Showgirls (1995) Poster


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This movie is more fun to watch than actually good
kevin_robbins8 October 2022
Showgirls (1995) is a movie that I recently rewatched for the first time in a long time on Tubi. The storyline follows a young lady with a troubled past who wants to become a dancer. She initially makes ends meet at a local strip club where anything goes until she meets a man who agrees to help her refine her technique until is recognized by a more reputable dance company. Once she joins the reputable dance company she discovers it may not be as reputable as it appears.

This movie is directed by Paul Verhoeven (Robocop) and stars Elizabeth Berkley (Saved by the Bell), Kyle MacLachlan (Dune), Gina Gershon (Killer Joe), Glenn Plummer (South Central), Robert Davi (The Goonies) and William Shockley (Robocop).

This movie is more fun to watch than actually good. The women are gorgeous and the dance scenes are very well done. The settings, attire and circumstances are interesting. The storyline is uneven and had potential but could have been executed better. The cast is impressive and well selected. There is an abundance of nudity throughout this picture and a great pool sex scene. The rape scene was tough and how it was handled felt unrealistic, as did several parts of the ending. However, this movie is hard not to watch and enjoy the journey it takes you on.

Overall, this movie is not good but it is entertaining and worth a watch. I would score this a 6/10 and recommend seeing once.
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I've certainly seen worse
smatysia4 July 2018
No, it isn't a great, or terribly good, movie. I've certainly seen worse. And it is certainly too bad that this seemed to ruin Elizabeth Berkley's career. I didn't find her acting to be all that bad. I think that she was a victim to her role. She might not have had the star power or charisma to overcome a bad role, but I think she played it exactly the way Verhoeven wanted. Not sure that the nudity was a problem either, as I don't recall 1995 being all that puritanical. The rest of the acting was OK, too. I've never been a fan of Kyle MacLachland, but his skeevy smarminess was well-suited to his character. Gina Gershon seemed to have great fun chewing the scenery. No, the problem with the film was that every character was intensely dislikeable. (With the exception of Gina Rivera's Molly character) The exposition of Nomi's problems came way toward the end of the movie, when it was really too late to give her a break for all of her previous behavior. I think most of the blame for this being a poorer movie than it needed to be was Eszterhas's.
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Both amazing and terrible.
jellopuke6 June 2022
This is expertly made trash, with over the top characters and scenes that don't even have a toe in reality. There's loads of nudity and everything is amped up to 11. That said, it was intended to be sexy and adult and daring but it falls flat on its face. BUT the way it falls flat makes it something to see.
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Read between the lines!
candigrrl14 November 2001
I read through a few of these reviews and the general analysis seemed to be that this movie sucks more than the lead character does in the back room of the Cheetah Club. Well, I guess if you take it at face value, it does.

However, it's not meant to be taken that way (internally, with a glass of water?), and it's a shame that so many people did. Really, 'Showgirls' is a campy, funny movie. It's a riot. And it's supposed to be.

Elizabeth Berkley, in the lead role, plays her part like an actress on one of those day-time soaps - which is probably exactly what Verhoeven wanted. She does everything dramatically. She sits down, dramatically; she takes off her jacket, dramatically; and if you watch closely enough you'll even see her eating fries dramatically.

Gina Gershon as femme fatale/lead dancer Cristal gives the best performance of the film. She obviously is in sync with the director and has a lot of fun with the part, and if you only watch it for one reason, watch it for her. Because, in the words of L'Oreal, she's worth it. She's a great talent and it's a shame she's not recognised more widely.

Would I recommend it? I don't know. It depends on your taste. If you're looking for a drama, go elsewhere. If you're looking for a quirky, funny movie, and you don't mind lots of naked ladies running around all over the place (yes, even if you're female - I am, and I liked it), go rent it. It might surprise you.
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Shown Girl is a 10.
FallenEye30 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
There's a point in this film, where it takes a sharp, serious and dark turn, out of damn near nowhere, and it's that moment in the movie that encapsulates just how unfocused Showgirls is.

If I was to take this movie seriously, it would be a 3.5/10. If I weren't to take it seriously, then it would be 6/10. The sexiness and erotica points of the film were done relatively well, however, the story, the acting and over acting, the pace and those hilariously ridiculous seizure fests they tried to pass off as dancing or some kind of choreography were just too shockingly laughable.

