82 Reviews
Definitely no stocking stuffer for your happy holiday!
emm24 December 1998
One word: FORGETTABLE! That's it! Its best use is a substitute for a lump of coal in your stocking! Angry Johnny would thank Santa for it, and because he's been a naughty boy all his life! Don't let this be next year's X-mas present under your tree!!!
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The Christmas movie low.
sirpetertheknight18 February 2005
The problem with Hulk Hogan as an actor is that, while he's not Brando, he has his moments where he's okay. That said, all he seems to lend his name to is rubbish children's movies. The only serious thing he seems to have done is Rocky III (you be the judge of how serious that is). This is the ultimate example of that children's movie crap. Hogan is a wealthy man who loses his memory and somehow thinks he is Santa. He is taken in by an orphanage, who are trying to stop some villain doing something. Seriously, that's how forgettable this film is. The acting is poor. Hulk manages to lay some cool smackdown, but then again, so does Jean Claude. The children are all that breed of little goof ball's trying to be cute. Ed Begley Jr is just unnecessary. Many people have a real hatred towards Christmas movies. Of course, they can't all be Bad Santa, the Santa Clause, The Nightmare Before Christmas or the all time great, It's A Wonderful Life. But this is just lazy. Considering Hogan's potential for cool, violent films, this just wastes the most awesome wrestler ever. Just like everything else. I can't give it a one, but it's certainly not worth a passing grade. It's just dosh.
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Watching this movie felt like receiving a giant leg drop. It was somewhat painful to watch.
ironhorse_iv27 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Made way before other pro-wrestlers, like Mick Foley, Bill Goldberg, the Miz and Big Show ever put on the red and white suit; Hulk Hogan was the first wrestler to capitalize on the idea of making a Christmas movie. Written by Jonathan Bond, Fred Mata & Dorrie Krum Raymond, the film tells the story of a self-centered millionaire turn Santa Claus, Blake Thorn (Hulk Hogan) having to save an orphanage from an evil scientist, Ebner Frost (Ed Begley, Jr.), who wants to destroy it, in order to gain access to the magical crystals underneath it. Without spoiling the movie too much, the original story wasn't really originally made for Hogan to start. Instead, it was create for infamous con-artist stockbroker, Jordan Belford subject of 2013's film 'The Wolf of Wall Street' who became one of the film's executive producer. However, once Hogan got on board, much of the original story was scrap, in order to appeal to Hulk Hogan's ego. Because of that, we get a lot of pointless moments, in which the audience is treated with unrealistic scenes in which, Hogan shows off his strength. While, Hogan still looks impression in some of the action scenes; it really clear that the 24-Inch Pythons weren't as big as they used to. All those years, taking bumps and steroids has really took its toll on the man's health and body. He looks so different, when compare to what he look during his 1980s 'Hulkamania' days. Still, he was not as eerie as today's Hulk Hogan. Yet, I have to say, Hulk Hogan wasn't as bad, in the action role, as he could had. Most of the action scenes fell flat, because how fake the visual effects explosions look, how ludicrous the car chases were shot, or how badly stage, the fight scenes were. If anything, he really try to make the film, seem entertaining, even if his singing with child actress, Aria Noelle Curzon seem kinda bad. Also, while Hogan might not be the best comedian in the world, more or less, some of his facial expressions and physical slapstick throughout the film, did make me, laugh. Because of this, I don't think, this movie deserve to be in the currently list on IMDb's bottom 100 movies ever. Not all the jokes fell flat. It's just has enough 'so bad, it's kinda good' vibe, to make me, not hate the movie as much as others. Yet, there were a lot of things that did anger me, about this film. For starters, I didn't like the use of the old film 'Identify Amnesia' clichés. It's really hard to believe that Blake couldn't remember, anything about his previous life at all. Also, the amnesia angle kinda lessen the impact of his morality character arch, as well. Even the second smacking of his head felt a bit forced. Another thing, that bother me, was the idea that "the richest man in ten states", goes unrecognized by virtually everyone for so long into the film. Even the police doesn't know, who Blake is. If they did, they would had arrest him, along with the other criminals toward the end, for reckless driving, shooting at an officer, and the endangerment of the life of others. Instead, nearly everybody believes he is the real Santa Claus, despite acting and looking nothing like the fictional holiday character. It really made the supporting characters in the film, look really stupid. Despite that, I did like, seeing familiar supporting actors like Don Stark, Garrett Morris, and Ed Begley Jr. in the roles, they were given. Even, Mila Kunis in her film debut was not that bad to watch. However, I couldn't get, behind how unrealistic, the henchmen villains, were. It was very weird to see over-the-top cartoony people harassing an orphanage of three children with T-squares and Styrofoam candy canes. It's also odd that the orphanage never bother, calling the cops before Blake came to the rescue. Added to that bizarreness was the scene where the scoundrels use phone-calls recording to trick Blake. How did they know to do that, anyways!? The movie has way, too many hackney plot-holes that is hard to ignore. It really doesn't make any sense. All these loose-ends and over the top dramatic, made the film felt more like a cheesy 'superhero' movie than anything else. As for the quality of the film footage. It really does look like it aged badly. Even with the most modern DVD, the footage still looks washed out with a lot of aliasing and shimmering. It had such shoddy detail. The old VHS tape are even worst with its tracking issues. Overall: While, it might be good to say your prayers, and eat your vitamins. I can't say, the same about watching this movie. While, die-hard Hulkamaniacs might like this movie. For me, it was just mediocre. Not the worst movie, I saw. Nor the best.
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A painful film experience... that I'd probably watch again.
Headbiscuit7 July 2002
Let me first say that this is a film which I gave a 1/10 stars, but it was one of those "so bad, it's good" types, which is why I must say that it was an enjoyable painful film experience.

