116 Reviews
Romantic Comedy
xkatie_pearsonx28 March 2006
I saw this film was on TV last night, and decided to check it out on IMDb. After reading the numerous negative comments, I was pretty skeptical and didn't really make an effort to get to the TV in time for it starting. What a mistake that was. My word, this was one funny film! Perhaps it's an acquired sense of humour, but in some parts I was laughing so hard my stomach hurt! It's certainly not a film that requires thought or is deep and meaningful in any way, but if you want a giggle, then Nine Months will definitely put a smile on your face. It did mine! The only downside is perhaps having such high profile stars in not very challenging roles. Aside from this, Nine Months is a light hearted comedy that really got me laughing.
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Good acting, but uninteresting story ...
Vic_max6 May 2009
Hugh Grant is pretty 'watchable' in most films he does. His on-screen presence is pretty much consists of witty lines, snappy articulation and boyish / non-threatening charm - and some element of nerves.

He's got that same appeal in this movie - and with the over-the-top acting of Tom Arnold, the film has great comedic performances. Still though, it lacks a compelling story.

The simple storyline never got interesting: an unmarried couple discovers they have a baby on the way. The soon-to-be father (Grant) seems uncomfortable with idea of becoming a responsible husband and father - leading to problems with the mother (Julianne Moore). Being in presence of a reckless family (headed by Arnold) just seems to make things worst ... and the story progresses from there.

If you're a Grant fan, you'll enjoy his part in the movie. However, get ready to also discover that it isn't enough to save this movie. It's just not that fun to watch.
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Hugh and Julianne just don't fit together
hakapes18 January 2005
I love both Hugh Grant and Julianne Moore and watch all their movies, but somehow on the screen they do not fit. There's been not a single moment during the whole film that would make me believe they are actually a couple. Hugh can act great with a number of actresses from Julia Roberts to Martin McCutcheon and Julianne passes to a superb partner to Pierce Brosnan - but I'd have never thought to put them together on one screen.

The movie is about a middle aged couple, Samuel and Rebecca, who live together and have the usual no commitment-no worries lifestyle. But Rebecca suddenly discovers that she will have a baby and this is where the story begins.

The first part of the movie was great, but afterwards there's too much overacting with exaggerated jokes. Less of the jokes would have been better and I would have been happier for more development of the inner feelings and development of Samuel and Rebecca. The end of the movie was a big disappointment for me; I expected something more serious and intimate.

Hugh Grant plays quite well these romantic comedy roles, but after the tenth comedy from him, it is getting boring. He remembers me to Meg Ryan, who did excellent in 'When Harry Met Sally' and in 'Sleepless in Seattle', but since then I see almost the same smiles, gestures, interpretations again and again from her. As for Julianne Moore, she just surprised me with her wonderful interpretation in 'Far From Heaven' or in the 'Hours', but ever since then, she's just doing average. 'The Forgotten', the 'Laws of Attraction' are OK movies, but she can do much better than these. I hope she will come out soon with a film where she can show what she is capable of.

So, there are just too many silly jokes in this film to be a comedy, and it only got an average acting performance. In fact, I would rather classify this movie as 'Family', as I think kids would really enjoy this kind of stuff. But as a comedy, it only gets 5/10 at me.
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Has its Moments, Has its FLAWS
Chrysanthepop6 December 2007
'Nine Months' is another typical romantic comedy. It has its funny moments. It has its unfunny moments (especially the toilet humour). While, in my opinion, the film could have been a great comedy, some of the humour is just flat and forced into the screenplay. Generally speaking, it's not a bad film.

Chris Columbus's direction isn't exactly bad as he does manage to make 'Nine Months' a feel-good film. Hugh Grant doesn't seem like the ideal choice for the role. I just didn't find him convincing enough, even though he's known for his rom-com movies. Julianne Moore is a delight to watch even though her role is less comedic and challenging. Joan Cusack is hilarious. Tom Arnold is quite annoying but sometimes he's okay. Jeff Goldblum is adequate in a supporting role. Robin Williams's character seems forced.