Showgirls is sexy, especially Elizabeth Berkley, and is as progressive as any ordinary film tends and needs to be without being static, however, it ran longer than it had to, and that just stretched an already poorly handled story too thin. Its structure and pace doesn't allow one to feel the necessary emotions of sympathy, however parts like what happens in the beginning of the movie give it some edge. I'll meet Showgirls halfway and give it 5/10.
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My Favorite Bad Movie
rstef16 September 2022
I've waited years to write a review of this train wreck meets a dumpster fire of a film and, having just rewatched it for the 6th or 7th time, I'm finally ready.

There is so much glorious awfulness in this film it's difficult to know where to start. Elizabeth Berkley is way out of her depth playing the lead. She seems to be trying really hard, but just doesn't have the necessary acting chops to pull it off. She is playing it straight but doesn't realize it needed to be performed with an excess of arch campiness. Gina Gershon, who is way better than this material, said in an interview that when she finally realized that the film couldn't be taken seriously (apparently the director didn't convey that too well - more on him later), she got on board and provided the over-the-top archness required, somewhere around Joan Collins level. Kyle Maclachlan looks simply embarrassed by the whole affair; more power to him. The other actors are saddled with paper thin, one note, underwritten characters and deliver appropriate performances for them.

Writer Joe Eszterhas has turned out a script that seems to have been written by a 15 year-old, brain damaged and oversexed boy who is still a virgin. His dialog is ridiculous in the extreme, as if he had no idea how real people might speak to, or behave around, each other. It's an almost surreal experience to hear some of the tone-deaf exchanges in the movie. Joe apparently learned nothing between penning Flashdance and this film. At least Flashdance had some good music in it; this flick just has mortifying, forgettable dance numbers.

Director Paul Verhoeven, who directed some of my favorite films including RoboCop and Total Recall, bungles this film most delightfully. He seems more interested in nipples, and insuring the female cast members show them at all times, than in getting a decent performance from anyone. Those nipples get ice, champagne, sequins and lipstick on them. They are ready to go out and partay! Maybe if Paul could have gotten all the actors on the same page with their performances by explaining the satirical tone of the movie (if indeed that really was the aim of the script - I have my doubts), this might have been a way funnier, though not as deliciously inept and awful, cinematic exercise.

So why can't I go more than a few years without watching it again and again?
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Not even good if you're looking for that sort of thing.
shot26 February 1999
If you like porn, don't watch it. If you like musicals with dance, don't watch it. If you like drama, don't watch it. In fact, I can't think of any reason to watch it.
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Don't get the hate for this movie
greggman18 January 2023
I saw this when it opened and thought it was fine then but the people I was with hated it and said Elizabeth Berkley can't act. I didn't see any problem with her acting. I chalked it up to their having watched too much "Saved by the Bell" and then not being able to separate Elizabeth Berkley's character in that show from her character in this show. Me, I'd never once watched "Saved by the Bell" so I just saw Elizabeth Berkley as Nomi Malone and she did fine.

For some reason I recently (2023) decide to watch it again. As far as I can tell there's nothing wrong with this movie. It's interesting all the way through. It's got fun and interesting characters. "Mama" is hilarious. And of course all the other characters are great. All the behind the scenes of the show is super interesting as is Nomi's ascent and education.

It's also pretty unique. What other movie covers a topless revue in Vegas in such a gritty way?

If you go in looking for bad movie maybe you'll find it. If you go in looking for a good movie, you might find that too. I did. Unless you're just not into sex, nudity, and bunch of "bad people" characters. If those things upset you then yea, this movie is not for you. It's not a bad movie though.
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It's so bad that it's good...not
folie31 January 2000
Although this movie has great set design and dance sequences, the ONLY reason to watch this movie is Gina Gershon. Not only did she survive this turkey, she managed to boost her career out of it!

Having said that, I beg some of the previous reviewers here to please wake up. I don't mind if you like this movie for the show, the acting, the cinematography, the nudities....but don't tell me that it is a satire or a cult film.

This is not the kind of movie that is so-bad-it-is-actually-camp-fun. It is bad, it stays bad and it stinks badly. A camp movie is one made with genuine intentions and incompetency. This movie is made by/with seasoned professionals, greed, lots of dough & zero heart. It had too much $/credential to be excused.

Also, this is NOT a satire. To be a satire, it has to have some intelligence. This movie has zilch. It pretends to have a moral while it has none. It pretends to show how women are exploited in Las Vegas while itself is the biggest perpetrator. If you set out to do tongue-in-cheek exploitation movies (like most b-movies and porn), be honest and I'll respect/enjoy that. Just don't be hypocritical.
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Liking this makes you more guilty than eating After Eight mints for breakfast
bowmanblue21 March 2015
How I wish I could write this review anonymously. No one should publicly admit to liking Showgirls. There's very little to like about it. Yet I still do. And, looking at some of the other comments on here, I'm not the only one (perhaps there's a secret 'Fight Club-like' organisation out there somewhere for people like us?).