"Santa with Muscles" was just plain bad for a number of reasons... Let's Begin.

Acting- You know the acting will be subpar when the star of the film is Hulk Hogan. Hogan is a likeable character, but only in the ring, not the movie industry. You would hope that the director would soften the blow to the movie by placing Hogan in a cast that he could learn from and play off of - but in this case, he was cast in a miserable selection of actors and actresses that undoubtedly regret becoming a part of this movie. All acting was bad, but there were some enormously bad acting jobs by Steve Valentine and Kevin West.

Plot- Intro to characters was brief and rediculous. Viewers are supposed to buy into unbelievable situations, and are supposed to relate to characters that could be replaced with cardboard cutouts. So the plot is off to a bad start. It could still recover though... but it doesn't! No surprize. So it is something like this - rich dude goes to mall, hits head, thinks he's santa, saves the day against hapless thugs, finds orphanage with only 3 kids, wants to save orphanage from evil guy, beats people up, hits head (on soft garbage), recruits his staff, kicks butt, saves the day, orphanage now looks like a scene from Richie Rich. RRiiiiigggggghhhhhhhtttttt.

Continuity Problems- There are an incredible number of continuity problems in this film. Ranging from car damage, to car order, room setups, time of day, etc. Was there even an editor hired for this film?

Other Issues I Had with the Movie- 1. Blake falls down a multi-story trash shoot (which by the way leaves to the floor and not a trash bin) and wakes up seconds later, later he falls into soft trash and doesn't wake up until at least hours later. Hmmmmm... 2. It was so nice that even after her bedtime Sarah manages to get ahold of Blake's santa suit and totally alter it overnight. 3. An orphanage with three kids (unbelievable itself) uses a facility that it could never afford. 4. A white guy plays the sumo-type thug characters. interesting, maybe they were low on cast members. 5. Odd that the state allowed an orphanage to exist in the facility that had open access to old catacobs (complete with plastic skeletons!!), and even more odd that the kids were allowed to have a club in the catacombs by their inresponsible caretakers. 6. Once Blake gets his memory back, he fails to remember his childhood! But luckily, one photo brings it all back. facinating. 7. Frost's posse includes a geologist, a Canadian chemist, and an electifyingly ugly woman. Not to mention a sumo thug, several guys with t-squares as weapons, and a "doctor." 8. Blake stops a truck moving at 40+ miles an hour, or at least it is supposed to be that speed, but the obvious fastforward and then rewind effects didn't work too well. 9. Hapless police carry rocket launchers, fire at will, miss, and then make no attempt to chase after the hummer with a butler, chef, and driver hanging out the top. 10. My favorite... the HORRIBLE one-liners that filled the dialouge of the movie. Bar none the worst was "Santa Sleigh Me." I nearly peed my pants when I heard that.

