38 Reviews
Very misleading trailer
ntlane12 October 1999
I saw a trailer for this movie last night and feel compelled to comment on it. In short, the trailer makes this film look like a sweet, quirky, romantic comedy. It isn't. Janeane Garafalo plays a suicidal loner who tricks a guy into keeping her company the night before she is going to off herself. Not exactly Notting Hill. While there were some laughs, this movie is very serious and depressing. If you like Garafalo, give it a shot. If you're looking for a light hearted romp, look elsewhere.
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A woman on the verge...
filfy1 November 1999
Janeane Garofalo is the only worthwhile thing in this low budget film. Her performance as Jasmine, the suicidal and embittered loner, is so original and on the mark that you wonder how much of Janeane's real personality is imbued into the character. I'm sure for many, Janeane's character is truly repellant. However if you'd like to watch a surly, sullen, and morose woman acting out, then this film is for you!

This film has zero production values. I believe the director must have been asleep at the wheel as the lighting is non-existent and the camera shots are inept. In fact, there are so many shots in the film that you can't see because there is literally no light. (And I don't think that was planned .

Despite these annoyances, Janeane's performance stands out as exceptional. I hope she develops this character further and brings it to a film that will better showcase her talent.

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katynmae16 May 2001
I love the crazy romance story between Jasmine and Arliss but the ending depresses me. Janeane plays her role brilliantly, adding both humor while showing the dark side to manic-depression. Definitely a movie that makes you think and challenges your outlook on things in this world.
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This is NOT a comedy!
dacart11 April 2000
While this movie sports an all-star cast of some of my favorite comics (more Cho please), this is a DARKLY comic look at urban loneliness as well as the loneliness implicit with mental illness. The script starts out humorously enough with Jasmine (Garofalo) answering a personal ad and messing with the respondee at an espresso shop (run by Cho and Goldthwaite) named the Asylum. The name is apt because it becomes more and more obvious that Jasmine is not a happy puppy. I will not go on and spoil it but be warned that this is not a "happy' movie. There are funny moments but the overall tone is pretty dark if not depressing at times.

I am a HUGE Janeane Garofalo fan ( as well as Cho and Goldthwaite) and rented this with the expectation of having a good laugh and a smile. I must tell you that this not the movie for that. I don't think it's a bad movie but... damn... this is NOT a funny movie.
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Janeane I love you
Movman5 August 1999
I have received much abuse from friends both male and female for my crush over Janeane. I don't care what anyone says I love her. I think she is beautiful, intelligent, and hilarious. As for the film it is good only because of what she brings to it. Mitch Rouse is not a talented actor although he does have his moments in the film. With a better actor the film could have been much better as he is asked to do so much and his character is really explored throughout the movie. In truth the writing is not so great either. Trying to make a conversational movie without the ability to write good conversation is difficult. Margaret Cho is awful as usual but Bobcat does provide some minor comic relief. What the film does have is Janeane and her excellent performance. There are many women out there who have struggles like her to you I say rent this movie. There are many men out there who cause her to have the struggles she does to you I say ptthhhhh! If you tired of the same old movie every night rent this one which will at least make you think a little bit.
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Indie Fans Only
Theo Robertson6 May 2003
I`ve never understood the concept of lonely hearts columns . Yeah sure we all get lonely but that`s part of the human condition . When I`m drowning in a sea of lonliness I just plug in my collection of Pink Floyd and The The tracks and pretend that Roger Waters and Matt Johnson are writing lyrics about me personally , vanity is preferable than desperation , and common sense dictates that anyone putting an ad in a lonely hearts column is gotta be desperate not to mention asthetically challenged . Have I made my point ? Good because anyone in a film who writes a reply to somebody in a lonely hearts column deserves all they get .