It's about a young woman who drifts into Las Vegas with dreams of being a dancer. She ends up being a stripper. However, her fortunes don't stay that way for long, as she's offered a role in a top Vegas casino's show... which involves taking her clothes off.

In case you've never heard of this film, it does involve a lot of female nudity. Now, this naturally attracted a lot of criticism of the film being sexist. And, in short, it is. However, isn't that the point? We're getting a look into an industry (whether it be the stripping industry, the showgirl industry, or even the film industry) which is heavily male-dominated. It's run by rich middle-aged men who get to decide which young 18-21 year old females get the parts. Of course there's going to be a heavy element of sexism and quite a fair share of sleaze involved.

I won't try to defend Showgirls and say things like 'the nudity empowers the women,' because that would probably be untrue (and rather pretentious). But I will say that the nudity is at least valid. Making a film without nudity about a subject involving strippers and erotic dancers would be like making a film about the Second World War without soldiers.

It's all pretty cheesy stuff. I don't know whether that was the film-makers' intentions when they made it, but that's the end result. Everything is very dramatic. The lead characters dances overly-dramatically, walks overly-dramatically and, if you look closely, even eats a hamburger overly-dramatically. It's kind of like the acting quality you'd expect from an afternoon soap (but with more nudity, obviously).

However, if there's one redeeming feature that can genuinely be talked about, it's Gina Gershon, who plays the femme fatale 'Cristal Connors.' She seems to revel in flitting between evil and seductively charming and is a joy to watch when it comes to baddies.

I don't think anyone should recommend Showgirls to anyone, without knowing what sort of films they're into. You'll either love it or throw a brick at the TV. Best to just tell people you hate it until you meet up with them in some underground car park with the rest of the Showgirls fans. Remember, the first rule about liking Showgirls is that you DO NOT admit to liking Showgirls.
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The cinematic definition of "so bad it's good"...
EmbyQuinn21 August 2008
I adore this movie. No, really, I do. If I were rating it solely on my fondness for it, I would easily give it a 9 or a 10. On the other hand, if I were going to judge this movie solely on its merits as "worthy" cinema--story, acting, technical prowess--it would rate a 1 or 2 stars at best.

So, what the hell, I split the difference.

First, let me tell you why I hate this movie. It doesn't work as soft-core porn--the sex scenes are either disturbing, degrading, or just plain silly (or even all three at once). It doesn't work as social commentary--we already knew show business was full of back-stabbing bitches and controlling bastards, so what's new here? It certainly doesn't work as a cautionary tale, though God knows it does its best in places. Indeed, this movie is so full damn of itself it's in danger of exploding like Mr. Creosote in "The Meaning of Life". Either that, or it feels ready to spontaneously condense into a microscopic black hole of sheer pretentiousness.

So what does this movie work as? ENTERTAINMENT! All it takes to love this movie is to know, going in, that none of the characters are likable, you're going to be subjected to a lot of oh-my-gosh-my-golly nudity and naughtiness, and that--most importantly--none of this has any bearing on anything remotely resembling reality. Showgirls takes place in its own little universe of sheer, joyous exploitation for its own sake. And this it does admirably well.

And, after all, isn't entertainment what movies are for? This is a great movie to watch with your friends. Google for a Showgirls drinking game and do tequila shots. You'll be hammered before you know it.
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A Misunderstood Classic
droberts@imdb9 August 2000
Warning: Spoilers
Calling Showgirls "poorly acted" or "sexist" completely misses the point; it's like accusing Britney Spears of not being a "real musician," as though you've discovered something.

Of *course* Showgirls is exploitative and demeaning to women. Almost all Hollywood movies are demeaning to women. Almost all of them are male-written, male-directed male fantasies. But most of them cover this fact with a thin veneer of "empowerment" and "sensitivity," making perfunctory, surface concessions to political correctness. It's hypocritical, dishonest and has horrible long-term effects on the psyches of young impressionable girls (and boys). The brilliance of Showgirls is that it gathers all of the worst Hollywood masculine excess and throws it unapologetically in our faces. The movie is straight-from-the-id, primal, brutish male fantasy. Every woman in the movie is a laughable caricature who advances, if at all, by deceiving other women and becoming a sexual object for men. The "heroine," Nomi, crosses every line, sells every shred of dignity, physically assaults her female competitors, sleeps with her boss (in the most over-the-top sex scene in cinematic history), gets her best friend raped... and at the end of the film, claims that she has gambled and won "herself." This tragi-comic nod to empowerment is a slap to the face of anyone who's been paying attention.

