426 Reviews
Nowhere near the thrill-ride that it could have been
TheLittleSongbird29 June 2016
The Super Mario Brothers games are still great fun. Admittedly they are light on plot, almost simplistic, but they are imaginative, lots of fun and thrilling with memorable characters and interaction.

'Super Mario Bros' did have a good deal of potential, with talented actors like Bob Hoskins, Fiona Shaw, Samantha Mathis and Dennis Hopper on board, and it was always going to be interesting to see whether the film would be able to make an interesting story that didn't have a huge amount of narrative material to work from. Unfortunately, it is a real let down, and was doomed from the start from trying to do too much and from its notoriously troubled behind-the-scenes.

Video game/interactive film adaptations have a very dubious record, always giving a sense that video/interactive games don't translate well to film, and 'Super Mario Bros' is not an exception. This said, in general there are far worse films out there, while it misses more than it hits 'Super Mario Bros' has a few good spots. Some of the photography is good. Bob Hoskins and John Leguizamo do their best in the lead roles and both do a more than respectable job especially Hoskins. Their chemistry and rapport is enjoyable if at times rather too father and son than brothers. Alan Silvestri's score while in want of more recognisable themes for fans is well-suited for the film and has a nice rousing energy, atmosphere and whimsy. Good song choices too.

However, 'Super Mario Bros' has several problems that stop it from being the thrill ride it could have been. The rest of the cast don't really impress that much. Dennis Hopper is always a great pleasure in over-the-top roles, particularly villain ones and when he loses it, and on paper he did seem an ideal choice. The thing is though with a role like Frank Booth in 'Blue Velvet', Hopper was not only over-the-top but also terrifying and the character was interesting, here in 'Super Mario Bros' as King Koopa Hopper is a large piece of unsubtle ham and that's it and there are some points where he's almost subdued, sometimes you expect Hopper to lose his rag and it doesn't really happen. His dialogue also further dumbs down the character, making King Koopa very much a missed opportunity as a villain. Samantha Mathis has some moments of heart and charm but is pretty bland on the whole, while Fiona Shaw at times comes close to out-hamming Hopper. The Goombas are sometimes sort of fun, but sometimes pointless and too goofy.

It is a shame really that the film's production troubles come through loud and clear in the film itself. The direction has a very inexperienced and erratic feel, and like the directors had no idea what to do with the film. The same is with the story, granted credit is due for trying to do something with source material that doesn't give them an awful lot to work with and it's very energetic in pace and never dull. Unfortunately, there is the sense that the writers didn't know which direction to go or how to start, with target demographic/audience and what it wanted to be never really clear (despite also being a bad film with many huge problems, 'Street Fighter' at least got that right). 'Super Mario Bros' constantly feels rushed, bloated, over-complicated and like there was too much going on, and further sadly not all of it was necessary or made sense as a result of not being explored enough. Exposition is also garbled, so that it has nothing to do with the games other than a few clumsily inserted references which reeked of trying to squeeze them in when this fact was realised in production.

As well as lacking in thrills, as a result of the over-crowded and over-complicated story, there is a lack of fun and imagination. The jokes are too juvenile and too embarrassingly awkward to be any fun, and only succeeds in dumbing down so many of the characters (a huge part as to why King Koopa is lacking as a villain). In fact, the script generally was poor, with childish and sometimes misplaced humour and dialogue that clunks badly. Action is very jagged and stop-start. Apart from in the photography and in a couple of neat effects, the expensive for back then budget is not hugely obvious in the production values, where interference and production troubles are second most obvious after the story. The sets are cluttered, too small in scale and quite drab and lacking in colour or dazzle, the world is never fully immersed and others have said it looks like a cheaper and dumbed down 'Blade Runner' which this reviewer agrees with. A lot of the effects are slapdash even for the early pre-'Jurassic Park' 90s.

Overall, has some good assets but, while it is not as horrendous as the universal critical and commercial failure on release and as its reputation suggests, too much of it is lacking for it to be the thrill-ride it had the potential of being with the right execution. 4/10 Bethany Cox
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it is still better cinema than 2023 just not better enough to rate it better
agof24 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I already saw this film, and i think it was in very early 10s. Surely after 2007 and before 2014, yet i have no record of that or any notes anywhere. Probably i saw it even before i ever finished Super Mario Bros. In 2012, and these could've been related events. I wasn't impressed by it but i didn't hate it either.

So the film is not related to the games at all. Out of all the lazy films in gaming properties of that time, this one probably has the least relation to its source. And it's not like they had to work with only Jumpman, Mario Bros. And Super Mario Bros. The IP was already populated enough, yet still malleable to let your creativity flow. Even i can write a more Mario movie from either jumpman or super. Just make a generic adventure while re-creating some of the key art, and people would eat it and ask for more. Mortal Kombat did that.

