9 Reviews
How this changed my life
Hopers5 July 1999
This movie was such an inspiration to me. I have struggled with an eating disorder for the past 8-9 years now. I have seen this movie many of times, but the first time that I saw it, it made me want to get as sick as Lexy Archer did. That was my choice and my choice only! The last time I went into treatment, I went to the extended care progam. One night I was watching tv and flipping through the channels and this movie was on. I of course watched it, and it hit me. I actually got to the point to where they were tube feeding me, and watching this movie made me realize that I don't want to go back to the place where I was before. This movie, A Secret Between Friends, Is the truth about eating disorders, and the only one that I have seen that tells you really what happens and isn't stretching the truth at all. Thankyou so much for this movie! It has changed my life forever!
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When casting hurts a good concept
Jiji-36 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Normally I would have given this movie a 6. It tackles a very important topic and it does it relatively well - despite Katie Wright, which is an accomplishment in and of itself.

I have no idea if she was specifically instructed to play the character that way or is naturally irritating, but she did an awesome job making it impossible for me to care for Lexi. There's no dimension to her other than how good she is at whimpering. I can understand how a young girl who blames herself for the loss of her friend and whose eating disorder has spiraled out of control would be distraught, scared and in pain. However, Wright's entire performance is based on incessant wailing and sniveling, the rest being whining. I couldn't help but feel this particular girl's problem was caused not by the demon that is Bulimia, but by her not having a backbone. I very much doubt that's the point the movie was meant to make.
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A Really Powerful Film
Soul_Searcher161617 June 2001
There are way too many subjects avoided in cinema and eating disorders is one of them. This film shows it as it is. It is not glamourised for the viewers to enjoy, it is shown with real truth which makes it all the more powerful. I've only seen it once and that was a few years ago but i can still remember everything about it and how it made me feel. It is a very powerful film and is good support for anyone suffering from a eating disorder to give them the willpower to stop. This is what films should be about- they should be there to help people and not glamourise things that are wrong.
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Very truthful representation on a somewhat taboo subject.
cabasaexpert35119 February 2005
I have seen a couple movies on eating disorders but this one was definitely my favorite one. The problem with the other ones was that the people with the eating disorders towards the end just automatically get better or accept the fact that they need help and thats it. this movie I thought was more realistic cause in this one the main character Lexi doesn't automatically just get better. She gets better and then has a drawback. I think this movie shows more than the others that I've seen that getting better doesn't just happen, it's hard work and takes time, it's a long path to recovery. I think this movie shows all of that very well. There should be more movies like this.
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A very realistic and well told story, exploring the lives of two teenage girls who built a friendship based on their eating disorders
frank-the-fairy18 April 2006
I agree with the above comment, I love the realism in this, and in many movies (not just movies on eating disorders) the producers seem to forget that. They take an every day problem and create a hugely dramatic scene and then come the end of the movie everything is perfect again, which I dislike because its not reality. Not meaning to say things can't get better, and not meaning to say things don't in this movie, but it doesn't spend most of the movie creating all these problems, and come the end of the movie everything is perfect again. When people have eating disorders people don't just admit it and want to get better, and then life is peachy, it takes time, and I like how in this movie we grow with the characters, we go through the difficulties with them, getting better and worse, because it is a very important part of the movie. It gets into the minds of people with eating disorders, and shows the complications and pain, in a very realistic way, and I loved that. I also love how it shows The secrecy and betrayal people feel when suffering from eating disorders, it is scary to see how people react when they find out, especially if they approve of it. I thought this movie was very touching and beautiful and well told, and defiantly one of my favourites.
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Why are there not more films which concentrate on eating disorders?
lollyemmaabbott20 November 2002
I came across this film by accident when listing all the films I wanted my sister to record for me whilst I was on holiday and I am so glad that I included this one. It deals with issues that most directors shy away from, my only problem with this film is that it was made for TV so I couldn't buy a copy for my friend!

It's a touching story about how people with eating disorders don't necessarily shy away from everyone and how many actually have dieting buddies. It brought to my attention that although bulimics can maintain a fairly stable weight, it has more serious consequences on their health that many people are ignorant of.
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jen and lexi become friends, and share in a lethal secret...
billie_jean_1231 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Lexi befriends Jennifer, a thin, intelligent girl at her new school. Lexi's parents have just split up. Soon, Jen tells Lexi of her eating disorder, and the two begin dieting and exercising together. They both are in the school's volley ball team. Lexi's mum becomes aware of her daughter's illness, as she is losing lots of weight. Lexi is admitted to hospital. She is diagnosed with Anorexia nervosa, and is made to gain weight. Her father visits her in hospital, and orders a feeding tube. She is better and is allowed out of hospital and she tells her mum that Jen has bulimia. This leads to the two falling out, as Lexi's mum tells Jen's mum her suspicions.

At a party Jen is hit by a car, and because her heart is weak it kills her. Lexi's condition worsens, as she blames herself for her best friend's death...
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the truth
triceecar19804 June 2002
everybody should know the truth about bulimia and anorexia and that is what this movie does. Millions of girls have bulimia and are keeping it secret.

This movie is about two girls Lexie and Jennifer. They both starve themselves. Lexie gets help;jennefer does not. Things happen, however, in the movie that lexi goes back to not eatting. I never knew anybody that threw up their food, but i do know someone who starved their self at one time- me. if you read this comment and you also have or is in the process of starving yourself like i did email me and i can tell you what made me decide that life was worth living.
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Very touching and kind of heartbreaking drama about the consequences of being anorexic or bulimic
Catherine_Grace_Zeh8 December 2005
WHEN FRIENDSHIP KILLS, in my opinion, is a very touching and kind of heartbreaking drama about the consequences of being anorexic or bulimic. Anytime Lexi (Katie Wright) or Jennifer (Marley Shelton) threw up, I wanted to vomit myself. It's kind of hard to explain why. If you ask me, they should have been more cooperative about things. However, I did enjoy seeing them do things together as well as get lectured by their parents. Before I wrap this up, I'd like to say, "If you ask me, WHEN FRIENDSHIP KILLS does indeed show you how being anorexic or bulimic can affect a person's body. " Now, in conclusion, I recommend this movie to everyone who hasn't seen it. You're in for some tears and a good time, so the next time it's on TV, kick back with a friend and watch it.
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