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MPAA Rated R for strong horror violence, and for nudity and language

Sex & Nudity

  • A woman gives birth, then a man appears naked with liquid tar all over him so when he is shown full frontal naked, his penis is covered with liquid black tar.
  • A woman is wearing a thong which shows most of her butt naked.
  • A young woman and young man, kiss passionately. The man says something like "we should make love" and they lay on the ground with her lifting her leg up on him (leading to pre-sex), part of her butt is seen from a distance.
  • A man unbuttons a young woman's blouse to get a stone on a necklace, around her neck. Nothing else sensuous happens.
  • A woman's left breast is shown naked, in a fashion show dressing room.
  • A man appears to be naked but his privates are covered by a table.

Violence & Gore

  • The violence is somewhat strong, but very graphic in its fantasy nature.
  • The Warlock picks up a girl during a car ride. After she asks him about her hair, he pulls off the hair that shows her entire head all hairless and bloody to the point where she screams in agony and gets kicked out of the car.
  • A bully gets a heart attack from a young woman. The other man tells her to stop, and she does as he drives away.
  • A dead woman is shown nailed on a crucifix. Blood is seen all over her face as the crowd surrounds it.
  • The Warlock gets shot down by two men with shotguns. But he does emerge from the building. He positions his hand like a gun and shoots away the men. Blood squirts from their bodies.
  • A young woman uses her psychic ability to make a tree branch snap from a tree and stab the Warlock. He wakes up and steps through the branch. From there, they battle each other through force. He throws her on a car and ties her up with car wires to get the necklace.
  • A young man gets tied up by thin tree branches. He is later free.
  • A group of people are massacred. They are dispatched with blades and arrows. Some blood is shown, but the scene is not very graphic.
  • A woman graphically and quickly becomes pregnant with the warlock and gives birth to it (it being a black sluggish mass which immediately evolves into the warlock after violently consuming the woman's pet dog). He is completely nude and covered in slime. The woman crawls in detailed afterbirth agony into the bathroom. The warlock then screams so loud that the woman bleeds out and dies.
  • The warlock drops a woman from high in the sky and she falls through a skylight and the glass shatters her body causing lots of blood to spray all over onlookers.
  • The warlock bleeds out due to a voodoo-esque spell causing a great deal of black blood to spray from his wounds. This is played for black comedy until the warlock is forced to suck an eyeball and lots of blood from a bystander to replenish himself.
  • A zombified taxi driver is seen.
  • A car runs over a bunny in graphic detail.
  • A dwarf man is picked up and shoved into an iron maiden.
  • A young boy is shot with a double barrel shotgun. We see a close-up of his bloody screaming face as he is thrown off his feet and to the ground. He is ressurected
  • A woman is stabbed. She is ressurected.
  • A man is completely dissected in an elevator off screen. The door opens and we see various organs an lots of blood.
  • A man's body twists and contorts into a living surreal artistic sculpture. (Meant to be comedic but somewhat hard to watch.)
  • The warlock shoots two men with his finger while using a spell. Played for black comedy as the warlock blows smoke off his finger afterward. The result is still bloody.
  • The warlock tortures an old man by graphically quarturing him with hatchets. A younger man with magic powers sends a hatchet flying into the old man's heart as a mercy killing. This angers the warlock, who the causes the building to explode.
  • The resulting explosion sends the young man and lots of debris flying. A metal pipe ends up imbedded in the ground and the young man lands on it, leaving him impaled on the pipe. The warlock then interrogates the young man by manipulating the pipe with his fingers. The young man screams and sobs in agony.


  • A few uses of "fuck", "shit", "bitch" and "damn" among other profanities.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • Many violent scenes that are backed up by fantastical practical FX and different blood colours.
  • Warlock continues to show off his subtle personality.
  • A rabbit gets run over. The shot lasts a few seconds.
  • A small woman has a squeaky voice that sounds very uncanny.
  • A circus sequence show a man running through a maze of mirrors as he is scared by endless voices of laughter.
  • A man shoots his son, but resurrects him with magic.
  • More scarier than its predecessor in terms of its violence and horror themes.
  • Rain turns into blood.
  • A young man uses his psychic ability to set things on fire.
  • Warlock kills a man completely dissected in an elevator off-screen. The door opens and various organs and lots of blood is shown.
  • Warlock shuts a woman up by making her lips disappear.
  • Some scenes show bugs. Mostly cockroaches.
  • Many intense sequences throughout.
  • The climax is very violent and intense.
  • As the Warlock, gets all the diamonds together, a Gargoyle-like creature emerges from the ground. It doesn't last long as lights shone on them and disappear.
  • A skeleton arm explodes out of the ground and takes the purple stones.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Violence & Gore

  • Samantha stabs herself with a knife. The shot of the knife going in the torso is shown for about a second with blood quickly spurting out. Shortly afterwards, she is resurrected.
  • The Warlock is impaled on a tree branch an later with a knife.
  • Whilst being tied to a tree, the Warlock grabs a young man's hair and bashes his head on the tree three time with him spurting blood from his mouth. He grabs a knife and attempts to stab him, but he headbutts him. They battle over the knife with telekinesis. The Warlock bleeds out and melts graphically before eventually melting away into nothing.

See also

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