I'll admit, I bought this movie online (used) after I saw it on the IMDB bottom 100. The reviews had me in tears, and I had to experience this movie. Even the reviews couldn't prepare me for a cinema experince of this low quality. It is a poorly thought out, poorly directed, poorly acted, poorly produced, poorly scripted, poorly casted movie that you have gotta see.

1/10 Stars
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You'll Laugh...You'll Cry...
mactionY2K227 February 2002
And then you will reach for the nearest dull razor, or butterknife on your property and attempt to gouge your eyeballs out. I've heard through word of mouth how aweful this "film" was, which inspired me to make a bid for it on an internet auction. I should have known I was in over my head when "free, or best offer" was the opening bid. Paintball with the cops, fierce battles using styrophome candy canes, exploding crystals, an orphanage with only 3 kids-this "movie" has it all. If you have the opportunity to give this one as a gift, go for it. That lucky someone in your life will be begging for coal this coming holiday season.
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Dear God, what have we done to deserve this torture?
heartburnkid1 January 2001
This movie is so bad, it's actually considered cruel and unusual punishment under the U.S. Constitution. I wish I was exaggerating. If you want a Christmas movie, go watch Miracle on 34th Street or something. Just stay far, far, FAR, I can't emphasise this enough, FAR AWAY from this horrifyingly bad film. You've heard the phrase "So bad, it's funny"? Well, this transcends "So bad, it's funny" and ends up just being horrible.
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What a revolting development
constructionbob13 November 2000
Okay, first things first. Upon renting or viewing any Hulk Hogan movie, one should never set their sights very high. You have the constants of bad acting, senseless and cartoonish violence, and groan-worthy puns. You can also pretty much expect a super-contrived happy ending. However, even taking these aspects for granted, Santa with Muscles still will leave you stunned. It isn't quite the worst movie I've ever seen (Manos, Hootch County, and Ninja Wars beat it there) but it's definitely down there.

The Hulkster stars as Blake Thorne, a big dumb prig with more money than he knows what to do with, so he spends his days playfully tormenting his house-servants. (The 'Stop and smell the roses!' line is a hoot!) Through a ludicrous turn of events, Blake gets amnesia and is convinced by a jerk named Lenny that he is the real Santa Claus. Hijinks, fistfights and eye-rolling sappiness ensue. Watch for two-count 'em-TWO instances of giant candy canes being used as weapons, a horrible song by Hulk and the little whiny girl, the equally stupid 'Blake's rules' and 'Santa's rules', and what is perhaps the most ridiculous McGuffin I've ever seen-but I'll leave that for you to discover.

I can only recommend Santa with Muscles if you happen to have great patience and a high threshold of pain. I wondered about half-way through, "Has this been over 2 hours yet?"...but despite what you may feel it is only a bit over 1 1/2. Not a very merry way to spend your Christmas.
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nose bleadingly bad. The worst ever. please kill me.
nick_higg16 December 2003
This just goes to show that Hogan is a bad on the big screen as he is in the squared circle. How this film could ever have been commishoned is beyond belief.

I hope someone was fired or even tortured for the production of this film.

It is only a shame that the scoring system on the vote doesn't start at 0 because 1 is far to good for this film. This goes to show that Hogan should never be allowed to make any films EVER EVER AGAIN.

