19 Reviews
Interesting domestic suspense film
funkyfry23 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Who knew the dangers of the pinball machine racket? Often in these kinds of movies the hero makes one tiny slip-up that leads him down a path of ruin -- all the poor guy in this movie did was agree to put a pinball machine in his little country bed and breakfast near Portland Oregon. But soon a mob of acid-wielding goons show up, accompanied by pedophilic maniac Frank Gorshin, and force him to turn his place into a full on juke joint. Grown men and women in mixed company leer at the bouncing pinballs and drinks are mixed fast and furious. It all looks like the soda fountain in "Reefer Madness." Eventually we're treated to a party scene where the woman who's supposed to be the best "madame" in the USA serves fruit punch for the guests. It's just that type of movie.

Virginia Gregg's rough features serve her well when she shows maternal concern -- she represents all that is good and sacred in the American Way. Carolyn Craig has strong features as well, and I liked the way she kissed off the yokel he tried to tell her they were "going out in the country" because she had "been around." The ensuing confrontation with Gorshin's hood is definitely a pretty raw depiction of sexual hunger. It's a very effective sequence of events, even if highly predictable. I believe what George (Ed Binns) says when he says "this is one thing that I'm gonna see through, all the way." I guess the interesting thing about the sequence of events is that the girl is exposed to dangerous and aggressive sexuality in both instances, but as it turns out (the boy is contrite and writes a heartfelt letter) one of them was only harmless enthusiasm while of course the other was psychopathic mania. So hard for a good 50s girl to tell the difference! Another sinister aspect of the movie is the union/labor involvement with the pinball racket. I don't know if the movie was made by ultra-conservatives who were trying to smear labor by associating it with the criminal element but that's what it sure looks like to me. Of course just like "corrupt cop" movies they make sure to include at least one good honest labor guy, Al Gray (Francis De Sales). The scene with the labor meeting has some really odd dialog.... "Al Gray will conduct the séance....." On the whole it's not a very memorable movie but I liked the performances and it's a good take on the theme of a little guy who tackles the big criminals. Not a true "noir" movie as some apparently have claimed, at least not in my opinion.

"Memorize this name: Alfred Gray. Do not make a note of it."
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A lean and mean low-budget film noir
drownsoda9013 February 2020
"Portland Exposé" follows a tavern owner in Portland, Oregon in the mid-20th-century who finds himself a linchpin to a crime syndicate's gambling racket after installing their pinball machines in his business. His attempts to overthrow them endanger the life of himself and his family.

This low-budget film noir is one of the more slick, gritty, and iron-fisted out there, but it's unfortunately been largely forgotten. It's a B-movie through and through, and while it does suffer some pacing issues and a lack of development, it is at times surprisingly shocking. It depicts rape attempts (including a preemptory one from a teenage girl's boyfriend), and other types of violence that are a bit shocking given the time it was made. It also depicts prostitution in a manner that is frank, reminiscent of how the subject is treated in pre-Code films like "The Story of Temple Drake."

Based on a series of crimes committed by real-life kingpin Jim Elkins, the screenplay never really fleshes out the inner workings of the syndicate or how exactly all of this ties together in the context of the labor unions, and that is probably its biggest trouble. At a quick-paced 72 minutes, there is not sufficient time to elucidate all of this. Where the film makes up for it is in its photography and acting, particularly that of Edward Binns as the tavern proprietor, Virginia Gregg as his concerned wife, and genre favorite Carolyn Craig (probably best known for her role in the original "House on Haunted Hill") as their tormented teenage daughter. All of the acting is surprisingly believable, and the scenarios pack a further punch because of it. The film possesses a borderline-documentary style that recalls 1955's "Kiss Me Deadly," though this film is far less surreal.

All in all, "Portland Exposé" is a solid film noir/thriller that largely succeeds on the basis of its performances and overall tone. It's a dark and gritty film noir, and has a certain kind of bitterness about it that makes it memorable even though it has narrative shortcomings. 7/10.
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Some highly charged scenes, and a feel for 1950s innocence in America
secondtake29 October 2010
Portland Express (1957)

Overall, this is often a stilted affair, and it begins and ends with a canned voice-over about Portland, the Oregon city at the center of this unlikely crime scenario. And for people looking for noir, this is not noir at all, though it does have a kind of throwback to some gangster thugs, and there is a good twenty minutes of night stuff that has a noir look.

