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MPAA Rated PG-13 for intense sci-fi violence, some sexuality and brief nudity

Sex & Nudity

  • A woman is shown wearing a tank top inside a glass tube from the side and at a distance.
  • A woman lying on a table has her breasts briefly visible before they are covered. In another scene she changes behind 2 people and her breasts can be seen again, slightly out of focus.
  • A brief implied sex scene, only shoulders and above are shown.
  • A man engages in an off-camera oral sex act with a woman. Her facial expressions during the implied act is shown. She moans but nothing is actually shown. Comedic scene.
  • Mildly revealing "futuristic" clothing (spandex, thongs, translucent plastic, etc.) on various characters throughout the film.

Violence & Gore

  • A woman is shot multiple times inside of an air vent offscreen, bullet wounds shown afterwards. She survives.
  • A man explodes. Pieces go flying but nothing identifiable and very brief.
  • A scene of martial-arts fighting where a woman beats up several aliens.
  • A large shootout occurs when some aliens try to overtake a large spaceship. Many people are shot and some explosions occur. A man shoots many aliens during this.
  • The villain uses a massive gun and shoots and kills several people.
  • A young man accidentally fires off several rounds from a gun at friendly individuals.
  • An alien woman is shot. Items she had hidden inside her body are pulled out of the wound by hand. Mostly off-camera, but some mild blue alien gore.


  • "Shit" is said 5 times, and the f-word is said 1-2 times very faintly.
  • "Bastard" is said twice.
  • "Goddamn" is said once.
  • "Pissed" is said once.
  • "Ass" is said twice.
  • "Hell" is said twice.
  • "Damn" is said once.
  • "God" said twelve times and "Christ" said once.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • Champagne is said to be delivered at a hotel room and a man answers the door.
  • A priest character appears a bit inebriated at a spaceport bar, and his assistant shows up and has a quick drink.
  • A Rastafarian type character is briefly seen smoking what looks like a marijuana cigarette in one scene.
  • The main character and others are regularly seen smoking. The main character is rationed four cigarettes a day and is encouraged to quit.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • Many people and aliens are shot onscreen which may be frightening to some viewers.
  • A woman is shot and collapses which is somewhat intense.
  • The movie centers around trying to prevent an evil entity destroying all life in the universe.
  • Large and strange alien creatures appear throughout the film which may be frightening.
  • A woman is brought to tears watching (genuine) stock footage/photos of wars throughout human history.
  • A man is shown "bleeding" some sort of unexplained black goo from his forehead, implied to be the work of an evil alien.

See also

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