Andre (1994) Poster


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The Good & Bad Of 'Andre'
ccthemovieman-127 November 2006
GOOD - What gave this movie appeal and made it a bit different is that a seal is the star. The likable seal, "Andre," (in real life, Tory, the sea lion) has cute face with big brown eyes and likes to stick his tongue out and give everyone "the raspberry." The latter joke is way overdone, but it's okay. The most likable human is the father, played by Keith Carradine. The kids are somewhat spoiled but the little one, the star (Tina Majorino) isn't bad.

THE BAD - Too much typical Hollywood families in which (1) there is a stupid teen romance with a rebellious, pouting female teen; (2) the nasty foe who makes trouble for no apparent reason; (3) the nice-guy husband who gets unfairly blamed or is proved wrong in family affairs (the Liberal mother always winning out).

OVERALL - A little more of the seal and less of the teen girls and other annoying people would have made this a lot better. As it is, one viewing was enough.
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Seen once, seen it all!
emm1 December 1998
Based on a true story and from a library book, ANDRE shows viewers the love, triumphs, and companionship animals can bring. It does teach the perfect lesson about wild marine animals, too. A lot of "family" movies express this kind of idea, making this one more of the same like the rest, which was expected for me. They now suffer from a lack of originality and a very simple plot. I also hate the wasteful oldies put into this and I've heard enough of them already! Andre's characterization will charm and delight the young, though. I had a feeling this was going to rip off FREE WILLY at the time of its release. Actually, this is not that kind of movie. Parents and siblings will appreciate this one before the evening supper. Give the kids something else other than cute little old playful animals for a change!
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Very nice movie, very endearing
TheLittleSongbird31 May 2010
Andre is a very sweet type of film, maybe too sickly sweet, but it is very nice and endearing. There are some slow moments in the middling half and some of the writing gets a tad mawkish. That said, the acting is fine, Tina Majorino is really good as the animal-loving daughter who befriends the seal, and it was really nice to see Keith Carradine in a somewhat atypical role as he portrayed the most likable human character. The cinematography is beautiful, the scenery is magical and the music is lovely.

What makes Andre though is the seal Andre, played in real-life by a sea-lion. Andre is one lovable character, he is so cute, endearing and funny. His scenes with Majorino were very touching, and he just steals the film from everybody else with effortless ease. Overall, a very sweet but enjoyable family fare, and I just want to add I noticed no rip-off of anything, then again I am not as observant as some people. 7/10 Bethany Cox
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Film for all to enjoy.
cmyklefty5 January 2002
Andre is a seal pup who is orphaned and taken in by a little girl in New England coastal town. The seal become a local celebrity in town. The seal in the film is almost like a dog, but with flippers. It is a light hearten and touching film. A movie I would recommend for the whole family to watch.
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A forgotten gem that is extremely underrated
lisafordeay27 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Andre is based on a true story about a seal who's mother died and is raised by a little girl called Toni(played by Tina Marinjo) and her father played by Keith Carradine and his wife played by Chelsea Field. Toni of course is a very shy girl who hasn't got any real friends and is bulled in school with some girl called Mary.Of course she meets Andre as her father brings him home because his land is in trouble and its to dangerous for him to be left in sea. So Andre becomes part of the family. But Toni's sister is jealous of Andre and hates him because he ruined her day as she was doing something in the festival and has boy trouble with a boy played by a very young Joshua Jackson from Dawson Creek.

So will Andre get back to his own sea and go into the wild or will he be left at the Aquarium?

Bottom line I own this on VHS since I was a little girl and I really enjoyed this movie.I seen it about 2 nights ago as I normally watch it every year once and I love animal movies anyway so if you love animals than check it out. The story is very endearing and heartwarming and the cast was great especially the girl Tina Majorino who was in Grey's Anatomy in 2013 for a few episodes. Also the backgrounds are nice too as the film is set in Maine New England.

