18 Reviews
Sexy Shannon Tweed sparks a typical, brainless action film
gridoon30 September 2006
Shannon Tweed spends much of this movie bikini-clad, and if there is a 40-year-old actress out there with a better body than hers (except maybe for Ursula Andress), I can't remember her right now. She also looks spectacular firing two guns simultaneously, and her fighting moves are quick and graceful - you don't expect a woman who made a name for herself by starring in countless soft-core erotic thrillers to be a convincing fighter, but somehow Tweed is. Of course this is first and foremost a Hulk HOGan film, and of course he HOGs the spotlight: his delivery is totally flat, but I have to admit that his climactic fight with Billy Blanks is pretty good. Carl Weathers and Martin Kove are both past their prime, but hell, they can still have a go at the action genre if they really want to. Production values are better than expected and there are lots of explosions, but Tweed is basically the only reason I'm giving this film a ** rating (could have been higher if she fought more).
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A bad film but.....
baumer18 July 1999
When I first started watching this film, I pretty much laughed at the absurdity of it. The dialogue was horrid, the acting was bad and Hogan was even worse. But then something strange happened. I became intrigued because Carl Weathers and Billy Blanks and Martin Kove were in this film as well. Now I don't know about Blanks, but the other three are all actors that have done something with Stallone in the past. Weathers and Hogan of course were in Rocky 3 and Kove was in Rambo. So that got me intrigued to actually watch the film, and that was when I realized that there was actually something good about the film.

The direction was good. I know how strange that may sound considering how bad some of the acting was, but maybe the director's strong point isn't his people scenes, but his eye for action. He has some great explosions, interesting aerial shots and some good fighting scenes. I should hope the fighting scenes are strong since you have Hogan, Blanks, Weathers and Kove in the film. And don't forget WCW owner Eric Bischoff was a producer on the film.

It's too bad that Hogan is so bad in here because if some of the acting could have been passable and the script had better dialogue, the film could have been as good as Commando. But it is lacking in so many areas that even some of the great directing is too lame to save the picture. But it was a nice try.
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If you've got a taste for the silly, and you've got nothing better to watch, there's always the duo of Shadow Warriors films.
tarbosh2200025 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
While it may be a bit confusing as to which of the two Shadow Warriors telefilms came first, we're reasonably confident that this is the first appearance of the team consisting of Mike McBride (Hulk), Roy Brown (Weathers), Hunter Wiley (Tweed), and Andy Powers (Kove). The follow-up, Shadow Warriors: Assault on Death Mountain (1999), came two years after this one.

In this initial installment of the two-movie series, our heroes are tasked with bringing down the evil drug lord Carlos Gallindo (Drago), and his goons Fraker (Goddard) and Creagan (Blanks). While they're doing that, they have to rescue the kidnapped American Gymnastics team, who is imprisoned in a cage in a room that's slowly filling with water. Will the Shadow Warriors - a team of friendly mercenaries tasked with missions like this one - save the day once again? Or is it the first time? You're gonna have to tune in if you want to find out...

Shadow Warriors: Assault on Devil's Island is very, very similar to the other movie in the series. If you've seen that one, and you happened to enjoy it, you will find more of the same here. For those unfamiliar with these TV films, they are quite lightweight despite the fact that there are fights, guard tower falls, blow-ups and shootings. Somewhere along the way there's a very silly exploding helicopter.

If it was just Carl Weathers and Shannon Tweed in an R-rated film going around and taking out the trash, it would have made all the difference in the world - and, sad but true, it would've been a massive improvement. Sad because the presence of Hulk Hogan as the main character kind of gets in the way. Yes, his hair, facial expressions, high-waisted pants, and line deliveries are absolutely ridiculous, and that does provide some enjoyment. But he should have been more of a background character, like Martin Kove or even Billy Blanks are here.

The fight between Blanks and Hogan is as daffy as everything else on display. Also we should mention that the film opens with Hulk doing some form of yoga on the beach and he's into tarot cards and mysticism. Just like in real life. Blanks went from Balance of Power (1996), where he punched steam, to here, where he punches meat. As we said in our review of the other Shadow Warriors film, thank goodness for Shannon Tweed. The fact that she's here helps a lot. Almost saves things, in fact.

Billy Drago plays - you guessed it - the baddie in his customary manner. His classic head-tilt and slimy manner are here once again. Trevor Goddard is a strong presence as his muscle. Billy Blanks should have had more to do overall.

Because a gymnastics team is kidnapped, it may remind you of Blast (1997). Because of certain plot points involving Billy Drago, it may remind you of Delta Force 2 (1990). Combine that with the fact that this is a telefilm meant to air after episodes of wrestling on TNT, and there you have it.