While things are a little light and slow in the beginning, it's in the last half hour that the writer puts a little too many comedy, most of it falling flat on its 'face'. With a cast like this, one would have expected better. I'd still say it's far more enjoyable than the likes of 'Runaway Bride' and 'Pretty Woman'.
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Are you ready or not?
Lady_Targaryen29 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
''Nine Months'' is one of the coolest comedies I already watched in my life and even not being the best of them all, I think that ''5.2'' is a very low rate for it.

It is a surprise to me to see that this movie was directed by Chris Columbus, since I always found his movie's style to be very different from the comedy genre. And it's funny to see the small role of Kristin Davis as the Tennis Attendant in this movie, after seeing the enormous success of Sex and The city series.

Samuel has a nice and comfortable life: He has a beautiful girlfriend called Rebecca, has success in his psychiatric clinic, a beautiful red Porsche and everything he wished. But when Rebecca tells him that she is pregnant, his world drastically changes, specially because he doesn't want to have the baby and never actually thought about the idea of having kids. Many confusions will happen, specially with the annoying couple they met at the beach,Marty Dwyer and Gail Dwyer.

->aka "Nove Meses" - Brazil
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A puerile mixture of melodrama and farce
ustinovquinnconnery18 January 2009
This film is as subtle a kicking a house brick with your toe, and deeply dishonest.

The comedic characters and events are from the era of the Keystone Cops; completely over the top. This film is from the genre of farce verging on melodrama, complete with music to make sure we know what we are supposed to think. It should have been honest enough not to pretend to anything more complex.

The life challenges faced by the characters are real enough but the plot is completely cliché and obvious.

The central characters are simplistic and are black & white (she all good, he all bad). The dialog is from the day dreams of a fourteen year old.

The fact that a film uses actor Hugh Grant does not make it sensitive, uplifting or funny. The fact that a film contains sex and slapstick does not make it a romantic comedy.
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Poor story, but good acting and unbelievably funny
KaiOlaf3 October 2020
I understand the low ratings, the storyline is not that good, but I really had some moments I could not stop laughing. The actors also do a really great job. And, last of all, I could not get used to Hugh Grant's haircut.
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It Felt Like At Least Nine Months
Randi-516 July 2002
This movie wasn't even entertaining enough to justify seeing it in the summer in order to enjoy two hours of air conditioning. It was immature and lowbrow, and relied way too much on slapstick (Tom Arnold and Hugh Grant fighting in a toy store; Julianne Moore's wheelchair plowing into a wall; etc.)

Why can't there ever be a movie where someone who doesn't want children at the beginning STILL doesn't want them at the end? Why is "I don't want to be a parent" seen as a character flaw to be overcome, rather than a personal insight to be trusted?

Lame, lame, lame.
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Has its flaws, but not a bad movie by all means...
TheLittleSongbird8 September 2009
I did enjoy most of Nine Months, my favourite part was the ride to the hospital, that was hilarious, and Robin Williams was priceless. Nine Months was nice to watch, but some of it is uneven. Hugh Grant is dashing in the lead, and Julianna Moore as his love interest likewise. However there are other parts that didn't work quite as well. Jeff Goldblum is at least watchable, but the usually excellent Joan Cusack gives a fairly miserable performance as Gail Dwyer. The script has its ups and downs where the humour felt forced, likewise with the story, where some parts were overly sentimental and hurt the pace at times. Nine Months certainly isn't a terrible movie, it just didn't work as much as it had potential to have. 6/10 for a valiant effort. Bethany Cox
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Come on! This is tragic, not funny!
OJT14 August 1999
I very rarely leave the cinema before the film is finished in respect for the other viewers, but I HAD to walk out on this one. When I saw it got surprisingly good comments here, I just had to react! Incredibly boring, not a funny sentence! That's it. If you're really bored one evening, not looking for a comedy, but a dull drama about a silly man getting a baby though he doesn't want to - I guess it is possible to watch it. 3 out of 10. That's all. The 2 main players make their worst appearances ever in this one, and it must be the directors and writers fault!
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Cheesy but I love it
UniqueParticle9 January 2020
A portion is poorly acted although still funny and heartwarming in many aspects. I always found it odd how it has multiple F bombs for a PG-13 film they kinda broke the rules with that. I enjoy anything with Tom Arnold in it he's awesome and Hugh Grant is decent to top it off even better Chris Columbus is a legendary director! Despite so much negativity Nine Months is great in my opinion!
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Sweet, Cute and Slightly Predictable
domino10035 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
"Nine Months" is a cute movie, but a tad bit predictable. Samuel (Hugh Grant)is a child psychiatrist whose beautiful longtime girlfriend Rebecca (Julianne Moore)announces her pregnancy. Samuel is soon in a panic because his perfect life is changing beyond his control. Not helping matters is his relationship with Marty (Tom Arnold), whose own wife Gail (Joan Cusack)is expecting another child. Marty is a constant pain in the butt that means well, but is a major annoyance to Samuel. His friend Sean (Jeff Goldblum)is of no help, either.

