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MPAA Rated R for strong sexuality and language, violence and pervasive alcohol abuse

Sex & Nudity

  • in one extended scene the main character is watching a stage show with a woman wearing a thin top and panties and several musicians on stage. During the show she removes the top and the scene cuts from a full shot of her topless, back to the main character, and then to a closeup of the topless woman, then back and forth a couple more times between the main character and the closeup of the topless woman facing the camera. Breasts are clearly visible multiple times during the scene.
  • The female lead is a prostitute. There are several discussions of her profession with sexual references.
  • While waiting in line in a business, the main character is staring at an attractive woman while talking into a portable recorder and talking about pouring bourbon on the woman's intimate body parts and tasting the bourbon off her body. He uses graphic language in describing what he would do. She can't hear him but the others in line are listening. Within first 20 minutes of film.
  • In a shower we see a fully nude woman but she is sat curled up so does not show her breasts or waist at all.
  • The female lead performs oral sex on the male lead. Male is fully clothed, female is wearing a bra and skirt, and you mostly see their heads, so no nudity. First 15 minutes of film.
  • A woman straddles a man on a lounger outside by a pool. She lowers her top, kisses him, and pours alcohol over her nude breasts (seen mostly from the side) and then he drinks it off her. The scene is graphic and in slow motion in part. 1h17
  • There is a scene where a naked man is thrusting on top of a clothed woman, male bare buttocks visible. It is unclear whether it is consensual, and the woman looks uncomfortable as camera follows her head knocking against the headboard. Within first 20 minutes of film.
  • A scene in a hotel room, a businessman presents a prostitute, who walks in, asks a man if he wants to watch, and then starts to get intimate with another woman, standing, while both are fully clothed. The scene ends with a man holding the other woman half-reclining (still clothed), she is moaning sexually. It's a little unclear who is who and what is what. Within first 15 minutes of film.
  • A woman straddles a man on a bed and they have sex.
  • Some brief scenes of female nudity, including bare breasts.

Violence & Gore

  • 11+, since it shows how cool it isn't to drink!
  • A man is head-butted in the face and his nose bleeds.


  • 66 uses of "fuck", 19 uses of "shit", 3 uses of "Jesus", 3 uses of "Christ", 5 uses of "bitch", 21 uses of "ass", 10 uses of "hell", 15 uses of "damn." 10 uses of "pussy."

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • The main character is an alcoholic and wants to drink himself to death. He is seen drinking throughout the movie.
  • The main male character suffers from severe alcoholism, which is shown in an intense way.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • The whole film revolves around a suicidal man who goes to Vegas to drink alcohol until he dies.
  • The film has a dark tone.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Sex & Nudity

  • Scene of a prostitute being beaten and raped by a group of men.

Violence & Gore

  • Female lead is gang raped in hotel room.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • Ben's death at the end of the movie is insanely devastating and emotional, and the movie ends very soon after the scene. The scene is darkly lit, and somewhat surreally shot.

See also

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