a bit, I swear you would see the ventriloquist with his hand inside a puppet, drinking a glass of water.

This film is in trouble, not bad enough to be a cult classic, not good enough for human consumption..A Real Shocker!!
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Tried Hard
da_man2 October 2001
When I saw that this was science fiction with Terry Farrell in it as well as Parker Stevenson who is an actor who's work I've liked in the past, I made time to see this film . . . and was greatly disappointed.

I stress now that the acting wasn't bad. In fact, I wonder how the producers of this could talk such good actors into the job! But even the best actor in the world can't make a good film if the script is garbage, and sadly that is what this one is.

This film tried hard to be like the Aliens films but just didn't have the script. I tried hard to like it but with so many glaring holes in the plot, cliche's and basic stupidity about it I just couldn't muster any enthusiasm, try as I might.
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i'm not sure what to say about this movie ...
athanasia10 August 2003
the movie seemed interesting enough from the cover and plot outline. i'm a big horror fan, i even like plenty of bad horror, so i figured it would be worth watching. well, i think that i was wrong ... this movie is pretty terrible. the dialogue really sucks, half the time i could not even pay attention to what was going on, in fact i had no idea what was going on, and i didnt really want to know what was going on (at least it wasnt predictable being that it was so random and weird). yet, it was kindof like a car accident, you cant stop looking at it.

my friend took the movie out of the dvd player and threw it across the room cursing it immediately after it ended... maybe that says something about how bad the movie was ...
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Dirty dozen plus one hot babe
paul922019 January 2004
Why do folks bother to make such films? Here was have a Dirty Dozen plot with the Doz led, not by Lee Marvin, but a very hot babe who used to be the spotted chick on some Star Trek spinoff. As usual in horror movies, they enter a sealed place and stupidly separate so they can be picked off one by one by a yellow light. There is utterly no intelligence to any of this. I just got weary as the chars insist on going off alone even though not one time will the yellow light attack any but a single. Yet these futuristic bozos can't see this pattern. Worth 80 minutes of your time if you have nothing else to do.
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Rick Springfield BEST part of this movie.
Jedi Jr.18 April 2000
I thought this would be an interesting movie, after reading the plot outline. When I saw this, the only person in the movie who kept my interest was Rick Springfield. I thought the others did try their best with the script, but it was not their faults. If only the script had been a little better, I think this movie could have been a major hit.
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