Portland Express is more about American innocence, and the surprise anachronism of these mobsters in fedoras pressuring a cute roadhouse into using their pinball machines. Which leads to bigger pressures.

The lead man is a small time movie and later t.v. character, Edward Binns, a solid but unexciting actor, sort of perfect for this solid but unexciting town (back then--now I hear it's solid and exciting). And his daughter is a complete unknown who acts her heart out, and really feels like a teenager on the cusp of womanhood in a realistic way. This matters because she becomes central to the plot, including in a harrowing and almost abusive rape scene (it pushes the violence very hard for a movie of this simplicity). But it's a turning point for Binns, the father, and for the plot, as this likable, ordinary family man goes undercover to get the bad guys.

Naturally, we root for him, and see the dismantling of the syndicate. It gets increasingly dark and desperate over time, and a bit unlikely, but you'll still want to watch to the end, when the cavalry arrives--a group of ordinary men in plaid shirts who rush in to save the day. It's not as hilarious as it sounds. There is a quality of really beautiful, ordinary middle-America here that resonates, and that helps show this is really a 1950s movie. It's widescreen black and white, and a genuine slice of its period.
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One mans battle against crime, corruption, sin and vice!
youroldpaljim24 November 2001
PORTLAND EXPOSE is another one of those films from the 1950's that purports to expose the crime, vice, sin and corruption of some major city. Think of all the films with a major city in the title followed by : "expose", "story", "syndicate", and "confidential". Perhaps someone with a lot of time on their hands should put together a list. Then again, perhaps not.

In this film Edward Binns plays a honest tavern owner who is forced to go into partnership with the mob. At first he goes along, but decides to fight the mob when one of the mobsters tries to rape his daughter.

PORTLAND EXPOSE a conventionally made low-budget crime thriller from the fifties. Like many films of this genre, the ads claimed it is based on a true story. The film is a bit rougher than some other films from the period. In one scene Binns' daughters boyfriend suggest they go to a hotel for a night of...well you know, because he thinks she is loose because he knows that her fathers tavern has been used by the mob as a pickup place for hookers. Then mob thug Frank Gorshin tries to rape her. Its also mentioned that Gorshins character did time for a sexual offense involving children. Pretty rough stuff for a 1957 low budget crime thriller.
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A not bad film noir of corruption in Portland, Oregon
Tobias_R14 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
As some of the other commentators have pointed out, in the 1950s there flourished a film genre that purported to tell a true story of crime, corruption and violence in an American city. In many ways these films anticipated such dramatic documentary TV shows like City Confidential. The point of interest in this film, Portland Expose, is how the conjunction of gangsters and corrupt union members helped to milk money out of legitimate businesses in Portland, Oregon in the 1950s. While I suspect the story of the tavern owner who went to work for the mobsters to get information on them for the authorities is fictional, I gather the strong-arm tactics of the mobsters were not.

As for the film itself, it is a competent, low-budget affair. With a little trimming here and there, it could stand as an TV episode of a true crime show. Frank Gorshin, who went on to fame as a master voice impersonator as well as showbiz immortality as the Riddler on the campy Batman show of the mid-1960s, is quite good as a creepy hood who gets his just desserts at the hands of a freight train. One chilling moment is the expression of glee on his erstwhile partner's face as he watches the train run over Frank Gorshin's character's body. Edward Binns, who appeared as a character actor on dozens of TV shows in the 60s, is good as the tavern owner who gets the goods on the hoods at great risk to himself and his family.

My only serious problem with the film is that the audience doesn't get to see enough of Portland, OR as it was in 1957. The way the film was shot, most of it could have been taking place anywhere. But, given its limitations of budget, I guess I shouldn't complain too much.
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Familiar stuff, though presented in a gritty fashion
planktonrules19 July 2008
This film begins with a rather unnecessary and stuffy prologue. Fortunately, despite this weak introduction, the film turns out to be a very, very tough film indeed--with thugs who are child molesters or threaten to throw acid in people's faces. This is NOT your typical 1950s Film Noir movie, but a hard as nails look at organized crime in a rather unexpected locale--Portland, Oregon.

You'll probably notice Virginia Gregg in the female lead. She was seen in 1001 "Dragnet" episodes. Edward Binns, a fine character actor whose name you probably won't recognize plays Gregg's husband--a man who is being forced by the local mob to play ball. Frank Gorshin, in a small but memorable role, plays the rapist who is so vile even the gang is disgusted by him.