Whether Esterhauz and Verhoeven intended it as such, Showgirls is at once a camp classic and a sly satire, an example of everything our culture at once wallows in and disavows. Sure, you can react with righteous indignation, waggle your finger at the movie, and pat yourself on the back for being so enlightened. But maybe you should take a look around, at the billboards, the commercials, the sitcoms, the movies, the music videos, your own prejudices... and think about whether you can't find a better target.
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Not as bad as all that
alxvy18 December 2004
I thought this film was not bad actually, and saw it as a voyage though bitchy sleazy Las Vegas showlife. Everyone goes on about the wildly exaggerated sex by the leading girl, but might that not be her style as a wannabe Vegas showqueen.

I think compared to a lot of films that come out that deserve a one star rating this doesn't deserve one, I found it watchable and I think there's been a kind of herd effect to say it's trash. It's just *about* trash.

So right on Tarantino for coming out alone in praising it I say.
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This is one ugly film. It's pretty good for unintentional comedy.
Lumpenprole25 February 2002
Warning: Spoilers
* spoilers, nothing but spoilers

In her role of Nomi (an unlikely and symbolically heavy-handed name), Elizabeth Berkeley comes off as someone with an impulse control problem and the attention span of a puppy. She spends most of the movie with a vacant expression on her face that gives way to unprovoked screaming fits. Her character starts the film as a jerk who treats people badly and end the film as a jerk who treats people badly. The plot, in fact, has no effect on her personality. This is amazing, cuz the plot is such a lame moralistic fable to begin with. Innocent girl (from NY City?) makes it to the big city, works her way up and finally succeeds by sinking to the depths of the people around her. This makes her want to leave, cuz, you know, she's become everything she's ever hated or something. The problem with this story is that Nomi STARTS OUT as an awful jerk who would push a colleague down some stairs to get ahead - she just hasn't thought of it yet. So the story, which anyone over the age of four has seen before, is pointless.

The dialogue is atrocious - it's Penthouse Letters stuff. It's how horny old men think young women talk when they're in the bathroom. That said, there's a lot dialogue in this movie that is unforgettable in the same way that Battlefield Earth makes variations on `I have leverage' unforgettable.

Kyle MacLachlan spends the whole movie with a stupid stoner smirk plastered on his face.

The sex… ohmygod the sex. The simulated sex scenes in this movie are comic gold. At least twice that I remember Nomi mounts the MacLachlan character and does this move on him that looks kinda like a fish out of water. Her spine… it sorta whips up and down so that her torso is flipping in mid air. The hilarious part is that one of the sex scenes is in a hot tub and when Nomi does her thing, her body slaps and plops the water. Besides being unerotic, the sex scenes go on forever.

I have never, ever, before in my life, wanted women in movies to put some clothes on. I admit it - I'm disgusting. When the sex scene got started in Muholland Dr., the thought going through my mind was `THIS IS THE BEST MOVIE EVER!' But Showgirls takes the juvenile male urge to stare at boobies and pummels it. About half way through the film all I could think about the all those breasts is that support is a matter of comfort. It just seemed merciless to depict a world where there are apparently so few bras.

Anyway, that's the funny stuff. Now for the awfulness. Black people are nurturing. There are two characters for Nomi to crap on, despite their best efforts to help her out. Glenn Plummer plays a dancer who wants to help Nomi perfect her absolutely jaw-dropping dancing talent and Gina Rivera plays a sweet person who takes Nomi in when she arrives in Vegas. When Rivera's character, Molly, first meets Nomi, Nomi is attacking Molly's car cuz her luggage was stolen and the car was nearby when she needed to hit something. Instead of beating Nomi senseless, Molly buys her some food, offers to be her roommate and help finding a job. And it goes on like that. Nomi is basically infantalized during scenes with Molly. This is true of Glenn Plummer's character as well, who spends most of his screen time chastising Nomi like a parent about wasting her talent. Of course, in the dark world of Showgirls, nice people can't exist. Plummer's character turns out to be a guy who says that every girl is a dancer of extraordinary talent to sleep with them (but with Nomi, he really means it) and after mothering Nomi for half the movie, Molly gets gang raped cuz… I dunno, victims are always asking for jerks to be nice to them and that's what she gets or something equally insightful.

Everyone in the film keeps talking about how Nomi is a phenomenal dancer. I didn't see anything to justify this. Actually, they labored the point so much that it invites scrutiny that her dancing can't live up to. It's kinda cruel really. What if someone made a movie with Steve Buscemi where everyone marvels at how handsome he is? I don't think there's anything wrong with his appearance, but if you spent two hours being asked to look at him and admire his features...

