Dangerous Intentions (TV Movie 1995) Poster

(1995 TV Movie)

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Everything that ever meant anything to me you've taken away!
sol121830 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
**SPOILER** Hard hitting movie about spousal abuse and how in many cases the law and court system is unable to prevent it. That's until the person abused almost ends up being murdered by, in this case the wife, her abuser.

You can see right away that Tom Williamson, Corbin Bernsen, is committable in how he treats his long suffering wife Beth, Donna Mills, at the start of the film. It's as if anything that Beth does is not good enough for her control freak nut-case of a husband! Even the potato salad that Beth cooked up for Tom and her sweet and also abused, because of her pops instability, 6 year old daughter Lourie, Alexandera Purvis, ended up, together with the main course, on the floor not the kitchen table. Always looking to start something over nothing Tom's brutality against his helpless wife reach a breaking point when she together with little Lourie flee from the Williamson home to the safety of her sister Terrie's, Allison Hossack, place before the deranged Tom ends up killing her.

It's later when Tom breaks into Beth's parents house where she was staying that he really went all out in battering her leaving Beth's face a bloody mess and almost unrecognizable. It's then with Beth's father Andrew, Ken Pouge, and the local police coming to her rescue that she finally decided to press charges against the crazed and dangerous lunatic. Faced with jail time and the loss of his daughter Lourie, in a custody battle that Beth is sure to win, Tom changes his tactics in him acting babyish and almost stupid. This is Tom's way of trying to show the court just how innocent he is and that it's really Beth, whom he claims abuses both him and Lourie, who's really the cause of all the problems in the Williamson household. Being the master manipulator that he is Tom at first gets away with it in him being released from the clink, jail, but forced to attend anger management classes. Instead of learning to control his temper Tom learns all the ins and outs of saying the right words to his probation officer that ends up with him being let out on the street to do more damage to Beth despite an order of protection from the court issued against him!

It's when Beth is forced to testify in open court against her roommate Kaye Farrar's (Robin Givens), at the local battered woman's shelter where Beth & Lourie are now living, deranged and estranged husband Joe, Tracy Olsen, whom she witnessed knifing her to death that her cover in being in the witness protection program is blown. With Tom now completely out of control in his wanting to do Beth in he now can find out, in her being forced to testify, Beth's place of residence!

**SPOILERS** If Tom wasn't crazy enough the last ten or so minutes of the film has him go the whole nine yards straight to a both padded cell and straight-jacket. It's Beth very alert neighbors who in the end saved her life by calling the police who came to her rescue when this time around Tom was ready to use a gun, not his fists, on her! The movie shows how a defenseless woman like Beth Williamson is mistreated by her deranged husband because of at first her unwillingness, until it finally gets out of hand, to press charges against him. It was Beth putting up with Tom's craziness that in fact encouraged, in getting away with it, instead of pacified Tom and almost lead to her ending up getting killed by him!
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broyeram4 February 2018
There's a constant wind noise through most of the movie. This can be caused by failure to use a device called a "dead cat" (or "dead kitten" for a small one). This is a furry cover for the microphone that slows the wind before it hits the microphone and makes noise.
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Don't Ignore The Signs
JoelChamp8528 March 2021
A somewhat accurate depiction of domestic abuse. This TV movie does a decent job of showing the snowball effect that can happen when abuse starts in a family home. At times you question the choices the female victims make. But, then you realize - they shouldn't have to make these decision in order to protect themselves and the children from their abusive partners, and who knows how you'd actually react to a situation like this.
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Want More Much More
carlosctt-575 May 2019
Part Burning Bed part Sleeping with the Enemy Corbin Bernsen is chilling as the abusing spouse out to make Donna Mills life a living hell. Robin Given's role is small I wanted more. This movie about domestic violence is good but could have been better.
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One of the worst pieces of garbage in cinematic history.
ronnieronb30 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Donna Mills plays Beth Williams, a battered wife who has suffered years of abuse at the hands of her brutal husband. Tom Williamson, played by Corbin Bernsen, is the husband who seems to have it all and yet has treated his wife cruelly over the years.

Eventually, Tom is arrested after battering his wife. When Tom is released from prison with only probation he begins to stalk and threaten his wife.

While Tom is in prison, Beth stays at the home of her friend Terri. When Tom is released he decides to go after his wife. Tom finds Beth and threatens her. Afterwards Beth tells Terri and Terri's husband, this idiot doesn't deserve a name. The idiot doesn't think that Tom means any harm and says, "I'm sure he's just trying to scare you." What in the world does that idiot mean? Beth has bruises on her face and the idiot thinks that Tom is only trying to scare Beth. How stupid can one person be? Well, I'm sure the idiot's opinion changed when in the middle of the night someone through a Molotov cocktail through the Beth's window onto her bed. Luckily, Beth was not there. Of course no arrest was made. Stupidity is a typical trait of the characters in this movie.

The basic premise for this movie is how a battered wife tries to win freedom from her cruel husband. It is too bad she didn't get more help, heaven knows she needed it.
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Effective battered woman movie
phd_travel5 January 2020
Lovely Donna Mills stars as a battered woman who after leaving her abusive husband flees to a shelter. Corbin Bernsen acts cruel enough. Robyn Givens is effective as a battered woman she meets and gets killed by her ex. The system doesn't protect her when she has to go into witness protection.

Highlights flaws in the system. They made them better in the 90s.
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paulclaassen5 July 2018
TV movie. Donna Mills especially is very unconvincing - typical soap actress. Praise to Corbin Bernsen as the psychopath. The film plays like a 'been there done that' movie.
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Pretty good film Overall
ksga-916-64906412 May 2017
I enjoyed the film overall. The subject of the film was absorbing. Each aspect of the abuse was spot on and very thoughtfully done.

The acting was pretty bad, I think they deliberately act this way for this type of movie. This didn't bother me too much. It's well worth a watch.
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The sound is awful!
nicolaperrin14 May 2024
I struggled to watch this movie because the sound is so awful. There's a loud wind noise throughout that was driving me insane! It's a shame as I enjoyed it otherwise, but I could never watch it ever again due to the sound issues. How could they finalise the movie without realising how bad it really is? It's very odd. The acting isn't great, but not the worst I've ever seen. I've seen this kind of storyline many times before, but I thought it was well written and believable. I really wish they could've reshot it, but I guess that would've cost too much money. If you can manage to handle the awful wind noise overshadowing it, then it's worth a watch. If you're easily irritated by background noises, maybe give it a miss.
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Horrors of domestic life when love goes wrong
clanciai19 January 2024
The horror of this most unwanted situation is the absolute hopelessness of the victim's case when she finds herself utterly powerless. When a man or husband turns off to a road of brutality, the question is, whether it is at all possible to make him turn right again. Unfortunately an overwhelming lot of cases refute that possibility. It becomes like an addiction, he just has to turn on again in that fury and go berserk again and again, until society has had enough and has to stop him. The wife is helpless, her awareness of it just goes from bad to worse all the way, the only way through is to endure it, and here at least she has the great opportunity to state her case at court, which is the highlight of the film - the court wants to charge her for contempt of court, but her case is too strong, too convincing, too real, for anyone to be able to raise any objection. And alas, her case proves too real and true, as she is not the only one whose husband tries to murder her - there are three million American women being abused by their partners on a daily basis, resulting in three deaths per day. This social problem is more than just outrageous.
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