As for the plot, it's a very familiar one--having been seen in such earlier films as LOAN SHARK and APPOINTMENT WITH DANGER. An honest guy is sick of the mob, so he agrees to join them in order to get evidence to prosecute them. In this case, Binns pretends to be a rather worldly and not too honest man who is interested in moving up in the organization. However, despite being familiar, the film is handled well and is more than just another time-passer.
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some surprisingly sleazy moments
christopher-underwood2 February 2007
Bit late for a vintage noir, by definition, and whilst not deeply caste in dark shadows throughout, makes up for this a little on the sleaze front. Competently made and presented as 'based on a true story' this is quite interesting for its detail on organised crime and its involvement at very modest levels with the help of 'rotten apple' police and corrupt union official plus assistance 'all the way to the top'. There are in fact some surprisingly sleazy moments, including a well shot and fairly vigorous attempted rape. There is also a super body disposal scene involving a train at night with the flashing lights of the carriages lighting up the killer's obvious delight. The central character is, however, just a little too much of a 'goodie two shoes' for my liking and the film does slow to a crawl at times when we have to consider the family implications. Worth a watch.
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Hard-as-nails little low-budget noir
Handlinghandel3 February 2008
This is a tough look at the difference between unions and criminally controlled protection. Portland is a peculiar setting for a film noir. It works well, though: The opening narrative begins like a travelogue and gradually shifts into comments on the city's corruption.

The cast is excellent. It's not always the most beautiful looking group. The ingénue, who is pretty, wears her hair slicked back with what looks like Brylcreme. Virginia Gregg, the notable radio actress playing her mother, looks a little old for the role and tired.

It's a twisted movie, though. Catch this: Frank Gorshin, of all people, plays a hit man who is also a pedophile! That's a new one on me -- though child molestation does figure in that great classic of weirdness, film noir, and beauty "The Naked Kiss" a few years later.

The bit players add a lot. There's a scene, just a throwaway, in which a blonde playing a slot machine yells "Jackpot!" and goes into paroxysms of glee as the camera moves away and dumps her.

And the portly older gal imported to Portland to oversee the b-girl business is fabulous. We meet her as she gets off a plane and totters along in her high heels, fur stole wrapped defiantly around her. Her description of her "girls" is priceless: It prefigures the introduction Melanie Griffith provides herself in "Body Double" decades later.

Make no mistake: This is a serious movie. It was obviously done on the cheap. But it's done with great style.
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Move Over, Eliot Ness! Here Comes Ed Binns!
JohnHowardReid20 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Former film editor Harold Schuster started his directorial career with that fine film, Wings of the Morning, in 1937. After scoring a huge success with My Friend Flicka in 1943, Schuster slowly but surely (with time out for Disney's So Dear to My Heart in 1948) worked his way to the bottom. And that's exactly where this mostly indifferently directed little exploitation movie would lie, if it were not for a couple of hard-hitting and somewhat disturbing action sequences involving Frank Gorshin and his acid-wielding confederate, which amazingly sneaked past the usually vigilant 1957 censors.

This is a film in which the support players steal scenes from the nominal leads right, left and center. True, the dialogue given to Mr Binns and Miss Gregg is as dull as they come, and neither actor has sufficient charisma to overcome the lethargy induced by their predictably ho-hum lines. It's left to the heavies and the minor characters like Jeanne Carmen's heartlessly seductive Iris and Lea Penman's boastful high society madame to give the film class, although twenty-two year old Carolyn Craig interprets her under-age teenager also with memorable skill. True, she is given some effective dialogue, but even when handling the most ordinary lines, she is such a most unusual-looking girl, she immediately rivets the attention. Director Schuster had the good sense to give her plenty of potent close-ups, although they are somewhat undermined by the amount of unwanted attention he lavishes on the undeserving Binns and Craig as well.
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Riddle me that
DJJOEINC1 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Portland Expose- solid exploitation B flick -ripped from the headlines and all.We follow a very straight arrow citizen- an owner of a tavern that goes from solid straight shooter to undercover mob tough guy- in 72 minutes we are shown this thru him doing some collections and talking tough to the mob dudes.Ed Binns is decent as the lead.Look for a young Frank Gorshin in the movie's most notorious scene where he tries to rape the underage daughter of the protagonist.What makes the DVD worth the purchase is the commentary by Lindsley Parsons,Jr.- it is a little dry- but very informative about the making of B pictures and the system they had to pump out these movies.Since the movie was exposing the teamsters- they decided to work outside the union for this picture and where actually threatened by the mobsters.The voice-over tends to muddle the picture and even provide some unintentional chuckles.Worth a rental for the commentary track. C+
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The Pinball Racket
bkoganbing12 March 2012
Portland Expose casts Edward Binns as an honest tavern owner who gets lured into the clutches of organized crime by of all things a pinball machine that some guys with smashed noses urge him to put in his place of business. It's a way of earnings additional cash, but that's there way of starting and pretty soon it's slot machines and hookers.