You can pretty much see where the film ends up going: guy doesn't want to commit, girl gets upset and leaves, and guy gets a change of heart, realizing that he can't live without girl.

When Rebecca goes into labor, a madcap dash through San Francisco ensues. Once at the hospital, they encounter more weirdness when Dr. Kosevich (Robin Williams)helps to deliver the baby. Problem is, his command of the English language (coupled with the fact that he never delivered a human baby) makes things even more crazy.

Despite some predictability, "Nine Months," which is the American version of "Neuf Mois," the popular French film, is actually sweet and at some times touching (The scene when Samuel watches the tape of the ultrasound of his unborn child can bring a slight moisture to the eyes).

Director Chris Columbus did a good job, though. The publicity surrounding Grant's Hollywood adventure didn't hurt either. Worth a look.
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If you want no child, you are living it wrong
ComedyFan20103 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
What is right is to produce 4 of incredibly annoying, rude, out of control brats and become the kind of people everyone find annoying because they are nothing but parents anymore. At least this is the message of this movie.

This movie is all about cliché gender stereotypes which are equally insulting to both men and women. Men are the ones who act like little babies staring fights in toy stores and be all terrified about pregnancy. And women are annoying bitches with a stick up their bum who don't like fun and are incredibly baby crazy. This is all they want, babies!!! And of course if you want to have a baby you have to "grow up". This means abandon your 16 year old cat. Very disgusting to see a movie promoting such thing, treating animals as objects that can be given away whenever you don't feel like it. I know some reading this will say: "But this is just a mooooooviiiiiieeee.". Well, yes it is, and i am aware that no cat was harmed while filming it. But at the same time: how many hysterical preggos got rid of their poor pets because they watched it and got scared about a "disease".

When it comes to what i discussed before: gender stereotyping. Some comedies can get away with it, when they are funny. But this one can't even be qualified as a real comedy. Way too much cheese in it to be funny.

And when they get funny sometimes they go way too far and become more than a comedy but some slapstick. Which doesn't have to be bad, actually my favorite part of this movie is the trip to the hospital. But a slapstick is good when it is a slapstick, and not mainly a child promoting, non-parents shaming melodrama.

I think the actors are good, but this didn't help the fact that I hated the characters and all the movie. The only exception could be Robin Williams.

Can't really give this movie a good rating. A good cast and 2 scenes which I liked can't make it up for the fact that the rest of the movie was very bad.
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Argument For Sterilization
venom_7016 August 2003
"Nine Months" is a predictable chick flick, where a very happy, content bachelor knocks up his live-in girlfriend, thereby turning his world upside-down. Lessons learned: men who don't want to marry and have children are portrayed as immature, self-absorbed, selfish, and misguided. Carting lots of screaming kids around in a minivan is, apparently, the most fun a man can have in this lifetime. For women, having children is the ultimate achievement and fulfillment of their lives. This is an insulting fairy tale that women will love, because it shows men who don't want marriage and kids as BAD and men who do want marriage and kids as GOOD. Women are always GOOD no matter what their attitude or actions are.
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What a miscarriage!
dunmore_ego23 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
NINE MONTHS is about an expectant couple. To borrow a tagline from a Jeff Goldblum movie: Be afraid. Be very afraid. If the inanity doesn't kill you, the stupidity will.