Concluding with our heroes walking towards the camera in slow motion and looking quite serious, are we to conclude that we should take all this goofiness seriously? That may be one of the great mysteries of life, along with which Shadow Warriors entry is which. Action fans seeking something dark, gritty, and adult are advised to look elsewhere, but if you've got a taste for the silly, and you've got nothing better to watch, there's always the duo of Shadow Warriors films.
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Not bad
nova6930 April 2000
This movie's not great but passable I guess. Caught in on cable on late night AXN. I saw the trailer & there was a babe in it so I decided to try it & didn't regret it. The action's ok but Shannon Tweed was absolutely hot! The hottest was in the beginning of the movie when she wrapped her legs around a guy & crushed the air out of him. That was even hotter than Famke Jennson in Golden Eye!
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Ticks212 December 1999
Hulk Hogan, bad special effects, terrible acting, a shallow plot and empty dialogues combine together to make one of the funniest movie I've seen in my entire life....... and it's not even a comedy...... I hope you go out and rent it...... it's really a disaster in the making that needs to be seen
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Reduced to basics
Jakethemuss26 November 2007
This is one of those ultra low rent "action" films which just doesn't give a damn. It is so dire, to criticise it would do no good as you would virtually dissect the film to nothing. Instead its better to just laugh at how bad it is, and enjoy the ride.

Unintentional comedy? It must be. This film has clearly had no real effort or much else put into it. Expect slow-mo explosions, huge guns being fired from the hip, totally unrealistic and uninterested action scenes, and off course Shannon Tweed getting topless within about....5 minutes.

This is the kind of film where the hostages are screaming, card board cut outs of girls who find themselves in a totally laughable situation-and do nothing but wait for help. There's also the henchmen, who are muscled, pony-tailed guys with open waistcoats. Billy Blanks appears as some high kicking, beret wearing villain, who's kicks are so good that the same shot of him kicking Hulk is used about 3 times!!
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Oh it was a movie?
deadraque10 January 2003
Well i can't say a lot about this movie or perhaps yes i can it would be "LOL". Wow they beat records in this movie of stupidity and bad acting, i saw someone say that Hogan deserves a Oscar or something for his performance, "LOL" again! :)

Imagine that our planet get hit by a meteorite again and in 100.000 years humans are intelligent again or whatever and by miracle they find back a copy of this movie, like we find dinosaurs and other now, imagine the image we would give to our world if this is the only movie they find back or one of those very bad one's, oh my the image we would give from our times :)

1/10 can't find anything to give it a 2...
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Navy Senior Citizens kick Ass
clauzy8213 April 2021
Not terrible by any stretch of the imagination, but if like me you have a fancy for bad movies then check this one out... or don't.

Mike McBride (Hulk Hogan) with all his hair leads a Navy Seals team into the deepest, darkest jungles of a back garden to some Hollywood house (I'm pretty sure I seen the exact same palm trees alignment and back wall in the film Falling Down) to apprehend a drug lord.

I'm not going to get bogged down in the plot of this film, as there doesn't really seem to be one. In a nutshell it involves drug lords, corrupt Navy Seals, secret missions, a rescue operation to save the Olympic gymnast team, that seem to be the darlings and mega superstars of America and nobody follows orders.

The Special effects are delivered to a very good quality along with the action, nothing is spared on the explosions side of things, even the explosions that don't make sense. All pretty good for any film let alone a low budget one.

The Beat 'Em Up scenes should have been better, especially starring the likes of Hulk Hogan, Carl Weathers, Billy Blanks and Martin Kove, the former two are just too crocked to pull it off and come across like geriatrics at times.

The acting is hit or miss, Hulk Hogan and Shannon Tweed as Hunter Wiley are both poor, Martin Kove as Andy Powers probably thought the casting was a prank, as his acting was delivered like he couldn't believe he was actually in the movie, but he was very enjoyable to watch. Carl Weathers as Roy Brown and Billy Drago as Carlos Gallindo do a great job for what they had to work with. The rest of the cast seemed to do well, that is except for the Olympic gymnast team, they were just awful.

Overall it is an entertaining watch, I'd nearly bump it up to a 6, but that's hitting good movie territory. If you want brainless action or pure cheese this delivers. If you want depth or a B-Movie gem stay clear.