Although the racketeers have several spots, Binns's tavern is of particular interest because it's near a lot of industrial plants and the gangs are looking to infiltrate labor unions. Binns goes along at first, but after his daughter Carolyn Craig is nearly raped by Frank Gorshin playing one of the hoods, Binns turns informant and starts wearing a wire to his meetings.

The next time you're in a bar hoisting a few, if you've seen Portland Expose you might look at the pinball, the computer games, and the Foozeball in a different light. Not much in the way of production values in Portland Expose, not really too much of Portland other than establishing shots. But the story moves well and performances to note are that of Virginia Gregg as Binns's concerned wife, Lea Pennman as a west coast Polly Adler, and Jeanne Carmen as a cheerfully amoral hooker who really makes her scenes count.

The film also has a coda ending with reference to the then current McClellan committee investigating labor racketeering. The counsel to that committee was one Robert F. Kennedy and their main target was the Teamsters and Jimmy Hoffa. Not a bad noir at the end of the noir cycle.
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Nudging the bumpers in a Pinball Crime Thriller
Henchman_Number112 February 2018
Based on a "True Story" the opening scene features a panoramic view of Portland as the narration extols the beauty, culture and incredible atmosphere of the city as a wonderful place to raise a family. Sounds like Paradise but...it seems the town has been overran by murderous rival crime syndicates vying for control of the lucrative pinball vending business.

Filmed in a semi-documentary style, Portland Expose reveals the sordid, corrupt side of the City of Roses. The movie follows the plight of local barkeeper George Madison (Edward Binns) as he becomes entangled with the criminal underworld after he agrees to have a pinball machine placed in his tavern. Soon the syndicate forces him to place even more machines and his formerly quiet pub becomes a hangout for the 'wrong crowd'. Regretting his decision Madison decides to fight back after his daughter (Carolyn Craig) is attacked in the parking lot by a syndicate thug (Frank Gorshin). With the cooperation of local officials Madison decides to go undercover to gather evidence to expose the rackets.

The movie draws inspiration from the detective exploitation magazines of the era that promised behind the scenes sordid details. The stories were usually presented in a lascivious manner to maximize sensationalism as they followed the crime investigation through the eyes of the investigators. Tame by today's standards, the film pushed the boundaries into the acceptable content of the time. Though it's a fairly typical 1950's matinee programmer, Portland Exposé weaves a pretty fair noirish tale. Gritty and not highly stylized, it features ensemble cast composed of prolific career character actors (Binns, Virginia Gregg, Russ Conway, Lawrence Dobkin, Frank Gorshin, Rusty Lane, Joe Flynn) who manage to make the movie better than might be expected. All in all a watchable B crime flick.
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More desperate hours in another corrupt town.
mark.waltz3 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This dark semi-noirish crime drama shows the destruction of innocence in a small town when the Rockets move in, focusing their Vengeance on one family whose patriarch goes undercover. There is a hideous scene of attempted rape of is there a rose daughter, with the rapist apply to revile and one of the creepiest characters onscreen since Richard Widmark in "Kiss of Death". Who better to play such an animalistic characters in a young Frank Gorshin, a decade before taking on the role of the Riddler?

I found myself more intrigued by the location footage than the details of the story which is slight. Yes, it does surround the rise of the rackets, but but the characters aren't very well written and the story is slight, Mainly dealing with personalities rather than real people and situations. Still, it's pretty gruesome stuff with a corpse placed on a railroad track as one of the bad guys watches in glee as it is run over by the oncoming train.