And that`s the problem I had with SWEETHEARTS . Arliss writes a reply to Jasmine after seeing her ad . Dear oh dear , obviously cinema isn`t one of Arliss interests otherwise he`d realise he`s going to be getting himself into a whole lot of trouble . That said SWEETHEARTS isn`t one of those cliched characters from hell movies seen in the early 1990s ( Did Hollywood do a lonely heart from hell ? ) it`s a low budget independant black comedy , but that doesn`t mean it`s a good film . It`s very static , talkative and unconvincing . But worst of all it`s badly lit . I`ve heard of " dark " comedies but this is ridiculous

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roisin179 December 2005
I'll keep this nice and short, folks. This film did not 'bomb'. Its not particularly realistic, although only the room-mate of a manic-depressive could accurately comment on that aspect of the film. And besides, not to get all celestial...but there are many people walking this fine little earth and I do believe that this film shows human beings are unpredictable and they have an array of emotions bursting to get out. It's not profoundly romantic, although only someone who has love well and truly figured out could expertly comment on that asepect of the film. I thought the acting was offbeat and completely intriguing and I enjoyed it.
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A so-so little indie which could have been better.
=G=8 July 2001
"Sweethearts" is a serious dramatic tour-de-force by Garofalo which is marred by a script which tries too hard to be hip and poor casting which uses a trio of comics (Garofalo would have been sufficient) including Goldthwait who is out of place in this film. An all dialogue little indie with a cast of a few, "Sweethearts" is worth a look in spite of being a mediocre presentation of a potentially interesting plot.
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Rare intelligent romantic comedy
paullouis14 May 2004
I urge anyone who cannot sit through a Meg Ryan film without wanting to scream "the world is not like this!" at the top of their lungs to watch this film. Sweethearts is an absolutely fantastic film, with a pair of top draw performances from Mitch Rouse and, especially, Janeane Garofolo who shows a grasp of pathos I for one had previously never even glimpsed. The choice of setting the film almost entirely in one locale (a trendy bo ho coffee house) is inspired, fostering an claustrophobic intensity that gives the emotional content that extra bite. The dialogue is, with one or two exceptions, in turns bitingly savage, wonderfully droll and genuinely touching. There are also some wonderful directorial flourishes, in particular during the rooftop scene. By far the best element of the film, however, is the way it consistently plays with the conventions of the genre it superficially falls into. Horvat masterfully leads the viewer into a falls sense of security ("oh, right, now he'll fall in love with her and she'll have a life changing epiphany and they'll all live happily ever after. And there'll probably be a dog involved somewhere") only to pull the rug out from under at the perfect moment. In all few films, especially romantic films, have left such a deep and lasting impression on me. I heartily recommend anyone with at least half a brain and half a heart to try to find this film (please, someone, release it one DVD), you won't be disapointed. 10/10
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Great Black Comedy
jsbowers13 October 1998
Sweethearts is a clever little black comedy with a wonderful performance by JG, and a great surprise performance by Bobcat Goldthwait.

Set in a post modern coffee house hipster gen-x joint, the film plays on all kinds of gags... it's a great blind date movie. (movie ABOUT blind dates, not necessarily a good movie to take a blind date)

It has its moments, definitely, and is one of her more memorable films. I've seen many JG films... I keep going back to this one.
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Unrealistic and hollow "entertainment"
Mitch-3829 February 2000
Never believe the box. I always try to tell myself that. The video box is nothing more than an extension of the publicity campaign for any movie, along with tv spots and trailers.

SWEETHEARTS, a 1996 release from Trimark, is a film that got me. Interesting premise, descriptive words and phrases. The movie turned out to be just another Hollywood-concocted, coming of age "rebel" flick; and not a good one, at that. Insecure nerd (who talks to himself constantly) Arliss answers personal ad of paranoid and manic-depressant Jasmine, who is about as likeable as having boric acid thrown in your face. The so-called animosity, begrudging respect and genuine chemistry of the two, feels contrived and forced. I never bought it for for an instant.

Among the cast, is the usually very funny Margaret Cho, as the cafe owner. Here she is wasted. She comes off more as a grouch, than humorous. Bob Goldthwait (as he is shown billed) contributes the only humor found in the flick, in the scene where he delivers coffee to the two leads. The rest of it bombs badly. SWEETHEARTS is anything but, and is dull, to boot.