Overall its a 7. And if you haven't seen it yet than get it in Amazon at a reasonable price.
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Clean, family movie...
Cephyran30 December 2003
I haven't watched this movie in a while, but it still stands out in my mind. It's a decent, clean movie for children, and its mildly stimulating. I certainly wouldn't brag about having it in my collection, but I don't regard it as juvenile. It's a quality family style movie. The only difference for me is that I appeal to a different genre.
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jboothmillard4 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I assumed this film would follow similar territory to what Free Willy (released a year before) did, just with a different lovable sea creature, it was certainly I film I knew at the time would get the family going, directed by George Miller (The Neverending Story II: The Next Chapter, Robinson Crusoe). Basically set in 1962 in Rockport, Maine, nine-year-old Toni Whitney (Napoleon Dynamite's Tina Majorino) and her family find and adopt an orphaned baby seal, they name it Andre (played by Tory the sea lion). Andre is manageable as a pup, but as he grows up he starts getting into mischief, some of the fishermen in the town are antagonised, by this point Toni has formed an inseparable friendship and bond with Andre. One of the fisherman upset is Billy Baker (Keith Szarabajka), because Toni's father Harry (Keith Carradine, David's brother), he was appointed Harbour Master instead of him, particularly because of the seal, so the friendship between the seal and Toni is threatened. The humorous antics of Andre gains media attention, so this upsets the fishermen even more that think their business will be run down, in the end Toni knows that Andre should be returned to the sea, so he is released and freed. Also starring Chelsea Field as Thalice Whitney, Shane Meier as Steve Whitney, Aidan Pendleton as Paula Whitney, Shirley Broderick as Mrs. McCann, Andrea Libman as Mary May, Joshua Jackson as Mark Baker and Jay Brazeau as Griff Armstrong. There is not much of a storyline, but this is based on a true story about a real family, the seal (well, sea lion) is obviously very cute as it blows raspberries, burps and does dancing tricks, and the sentimentality is definitely milked, it is perhaps too mawkish for my liking, but it is something kids will enjoy, not a bad family comedy drama adventure. Okay!
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Fine Family Film
sddavis6324 February 2012
There's really no need to go much in depth into this movie. It based on the true story of Andre the seal, a harbour seal rescued as a pup after losing his mother and raised by a human family in Rockport, Maine. It's basically the story of his interactions with the family, and with the variety of other animals that the family had in their home. There's a little bit of human drama involved, but mostly it's the story of Andre, and especially his relationship with young Toni (Tina Majorino), the youngest daughter of the family who develops a special bond with Andre, who eventually ends up spending his winters in the Boston Aquarium and then returns to the family in Rockport every year until he dies of old age 24 years later. The story is basically told from Toni's perspective.

It's a fine family film. Most of the cast aren't especially well known, but that's fine, because the star of the movie is really Andre. It's a movie you can sit down and watch with your kids for an enjoyable evening at home. Nothing more than that - but sometimes that's quite enough. (7/10)
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Come and git it !!!
Matthew_Capitano10 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
It would be so nice to invite Andre over for dinner.... smothered in melted butter with an apple stuck in his mouth.

A 'family film', supposedly based on a true story, "Andre" is an obnoxious seal whose most endearing quality is when he makes a fart sound with his lips -- aww, how cute. "Dad, can we keep him?".

Keith Carradine obviously didn't have anything better to do when he accepted the role of an irresponsible seaport patrolman, Tina Majorino is cute as the little girl who befriends the slippery beast, and pretty Aidan Pendleton plays Tina's older sister who has more brains than anybody else in township because she hates Andre almost as much as I do and would like to see him cooked by 6:30 tonight.

You know, seal really is good if you season it right.
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Old and different but ok.
friedshrimp-217 October 2000
This movie takes place in an older date about a sea animal that needs taken care of, and a family keeps it and has fun with it while some others don't like it. Some parts are good, and some of it is a little boring. This is a movie for the whole family to enjoy usually!
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Harbor seal
jeanmcinnis5 July 2015
Great story ruin by not using the right seal and its a family's and new england aquarium story True stories should use the true seal and location Maine is cheaper than the west coast. Go to rock port Maine and see the harbor where he lived and died. Also to his weather home at the new england aquarium is a story all its self and his trip north harbor by harbor is one of a kind story ruined by cheap Hollywood.