This is B material for sure with one interesting character played by Lea Penman, a heavy set older woman who is a combination of Sophie Tucker, Texas Guinan and Thelma Ritter, probably one of the oldest molls in film history, and now one of the top leaders of The Syndicate which intends on taking over the West Coast. It is very apparent how this will end with its paint by numbers narration that makes it one of dozens of the same similar type of narrative that came out throughout the 50's into the 1960's.
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Okay Programmer
dougdoepke1 December 2011
A tavern owner helps authorities get the goods on gangs trying to take over a labor union.

This Lindsley Parsons production is one of the many "confidential" or "expose" films of the time. Usually the tabloid title would include the name of a city whose supposed racketeers the movie would then expose. This movie appears inspired by the acid blinding of New York City labor reporter Victor Riesel in 1956 for his investigations into labor racketeering in that city.

The low-budget Parsons outfit may have produced this programmer, but they managed two key assets, despite the lowly origins. First, they got heavyweight actor Ed Binns for the lead, along with familiar face Virginia Gregg and that fine little actress Carolyn Craig. What Binns lacks in marquee value, he makes up for in sheer talent, having been one of the Twelve Angry Men (1957) in that powerhouse film of the same year.

Second, the movie did extensive location filming in Portland, lending the visuals both interest and a realistic air. The woodsy tavern, in particular, looks genuine instead of the usual Hollywood fakery. Then too, the screenplay manages some suspense, especially when Madison (Binns) goes undercover. But the highlight may be hoodlum Joe's (Gorshin) attempted rape of sweet little Ruth (Craig). It's pretty explicit for the time.

If there's a downside, in my book, it's the absence of real menace from any of the bad guys (contrast with the subtle menace of kingpin Edward Andrews' in Phenix City Story {1955}). All in all, however, the movie manages a number of interesting features without being anything special.

(In passing—Catch sexpot Jeanne Carmen (Iris) who was Marilyn Monroe's "bosom buddy" in more obvious ways than one. Also, such a shame that Carolyn Craig died so young and under rather mysterious circumstances, as well.)
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Power struggle between two gangs.
michaelRokeefe31 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Portland, Oregon appears to be one of the most wholesome cities to raise a family and retire. But there is a shady underbelly; two gangs are fighting to place their pinball machines, juke boxes and slots in high traffic roadhouses and hotels. George Madison(Edward Binna)tries his best, but ends up knuckling under to a mob faction. With gambling machines in his roadhouse, Martin is making money hand over fist. But when a perverted "wise guy"(Frank Gorshin)tries to rape his daughter...Madison agrees to help law officials by wearing a wire in hopes of putting an end to Portland gambling. Nice film noir directed by Harold D. Schuster. Other players: Lawrence Dobkin, Rusty Lane, Carolyn Craig, Virginia Gregg and Joseph Marr.
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I'm gonna see this through no matter how long it takes me
sol121827 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
(Some Spoilers) Trying to muscle in on Portland Oregon's taverns and restaurant trade the Seattle Mob at first infiltrates and then takes over the local teamster unions using them to blackmail anyone, depending on the truckers delivering their booze and food products, who doesn't play ball with them.

It's when the mobsters started putting pressure on tavern owner George Madison, Edward Binn, that things started to backfire on them. Madison a hard working man and WWII vet at first gave into the mobs demands in buying their exclusive booze, trucked in by the corrupted teamsters, for his customers as well as installing a number of pinball machines. It's when the mob started to press their luck on him that George started to push back.

It's when Seattle mobster the hot in the pants, for underage females, Joe, Frank Gorshin, attacked and tried to rape George's teenage daughter Ruthie, Carolyn Craig, that George took matters into his own hands. At first cold cocking the surprised, in George coming to his daughters rescue, Joe and knocking him out cold it was then decided by Joe's bosses to ice him, since he wasn't worth all the trouble that he caused, by laying him on the railroad track, drenched with booze, and run over making it look like he was a drunk who lost his way to the ginmill. Back at the tavern George saw that booze and pinball machines where soon to be replaced with drugs and prostitution in his family oriented establishment and decided, with the cooperation of the local and still uncorrupted police, to go undercover and get the goods on the mob thus putting their sleazy operation out of commission.

Using a hidden tape recorder, circa 1957, that was about the size of a lunch-box George started getting enough evidence on the mobsters, by playing along with them, to put them away for life. It's when mob moll Iris, Jeanne Carmen, started to get a little close to George, on the dance floor at his tavern, that she noticed a bulge, not where she expected it to be, under George's clothes that alerted her that he was up to no good and relayed that very important information to her boss.