Time to test faith at the video shop, to see if that "guarantee you'll like the movie" policy is worth the paper it's written on.
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Janeane at her best!
boo-5028 November 2001
This film has a wonderful blend of comedians inside, Janeane Garafalo, Margret Cho and Bobcat Golthwait. The mystery here is, this isn't REALLY a comedy. It is a fairly serious tale of a woman meeting a man for the first time. The trouble is the woman (Garafalo) is nuts. She takes him on a wild ride over the course of the evening turning him from hating her to loving her. In the end, no happy ending here. But a poignent look at why we say and do the things we do.
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Janeane Good-Movie Bad
Tweetypez17 September 2000
It started out very promising. Although this movie had some very witty lines delivered impeccably by Janeane, it was still very depressing. Margaret Cho was very good and I wish she had a story line too.
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It's All About Janeane
MarquisDD24 May 2000
By all rites, this movie should have been crap. Low budget, questionable production values, B-Movie trailers on the video tape, etc.

A well developed script delivered by superb actors bootstrapped this movie out of its own mediocrity into something truly substantial. So nice to see a film about manic depression that doesn't sensationalise the disease, shy away from its realities, its highs and lows, and doesn't throw itself a pity party.

And then of course there's Janeane Garofalo as lead and film producer who, I imagine, could *sneeze* brilliantly if she wanted to.
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Not really enjoyable, but not really meant to be
smatysia4 June 2014
This film is quite depressing, not that there's anything wrong with that. Not an enjoyable watch, but I'm sure it wasn't intended to be. A great acting performance by Janeane Garofalo. If my rating was only about her performance it would have been much higher. She has the dramatic chops, especially for someone who came up as a comedienne. She never was really pretty in the classical sense, but I always liked her looks. I really liked her on The Larry Sanders show. She still looks good here. Margaret Cho was fine here, and Bobcat Goldthwaite was suitably repulsive. But I would only recommend this film to fans of Miss Garofalo.
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poop-717 November 1999
janeane garafalo and margaret cho gave nice performances but this movie really sucked. it was just so slow and dull and i was just waiting for something cool to happen, but it kinda just got worse as you watch it. too bad.
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Magnetic...but quirky
lelizardqueen25 December 2004
Some reviewer called it unrealistic. They think that because its so different. Jasmine isn't endearing, but she isn't meant to be. However, you begin to care for her just as Arliss does, against your will and with a feeling of doom. She's frustrating, but in a very real way (maybe i just think so because i know someone very much like her, not quite so far gone). Its shot almost entirely in one restaurant, at 4 different tables, with just the two actors and some very funny supporting by Cho and Goldthwait Its rather Shakespearean in the way that does not rely on set or atmosphere, the two leads are great. Just be open minded.
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I'll give you £500 for those earplugs...
natashabowiepinky18 March 2014
In the unlikely event that comedienne Ms Janeane Garofalo brings her stand-up act to the UK, please remind me to skip it. I've never heard anyone chunter on for so long, and not come out with a single remark that was enlightening, witty or interesting in any way, shape or form. Quite an achievement. I doubt even David Beckham is capable of that.

Of course, the loser in the movie who meets her on a blind date thinks she's 'delightfully kooky' and falls in love with her monotonous patter. One thing that does concern him though, is she seems intent on committing suicide. Maybe she got the idea from her exes, who I can imagine would be lining up around the top of The Empire State Building just to get a bit of peace and quiet from her infernal mutterings.