NINE MONTHS opens with Samuel and Rebecca (Hugh Grant and Julianne Moore) on a beach, assessing their couplehood, Samuel deciding he is happy, Rebecca intimating she is dissatisfied. (So what's new? She's a woman in a relationship - synonymous with "dissatisfied.") She speaks of her biological clock and other subjects men Do Not Hear - and we brace ourselves for a dull romantic comedy.

Suddenly - Tom Arnold! With three spoiled brat kids and Joan Cusack screeching not far behind as his harridan wife. And we realize we're in for a dull, STUPID romantic comedy.

Women are always complaining that men cannot know the pain of childbirth. By watching NINE MONTHS, each of us insensitive men can at last feel such pain.

Based on a film written and directed by Patrick Braoudé, NEUF MOIS, Chris Columbus writes and directs NINE MONTHS like a brainless farce rooted in wrong: the wrong way to raise kids, the wrong way to behave during pregnancy, the wrong way to assess morality and the wrong way to medically process a birth (Robin Williams makes an embarrassing cameo as a Russian obstetrician who seems to have his accent confused with his asshole).

Marty's (Arnold's) kids are such horrible snots that this movie shoots itself in the womb as it is trying to send the message that kids are precious.

Jeff Goldblum is Sean, Samuel's best friend and sworn bachelor. And the high point of the movie - he's the B-character, but his presence is magnetic; it's like a professional has been called in to work amateurs. When he calls Marty's kids "monsters" - even though they are portrayed that way - he is regarded as perverse as a guy who turns into a human fly. When Sean describes how he dumped his girlfriend when she wanted to get pregnant, he is again painted as hilariously crazy, even though he is the most balanced character in the movie: "She chewed up my manhood, swallowed my youth... She wanted my seed, so I closed the iron door, denied her my essence!" And he left out the part about his baby being a maggot.

When Rebecca falls pregnant, she tells Samuel she gets a kick out of "something living inside her." (Was she talking about Samuel's English pinewood during intercourse? Maybe she should talk to Geena Davis during that dream sequence birth.) For the record, girly, nothing is "living inside you" - your baby is a part of your metabolism. It IS you until it is birthed. If you want to talk about things living inside you with a sovereign metabolism, think about the billions of bacteria in your mouth or the bacteria that helps digest food in your villi. Got tapeworm? Why not a gerbil?

Message comes through loud and stupid: Pregnant mothers are the best people in the world. The expectant father is Always Wrong. And getting to the hospital during labor is always going to be riddled with idiocy. And the sworn Monster Bachelor can't possibly be happy with a 25-year-old blond on his arm with "breasts like spongecake, calves like calzones and crazy about sex," because bachelors are men and Men Are Pigs.

And though it is happening naturally in billions of organisms around the Earth, though the process of birth is no more outside the natural order of life than breathing, though there is nothing about pregnancy that defies logic or biology, whenever a women plops out an infant human being, it is somehow always - a Miracle.

And then there's the other subliminal message that because the mother is pregnant, she HAS to get married to her live-in boyfriend before the birth, because heaven forfend if they're not married when the baby is born - it might be the anti-Christ or a maggot or something...

Give her nine more months cleaning up vomit and cack - she'll miraculously be dissatisfied all over again.
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Robin Williams Steals This Movie
slightlymad2212 September 2014
Hugh Grant's first Hollywood feature film was made a year after Four Weddings & A Funeral, and he co starred with Julianne Moore, who had been around awhile, appearing in small but significant roles in movies like 'Benny & Joon' and 'The Fugitive'. Tom Arnold, Joan Cusack and Jeff Goldblum are all here giving good support, but it's Robin Williams who steals the movie as a nervous Russain doctor.

Grant and Moore play a couple who have been in love for five happy years. Then she unexpectedly falls pregnant. She is happy about it, but he's horrified by the idea.

It's hard to root for Grant as the hero of the piece as he is a selfishly, arrogant, self centred cliché of an unwilling Dad to be. The fact that he keeps seeing Arnold and Cusack and their brood of disruptive kids only ads his horror. I liked Arnold and Cusack so much, I actually thought they could have had their own spin off movie! Something in the vein of 'National Lampoons Vacation' Likewise Williams Russain doctor. He gives the movie it's only real big laughs.