Anyway, this movie is bad in so many ways, but it's memorable. It's like watching Plan 9 for the laughs, but different. It played recently at the Midnight Mass in SF - a venue that plays camp classics like early John Waters and the Mommy Dearest. Verhoeven and Eszthehas set out to make a naughty, dark movie. Instead they made a crude, incompetent and disgusting film. Showgirls is probably exactly the film they intended to make and that's why it's funny.

Gina Gershon didn't stink.
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The dream factory
tieman6430 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
"You want it, you pay for it." - Club bouncer (Showgirls)

Showgirls is an interesting film, though people won't appreciate it for many years to come. The problem with Paul Verhoeven is that nobody realises that he's a satirist. All his films shot outside of the Netherlands are intensely satirical and not meant to be taken at face value. With "Showgirls" he quotes from "All about Eve" and "42nd Street", tearing apart those pipe dream stories that audiences have been so conditioned to absorb.

Verhoeven's real target isn't Hollywood or American crassness, but rather those morally dubious "Star is Born" tales. The audience isn't punished for wanting to see sex and nudity, it's punished for wanting Nomi to succeed. The film is saying that in a crass society, success is bankrupt, and by pushing the pipe dream, you merely fuel this big, ugly machine.

Nomi, the star of "Showgirls", isn't a character. She's a piece of wood. A piece of wood not because she can't act, but because she's a mere slab of fuel, existing solely to be burnt up and combusted by her neon lit environment. She goes from strip club, to dance club, to theatre house, exploited all the way. And she loves it.

By the end of the film it's not funny that Nomi is going to make the same mistakes all over again. It's sad that despite the fact that the Myth has been revealed repeatedly, she is still seduced by it enough to try all over again. It's like those Toys they give kids at Macdonald's. The child knows the toy is total crap, but they just have to collect the other one. Why? Because it's a toy, and the child's perception is that toys are fun.

"Showgirls" deals with this false perception. The toy is crap. It's unsatisfying, but we want it because we can't find satisfaction in what we have and in where we're at.

"Showgirls" is also intensely symbolic. Song titles mirror Nomi's apartment numbers, each of her jobs takes her one step further into hell (which ironically is her goal), she symbolically dies and is reborn, the famous lapdance is shot to mirror the sex scene in the pool, and the film ends with Nomi battered and broken and more importantly, even more ignorant than before. Then there's her "dream man" (hinted at by a billboard at the start) who turns out to be a devilish rapist by the end of the film. This theme of one being punished for ones "fantasies" permeates the entire film and extends outward in such a way that the audience itself participates. At first we're titillated, but by the end, the sex has numbed us and we reel in disgust.

In terms of style, the film is intentionally over the top. It's loud, crass and overly colourful. Nomi herself thrusts her body at us in a ridiculously pathetic manner. The director's aim is not to titillate. He wants us to pity the girl's desperation, her falsity, the tasteless stains of her makeup and desperate contortions of her body. Nomi is dumb and is always begging us to accept her. And so Verhoeven subjects us to visual and aural overload, all designed to numb our minds. We leave the film stupid, and unaroused, poetically blind and unaware of the truths it has shown us.

The best satires tend to raise the most unjustified hate, and "Showgirls" is no different. What's different is that the nudity, sex and overall tacky "bad movie" aesthetic of the film, prevents it from being re-evaluated or even embraced. Future audiences, desensitized to pornography and nudity, will probably accept this film easier.

There's also one really good shot in the film that reminded me of Welles. The shot occurs when Nomi sits on a park bench alongside a busy street. The bench is in the foreground, but perspective is forced in such a way that it dwarfs the Las Vegas buildings surrounding it.

In terms of camera work, the film is also impeccably shot. Verhoeven's camera is precise, with some beautiful steadicam and crane shots.