As a movie, this story is not entirely hopeless, but it's rather convoluted. It requires a good plot to support such a complex structure. But the plot is rather weak. A lot of the events happen because of the script, instead of organically. Like when they talk through the wall, but you see them falling through a wormhole. If you cut those VFX you lose some visuals, but making it a portal would instantly fix this hole. Big Bertha's switch comes out of nowhere. Daisy is a dinosaur, but her dad was devolved into fungus? And then he evolved himself back? But none of the goombas? There is the pay-off for the dance scene, but it comes out of nowhere and for no reason. They just fled behind the troops' backs anyway.

The writing is targeting babies, so it's not good, and it's all just childish comedy writing. Many line go nowhere. The epitome of that is the post-credits joke. They could've referenced any of the real games, instead, it is a pointless not-funny non sequitur. The one thing i will call good is Mario Mario and Luigi Mario. Because how can they be Mario Bros. Otherwise?

But also it's an absolutely great-looking movie. The infestation is gross, the CGI is old, but the practical effects are some of the best in cinema. Everything physical related to dinosaurs is beyond believable and expressive. The props and the dystopian setting beloved by the 90s movies are also good. Product placement sucks, tho. It's not good period, but some movies at least write it into the storyline, instead of just branding bob-omb with reebok.

It is a good enough watch it's not boring and is not too cringy. With still better story and still better plot than The Super Mario Bros. Movie, with amazing visuals, i was really tempted to say that it's a better film. But when something is called Super Mario Bros. And it is not Super Mario Bros. In any way, shape or form, while the other film delivers a lot of on-point ingredients, i can't sincerely rate it better.
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Not Great, Though Still Better Than -Most- Videogame Movies.
therskybznuiss10 June 2021
This is one of those films where it's more fun to hear about how it was created than actually watching it.

It's not as bad as people like to think, so let's just hope in the future they give the same sort of love to a Mario movie as they did for Mortal Kombat, or even Sonc.
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Not as bad as some say!
gasgano16 September 2000
I actually enjoyed this movie, despite the terrible reviews and the terrible user ratings. Its plot is fair, it's effects are great, even for now, and the acting, although certainly not brilliant, is fair enough to work with the plot. I'd give it a 7/10.
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be careful how you watch
anaang29 January 2003
I made the mistake of watching this movie the day i had knee surgery. So i was doped up on all kinds of pain killers and thought the movie was great. However a few years later i remembered how much i enjoyed the movie so i watched on tv when it was run agian. I was blown away with how horribly bad it was. I was also amazed on how much i remembered being in the movie that wasnt. so as the title says be careful how you watch. As a side note this is not an endorsement to do drugs just to make bad movies better.
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It's a Mario Movie. Where's the Mario?
LuigiIII12 July 2007
Super Mario Bros. is a movie based off of the Super Mario Bros. video games. Or at least, that's what they SAY it is. In reality, Super Mario Bros. is a movie that pretends to be Mario. He's what I'm talking about: In the games, the main villain is Bowser, King of the Koopas who wishes to kidnap the Princess and rule the mushroom kingdom. In the movie, the main villain is Koopa, tyrant of a small city in the center of a world-wide desert who wishes to take over the world of man. In the games, a big bertha is a fish. In the movie, Big Bertha is the bouncer at the Boom Boom bar. In the games, Boom Boom is a person. The movie is just a crappy movie that takes Nintendo's names in an attempt to look better. And it fails at that. DO NOT see this movie.
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Why did Nintendo even sell the rights?
chris1644720 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Nintendo, my favorite company, has betrayed me. Be then again, they didn't know that the creators of this movie would defile the game that made Nintendo an extremely successful video game company. But enough of that, let me tell you what is wrong with this movie: everything.

First off, Super Mario Bros. (the game) takes place in the Mushroom Kingdom, a happy place that has been taken over by King Koopa (aka Bowser) and its people forced to mindlessly obey his will. Mario has to, of course, defeat Bowser to bring peace back to the Mushroom Kingdom. We all know that. The game DID NOT have cars, skyscrapers, or any obvious technology we enjoy today. Mario was a natural high jumper, and he worked alone.

The movie, however, is just a lame action movie with a few Mario allusions thrown in to attract Nintendo fans. The Mario allusion consist solely of: Mario, Luigi, and Daisy's names, enemy names, and a bomb-omb. Yay. Oh, and Yoshi, in a 5-second cameo as a dinosaur too small to even consider riding on. But Mario can't jump, no, he's a Brooklyn plumber with a Columbian brother! (How'd that happen?). Their personalities aren't even right. In the games, Mario is a determined hero with a heart of gold, willing to do anything to save the day. Luigi is his shy brother, who helps Mario in any way he can, but in a minimal sort of way. In the movie, they act more like best friends than brothers, Mario is annoyed by everything, and Luigi has a temper.