Something I need to point out, is Hans Zimmer's score, it is beautiful.

Sadly this movie suffers massively from it's predictability. Everybody knows how it will end, the supposed fun is supposed to come on the journey to the obvious happy conclusion. But it's just not there, there is very little charm here and it's the fault of Grant's character being so selfish. Admittedly if he was supportive from the get go, we would not have much of a movie.
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one of hugh grant worst
hakra110 November 2020
When a comedy is good, you even realize it seeing how the actors had fun doing it, that they had their laughs and enjoyed their work. in this one they just followed the poor and obvious script in another propagandan movie, that tells you that womens happiness is only in marriage and children. some good jokes, but a lot of really childish ones too... and quite boring at the same time. i like hugh grant movies and his humour but this one is a fail
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Crude comedy has a redeeming ending
SimonJack9 March 2018
This 1995 comedy-romance is a reflection of the mores by the late 20th century in America, especially the metropolitan scene. The lead characters are an unmarried couple, Samuel and Rebecca, who have been living together for five years. They have good careers and enjoy life together. They have frequent sex and practice contraception because they haven't wanted to have children.

They say they are in love. So far, they have liked the arrangement that might be spoiled if they were to marry. But seeing children in other families, Rebecca asks Samuel if he wouldn't like to have more in life. Samuel has been content and doesn't want to have to change. When she gets pregnant, their lives do change.

"Nine Months" has a mixture of comedy and seriousness. But, much of the comedy and some of the dialog is crude or crass. Hugh Grant plays Samuel and Julianne Moore is Rebecca. Tom Arnold, as Marty Dwyer, is the source of much of the crudity of this film. The guy seems to play those roles mostly. What little humor he may add is lost due to his loud and crude antics and dialog. He's a brother-in-law of a mutual friend, Sean Fletcher, played by Jeff Goldblum.

The movie has a fine outcome as Samuel changes and is changed by the new life in their lives. Robin Williams has a comedy part as a Russian doctor, and he vies with Arnold for crudity with his dialog. Joan Cusack is a balancing character in the film, with some humor and sense, as Marty's wife, Gail.

This film is about finding more in life beyond the sensual pleasures which are self-centered. Rebecca wants more than that, and, in time, Samuel wants it with her. So, he sheds his selfishness. Some people really don't want more in life, so they wouldn't enjoy this type of film. As Sean says, he may wind up all alone in the end. But he'll just keep on going and adjust his attitude to take his mind off of it.
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Awful, Horrible Movie!
laurnor-9681611 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I actually PAID to see this POS when it was still in the theaters. Big mistake: that's $8.00 and a couple of hours out of my life that I can never get back!

The entire premise of the movie is just so wrong: A woman is in a long-term relationship with her boyfriend. Everything is fine, until one day when she sees some kids playing. Now, all of a sudden, she has a BAD case of Baby Fever! And since the boyfriend doesn't feel the same way, she accidentally-on-purpose "forgets" to use birth control, falling pregnant soon after and then forcing her man to marry her, even though he's not interested in that, either. Then...wackiness ensues, right through the end.

Most of the stars of this movie are A-Listers (or they were back in 1995, anyway), so it had to have been a pretty big-budget production. I can only think that they all were paid a LOT of $$$, because why else would they have agreed to be part of such a farce?!

Not only was this "comedy" not funny, but as a woman, I found it incredibly offensive that its main message to audiences was, "Ladies, want your man to marry you? Then just use the oldest trick in the book: get pregnant with his baby so that he'll have no choice but to make an honest woman out of you!" Ugh!

If you're reading this review in 2022, and are wondering if you should bother with the movie because it's available via streaming or whatever, do yourself a favor and RUN as far away from it as possible. If you decide to watch it anyway, don't say I didn't warn you!
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Not bad; some miscasting; a truly hilarious finale
vincentlynch-moonoi1 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I liked this film...although it took some effort to do so. Let's start with what's wrong with the film. First and foremost, I couldn't buy Hugh Grant as a child psychologist. That just didn't work for me. Additionally, at least at this phase of his life, he needed to tone up a bit. His body just looked non-sexual...in a film that is essentially about sex. And his modified page boy haircut. And I say all that as a person who generally likes Hugh Grant in films.