7.5/10- An interesting satire, intentionally camp, cartoonish and over the top. Though some scenes feel tasteless, the film as a whole surprisingly seems to get better with repeated viewings. Pay attention to one scene in which children walk innocently through a theatre, nude women all around. Moment's later a woman curses violently and the kids and their mother are shocked. Verhoeven's point is clear: language, violence and exploitation are far more tasteless than any naked breast.
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Hideous, just hideous
a_suffell8 July 2013
Is the only way I can describe Elizabeth Berkley's so-called acting in this film!. The acting plummets from the moment she pulls out a knife and gives her best angry face in the first two minutes, the acting gets so cheesy it makes Jedward look like a formidable act. I know I seem far too critical but seriously at times the acting gets THAT bad you start feeling awkward, about as awkward when you watch a film with your parents and a nude scene pops up. I just think that the whole film is ruined by Elizabeth's poor acting and cheesy child like mood swings and hissy fits. The dancing looks awful Elizabeth is constantly looking stiff, angry and robotic. If you're looking for a cheap B list movie and a bit of skin then this may be the film for you but be warned the painful part is having to sit through watching it.
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Not as bad as I thought
celestial_princess21 October 2019
When I reviewed this title a year ago, I gave it 3 out of 10 stars and said I'd never watch it again. Well, I decided to give it another chance and watched it two more times when my son wasn't around. I still say it has a poor moral message (that one must resort to devious tactics to get ahead), but I'll admit that it wasn't as bad as I remembered it to be when I saw it 5 years ago. Is it smut? Yes, in several parts, it is smut. But I think what the actual message was, women (and some men) are used for their bodies in the sleazy underbelly of Las Vegas. Also, I think Hollywood was very unfair to Elizabeth Berkley after this movie tanked. I'm not saying it's a favorite of mine (it's not), but it undoubtedly took a lot of courage and hard work to complete this movie. I'm actually really sorry that Elizabeth Berkley's career never recovered after this. She's talented and this movie could have been a lot better; I think the execution was wrong, is all. So it's not a favorite of mine, but I'll admit that it's not nearly as bad as some other movies I've seen in the past. I give it 5 out of 10 stars, for the effort.
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A movie about nothing
Xenomaster8 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This review is going to be short and sweet because there is so little to talk about as relates to this film. The entire plot of the movie can be summed up like this: A hooker hitchhikes her way to Las Vegas, ruins the lives of every single person she comes into contact with, and then leaves.

That is literally the entire movie. And this takes over two hours to trudge through. Nomi Malone is the most unlikeable protagonist (if you can even call her that) in cinematic history. I never thought a movie could make naked women boring, but this one did just that. Avoid this like the plague.
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Hugely enjoyable amount of boobs
R_Alex_Jenkins21 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I was entertained and that's what mattered to me the most in this cheesy flick containing massive amounts of beautiful boobs. And what great boobs they were, ranging from Elizabeth Berkley to Gina Gershon, with nipples extending into the night via buckets of ice, to peak our interest even more. I truly wasn't expecting it, and yes I thought there would be a nice bit of nudity here and there, but I wasn't expecting such lovely women displaying nearly all their intimacy so much of the time.

This, however, doesn't make for a good film per se, and there were far too many doubtful moments to make this a classic, such as the first girl that Nomi meets on her arrival in Vegas turning out to be her best friend through thick and thin, which was all too convenient like so many scenes in the film, with both of them doubling up in a rickety trailer when Nomi is clearly earning very respectable money and dating Ferrari-driving millionaires, plus some dubious casting decisions in Kyle MacLachlan, Glenn Plummer and Robert Davi, in fact, nearly all of the men were dreadful (were they supposed to be?), plus the famously wooden acting of Elizabeth Berkley, bless her beautiful soul. And lest not forget the super stunningly gorgeous Gina Gershon who had me erecting out of my chair, good God!

And I can only guess that this film received such shamelessly horrible reviews in its day because of the way we took ourselves so seriously back then, as though each new film was supposed to mean something significant and hit new highs, instead of being what this film actually is, a giant middle finger to our shallow society - we're not here to make a statement - but here to have fun and show off some beautiful tits while emphasizing how banal and basically obvious the male species can be, and often is.

I enjoyed it, so there.
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Lott44415 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
It does not follow. That's the best way to describe this movie to anyone. I've watched it several times now; I admit, the movie is so strange that even though you know it is bad you have to go back and watch it again just because you can't believe what you just watched. That's saying something for me, a person who can only watch a movie once before needing a few months to pass before wanting to watch again.

What I find so intriguing in this movie is how badly the character of Nomi (Elizabeth Berkley) interacts with people, and how, amazingly, they accept her. Not just accept her, they all love her. Nomi, a woman who reacts with violent hostility to simple questions or requests, displaying herself to be a complete sociopath. Yet, strangely, every person she snaps on sees her as something endearing or wonderful for some inexplicable reason. I just don't get it.

