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MPAA Rated R for strong horror violence and gore, and for some sexuality and language

Sex & Nudity

  • Full female nudity in multiple scenes including breasts, butt, and top of her shaved vaginal area. Several explicit sex scenes.

Violence & Gore

  • Pretty Severe!
  • A man has a chain with knives go through the back of his throat and cut off his head when the chains pull back.
  • A woman is choked to death and her dead corpse's skin is removed with lots of blood on the remover's hands.
  • A man is stabbed and dies.
  • A man dies from another man tying his throat and stabbing him.
  • A man is attached to hooks on the side of his body and then another hook attaches itself to the man's throat and he is devoured by a horrid beast offscreen.
  • Two security guards are hit with masks with spikes in them and have their side or their face violently rolled together with the other ones and a side of their bodies attach offscreen. Hurts to watch!
  • A man has his face ripped off by hooks on chains and a hook bashes through the top of his head.
  • A man is devoured by a beast offscreen.
  • A man is crushed by being connected between two people.
  • A man's head is chopped off when he tries to pull it out of a mirror.
  • A pigeon is chomped on by a beast.
  • A man is tortured and his heart ripped out violently on a whole scene.


  • There are occasional swear words in this movie but not anything to really worry about.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • There is a small drinking scene but it is in a large number, very casual and it isnt really focused on.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • The appearance of the cenobites may frighten young people.
  • Some of the scenes in the dark will frighten children.

See also

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