7 Reviews
WTH was this??
kbtoys10016 March 2021
I wanted to like this movie, Robert Davi as a bad biker, john savage as a weirdo cajun killer, ninjas, drugs and nudity. Should be b-movie gold right?

Wrong. Zero plot, terrible action and one of the worst soundtracks ever. (A chinese flute plays constantly when our ninjas are in a scene).

Here is the story: Two ninjas avenge the death of a sister by drug dealers in New Orleans. Robert Davi and a very bored Michael Pare investigate but actually do very little. Then John Savage and another guy kill some cops.

Davi and Pare meet up with the ninjas and team up. Lots of dialogue someone thought would be very cool sounding but they had no idea how to make a coherent conversation with it. OJ Simpsons ex girlfriend is a side love interest for Robert just to have a sexy lady in the cast. Also a bum named Flea rides around in the baddies trunk for hours to keep tabs on them.

After an exciting beginning of a girl buried in concrete then Davi has a shootout in a cemetery, things get boring quick.

Three stars simply for the cast. The only way this should be watched is as a highlight reel of cheesiest moments.
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texastea-220737 March 2019
Sliced and diced...just like Nicole Simpson. Makes me wonder.
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What a waste of time!
RainOnMe10 February 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Don't be fooled by the box at the video store that sells this as a sexy action movie. The action part is so-so. The sexy part is non-existent. (A few spoilers ahead.) Watch two cops (one disgraced for some reason we never find out) investigate some crimes, at every step to end up in the same place as two ninjas who are avenging their sister's death!

Where do they come up with a plot like this? Where do these characters come from? An exiled cop who just happens to know japanese, and for that matter, a big japanese mob presence in New Orleans? Give me a break! Paula Barbieri is headlined here as the "sexy Playboy playmate", but she never gets out of her cocktail dress!

Quite a waste of an hour and a half.
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Boring Mess
refinedsugar28 August 2023
B-movie stars Michael Pare and Robert Davi headline a subpar flick that checks all the cliche boxes ninjas included. The issue is how shabby the whole thing looks, feels, moves. The story isn't anything new - Japanese infused flicks were popular in the early 90's - and it's certainly not fun. The action is low level all the way and even by dtv standards not done very well.

A Japanese lady is caught taking pictures of a deal involving crime boss Tito (Juan Fernandez) in New Orleans and killed. Her brother (Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa) & sister go about slicing up the low life involved. Which leaves cop Random (Pare) with dead bodies, a lack of answers and in need of help. Enter Japanese specialist Davalos (Davi) who comes back to town and is forced to work along side him as Tito hires killer Emile (John Savage) to take out both the cops and those responsible for his men's deaths.

Both action openings that establish Pare, Davi are poor and not shot very well. Ditto any piece after and the ending is a joke. Elliot Gould shows up for one scene to make his next Lexus payment. Paula Barbieri plays an ex girlfriend caught in the middle. It's a piece of stunt casting and doesn't lead where you want it to. Though Pare gets it on with a blonde and stops include a strip club, porn set for nudity.

'The Dangerous' is a poor dtv flick justifiably left in the past. Working on a low budget there isn't a lot of skill involved behind the camera and the story is a bore. I like Pare, I especially like Davi and there's no denying Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa has popped up in a lot of fun titles as well. However this was one of the worst things I've grabbed off a video store shelf and ultimately how it'll be remembered.
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the family should always be honored, especially here.
vrink7 January 2004
I first saw this film when it came out in 1994. I was struck by the characters and the way the movie played out. I have been a fan of (I hate to call them this)"chop sake movies" but this brought back the reason I love movies of this genre. I agree the plot was predictable and the acting stiff, but overall I am fascinated by the way the film was shot. The actors have gone on to better parts but this one sticks in my mind, more than any movie of someone like Bruce Lee, or Mark Dacascos. I loved this film.
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The Dangerous is an enjoyable movie that delivers what you want.
tarbosh2200016 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
When their sister is murdered while doing an expose on drug dealers (never a good idea), her brother Kon Seki (Tagawa) and her sister Akiko (Nakamura), a team of sibling ninjas, snap into action and start killing drug goons all over New Orleans. Cop Random (Pare - his name in the movie is Random, just for clarification) is assigned to the case - but for some reason that isn't quite clear, he's assigned a non-police, motorcycle-riding, rogue badass named Davalos (Davi) to be his partner. While Davalos and Random hire local weirdo Flea (Joel Grey, not the bass player) to help them out, the baddies also hire a knife-wielding killer named Lautrec (Savage) to do their dirty work. Will the forces of law and order learn to co-exist with the secretive ninjas in order to fight the baddies? Find out today! The Dangerous. It seems like that title should have another word or two in it...but despite the seemingly-truncated title, the movie itself is really cool and surprisingly good. It boasts an interesting idea, a top-notch B-movie cast, and is competently written and directed. It's hard to ask for more.

