4 Reviews
a review
teddles-216 December 1998
As a fan of good made for TV movies, I watched this one with great interest, also being a Jessica Tandy and Hume Cronyn fan from way back, and having read the book, I wondered if they would be able to translate the depth of feeling that the book conveyed to the screen.

I need not have feared, To Dance With The White Dog is a marvellous movie, as the swansong of this marvellous pair of actors, acting together, it not only lives up to the depth of love and belonging portrayed in the book, it surpasses it.

Hume Cronyn is marvellous in his role, he was such a fine actor that not once did I feel that this was just a movie, it was made real for me, and that is the mark of a great movie.

This is a story about love, about a love so strong that it survives even after death, and about caring and coping with grief, the story of man who when his wife dies feels like he just can't go on without her, and she returns as a white dog to help him cope with his grief and to learn to live again.

I admit to having a bias towards "weepy" movies like this, but still I think this is a wonderful feel good movie that most people would enjoy
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Willing to Continue the Perfect Marriage Allows It to Be So
donbren-125 July 2005
As others have said so well, Hume & Jessica as Mr. Sam & Beloved Cora, make this little (but so important) movie to not only entertain the viewers, but to draw them in so closely, they dare not resist 'being' with the characters ... it would not do to simply observe this oh, so true-to-Life tale of true love that therein lasted 57 years; What they shared was so far beyond just "man meets woman" "falls in love" "raise a large family of willingly loving members" "then die" ... for we are invited-nay, demanded, to participate in the activities as well as the beautiful reminiscences relived in soft, vivid, "passionate reverie." ** The family interaction is so real, so wholesome, while being at once highly refined and quite humorous portrayals of our own brothers and sisters, complete with the squabbling, the joint concerns -- even the near neurotic imaginings and over-reactions, that remind us to never, ever simply react, but rather to determinedly intend to live our lives fully, while fully being just who we are -- really, down deep where we recognize how humble, yet proud of our family ties, we all need to be! What more do we live for? ** I absolutely loved this film and have converted it onto DVD so as to be better able to relive those dear moments again and again, as I too approach 57 years with my darling "best friend" and life companion. My parents were together 52 years (the 2nd marriage for mother, the first for dad) and my wife's parents continue in their 63rd very close years together. With examples like these, we wonder why the divorce rate could possibly be at 51% today ... as tragically it is.

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Does lack of companionship create an invisible companion?
mark.waltz18 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It appears that the white dog that Hume Cronyn claims has appeared after the death of his wife Jessica Tandy is non-existent, but even though his family can't see it doesn't mean that it isn't there. The film opens on the celebration of Cronyn and Tandy's 50th wedding anniversary, and they are a couple that everybody in their Louisiana community truly respects.

It's seven years after that where Cronyn finds his wife on the floor, and the family (two daughters, two sons) stick close by in case he needs them. There's also Esther Rolle as the long time cook who was Tandy's best friend, now too old to be working full time, but refusing to retire. She's the one who knows the truth about the mysterious white dog.

At first when the dog appears, Cronyn wants no part of it, but when they force him to get a walker, the dog jumps on it, creating a little dance between the two. This gorgeous dog at times turns into the spirit of Tandy who continues to appear throughout the film in flashbacks. Cronyn may be a stubborn widower, but he's still loving with his family which also includes a grandson who helps him with his pecan trees.

Then there's the grown children, worried but not interfering extremely in Cronyn's life and allowing him his freedom. This is a good family. Christine Baranski is quite different than her usual uppity characters, and it's a nice change of pace for her. But the film belongs to Cronyn (who won an Emmy), Tandy and the loveable Rolle who is welcomed into the family picture in the opening scene and wouldn't have it any other way. A sweet and charming movie that only a real curmudgeon wouldn't like.
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To Dance with the White Dog is a waste of your time..
joannacichalewski30 August 2016
I am surprised that all of these comments have been pleasant and with a higher rating of 2 stars. This movie was so incredibly boring. I really tried to enjoy the movie but the dialogue was so so slow, tiresome and the acting was an embarrassment. I've never had to put so much effort to pay attention to a movie. I actually found myself contemplating going to the gym. I haven't gone to the gym in a year. After siting on the couch with little to none entertainment, I had to force myself off the couch and do some stretching to remind myself I am still alive. Without constant snacking, this movie will cause you question if you're dying.

The only reason I watched the remaining of the movie was because of the dog, also the only reason i gave this movie a rating of 2 stars. Unless you're looking for a movie to put you to sleep I advise you don't put yourself through the pain of watching this movie.
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