I appreciate some things are an acquired taste. Doctor Who, Flip-Flops, The Welsh... all these I loathe, but I can respect some people like them for various reasons. If you find anything redeeming in this 90 minute monologue from hell though, you're WRONG. It's as simple as that. 1/10
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chicklet-212 August 1999
I rented this movie expecting a lighthearted romantic comedy with Janeane Garofalo to make it funny. I couldn't possibly have been more wrong. What I ended up with was a study of desperate humanity on the brink disaster... the hours before the two second storm that destroys lives. Janeane Garofalo plays Jasmine, a bipolar suicidal manic depressive, and I can't describe accurately how well she accomplishes this role. This marks a departure for Garofalo. She isn't merely funny, or a plot device. This character has true depth and meaning for anyone who watches this movie, and like most people with Jasmine's conditions her difficulties are trivialized by those around her because not many can truly understand what she is going through, and those who can are in as terrible a state as she is... therefore, it all ends up looking pretty hopeless. Mitch Rouse, as Arliss, is the perfect every guy. He's just trying to help someone in any way he possibly can, whether it is futile or not. Margaret Cho is a lovely voice of wisdom in the Cafe Asylum and Bobcat Goldthwait has thankfully lost that annoying Police Academy voice. This is just such a great movie, beautifully written and poignantly acted. Janeane Garofalo is truly brilliant. Go ahead and rent it. It's worth it.
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Janeane great, movie mediocre
TeaBunny3 October 1999
The idea is very interesting, and Janeane is downright brilliant. And I don't even mind how depressing it is. But halfway through I was ready to shut it off. If not for Janeane, I would have. I found the dialogue very unrealistic. And the fact that Arliss falls so hard for a woman who insulted, tricked and threatened him is very bizarre. I think Jasmine's comments at the end, on the phone, were right on. He had a White Knight thing going on. And what was the point of Bobcat's character always nipping off to the john for some self-gratification? I wonder if Janeane and Mitch were still a couple when this movie was made? That aspect made it interesting, but overall I wouldn't recommend this movie. I am waiting for Janeane to use her immense talent in a movie that will be better than just her performance.
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This movie is great, but has a terrible title.
davemclain26 April 2000
The thing about Sweethearts is that you automatically assume that a movie with Janine Garapholo called sweethearts is some sort of romantic comedy. This is in fact a very dark, drama with a few comedic elements, which looks and feels like a stage play. The only thing I can even really compare it too is Edward Albee's "A Zoo's Story." Highly recommended, but if you rent it on a first date she'll never speak to you again.
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All of the best comedians!
jason-1242 June 1999
All of the best comedians are in this film - its fun to watch because you can tell that they had fun making it. Try to find it though - though it might be hard, it's definitely worth it.
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Brilliant character study
mike-66114 July 1999
This film was not what I expected at all but I enjoyed it immensely. For those who may have been misled by the previews, please take note that this film, although funny at times, is not a romantic comedy. It is a study of people, most of whom are at their most vulnerable points in life. The film is also quite real in its portrayal of Jasmine -- a bi polar manic depressive planning to commit suicide -- and Arliss -- a man who only wants to find his Miss Right. His encounter with Jasmine truly changes his life as their story will change yours.

This film showcases the brilliant skill of Janeane Garofalo. This actress/comedian continues to delight me in every film she does (She was the only thing good about 'Clay Pigeons'). I was also quite impressed by the performance of Mitch Rouse, who I have only seen opposite Janeane Garofalo in 'The Truth About Cats and Dogs'. He was the man so smitten with Uma Thurman that he courageously battles a bee in a coffeeshop. His portrayal of Arliss was so touching and realistic that you got angry at him every time he displayed a loathsome male characteristic and wept for him when he expressed his feelings for Jasmine.

If you feel like a moving character study about people who could be real and at the table right next to you in your local coffee house, rent this film. You will not regret it.
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Oh, It's Just So Artsy!
thebronzedragon4 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, it's a good movie, but trying to compare it to other movies not even in it's genre (Meg Ryan movies, for example) is beyond ridiculous. "Oh it's just so cynical!" "Oh it's ever so subversive!" "It's cool because it turns other genres on their ears!" I've heard all the pretentious crap.

This is a good, even great movie. Not for any of the pretentious reasons, but for all the conventional ones: it is extremely well written; it is superbly performed; and it explores its subject matter (depresion and suicide) in a fresh but very truthful and unflinching way.

This is a movie I would recommend anyone watch, but only because it's a great film, not because it is some film student's idea of an antidote to movies he has been told it isn't "cool" to like.

I happen to think "You've Got Mail" is a wonderful movie, and there is room in the universe for BOTH films.

My recommendation for this one: most definitely see it, you will enjoy it.
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Mitch Rouse is amazing!
louisandjoey30 June 2001
This is a great movie with superb comedic actors. Mitch Rouse, best known to Comedy Central watchers for his acting and writing talents on "Exit 57" and "Strangers With Candy" is incredible. He and Janeane Garofalo make the character so real and touching and funny as hell. My heart went out to them both. It IS hard to find this movie, but when you do, see it!
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