Thanks for your time and please don't ever feel the need to watch this film to win a bet or if you are contemplating suicide. It will push you over the edge.
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The Hulkster must smoke rock
lodi_7000524 August 2006
I am sure most of the posters here are not wrestling fans. Therefore, I will clue you in on a couple of things. Hulk Hogan is an ego maniacal jackass that demands creative control over anything he is involved in.

This movie might not have been a classic when it was first written, but I will be fair and say it had average potential(a rating of 5). The movie probably had a different title at first until......Hulkamania arrived.

Hulk Hogan has this remarkable ability to turn something good or average into unwatchable garbage. Original title may have been "When Santa got Rich" or "Santa CEO" or something slightly stupid. Hogan looks at the title and says "no way brother, my fans don't know nothing about no CEO(the first true words to come out of the mouth of the Hulkster in twenty years). So he called it "Santa with Muscles" because no project involving Hogan is allowed to go 5 seconds without referring to the "24 inch pythons" After adding scenes where blow up candy canes are used by Hogan with results comparable to the bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Hogan finally has gotten his wish. He ruined what might have been an enjoyable movie experience for two year olds and those who are "mentally challenged" or retards as Hogan's faithful redneck fans may call them.

I am not surprised at how bad this film turned out. Wrestling fans with half a brain have hated Hogan for years. He exercises creative control when he is told that he is going to lose and this ends up boring anyone with a below average iq on up to tears. Hogan may have turned wrestling into a million dollar industry with a lot of help from the master marketing machine named Vince Mcmahon. Many good people sacrificed their wrestling careers by falling prey to Hogan's trademark "leg drop of doom" and now some poor director is probably living under a bridge in Los Angeles damning the day he got involved with Hulk Hogan. Hogan may have helped turn wrestling into mainstream entertainment, but he also singlehandedly destroyed the same industry(his tired act help put WCW into the ground) he helped build by never learning more than three moves. Punch, back scratch, high boot and leg drop. Oops that is four moves. Some things never change. In the ring the bad guy always loses to Hulk via leg drop. In the movies, Hogan expands his creative horizons by having the bad guy lose via Plastic candy Kane.
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The True Meaning of Christmas...
duaneambroz19 December 2004
Is to use any and all copies of this film as Yule Logs, though it would likely leave a lingering stench for weeks to come. Everyone has summed up this film pretty accurately; it makes the Christmas turkey that Scrooge bought for Bob Crachit look like a spring chicken. The film stars that great thespian Hulk Hogan. He has made some pretty awful films, but even he should have used an alias for this one. Not to be missed is his costume, which is pure Village People Santa (it's a shame they didn't record a song about the holiday joy of sitting on Santa with Muscle's lap). Granted, I am not a geologist, but any crystals that have the ability to explode if barely jostled can be used for sword fights later on in the film, well, your script editors have some continuity issues. Remember the old saying, that if you put 1000 monkeys into a room with 1000 typewriters, that one of them will eventually write Shakespeare? They might not get to Shakespeare, but this film is evidence that they will churn out a steaming pile of reindeer crap. If you truly want to spread Christmas cheer, get yourself a caroling book and a few friends and hit the streets. The only thing this film is good for is as a substitute for coal in a Christmas stocking.
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Do not even bother
cyberfreek198424 December 2004
It's a simply awful movie, I caught on TV recently and I felt compelled to switch the channel after watching 20 minutes of it, Hogan is a terrible actor and whoever wrote this film should be expelled from their union or whatever they have... The Storyline of the movie is incomprehensible and is hard to follow by anyone that is older than 12...My sister didn't seem to mind it though... A terrible movie, I have seen all of Hogan's films and he has not been able to come up with a decent effort in any of his movies, If you Hogan as a main actor in a movie, just stay away from it and you'll be better for doing so. I couldn't believe my eyes and ears on how bad this is.
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A Jolly Good Time!