If you like plots quickly written up on napkins before the check comes, and complete destruction of all that Mario stands for, then see this movie. If you are under the age of 12 and have never played a Mario game in your life, then proceed with caution. If you have EVER played a Mario game in your life, take all measures NOT to see this movie. Remember, you cannot sue if this movie totally makes you cry uncontrollably for many hours, trust me, I've tried.
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They didn't try with this movie I'm not trying with this review
ACollegeStudent13 December 2021
Rating: 1.0

One of the worst video game adaptations ever made. Just look at mario's design, and the goombas design. It was like a crappy middle school play. Just stick to the games.
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Applaud the Attempt, but Understand the Negativity
PCC092119 April 2023
Super Mario Bros. (1993), was another case of the source material, for a film idea, being too advanced for the cinematic technology of the day. CGI was just starting with Jurassic Park (1993), so the choice to do this film with practical, physical effects and live action characters was its major downfall. This prompted the story to be adjusted to fit the capabilities of the filmmakers of the day. It all culminates into a silly plot, that actually manages to make video game characters, caricatures of themselves. This however, isn't a knock on the special effects used in this film at all. The effects fit the pre-CGI era fairly well. They did a very good job with the special effects, art direction, set design and most of the costumes and make-up. There actually is a dinosaur in the film and the computer effects used for him are pretty good. For 1993, it is visually pleasant.

Dennis Hopper, as President Koopa (Bowser), looks ridiculous though. There also is this weird use of the fungus in the film. It looks bad technically and isn't menacing at all. Many of the characters are pail, empty and mindless, especially Samantha Mathis as Princess Daisy. It doesn't translate well, especially having to depict Mario (Bob Hoskins) and Luigi (John Leguizamo), running around Brooklyn. The attempt to make the film as real as possible backfires. I never got a chance to see this film when it was first released, but I had heard of the negative fallout that came after it was released. I remember when Siskel and Ebert gave it two thumbs down. Most film-buffs remember hearing, that Bob Hoskins hated the movie. This is probably why I never got around to seeing Super Mario Bros. (1993), until the 2023 film was announced. 30 years later I finally understood. This film is a failure, but I still recommend seeing it, at least once, as a curiosity, because you have to see it to believe it.

3.9 (F+ MyGrade) = 4 IMDB.
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Corny as Hell, but fun.
Sleepin_Dragon14 November 2020
This is one of those movies I loved as a thirteen year old, I remember seeing it a few times. It was a film naturally aimed at my age group in 1993, I wish people would remember that when writing up such serious reviews. It's quite a fun story, the special effects are probably a little naff thirty years later, but what do you expect? Bob Hoskins is good fun.

I'm surprised by just how dark the story is, funny how you have a different look on things when you're young.

What I found interesting, was the theme music, Almost Unreal by Roxette, what an awesome track, arguably the best aspect of the film.

Fun, 7/10.
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Fungus Among Us
Chris_Ego11 September 2022
Super Mario Bros (1993) was a flop on release and still holds up a pretty bad shape to this day! The dystopian cyberpunk world sure contained great art and set design, but the main characters failed to match the iconic video game heroes Mario & Luigi. Bob Hoskins as chief plumber Mario was a great decision for the lead role and he even performed an Italian accent. On the other hand John Leguizamo as Luigi didn't even try to change his Latino voice and didn't amuse me with clumsy walks. Dennis Hopper is super versatile in this one. Alan Silvestri's OST is way too classical and repeats his success of "Back In The Future" with obvious musical events following the scenes where surprises are going to happen.

The story relies on the theory that an alien fungus is responsible for all live on earth which definitely is an interesting plot for the franchise. But the execution was terrible.
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Super Mario Bros.: A film that is so bad, it's good.
hybridfuryx29 October 2019
I have a soft spot for this movie. It ain't a good movie, like, at all. It's a Hollywood Trainwreck, but it's a trainwreck I'd watch over and over. I personally like Bob Hoskins as Mario, even if he thinks it was his worst part. The film is terrible, but in a very entertaining and delightful way. I recommend this film to anyone who gets a kick out of bad movies. If not, just stick to the NES classic.
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Too harsh, by far
DarthBill7 April 2004
Yes, this no classic, but it's not that bad. And yes it bears no resemblance to the video games that inspired it except for the jumpsuits that look like the heroes overalls, but it's not bad.

Mario & Luigi (Bob Hoskins & John Leguizamo) are the two down on their luck brother plumbers who get involved with a college student named Daisy (Samantha Mathis) who turns out to be a princess from an alternate dimension. Once transported there themselves, they must fight the evil King Koopa (Dennis Hopper) and save their world from being merged with Koopa's and the human race from being turned into monkeys.