I say get a new writers for the true Andre story harbor seal and all and not one little girl but 3. The father who loved him and went swimming with him and he played best man at his wedding. The acting was good but the story was lost in the bad screen play
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My Favorite Movie Ever
xelizz6 March 2007
This is probably my favorite movie ever. Its amazing.. i've probably seen it at least 50 times. It's a great movie for the whole family and I promise anyone who sees it will love it. You will want to watch it over and over again, one time is not enough. Three times is really not enough. The story of a seal and the family who takes him in is amazing, all of the details which are added make it even better. All of the characters are interesting. The movie will make you laugh and cry, but you'l'l be smiling all the way through. It makes you want to find a seal of your own, if thats possible. The characters are people you will want to meet, if not for their great personality then for your own amusement. When I have children, I will show them this movie at least as many times as I have seen it. You should watch this movie- it's my absolute favorite and you will definitely love it.
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Great family movie! Based on true story
tekajolina20 October 2013
This is a great family movie that my kids wanted to see over and over. I would recommend it for older children (6 and up). Beware that I do believe it has a four-letter word placed in there every once in a while, but just warn your kids that it isn't appropriate. The story of Andre the seal is a wonderful story and should be shared. It is heartwarming and has good story lines. It also has a few valuable lessons that you can share with your children. There is conflict that shows resolve. There is a lesson on not jumping to conclusions. This is one of those movies that you should show to your children and discuss afterward. My children still love it.....and they are now 20 and above. The heartwarming true story of Andre' just never gets old....nor will you ever forget it.
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Great Movie
amyontheend7 June 2000
Andre has to be one of my all-time favorite movies. I read the book for a science project and was thrilled when it was made into a movie. Although it didn't follow the book exactly, I thought it was good nevertheless. Tina Majorino is a wonderfully gifted actress, and did a great job in her roll of Toni. The casting was well done, period. The sea lion (although it was supposed to be a seal) is adorable. It is a heart-warming, must-see movie.
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Fine family fare with politically correct plot about a talented seal, Andre
bettiem7 August 1999
Great acting by a beautifully trained seal (how do they do it?) based on a true story. One more animal movie for children and families, but with a twist. The interaction of seal and humans is heart warming. Prepare for a lump in the throat with a happy/sad ending.
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I thought it was great. Warning: Spoilers
Well, yes, this movie was probably the best kid's movie i've seen in a long time. couple of swears, and it WASN'T a rip off of Free Willy. Free Willy was a rip off of Andre. How do i know? Because this movie is based on a true story. Willy isn't. The movie starts with a young girl marrying off a sparrow (or some kind of bird)and a chicken. it ENDS with the little girl giving up her pet at last, and letting it live in the wild, but Andre still returns. He made 24 trips home. :) I loved the movie, and i definitely recommend watching it.

Spoiler time...

It comes time in the movie that Toni finds out by mistake that the seal is going to be taken back, to the wild. You see her in bed that night, saying good night to her mom, and crying, exclaiming "he's my best friend. we're best friends." you may find it odd that she would say this, but Toni is shy, and she doesn't have very many friends. I wouldn't say she's shy, as does the movie reviews on the back of the case... but... well, you'll see what i mean when you watch the movie yourself.

Keep in mind that this story is about a fourth-grader, not a four-year-old, yet this little girl doesn't seem to have ever been separated or had a sleep over, or anything. Until along comes Andre, an orphaned seal. How was he orphaned? you'll see when you watch the movie. I highly recommend seeing the movie. it's one that isn't just for young, but old people too. :) i promise, you'll love it.

*Another Little Note*

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dy15812 August 2006
It was only when I saw the credits, I then understand it's based on a true story. It made me smile even more.

So I guessed I knew why I saw this few days back for a reason. The trailers had won me over and when I saw the movie itself, it was just so heart-warming. Toni's attachment to Andre is one maybe I can sort of relate to. Sentimental attachment to something where one have feeling for after sometime.

Throw in a bit of drama as well, and one can see how Toni reacts especially to how others who don't really like Andre's sudden popularity in the town.

This is just one of those where the family can all enjoy it together. Sometimes we just need a bit of old-fashioned goodness.

Quite a heart-warming movie.
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Very touching movie about a special friendship for all ages that will warm your heart
Catherine_Grace_Zeh23 January 2006
ANDRE, in my opinion, is a very touching movie about a special friendship for all ages that will warm your heart. I really loved the tricks that Willy did. If I could have, I would have helped hide him myself. The only problem is how I would hide him, though. The score was good, the costumes were perfectly designed, everyone was cast perfectly, and the direction was flawless. In conclusion, I highly recommend this very touching movie about a special friendship for all ages to anyone who hasn't seen it. You're in for a real treat and a good time, so go to the video store, rent it or buy it, kick back with someone close to you, and watch it. I guarantee you you'll thoroughly enjoy it.
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One for animal lovers
lorenellroy26 August 2003
Andre is a seal , adopted by the family of Harry Whitley the local harbourmaster (Keith Carradine),and a particular favourite of his tomboy 7 year old daughter,Toni (played by Tina Majorina).Seal and child become inseparable but trouble is brewing when the local fishermen blame the animal for damaging their nets ,thus putting their livelihood in jeopardy.They set out to kill him and Toni puts out to sea,in the middle of a raging storm ,to try and save Andre from the fate they have in store for him. Its all very predictable and manipulative not helped by wooden acting and an animal I personally found very resistable .However it will be enjoyed by animal lovers and is suitable for those seeking fare they can watch as a family unit without fear of violence or profanity.