cmamusic24 June 2002
This film was one of the most underrated kid flicks of it's time. Unfortunately it came out at the same time as "Jingle All the Way" so it did not get the proper attention it deserved. Watch for Santa with Muscles on Ted Turner's channels at the Holiday Season. It is available for sale various places online as well. This film is a lighthearted sweet feel good film with zany antagonist characters, great sight gags, and a happy ending that would delight little kids and adults as well. It is a good film to catch Mila Kunis, Adam Wylie and Aria Noelle Curzon in as youngsters as they have all gone on to bigger projects in their careers. Ed Begley Jr., Steve Valentine, Don Stark, Robin Curtis and Garrett Morris all give fun quirky performances that will keep you laughing and feeling like it it Christmas "all year round".
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not that bad.
johnnyboygoss12 April 2005
I thought that this was actually one of HOGANS better movies. It seems like every time HOGAN comes out with a new movie, no matter what kind of movie it is, before people even watch the movie they are all ready to put it down without even giving it a chance. Most of HOGANS movies are not meant to win any awards as much as they are just meant to be good clean family comedy's.This is a movie that i try to watch at least once or twice during the Christmas season. With wrestling and making movies having a lot in common I think if HOGAN wanted to he could be a "better actor" if he wanted to, but I believe he goes into these movies just to have fun and make some kids happy.
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Downright horrible
michael-teige4 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The minutes spent watching this turkey is time that would be best spent shaving your head with a cheese grater while chewing on tin foil. Trustme when I say this activity would be far more enjoyable then watching Hulk Hogan and his buddies indulge themselves in this load of garbage. Hogans acting is terribly stiff and the script makes little or no sense. What orphanage has all but 3 children, a woman who oversees them, and GARRETT MORRIS, of SNL fame? Where is the logic in attacking someone with styrofoam candy canes? Since when can you hook a bumper of a fast moving vechicle with a chain, stop it and not rip off the bumper in the process? And watching Ed Leslie (Brutus the Barber Beefcake to all you WWF fans) as an oriental villain is not as funny as it sounds. All in all probably the worst Hogan movie of all time and that is not saying much.
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rlough92721 July 2000
"Santa With Muscles" is an absolutely appalling film. It stars WCW wrestler Hulk Hogan who after getting amnesia thinks he is Santa Claus (like a grown man actually believes in Santa whether he has amnesia or not). He then goes onto beating the bad guys in typically corny Hulk Hogan fashion. I give it a 1/10 and that is being generous.
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The Grinch did not steal Christmas...this film did!
planktonrules31 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
If ever there was a family holiday film that could kill the holiday spirit, this film is it. It makes "Jingle All the Way" and even "Santa Claus Conquers the Martians" seem GOOD in comparison! And, if you ever meet anyone who hates Christmas, chances are that they saw this film! This movie is a cloying, annoying dud...the sort of contrived mess of a film that makes you want to tell Hollywood to STOP making holiday movies if this is the sort of crap they think the public could want! The film begins with Hulk Hogan playing some sort of combination rich guy, superhero, GI Joe wannabe and ninja. I am glad that his impressions of himself and his abilities are not in any way over-ambitious or egocentric!

In a stupid freak accident, the Hulkster now thinks he's Santa and comes to the aid...I kid you not...of a home for orphans!! Folks, it just doesn't get any worse than this--or does it?! Well, in fact it does. You see, the evil man behind this is, naturally, Ed Begley, Jr. and I assume he wanted this property to build an electric car dealership. But, in a bizarre twist, it's to get a whole bunch of neon-like power crystals hidden in an underground vault! Say what?!?!? Begley's crew of evil villains look like the sort of baddies that might attack Barney the dinosaur. They are all really, really lame and are about as threatening as a mild case of dandruff. And, it's up to Hulk to kick some butt (wow, not a tough thing in this case), win the hearts of a whole bunch of cute moppets AND manage to make a family-friendly movie that involves lots of punching, kicking and other forms of violence!