It may be hard to believe that John Leguizamo is Bob Hoskins brother, but the two have good chemistry and John has a convincing Brooklyn accent (although Tom Selleck would have been a more convincing Luigi in some respects). Bob reprises his gruff detective persona from "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" to great effect. Samantha Mathis is cute as the princess and manages to feel less shallow than most heroines in these situations. Dennis Hopper hams it up as the film's villain. Lots of gags and good natured humor, and a beautiful song from Roxette, "Almost Unreal". Worth a rental.
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Funny on a "guilty pleasure" level, but hardly worthy of its source material.
JTurner8227 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
As a longtime Nintendo junkie I have to admit that the SUPER MARIO BROS. video game series is a legendary franchise. It was this platformer involving two plumbers rescuing a princess from an army of monstrous turtles (the Koopa Troopas) that single-handedly saved the video game market in 1985. The game proved popular enough to spawn multiple sequels and even a cartoon TV series (which, admittingly, is pretty dated and formulaic, but it did do a respectable job recreating the feel of the series). Given the successful reputation of SUPER MARIO BROS. as a game series, it doesn't seem surprising that a theatrical feature would be attempted. That film version premiered in the summer of 1993, and I was among those who were eager to see it.

Unfortunately, the movie turned out to be a major box office disaster and was trashed in almost every newspaper. As a matter of fact, it started the whole "videogames don't make good movies" craze. I hope that this argument can be proved wrong, but SUPER MARIO BROS. probably will not be a likely candidate to challenge this accusation.

This movie gets so many things wrong it's almost a miracle that I can write anything nice about it. With the exception of the characters' names and a few throwaway references, SUPER MARIO BROS., the movie has absolutely nothing in common with the video game series it's based on. The production completely eschews the lighthearted, colorful atmosphere of the Mushroom Kingdom and instead slaps on a dark, fungus-covered metropolis inhabited by dinosaurs evolved (yes, I said EVOLVED) into human beings. (One figures the scriptwriters mixed up SUPER MARIO WORLD--the only game in the series to set in a dinosaur-populated environment--as the ideal atmosphere for the MARIO franchise in general.) Instead of power-up mushrooms, fireflowers, and goombas, we get a human cast of villains acting (and looking) bizarre (even the chief villain, King Koopa is disturbingly portrayed as a human), raptors, exploding flameguns, and some totally ridiculous concept called "de-evolution." The nasty goombas are transformed from puny mushroom baddies into hulking lizards, and Yoshi, the beloved dinosaur sidekick of Mario, becomes a cuddly but woefully fake-looking baby T-Rex (and get this--he's Koopa's pet!). The whole atmosphere of this "Dinohatten" is too weird, chaotic, and cold to be engaging.

This may sound bad enough, but the movie's biggest mistake is its failure to provide anything in the way of a coherent (or compelling) narrative. The plot is a jumbled mishmash about meteorites, alternate universes, and fungus that spends too much time indulging in its own stupidity rather than offering some intelligence. The movie's action sequences should provide spark and energy, but here they come across as strangely pointless and uninvolving. Despite the clamor occurring in the scenes, the viewer feels a strange sense of detachment to the whole thing. This makes the movie as a whole a major chore to sit through, as if there aren't any duller moments to bore viewers to death (such as a slow, inactive sequence where Mario and Luigi escape from a goomba-infested elevator). Matters are not helped by the ridiculously cheesy special effects, which are so fake that they come across as laughable.

Even the aural aspects of the movie are displeasing; the soundtrack starts out promisingly with an electronic-sounding ditty of the classic MARIO BROS. theme, but aside from that, we got a fully-orchestral score (from Alan Silvestri) which is distressingly un-MARIO like. The same is true for the throwaway rock-and-roll songs, which were obviously slapped on for commercial reasons. The overabundance of screaming and overloud sound mixing is tempting enough to make one turn the volume down.

Yet as problematic as the final result is, I do have something of a strange attraction to SUPER MARIO BROS. the movie. I admit to being crazy about the film when I was younger, even when all the critics were tearing it to pieces, and to this day I still wonder why I enjoy watching it every now and then. Perhaps because it's such a sorely misguided, warped, unimaginative mess that it ends up being a flick that can be fun to laugh at.

To its benefit, however, SUPER MARIO BROS. does support a high-quality cast--which is quite surprising given that this is hardly the kind of movie that demands one. Bob Hoskins and John Leguizamo work chemistry as the brothers, even if they are nothing like their video game counterparts, and Samantha Mathis holds her own ground as the pretty Princess Daisy. Dennis Hopper's portrayal of King Koopa, on the other hand, is disappointingly uncharismatic and spends more time chewing the scenery than creating a character worth rooting against; Fiona Shaw is more effective as his dastardly secretary. All seem to take on their jobs with a good-natured attitude and do what they can with the mumbo-jumbo material.