The other thing that just doesn't seem to work here is Robin Williams' stint as a Russian obstetrician. I'm not quite sure why it doesn't work, and it does deliver a few laughs, but it just kinda lays there.

Julianne Moore as the female lead does nicely, although this role seems out of her normal scope. Tom Arnold does okay as an overbearing friend. Even better is Joan Cusack as his wife, who rarely fails to make me laugh! Jeff Goldblum seems out of place here and in a role that is rather minor; he's a better actor than the rest in the cast, and deserves a better and more prominent role.

So I'm sure it sounds as if I'm not recommending this film, but its saving grace is a truly funny conclusion once the water breaks...one that had me laughing out loud repeatedly...and I'm usually one who keeps his chuckles to himself. It made the movie worth watching!
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Not Worth Your Time
ajwebb31 August 2003
Nine months was the worst movie I have ever seen. I do not, in any way, recommend this movie to ANYONE. This movie is a disgrace to movies period. Take mine, and everyone else suggestions and STAY AWAY from this movie at all costs.
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One of the best romantic comedies I've seen
Smells_Like_Cheese1 August 2004
Hugh Grant and Julianne Moore are a great duo in this comedy. I cannot believe that this movie is rated 5.3, I was laughing my head off. And I can name 10 people off right now that said they were dying of laughter from this film. Yes, it is a little silly at times, but if you enjoy slapstick, this is the movie for you.

Hugh Grant plays Samuel. A handsome and successful man who unexpectingly finds out that his girlfriend, Julian Moore, is having a baby. Of course he has his doubts about the baby while his girlfriend needs his support badly.

It's a great movie. The only thing I can say is that Robin needs a little work on the accent.

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Good film with some laugh out loud moments Warning: Spoilers
Basically Sam(Hugh Grant) and Rebecca(Julianne Moore) are living together and seem to have this perfect life. Suddenly Rebecca tells Sam that they are going to have a baby. He's very unwilling to accept this as it means he'll have to give up on a few things such as his beloved car, as it only fits two people. Rebecca dumps him after a while due to his lack of enthusiasm but then he eventually wins her back. They get married and she has the baby. I think other IMDb members are far too critical about this film. Of course its nit going to win any Oscars but it is a funny rom-com. Its not trying to be this great dramatic film. There was a few really funny moments. I laughed so much when they had the fight with the dinosaur and when Sam kept crashing into people when he was trying to get Rebecca to the hospital. I think Hugh Grant is a very good actor and he did a relatively good job in this film. I also think Robin Williams was so funny as the doctor. I think the Dwyer family added a lot of humour to the film.

But there were some bad moments in the film. The scene where Rebecca and Gail had their babies was completely over the top and something you would expect in a kids show, but yet i still found it funny. Also did Sam get rid of the cat? He should have because that would have meant he was really prepared to give up some of his life for the baby (because the doctor said the cat could be unhygienic to have around when the baby was born. Sam didn't want to give the cat away because he had it for many years) Also i didn't feel like there was any chemistry between Sam and Rebecca

However I still enjoyed the film and i would recommend it if you want a light hearted, funny film to relax to.
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I AM a mother and I hate it!
mariondowning4 November 2006
I am a PARENT and I cringed all through this movie. This slop belongs in the early 1900s where the stereotypical woman conned a man into getting them pregnant then guilted him into marrying her.

Why do men have to love the idea of being a father and aspire toward it? Parenting is a hard job and it shouldn't be trivialised, kids change everything about your life and you aren't you anymore. You're so and so's Mum/Dad or so and so's Grandparent for the rest of your life no matter how hard you try to keep your own life. People should be ready to have kids, not have it thrust upon them and be expected to change into Superparent on demand or be shunned like a leper.

There are already too many hurt kids in this world who were born so their parents could have what they wanted, then decided they weren't what they wanted after all. Enough.
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