***SPOILERS*** With George now exposed, thanks to Iris, as a police plant the mobsters started to give him the business by working George over in having him tell them when the tape recordings he took of them where hidden. It was when George's daughter Ruthie who had fled Portland, together with her mom and kid brother, for her own safety showed up unexpectedly to attend the senior high-school dance that she together with her pop, George, was held captive by the mobsters. It's when the mobsters threatened to disfigure Ruthie's pretty face with a vile of acid is when George just lost it. With what seemed like superhuman strength George broke loose and took on the entire Portland Mob almost singlehanded until the police arrived not to rescue him but the mobsters whom he was on the verge of annihilating!

Filimed entirely in and around the "City of Roses" Portland Oregon the movie "Portland Expose" shows how one man pushed to he brink can become a one man demolition squad to the shock and surprise to those who did the pushing. It was the Portland Mobs misfortune to find that very important lesson out the hard and bare knuckles way!
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Criminals Are Not Nice
boblipton13 August 2023
Edward Binns is a tavern owner in Portland Oregon who has installed pinball machines, despite the warnings of G*d-fearing people that it could lead to gambling. He finds himself approached by some local people who suggest that he install one-armed bandits and other devices; his refusal could get acid thrown into the face of his teenage daughter, Carolyn Craig. Confronted with these sales tactics, Binns agrees, but goes to the local cops, who get him to wear a wire while he infiltrates the criminal organization. He also takes the precaution of sending his wife and children out of town.

It's one of those 1950s movies about how criminals are infiltrating perfectly nice town, and it's told in a matter-of-fact manner by director Harold Schuster. In one scene, Frank Gorshin attempts to rape Miss Craig. It all ends with a voice-over informing us that the US Senate ran an investigation and concluded that Seattle was still a good place to raise your kids.
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Closer to the TRUTH is more like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gmda18 November 2009
I have not seen this film yet. So don't really know what it is about except what is on the site. However, Portland Oregon was a veritable "Den of Iniquity" back in the old days. "Shanghai-ing" I believe got its NAME from Portland, as unsuspecting men were lead to trap-doors and then "way-layed" only to wake up on a ship to ....guess where??? There was a lady mobster who ran the booze industry for years and even when "caught up with in the end".... SHE WALKED!!!! There was a whole literal UNDERGROUND CITY under Portland, and it has been shown on Cities of the Underworld. There were brothels, and white slavery, prostitution, and other vices,....opium dens. Portland has a small "China Town". There was underground fighting, yes.... a Fight Club! IT's ALL TRUE!!!

Maybe not the movie exactly, but in real life....close enough!!!

I ought to know. I live 55 miles south in Salem, Oregon. So this movie is probably close to the truth as to the type of people and things going on up in that wild town to the north! Edit: Just wanted to add that I look forward to seeing this movie soon.
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Take that, you dirty rats!
lor_22 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Who would have dreamt of casting Edward Binns as a superhero? The fine character actor is the image of an ordinary, square citizen, but in Allied Artists' entertaining exploitation movie Portland Expose, he is not only a guy who stands up against the mob but signed handedly, defeats an extremely powerful criminal organization that has expanded from Seattle to take over Portland, just because they tried to open up his little local tavern to pinball machines and slot machines (with plans for "opening it up" to drugs and prostitution down the line.

His acting is fine, but early on I couldn't buy the notion that Binns would repeatedly risk his life (and significantly the lives of his nuclear family) over and over again with even a hint of fear. We can imagine Joe Don Baker or more recently The Rock taking on all comers without batting an eye (though Dwayne Johnson would certainly raise an eyebrow), but Binns' courage, however enviable, isn't believable.

A highlight comes early in the movie when mob thug Frank Gorshin is terrific, not imitating any of his screen heroes (Lancaster, Widmark) but being highly original as a pervert who really digs young girls and violently assaults Binns' teenage daughter Carolyn Craig with rape in mind. He later gets to save Carolyn again when higher-ups in the mob are about to throw acid in her face to get papa to reveal where he's hidden incriminating audio tapes that are evidence of their wrongdoing.

It's a fine little movie, which significantly emphasizes the infiltration of organized crime into labor unions (e.g., Hoffa).
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