In the beginning of the movie Nomi loses it on a total stranger, attacking the woman's car before being stopped and then vomiting for some unknown reason. The woman's response? Take her to dinner, but not before nearly kissing her in the most misplaced and misguided lesbian reaction. I would have called the cops. What next? I'll tell you. Nomi snaps again when asked a simple, harmless question by throwing the food the woman was treating her to and shouting. The woman's response? She asks Nomi to move in with her. What the hell?! Throughout the movie Nomi comes off as totally unlikable to the point that I found myself rooting against her, which is ironic seeing as how she is the protagonist of the film. To be fair, Nomi comes in a few flavors. I want to say she is bi-polar but that would leave out her middle ground: the smarmy bitch flavor. I hate to use that word but it's the only way to justly describe her. You'll see. This is flavor is most often displayed when during any of her many disrespectful interactions with her employers and superiors. The cringe-worthy "I was having my period" excuse to her boss and her taunting of Cristal Conners (Gina Gershon) later in the film.

She seems to follow some set of ill-defined and unbalanced set of morals that make no sense to anyone but her. Nomi all but whores herself out for success but draws a line at icing her nipples for some reason. Then throwing the ice at the casting director and exploding on him. Wow. Then she gets the job.

With respect to Elizabeth Berkley, I don't know why so many people in this film saw her as this amazing beauty with so much talent. She is attractive, yes, but by no means the most attractive woman in the cast (even if you exclude Gina Gershon, who was gorgeous). Which leads up to an incredible, vomit-enducing scene between Nomi and Cristal about how great Nomi's breasts are. They're nothing special, in my opinion. The dialogue here.... Honestly, I can't do it justice. Nobody talks like people talk in this movie. Nobody. "I want to see your ass," "What do you think of your breasts?,""I'm on my period. Check." This movie managed to make nude women, even those as beautiful and talented as Gina Gershon, unsexy. The dance numbers failed to entice any kind of sexual desire from me. How untalented must a filmmaker be to make a nude woman unsexy? Goddess would close in a week in real life.

That just scratches the surface. There's so much about this movie that is just awful and makes little sense that I have no idea where to begin. When I have more time I hope to watch this movie and ammend my comment as I go.

As awful as it is, it has more rewatchability than most movies I have ever seen. It's not because this movie is sexy, as the creators hoped, but because it is a moving demonstration of absurdity and a world that could only exist in the mind of people with no scope of social and sexual reality. It is funny, I admit, but still awful.
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Not the world's worst movie...
lostonthehighway28 June 2021
I think most people who watch this movie don't look past the sex and dancing and dismiss it as a corny, sleazy, sexist flick. But the thing is, it's not a corny, sleazy, sexist flick. It's a corny, sleazy, sexist SATIRE.

I was told that this movie is terrible by countless people - look no further than the 4.9 rating on IMDb! - and even though it's not the best thing I've ever seen, it's not half bad.

The reason this movie is just so full of terrible people and exploitation and lap dances is because Las Vegas itself is full of terrible people and exploitation and lap dances. It's a cleverly written satire about the way that under its shiny, sequinned exterior Vegas is a pretty terrible place. And at first you think that that terrible place is going to completely demolish our innocent young heroine until - wait - we realise that Nomi isn't as innocent as we once thought and she's about to meet her match. And I think that people don't realise that this is supposed to be a satirical movie about how ruthless Vegas is.

Okay, yes, there's a lot of graphic content. A lot. This thing is rated NC-17 for a reason. And on a level, it is definitely a flick that appeals to, and is written by, the male gaze. But in between all of the shows, there were actually genuinely interesting moments. And again, this is a movie that does not sugarcoat a single thing. As I've said before, Vegas behind the curtain is a filthy place and tis movie showcases each and every last bit of it.

I'm not saying this film is flawless - the plot line is pretty basic and there are parts where you start to see the trashiness of it all shine through. However, I like what this movie does differently from every other one similar in genre - the fact that Nomi does not take s**t from anyone. For once, you have a character who threatens creeps and rapists with switchblades and throws ice at disgusting producers who cross the line and helps her friends. She does everything on her own terms and that's awesome to see.

As for the acting - I disagree with the fact that Elizabeth Berkley "killed her career" with the "terrible acting" in this movie. Again, remember that this is a satire - all of the acting, just like all of the performances, was intentionally over-the-top. And Berkley played both the determined and confident showgirl and the innocent Las Vegas newcomer (Versayce?) really well. And she's also a pretty good dancer, unlike what certain people say - not to mention all of it was done in high heels. Kyle MacLachlan is the world's slimiest slime ball in this movie - the likes of which are very common in these kinds of industries - and Gina Gershon is someone who you simultaneously love and hate, much like Nomi does.

Don't take this movie at face level. It's not the most intellectual thing you'll see in your life, but don't dismiss it like everyone else.