But even that isn't enough to qualify a good recommendation for SUPER MARIO BROS. as a movie. It's too unfaithful a recreation for MARIO fans, too noisy even for action-buffs, and too preposterous to reach a smart audience. If there's anything that I can say about this movie, it could be that it is a "guilty-pleasure" time killer that evokes plenty of laughs. So if you want to sit through a convoluted, incomprehensible action-flick that blatantly disregards its source material, then this is the movie for you. Otherwise, SUPER MARIO BROS. is not an example of great film-making, much less adapting a video game into a movie.
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I don't understand why so many people don't like this film!
cornflake1019 June 2002
Why does this film have such a low rating? Sure it may not be along the storylines of the Super Mario Bros. game for the NES back in '85, but in my opinion, it has to be one of the best films I have ever seen. Some noticeable changes are in this film, such as that the princess' name is Daisy, and she's being held in a tower instead of a castle. There's plenty of fungus and mushrooms around, but I think that the storyline is actually improved from the game, because if it were exactly like the game, it would be just running round, bashing blocks, grabbing coins and eating mushrooms all the way, which would eventually just become boring. This film has variety, like in a real world, there are phone boxes, houses, restaurants, and much more than just pipes, flags and castles. It just also happens that my favourite actor, Bob Hoskins, has the main role as Mario, which makes this film more appealing and exciting. There are also things from the Mario games in the film such as Bob-Ombs (licensed by Reebok, mysteriously), and Goomba Shoes that are powered by Bullet Bills. So to top it off, this has to be one of the best films ever made, and one of my all-time favourites.
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Marred Mario Bothers...
prufrock515015 January 2012
So, *this* is what the movie of a SMB game should've looked like: Mario and Luigi, two lovable, Laurel-and-Hardy-esque plumbers from New York, take a job that involves a large, green pipe. By some unfortunate accident, they fall into the opening... only to emerge in a lush, flowering land full of verdant views and large, Alice-in-Wonderland-ish mushrooms. After meeting Toad, an ebullient native of this strange land, they learn that their princess has been kidnapped by a large, spiky-shelled creature named King Koopa. Vowing to earn their return to the home they know by rescuing this princess, Mario and Luigi overcome both the natural challenges of the environment of the Mushroom Kingdom as well as the attempts by Koopa's minions to thwart their advance. After overcoming the tests of mettle and might, and finding their way through labyrinthine castles, Koopa is defeated and the princess is found.

See now, how hard was that? The game *itself* has pretty much everything you need to make a movie about it... sure, you'd need some witty dialogue and an awful lot of special effects, but it's nothing that, say, *43 MILLION DOLLARS* couldn't do.

What you *don't* need are spurious and inane spring-loaded-rocket-jumping shoes, unnecessary connections to *wildly inaccurate* representations of evolutionary theory, awkward attempts to smoosh poor representations of unimportant baddies from every game into an hour and a half, or Dennis Hopper. They can jump high because it's a parallel universe, goombas are just creatures that evolved from whatever other creatures there were millions of years ago in that universe, and King Koopa is giant, spiky-shelled thing that looks *absofreakinglutely nothing* like Dennis Hopper. No, a spiky blond dye job on your head does not make you look like an evil reptilian tyrant - and it doesn't take the place of a shell.

Sadly, the Super Mario Bros. Movie makes the same mistake that virtually every other video-game movie has made: it flagrantly and arbitrarily makes stuff up that not only doesn't have *anything* to do with the game, but furthermore seems to perversely go so far off-course from the fun and adventurous tone of its source material as to make my childhood memories grit their teeth and softly weep.
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robyn-710-7671676 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
If you are reading this review, please understand that I am 17 and love Super Mario Bros. I have several of the games, I am a total fan, and I love movie.

Now, when I first heard about this movie, I thought it was going to be about as epic as I would ever see.

I was wrong.

It was like taking Mickey Mouse and Scooby Doo and having real people 'act' like them. And then added a retarded script. And then using terrible CG. And then having bad acting.

This movie sucked. I didn't want to say it, but it did. You don't take a video game and make the movie worse. You either make the movie WANT to make you play mario, or you don't make the movie at all. Really.

I rate 1/10 because they at least tried.
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It really was as bad idea as some sane people would think
tomimt21 February 2006
I guess this movie was doomed from the start. It must have been a more savage hang over than usual in the plant of "bad movie ideas" when the whole idea of live action Super Mario film was conceived. I mean you all know the settings and story of Mario games right? A plump plumber in his red overalls jumping in the heads of mushrooms and turtles, I mean Koopas, and trying to save the princess. There just isn't any way, you could even try to turn that something else than a cartoon. It just doesn't work out too well as live action.