Not my scene but reasonable of its type
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Such a Good Movie
gleekout2916 April 2018
I hadn't seen this movie since I was probably nine years old or something like that. But I recently found it at Walmart and loved it. Chelsea Field is amazing in this movie.
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Fabulous for Animal Lovers
rannynm29 October 2012
Hi, I'm Camille Bajema reporting for KIDS FIRST! and today I'm reviewing the 1994 film "Andre," based on the book "A Seal Called Andre" which is based on a true story. I like this film because I'm an animal lover and this film is filled with animals.

"Andre" is about a little girl, Toni Whitney, played by Tina Majorina, who lives with her parents Harry and Thalice, played by Shane Meier and Chelsea Field; her sister, Paula, played by Aidan Pendleton; and her brother Steve, played by Keith Carradine. They have an assortment of animals, and decide to adopt an orphaned, baby seal that that they name Andre. Andre lives with the Whitney's for a few years, until a man from the health department shows up and wants to take Andre away!

My favorite character in this film is Toni's mother, Thalice. I like Thalice because she is very loving toward her kids, yet also knows how to discipline them.

My favorite scene in this movie is when Andre learns funny tricks and performs them for people on the pier. I like this scene because Andre is so cute and fun. An interesting fact is that Andre is played by a sea lion, not a seal, in the movie.

"Andre" is directed by George Miller and produced by Annette Handley. The music in this film sets the mood. The movie is filmed in a beautiful harbor in Rockport, Maine and I especially love the cinematography when the seasons change.

This movie is a tear-jerker and Toni learns that despite how much she loves Andre she may have to let him go. This is a family-friendly movie and I recommend it to people of all ages. I give this film five-out-of- five stars because I thought that the movie was really well-done overall and had a great plot. I am pleasantly surprised that I enjoyed this movie so much because the picture on the cover made me think that it would appeal to a younger audience.
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Beach Ball on the Nose.
tfrizzell10 February 2006
A seal befriends a young girl (Tina Majorino) and her family (led by parents Keith Carradine and Chelsea Field) in 1962 Maine in this true story that will be loved by most of the kiddies, but adults will not find much interest. This odd little flick by director George Miller (not the same man known for the "Mad Max" and "Babe" set of series) seems to have little aspirations. It is satisfied with strange and silly situations rather than potentially going a more dramatic route. The screenplay is sophomoric and the actors seem clearly aware of that fact and what we are left with is a seal on the land doing its best to act as dumb as its human co-stars. 2.5 out of 5 stars.
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A prototype to "Facing the Giants" and "Spirit"
robert-macc22 March 2024
A true (regarding the main girl and the daughter and mother, since I'm a manly man and I'm not gay) cute story. A little girl befriends a seal, but it's really the big sis and mom story that really is fuzzy. As well as the entire family. It's a family story full of love. Set in Maine, in the 1960s, based on a true story, it's about one girl's triumphant against every naysayer who thought Andre was a dangerous seal, and threatens to send it away for killing (although the movie is euphemistic, appropriately so, about that since this is family movie) With fuzzy performance from everyone this is a true family classic for the whole family to enjoy. With acclaimable story and acting worthy of a Disney or RKO movie, this is a cherishable story for all generations and generations to come. A very fuzzy movie with lots of warmth and hugs, unlike lukewarm "Flicka". A true Dixie movie, despite being set in Maine. 100% Allied-, Tribune-, The WB-, CBS-, "Friends"-, "Flicka"-, and "Xena"-free.
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Free willy with a girl and a seal
jedi_50025 December 1999
A classic cheese sandwich! one more pause for a grin by the little girl and the free willy rip off would have exploded! Admittedly the seal was excellent but the rest was poor. Every time there was a shot of the mother she was in the kitchen it was being slightly stereotypical! The dad hung around the bar for the entire film either that or he was building a bath for the seal. All in all it should be banished back to the library where it came from and left for a weepy Sunday afternoon kids movie.
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Lovable family movie
kevjen-5531221 January 2021
If you love animals and children this movie should keep you engaged. I found it to be a sweet story of youth and friendship.
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