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So bad it's a must see.
spmshield30 November 2005
This film is so bad you must see it.

It was supposed to be a star-making vehicle for Elizabeth Berkley of "saved by the bell" which was actually a pretty good show.

I suppose they thought they could cash in by taking a semi-attractive star from a tame kids show and showing her in a lot of nakedness and sexual stupidity. Instead it was just plain embarrassing.

By the end of the movie you end up hating her so much that you're glad the movie trashed her 'career'.

Probably the best scene is her sex scene in the pool. It is so poorly acted and shot it is painful to watch. You can tell they thought they were creating some kind of ground-breaking sexual energy, but it just failed miserably.

A couple years ago they brought out a Showgirls boxed special with a shot glass and poster. I don't know how it sold, but I would love to have been a fly on the wall in the pitch meeting.

I saw this movie once a decade ago, yet I find myself compelled to spend 4 minutes of my life berating it.

Anyway, enjoy.
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A wild, insane trip full of energy, gorgeous visuals, and multiple tones
Chi-C-Dawg26 September 2022
This film begs to be seen. There is nothing like anywhere else in the world of cinema. Elizabeth Berkeley's performance is a intense, dynamic powerhouse that you can't look away from. The film is glitzy, bright and colorful like a kaleidoscope and the plot twists and tonal shifts often feel the same. The set pieces are strange and beautiful. I don't know. I can see how it's upsetting to some people, but there is a lot going on here and if you go in with an open mind, and expectation that it's not just over the top but it blows up whatever you think the top is, there's a lot to enjoy too. It's not sexy. It's not nice. But that's kind of the point? I can't stop thinking about this movie.
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Too much for american audiences
cerrilloalvaro13 July 2022
If you ever watched a Verhoeven film you know the drill. Only this time is not happening in a fantastic realm. Meat is sold low ("I'd buy that for a dollar"). Money can leash a city, being Vegas or Detroit. Showbiz is just as heartless as any other big corporation. The writer is playing with the audience, but the murders are performed in the real world, with thousands of girls and even more customers. You wanted to know how this meat grinder cranks, don't be surprised to see breast, pimps and rape.
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"There's always someone younger and hungrier coming down the stairs after you."
gettodamoofies1 February 2024
FILM: 5.0 Having braved the cinematic spectacle that is Showgirls, I find myself questioning the choices of Paul Verhoeven and screenwriter Eszthehas as they veer deeper into the realm of erotic thrillers. With films like RoboCop in Verhoeven's repertoire, Showgirls is a perplexing and regrettable addition.

Verhoeven's attempt at a social commentary is as crude as the film itself. Elizabeth Berkeley's portrayal of Nomi is a caricature of excess, and Verhoeven's supposed blame-taking for her performance doesn't change the fact that it's uncomfortably over the top. It's no surprise this film served as the tombstone for Berkeley's career.

Kyle MacLachlan looks like he's trapped in a bizarre inside joke, unable to do anything but smirk awkwardly through the film. In a moment of cinematic foreshadowing, his character's demeanour and hairstyle appear remarkably influential on Tobey Maguire's symbiote-infected Peter Parker. In contrast, Gina Gershon's gloriously cheesy performance as Cristal is a one-way ticket to Ham City, injecting some much-needed life into this sinking ship.

The attempt to titillate with the dancing is nothing short of comical. The luscious costuming and sets can't mask the forced and cringe-inducing sequences. Nomi's aquatic escapade with MacLachlan's Zack is unintentionally hilarious, leaving viewers in stitches as they witness her questionable pool-riding skills.

Verhoeven's claim of a cautionary tale is drowned out by the overwhelming cheese factor. That is, until a horrific event towards the end of the film shifts the tone completely, leaving viewers scratching their heads and wondering what they just watched. Showgirls transforms from laughable fluff to a confusing mess, rendering it incapable of delivering any coherent message.

In the grand spectrum of films, Showgirls doesn't quite plummet into the "so bad it's good" category, despite its desperate efforts and much to my disappointment. It also falls far short of being genuinely good. In the end, it stands as a testament to questionable choices and cinematic missteps-a peculiar relic best left in the forgotten corners of the '90s. Quite simply, it is Showgirls.

FORMAT: Blu-ray

VIDEO: 9.0 1080/24p presentation Detail level: Excellent Colour reproduction: Excellent Level accuracy: Excellent Encode: Good Master condition: Excellent

AUDIO: 9.0 DTS-HD MA 5.1 audio Dialogue reproduction: Excellent Soundtrack & effects clarity: Excellent Dynamics: Excellent Surround sound presentation: Good LFE content: Good

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