But they did try, with a force of a four different directors, and yet they still failed. Or maybe that was the main reason why they did.

The story has changed so, that Mario (Bob Hoskins) and Luigi (John Leguizamo), two brothers, who look nothing a like, come through a dimensional gate to the mushroom kingdom, where they must defeat the evil Koopa (Dennis Hopper) and save the princess (Samantha Mathis) and the king (Lance Henriksen).

It's not that there would be a bad cast in the film. In fact the line up is rather good, even solid as some might say. It's just the execution of the film that pushes this towards the oblivion it deserves to be in.

You can watch it for the sake of interest, but it really takes a good bunch of Mystere Science Theatre minded friends to do so correctly. I gave it two out of ten just for the sake of the cast. You just can't beat Hopper as a mad Koopa... Or Hoskins as Mario.
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"Super Mario Bros." (the movie)... Despite having a Great Cast, this Movie Stinks All Around for One Main Reason- Totally Ignoring the Source Material!
The incredible Bob Hoskins and the hilarious John Leguizamo star in the 1993 adaptation of the popular video game "Super Mario Bros." A lot of people haven't heard of this film, and for some good reasons- it was a critical and commercial failure, seems to only exist as a cult film now, has been disowned by many of its stars, and for it's greatest offense- complete and total disregard for its source material.

The games were essentially fantasy, taking place in the magical Mushroom Kingdom ruled by Princess "Peach" Toadstool, and teaming with the various other character who inhabit it (such as Toad, Yoshi and of course Mario and Luigi, plumbers). The evil King Koopa (or "Bowser") will occasionally attack in some attempt to conquer the kingdom, but the heroic brothers Mario and Luigi are always there to stop him. That's about it for the story- it's very basic, very simple. It works. It's a tried and true formula. Just your basic knight-in-shining-armor-saving-the-day.

You'd think something so basic would be impossible to mess up. Somehow, this film did just that.

Directors Rocky Morton and Annabel Jankel (apparently with help from several other uncredited directors) along with a team of writers brought this film to the masses. While the games were bright, colorful fantasy with a simple story, Morton/Jankel completely twisted the entire story into a sort of dark-yet-childish Sci-Fi "What if?" about New York City and parallel dimensions and dinosaurs who escaped extinction. The opening scene of the film alone changes the entire set-up for the story, and within 5 minutes, you could easily forget you're even watching an alleged Mario movie.

But I'll get back to the blatant source-material slaughter later, and address the movie on its own (limited) merits now.

The film starts out with a "flashback" that theorizes that the meteor which "killed" the dinosaurs instead created a rift and an alternate dimension where the dinosaurs were transported, and able to evolve into intelligent, human-like beings. We then see the feared dictator of this alternate dimension, King Koopa (Dennis Hopper) pursuing a woman in our world, trying to get back a shard of the meteor- though it's never fully explained, re-inserting this shard into the meteor will merge both dimensions, and allow Koopa to take over our world. The woman drops off a large egg at a church, before appearing to die, while Koopa is sent back to his world. The egg hatches, and a human baby female is found inside.

Years later, the "Mario Bros." (although in this film, they are changed into adoptive father/son figures), owners of a small plumbing business in Manhattan, are dealing with frustration with a rival- Scapelli Construction, who seems to be stealing most of their work.

The baby has grown into Daisy, a beautiful young archaeologist who is excavating dinosaur fossils around the Brooklyn Bridge. She and Luigi meet and fall in love, and one night, Luigi and Mario are forced to pursue her after she is kidnapped by Iggy and Spike, minions of Koopa. They get pulled through an inter-dimensional portal, and end up in Dinohattan (or so I've heard it called), the other-dimension's equivalent of Manhattan. From there on in, it's basically a rescue-the-damsel-in-distress tale, and is more of a light Sci-Fi adventure than a true Mario tale.

To give credit where credit is due, there are some good things about this film. For one, the effects are nice and unique, especially for an early 90's film. The production design is quite cool, Alan Silverstri's score is "Mario-esque", and the visuals are generally interesting and fun to look at. The cast kinda, sorta works in its own way, and Hoskins/Leguizamo are a ton of fun as the leads.

But the movie also does so much wrong. For one thing, as mentioned before, the film totally ignores the games, outside of using character names. There is no Mushroom Kingdom (the setting of the games), all of the animal characters are now human, the brothers are no longer brothers, too much time is spent in the "real world", they used the little-known Daisy character from the games instead of Princess Toadstool (Mario's love interest) so the younger "brother" could get the girl and appeal to the audience, Mario and Luigi's jumping ability are now the work of futuristic shoes. Nothing is designed to look remotely the same. It was like the filmmakers tried their hardest to do anything except make a faithful movie.