The film has absolutely nothing going for it other than Hogan's massive ego. The acting is crap, the script is crap, the action is crap and there is nothing...I repeat, NOTHING of any value to this steaming pile of....movie. What makes it worse is the 'surprise' twist concerning the villain and Hulk's childhood--which, oddly, neither seemed to remember! Sadly, anyone seeing this turkey of a film will not have the same thing occur--they'll never forget having wasted nearly an hour and a half on this snot-fest. This film easily deserves to be on IMDb's Bottom 100 list, as it's the worst vanity project I've seen in ages--and a family film which is too violent and stupid for kids and just about impossible for any adult to sit through without massive amounts of liquor.

My favorite part of the film? Towards the end, one of the lame villains yells "It's gonna blow!!". He couldn't have been more right, though he probably should have said this at the beginning in order to warn people what they were in for seeing!

I think I'd have rather seen "Chitty, Chitty Bang, Bang", "The Adventures of Pippi Longstocking" or even "Son of the Mask" instead of this movie--it was that bad!

By the way, there is a worse Christmas film. The 1959 Mexican film "Santa Claus" is in the Bottom 100 as well and it is light-years worse! But, for a big-budget Hollywood Christmas story, "Santa With Muscles" takes the prize!
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Poor Don Stark
demon49986 September 2001
Don Stark (Donna's dad from That 70's show) must have really needed the work. He had to wear a bunny suit AND an elf suit. Poor guy. Why the hell was the tail of that bunny suit in the shape of a furry dildo? Was that Hogan's idea? Geez. Too bad MST3K couldn't have done this big pile of crap of a movie.
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Avoid like the plague
Fantastic4ever24 April 2001
This movie is some sort of punishment for all the sins of mankind. There is no way a movie like this should even be considered for production. Any other moive I could see at least a premise that sounds sensible, but there is no kind of justification for this horribly horrible movie.
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Worst film ever
Triple T4 July 2001
This was one of the worst films I have ever seen. The storyline made no sense at all, and the acting was terrible. I hope that no one ever has to go through the pain I did by watching it. I saw it on the TNT network late one night, so I am thankful that the youth of America wasn't forced to watch, at least that time.
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Elnheir23 June 2001
I saw this movie last year on TV, and I had to turn it off. I rarely turn off movies, especially movies on TV (because the only time I watch TV is when I'm bored.) This is the absolute worst movie I've ever seen. I've made better movies when I was in grade school. As a yet unknown independent film maker myself I wonder how you were ever known as a filmmaker. I apologize for writing this as harshly as I did, but I can't stand bad movies. It's just my opinion.
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To those who wonder why Hulk Hogan's acting career never got off the ground...watch "Santa with Muscles".
Boba_Fett113816 July 2011
You know that a movie is really bad when it makes you feel psychically ill. This for me was really the case with "Santa with Muscles". It's amazing how many bad Christmas/Santa Claus movies for kids are around. But this movie is even below the normal level of Santa Claus movies, that are made for kids.

It's very obviously a movie that got aimed toward young children but just because it's a kids movie doesn't mean it can get away just with everything. But also on top of that; I really can't see how kids could ever enjoy watching this movie. It really isn't that entertaining or humorous to watch because of some serious bad writing. If I had seen this movie as kid it probably wouldn't had annoyed me as much as it did now but I probably would still had been bored out of my skull while watching it.

I don't even know what this movie is supposed to be all about. It's such an huge mess to watch and it feels like the script got put together from a couple of other different Santa Claus scripts they had floating around somewhere in a dark corner. The movie too often doesn't make sense and it's a very inconsistent one to watch, since the story jumps all over the place and doesn't seem to know what it wants. What the story is also lacking is a good Christmas message in it. This movie has absolutely none and isn't even about the Christmas spirit at all. Who wants to watch a Santa Claus movie that isn't even somewhat remotely Christmas related.