Cheese to look out for: The dubbing and editing is a big let down in this film but also gives it some entertainment of the cheese-kind, especially when a lot of Hogan's dialogue sounds like it is a narration, in the middle of gunfire his voice will appear as clear as it was delivered in the studio in Hollywood or his shed.
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The shadow knows...
fmarkland3222 February 2007
Hulk Hogan stars as Mike McBride, a leader of a seal team that is set up to take a fall. (Many wince inducing sequences of Hogan afraid of his death card showing up) However among the commando unit are Carl Weathers (From the enjoyable Action Jackson), Martin Kove (From the somewhat enjoyable Steele Justice), Shannon Tweed (From a slew of movies (including this one) where she parades around naked) and a huge slew of nameless and faceless muscle-men (Wasn't there a spot reserved for Olivier Gruner or Sam J. Jones?) who face off against drug lord Billy Drago and his minions (Billy Blanks and Trevor Goddard) when Drago is captured his henchman kidnap the U.S swim team and only a group warriors can break the stranglehold and with delta force inspired heroics. First off, people don't watch the Olympics, so if the swim-team was kidnapped most people wouldn't give a damn (It's like abducting the curling team) secondly what can you say about a movie in which Martin Kove gives the best performance? (Weathers seems too embarrassed) Also the action sequences suffer from being made for the TNT channel, and basically Hogan is too low on acting ability to convince us that he knows any martial arts outside of the field of wrestling. I mean the man is at least a foot taller than Dolph Lundgren and weighs a hundred pounds more, so does it even matter if he fights Billy Blanks or Trevor Goddard? Shadow Warriors 2 which this is known as, I guess because Assault On Devil's Island sounds too scary, comes off as a badly made, unintentionally hilarious and cheap-jack action flick that could only star Hulk Hogan. The sad part is that this is one of the man's better efforts, since his kid friendly opuses are my personal visions of hell. (Mr. Nanny, Secret Agent Club, Santa With Muscles and Suburban Commando. Ugh) In many regards Hogan really should've saved it for the ring.

*1/2 out of 4-(Poor)
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Enjoyable stuff
wackyfuncrazy6 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen a LOT of action films in my time and a LOT of bad ones too. Practically anything with Chuck Norris (President's Man, A Force of One), the horrendous Bad Pack with Robert Davi, Lawnmower Man 2 and Strike of the Panther with Edward Stazak but this film is not one of them. The main reason I enjoyed this film was the cast. They seem to work well together and make up for Hulk Hogan's questionable acting ability (to be honest he seemed all right to me and MUCH better than Arnold Schwarzenegger in Raw Deal). I was pleased to see Carl Weathers who in my opinion hasn't done NEARLY enough action films. He was great in Predator and the Rocky Films as well as in his starring role Action Jackson. Martin Kove from Karate Kid is also well cast. A strange inclusion was erotic thriller queen Shannon Tweed. The movie also includes a real former Navy SEAL in Mike White. The baddies are Billy Drago, Trevor Goddard (Kano from Mortal Kombat) and Billy Blanks.

The plot is pretty standard and as I said only the cast makes it a good film. It has the team going after a drug baron, one of the team turning traitor, the traitor kidnaps a load of gymnasts to get the drug baron back and then the team mounting a rescue of the hostages. Pretty standard stuff but the action is non stop with guns, fists and explosions. Don't be put off because of the other reviews on here, this film is so much better than a lot of other TV action movies.
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Is it for real?
rungust25 February 2003
"Is this a real movie?" was my first thought. They blow up a lot of stuff in the film but the story is not very thick. The firefights are so bad that you just laugh. You are never in doubt who`s the bad guy is either. Its the guy dressed in black, stealing candy from a baby. No, avoid this movie is my tip.
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Super dooper
Stuart-3813 July 1999
Wow I was taken aback by the stunning special effects and non stop action in this great TV movie. The acting from the Hulkster and Shannon Tweed was second to none someone give those guys an academy award. This movie is good enough for the big screen surely, let me be the first to demand a sequel.
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Whatcha gonna do Brother (and sister)?
kosmasp30 January 2021
Well he doesn't say that here, but if Hulk Hogan was (or is?) famous for one thing, it is his wrestling career! Even if you also care for him as an actor, I doubt this will be the first movie that comes to your mind. One of the Rocky movies (the one he was in obviously) should come to mind.

But back to this and others stealing the show (if Hulk facial hair and general hairdo does not do the trick)! Like Carl Weathers and his gun ... someone must have been a fan of the Predator big gun I assume! Not sure if it was Carl himself or the prop guy for the movie. And of course Shannon Tweed ... whom you know from other types of movies. If you even know her that is. She tries a weird accent here and almost succeeds when she does it. But it is her apparent good looks that help her in many situations. And she can also kick some major ... well you know what.

This is one of those 90s b-movies that might have come way too late to ride that wave, but has some interesting name involved. The ones I mentioned and one Martin Kove whom Karate Kid and Cobra Kai fans surely have on their radar ... yes he can be something else than just evil ... fun little movie, with lots of shootouts that never seem to hit the good guys ... but hey! Bullets have a conscience too, right?
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Low budget, bad acting but strangely amusing
watcherDH1 May 2004
I'm always in for a low-budget action movie for a laugh or two. This one didn't fail me. Hulk Hogan gave the word 'non-actor' a new meaning and the low budget oozed from the screen.