Also, the film is full of other problems- a large portion of the humor is not funny. A lot of the direction is sloppy. A lot of plot points are poorly written. Dennis Hopper is pretty atrocious as Koopa. The rules are not clearly established. Etc. In addition, the movie tries too much to wink and nod to the fans- at one point, Luigi even talks about being a video-gamer. It felt like they were trying to make a movie about people who play Mario Bros., rather than an actual Mario Bros. movie... an even in that respect, the movie fails overall.

This film was fun for me as 5-year-old when it first came out, as I had no real grasp on anything, and was wowed by the cool visuals. In retrospect, though, it's apparent animosity towards it's source material, and it's other faults are impossible to ignore. I have no problem with filmmakers changing some things for an adaptation, but this was ridiculous- they changed everything, and didn't even do a good job at it. Even if the movie wasn't based on "Super Mario Bros.", it would have stunk because it's too sloppy and too basic.

While not atrocious, this film is still pretty bad. A 4 out of 10 just for the cool set/visual design, and the fun leads. It's worth watching once for hardcore fans just to see how wrong they got the story/tone, but only if you can see it for free.
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No Justice for a Good Game?
cubecutter4 August 2001
I'm sorry, but the movie version of Super Mario Bros. just didn't do any justice to the classic video game. The plot didn't seem to click, the references to the actual games were few, and the characters? Well, Mario and Luigi were well-done, but the Koopas just weren't. All in all, we old-school gamers deserved better when we wanted to see our wrench-toting heroes on the silver screen.
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Certainly better than its current reputation.
Boba_Fett113811 April 2006
This movie is much hated practically everywhere and of course I can understand why. Basically everyone from the '70's , 80's and 90's generation grew up with playing Nintendo games and the Super Mario games in particular. However when one sees this movie, it becomes pretty obvious early on that this movie has almost nothing to do with the Super Mario video games. The atmosphere, settings and characters are totally different, which is probably the main and also only reason why this movie was and still is hated among so many all over the world.

However, when one has to look at this movie with a fair and unbiased view, one has to come to the conclusion that this movie is good decent entertainment. No, it's not a GREAT movie but it does serve its purpose and that is to provide the viewer with 104 minutes of mindless, simple entertainment.

Kids will most likely like this movie best. The story is wonderfully adventurous and it all is very childishly simple constructed. I mean, the story and setting all basically have very little to do with the games but when you just have to judge the story, it's a pretty good and well thought out one. If the main characters were, let's say, some average Manhattan plumbers named the William's brothers and the entire movie wasn't based on a series of video games, than perhaps the movie would had received a far better reception and would had entertained and reached a wider audience.

All of the characters are pretty entertaining and work out well in the movie. This is probably mainly due to the well known cast. Bob Hoskins and John Leguizamo are the Mario brothers and they form a pretty good main duo. Dennis Hopper also is in his element as the ruthless, over-the-top, stereotyped villain King Koopa. He gives the movie a certain extra fun and flair. Other well known actors in the movie are Fiona Shaw, Gianni Russo (Carlo Rizzi from the first two The Godfather movies) and Lance Henriksen in a very small cameo role.

Unlike the games, the movie is a dark one. All of the sets are dark which was perhaps not the greatest atmospheric mood for the story and the entire movie in general. All of the sets are disappointing, small and unimaginative looking. Same goes for the costumes and most of the make-up effects. The movie however has some good and convincing looking early special effects. Remember folks, that it was 1993 when this movie was released.

The movie however is most of the time a bit too childishly told and the dialogs are below par and too simple.

The pace and editing is good but the movie severely lacks some action and real interesting moments. At moments it takes too long before something good or interesting happens again, which makes this movie perhaps a bit boring and uninteresting to watch at certain points.

All in all it's a not very successful- but still yet entertaining first attempt at making a movie based on a video game. Certainly better than some of those movies based on video games, released this present day!


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Not even close
Horst_In_Translation18 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Super Mario Bros." is an American 100-minute movie from 1993, so this one will have its 25th anniversary next year. For Jankel and Morton, the two English Emmy-winning directors, this is certainly still their most known work a of today, but that really has to do with the epicness of the characters, not because it was a good movie by any means, but because absolutely everybody knows Super Mario and Luigi from the video games. And that includes me as well as I grew up with this series too. That's why it makes me even sadder that, despite the inclusion of some quality actors, the outcome here was this underwhelming. Honestly, I did not get the Mario vibe at all and to me it did not feel like a Super Mario movie. The red and green costumes as well as the protagonists being plumbers is just not enough, just like the use of the names of the characters like Mario, Luigi, King Koopa and Daisy with the latter two apparently still being more known names back then than Bowser and Peach. Anyway, that of course is not the problem here I think. The real problem is that the attention to detail that really could have been key here was so minimal. The smaller references about the video game (bombs, mushrooms...) were not on a level that could satisfy video game fans sadly. And the negatively deal-breaker consequence is that it just never felt like Mario ever. It was a fantasy film, but not a particularly good one as it also did not succeed in its own right.

