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MPAA Rated PG for mild violence, language and thematic elements

Sex & Nudity

Violence & Gore

  • A girl hits a man on the arm with the handle of a toilet plunger.
  • A girl pours shampoo on the floor of a bathroom in a burning two story house and a man slips on it a la Home Alone.
  • A girl hits a man on the forehead with a rock. The wound is shown throughout the rest of the film every time we see the man on-screen. Slightly graphic.


Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • Two-Bits has a nightmare involving a chain-smoking drunk driver.
  • Spider is shown to be a heavy smoker.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • A man holds two girls ransom.
  • Two-Bits has a nightmare where he nearly gets run over by a drunk driver. He wakes up before the car hits him.
  • A mother yells at and scolds her daughter for disobeying her. This scene is very emotional.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • Spider drives around lowered gates at a railroad crossing. He manages to successfully cross the tracks before the train passes through.
  • Katie's house catches fire. This scene maybe intense for younger viewers.
  • Spider accidentally shoots Two-Bits with a pistol, much to Tyler's dismay. Following Zike and Spider's arrest is a scene in an operating room where doctors and nurses remove the bullet from Two-Bits' body. This scene is very emotional.

See also

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