However, I found it strangely amusing. It reminded me of those old 80's action movies and tv series I used to watch as a kid. Simple plot, but enough to keep you from changing channels on your tv. The action was, considering the budget, decent. The firefights looked convincing, better than a lot of other low-budget tv movies. Acting was, well, what you'd expect from a movie like this. The only exceptions were Weathers and Goddard who managed to make the best out of the crap lines they were given. Hogan was simply bad. Steven Seagal-like bad.

If you catch this movie on tv sometime, watch it. And if you do, don't forget to check out the recreation of the scene from "The Rock" where the SEALs enter Alcatraz from underwater and Weathers' reunion with Mr Painless from "Predator".

4,5 out of 10.
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Embarrassing and sad
rramjet251016 September 2018
OMG!! It was hard to watch and was embarrassed by the aweful acting. To be REAL honest I only watched it to the end to see further nudity that was present in the beginning. WOW, If only I could turn back time.
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Hulk's Wigs, Shannon's Chebs
refinedsugar27 February 2024
If you're watching Hogan do semi cheesy poses, spear thrusts and knife throws by the fire at night you're in the right place. Oddly both the original and sequel were called 'Shadow Warriors', but 'Assault On Devils Island' is the more passable title. Low budget kitsch, a cast of b-movie faces allow this to be mild 90 min time waster.

A team of Navy Seals (incl. Hulk Hogan, Carl Weathers) sent to capture drug lord Gallindo (Billy Drago) complete their mission but are betrayed from within. Saved by undercover DEA agent Wiley (Shannon Tweed), Lt. Col. McBride (Hogan) gets a chance at revenge when the US gymnastics team is kidnapped in exchange for Gallindo on a remote island.

If it feels like a made for TV movie that's because it is. You get fade outs for commercial breaks, but thankfully when released to video Tweed goes topless once. Hogan plays his part very serious. The late Carl Weathers is a treat to watch hip fire a minigun and Drago, Billy Blanks & Trevor Goddard (Mortal Kombat, Deep Rising) supply villains. Even Martin Kove is here as a military superior.

The action on display is low level given the budget, but enough things blow up to be a mild diversion. There's more than one dumb moment to be found in a routine story, but ninety minutes go by fast in 'Assault on Devil's Island' if you like the cast of faces and know what you're in for here.
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low rent piece of rubbish - only remembering where you saw the cast before stops it getting boring
bob the moo11 January 2002
When a team of Navy SEALS capture a major drug dealer, Fraker, his lieutenant takes a plane load of American gymnasts hostage for his return. With the Government happy to return Gallindo in order to save the photogenic hostages, the SEALS decide to take things into their own hands and attack the group and attempt to free the hostages.

This is a TVM and feels like it at every stage. The plot is clichéd - SEALS go against orders to take on military force and damn the politicians and the bureaucrats! The characters back this up - Mike is the hard man scared to let people get too close, Andy is the boss who is tied up by politics, Roy is the SEAL who is weeks away from retirement, Hunter Wiley is the feisty woman, Gallindo is the slimy drug dealer - I could go on. This is film making by numbers. The action scenes are OK but even then our heroes manage to never get hit but to take out the baddies with one shot every time - pure A-Team action.

Hulk Hogan gives one of his worst performances yet - at least in other films he appeared to be making fun of his personae - here he embraces it with a straight face. His gruff role is a joke. Shannon Tweed is good as the feisty female - at least she looks like she's having fun. The rest of the cast has plenty of "famous faces" - in fact most of the fun of the film was trying to work out where I'd seen them before, first there's Carl Weathers (Arnie's companion in Predator), Andy (from The Karate Kid movies and Cagney & Lacey), Creagan (Billy Blanks of Tae-Bo fame) and the one that bugged me right up till the end - drug dealer Gallindo - being played by Billy Drago who Kevin Costner threw off the roof in The Untouchables.

Outside of trying to place the actors there's not much else to enjoy. The story and the characters are clichéd, the action daft (our heroes swim past big groups of sharks without any problem - 10 minutes later a bad guy goes into the same water and is immediately attacked!). Avoid this low rent piece of rubbish.
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This Was A Good Movie
Big Movie Fan25 June 2002
Whilst this movie could never be called a fantastic movie it is still worth one look.

I like Hulk Hogan but what attracted me to the film initially (apart from Hogan) was the casting-we had Shannon Tweed (beautiful!) and underrated actors Martin Kove and Carl Weathers. What a team they all made.

It's a fairly routine action thriller but there are some great scenes throughout the movie particularly at the end when the team all go out to rescue the hostages.

There are a lot of other action movies out there that are fantastic but this is certainly decent enough.
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