It's truly Robert Davi at his absolute best. When we first see him, he's out in the desert and looks like Walker Texas Ranger-era Chuck Norris. Then, mere seconds later, he's on his chopper, sporting a half-beard and strongly resembles Renegade-era Lorenzo Lamas. But regardless of who he happens to look like, here Davi is tough, witty and gets all the best lines. He even speaks Japanese. He and Pare make a great team. The movie was even smart enough to ensure there was none of that annoying bickering that goes on between partners with different attitudes. That sort of detail shows us that The Dangerous is a cut above the rest. It's really surprising there were no sequels - the 90's were full of apparently unnecessary sequels: if there can be three Snake Eater movies, and three Crackerjack movies, why not at least one more The Dangerous movie? Speaking of the 90's, The Dangerous is pitch-perfect for 1995. For those that remember going to your local video store around that time period, this movie will stand out as highly typical of that era. "1995" exudes from every frame of film. That's a good thing, by the way. There's a lot of solid action, from the Louisiana graveyard shootout, to the post-Hard Target (1993) action scene in the warehouse where they keep all the Mardi Gras floats. Naturally there is the fruit cart car chase/crash, among other favorites. But Michael Pare's car has cool stripes on the door. So there's that.

Besides the aforementioned Pare, Davi, Tagawa, Grey and Savage, it's certainly worth noting that none other than Elliott Gould is also on board. For some reason he has a cameo as a projectionist in the scene at the movie theater (another cool action setpiece and sports some interesting posters in the background to boot). The filmmakers could have gotten any actor for this part, but getting a major star like Gould must have been a coup. Not quite on the same talent level as Gould, Ron Jeremy also does a one-scene cameo as a porn director. And Sven-Ole Thorsen appears as a bodyguard. So everywhere you look in The Dangerous there is a familiar face.

Featuring some hair metal-type songs from a band called Skindiver, The Dangerous is an enjoyable movie that delivers what you want.
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How does this stink? Let me count the ways.
TheMovieMark14 June 2004
Is this movie any good? Well, if you read the cast list and the plot then you should realize that no, this movie isn't any good. If for some reason you're still wondering what makes this a bad movie then let me try to be a little clearer:

*Paula Barbieri is part of the cast. *Michael Paré plays a character named "Random." *This movie contains both brother and sister ninja warriors AND Cajun warriors.

Who thought it was a good idea for Paula Barbieri to give acting a try? I just don't understand why Paula (whose character name was also Paula, that probably made life easier on her) couldn't deliver a single line fluently. "What ... are ... you ... doing?" JUST ACT LIKE YOU'RE HAVING A REAL LIFE CONVERSATION! Is it that hard? It can't be. Goodness. I almost stopped the tape when she said something to Robert Davi about "the ... world ... is ... our ... oyster."

Speaking of Robert Davi, what in the wide world of sports is he doing in this movie? Did he have some major gambling debts to pay off or something? I guess he's actually decent as the biker warrior, but there's no way you'll care. Joel Grey has an inexplicable role as some homeless guy who rides around in the trunk of the ninjas' car and feeds information to Davi and Paré through the use of his cell phone. Don't ask me because I have no explanation. It made about as much sense as the rest of this stinkfest. Most the rest of the cast consisted of people who have appeared in at least one episode of Walker, Texas Ranger.

I know I shouldn't be surprised, but the movie made no sense! And I sure don't feel like trying to make sense of it. There were lots of senseless explosions and mindless action that can't be described as either very explosive or action-packed. And I know I don't have to say this, but the end was just stupid. It had something to do with Davi and Paré finally understanding the ways of the Samurai and... OH I JUST DON'T CARE ANYMORE!

Stephanie and I did a lot of searching, but we finally found a Hollywood Video that had this movie in stock. Things got off to an excellent start when I took the movie out of the case and it looked like a store-bought video. It had a sticker on it with a hand-written label that said something about the video being replaced. It wasn't rewound all the way either. We joked that that was probably as far in the movie as the last people got and they just stopped the tape and hurried up and took it back. We figured they decided paying the rewind fee would be worth it. When I tried to rewind it, it wouldn't work. Something more supernatural was at work.

Turns out that the tape had been cut or torn and someone tried to put it back together with scotch tape. Against our better judgment we fooled around with it until we were able to rewind it and watch the movie. God was sending us a message. We should've listened. Once the movie was over I realized that somebody was obviously trying to cut out portions of the movie to try to piece together some sort of plot. Nice try, but it didn't work.


If you're watching this movie with about four other people, then you might be able to get a few laughs out of it, but there are so many other *bad* movies out there that are more entertaining. I certainly can't recommend that you go out of your way to find this movie and spend your hard-earned money on it, but if you ever do watch it, and a couple of weeks later somebody asks you what it was about, then your response may go something like this:

"Um, it had lots of violence, Paula Barbieri in a mini-skirt and high heels, and uh, hmm, ninja warriors, and ... oh, I don't know. I'm still trying to figure out if there's a way to get those 96 minutes of my life back."
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