It always has been sort of a mystery as to why Hulk Hogan's acting career never took off. He had the right looks and charisma and was and still is incredibly popular and well known, all over the world, due to his wrestling career. And hey, if Dwayne Johnson and Arnold Schwarzenegger have a big acting career, with similar backgrounds, than why couldn't he? The answer is in movies like this. He made some bad choices with his picks for movies and the highlights of his acting career are cameos in some well known movies, in which he only spoofs himself.

So Hulk Hogan doesn't impress much with this movie but so does nobody else in this. The movie made some weird casting choices, by making Steve Valentine and Ed Begley Jr. the main villains. When you have Hulk Hogan as your main hero, you need a strong and way more threatening villain opposing him, not two lab-geeks. It still gets points for having Clint Howard and a very young Mila Kunis in it though.

What also puzzles me is if this is supposed to be a Christmas movie than why does this movie look all the time like it got shot in the middle of the summer? Couldn't they at least somewhat tried to fake it.

To be honest, I don't think I'll ever put this movie on any of my worst movie lists but that is simply because I have seen so many bad movies, that are even in one way or another worse than this one. But of course that really doesn't make "Santa with Muscles" somewhat of a good or a remotely entertaining watch. Just avoid, it's not even watchable for its cult-value.


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Christmas Turkey with All the Trimming!
glasshotel28 December 2002
`Santa with Muscles' is exceeded only in sheer awfulness by the 1962 Mexican film "Santa Claus" for the honor of Worst Holiday Movie of All Time. The title is fitting, seeing as the scriptwriters have brains denser than Hogan's muscles. Hogan plays an egomaniac (not far off from his reputation amongst wrestling insiders) millionaire who markets workout products. Through some agonizingly convoluted plot devices (and calling them plot devices is generous), he gets amnesia and thinks he is Santa Claus. Mayhem ensues with evil samurai wanna-be's, evil elf wanna-be's, evil Ed Beagly Jr. wanna-be's (wait, that IS Ed Beagly Jr.), an orphanage with no orphans, exploding crystals that don't explode, and Garret Morris thrown in for good measure. If you want a movie that you can comprehend, go rent Eraserhead. If you want a movie that will make you laugh, go rent Isthar. But if you want to stage a screening of the all-time worst Christmas films, rent "Santa with Muscles". And get the above-mentioned "Santa Claus" movie, and also that other really bad one with Dudley Moore. You are guaranteed to clear unwanted holiday guests.
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SykkBoy20 May 2001
What a great flick! OK, it's not going to win any Academy Awards..or even a Cable Ace...but this was a fun little popcorn flick...

Come on, did expect anything more from Hulk Hogan? Despite previous comments, this was not as bad as Mr Nanny..and hey, Clint Howard in ANY movie makes it a classic! :)

Good, mindless FAMILY fun. Amazing in this day and age..a movie I can actually let my children watch!
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A pleasant Christmas film
a906425 April 2005
Encouraged by the scathing reviews of this film, a friend of mine bought the DVD of this film, having it posted from Australia. Having subsequently borrowed and watched it, I must say that it is not worth buying, but it is very well suited for Christmas broadcast. The plot is thin and predictable but also cheerful and uplifting, although there are several strange twists at the finish, and the plot holes are just explained away by... well, what we assume is magic or psychic ability. The jokes are terrible, but the acting is of acceptable quality, especially the two central characters, Blake and Elizabeth.

No, it's not a film you should show people if you want to keep them as friends. No, it's not worth ever watching again. But for what it is, a cheap and cheesy child-suitable action flick, it works well. Overall, I rate this film a 6.
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Santa, you sleigh me!
lastliberal24 December 2007
OK, this is probably the absolutely worst Christmas program ever! No, it is not as bad as Feeders 2: Slay Bells, but for a Christmas show it is pretty bad.

Hulk Hogan may have been a good wrestler, but he certainly cannot act. Here he bumps his head and thinks he's Santa. He is up against a group of real clowns led by Ed Begley, Jr. Steve Valentine from "Crossing Jordan" and more Grade Z actors.

The only redeeming performance was little Aria Noelle Curzon, who was nine at the time.

Cross this one off your Christmas list.
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