It also felt really generic in my opinion, for example with the relationship between Luigi and Daisy. That felt really forced to give the film some dramatic and romantic relevance that it certainly did not need. This should have been a pointless fun movie to be honest. Of course, this project as a whole was a huge challenge given the base material here, but it is kinda shocking to see that there were a pretty large amount of three writers working on the adaptation and it became such a mess. At least it is not a complete failure really as here and there, there was an okay moment. But these were clearly in the minority. What stays far more memorable here is the weak unfortunately. For example regardless of what you think about Dennis Hopper as an actor, he never felt like Bowser one bit. Not at all. I personally also did not like Yoshi's looks, but in contrast to Hopper, who was never on a level to feel like a top-notch antagonist, I'd say this is more of a subjective perception. The bar was definitely too high here and I am not too surprised no other filmmakers showed any ambition to take on the story of Mario and the gang. These days, a film like that may be career-ending Razzie material. Okay what else is there to say. I guess the filmmakers did not think this would bomb that hard and get such a high percentage of negative reviews as the ending looked like they certainly had plans to make a sequel, but of course it never happened. Finally, about this one here again: It is not Mario to me and it could have been way better. It is a forgettable fantasy film instead and I give it a thumbs-down. Don't watch.
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Screw the 4.1 rating
ametallicaman198930 March 2023
Maybe it's my child memories loving it that makes me mad about the 4.1. Maybe it's seeing truly garbage movies hit the big screen in recent years. Maybe it's knowing that people took this movie way to seriously to give it 1s and 2s and such. Maybe I'm rambling just to let them allow me to post this review and rating. Maybe like 800 characters is an absolutely ridiculous amount of letters required to send in a review. I have wrote college essays that were around this length. Yeah maybe not all of them an A. But hey! In the end I passed and graduated. I'm almost there now. Getting very very close. Got It.
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jimjam_8514 November 2004
It is clear that this film has been unfairly dismissed. OK, so it doesn't fit the criteria of a 'good film', but, it's a great kids film. It's dark and strange, things generally uncommon of kids films, and, if it wasn't for watching this film as a child, I wouldn't be into people like cronenberg, lynch and, in particular, Gilliam, whose sinister darkness I enjoy so greatly.

It is self-evident that there is a lack of imagination, especially recently, in the kids film genre, and this is where Super Mario Brothers earns the 7 out of 10 that I have given it. My film collection would be much less exciting without having watched this film as a child. This is why I urge those of you who have given it a poor rating to re-evaluate, considering what I have said.
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You have to be high on mushrooms if you think this movie is good! Super Mario Bros is horrible.
ironhorse_iv28 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The first ever full-length, theatrical, live-action motion picture, based on a video game was game over, before it even began film production. Originally planned to be released in 1991, the movie was supposed be, a Disney animated film, but things change, when a number of hand drawn animation films, tank at the box office. Since, that medium was really expensive to produced, Cinergi Pictures, Hollywood Pictures and Allied Filmmakers chose to do, a family-friendly live action version, instead. What, they didn't plan was, the directors, and a team full of screenwriters to ignore, their request; choosing instead a more adult-like dystopia film, very similar to 1982 Blade Runner or 1981 Mad Max 2: the Road Warrior. This version of the film, inspired many of the big name actors to sign onto the project. However, the producers feared it wasn't kid-friendly enough, so they forced heavy re-writes and barred the directors from contributing to them. The script was being rewritten so many times during production that the actors stopped paying attention to these daily rewrites, and instead, frequently getting drunk to go through it, knowing that it would turn out bad. This trade-off made for a very loose-adapted film that had little to no connection to the games. Not only did, this anger the Nintendo fan-base, but it also cause the general audiences, not to bother seeing this badly made film. I know, that an attempt to make a coherent narrative movie out of a series of video games was not going to be an easy task. I also know, as the movie was being written, the Super Mario Bros. video game series didn't have much story or defined personalities for the characters outside of the various cartoon series or somewhat obscure comics, but come on!!! It shouldn't be, too hard, to make a story about two Italian plumbers killing turtles in the Mushroom Kingdom. After all, there were tons of good visual fantasy films, before this with less of a story. It shouldn't be, too hard to make this movie, somewhat appealing. Instead, the movie delivered, pretty ugly grit looking film. Directed by Rocky Morton & Annabel Jankel, the film tells the story of Mario Mario (Bob Hoskins) and his younger brother Luigi Mario (John Leguizamo). They are two Italian-American plumbers trying hard to earn a living in Brooklyn, NY. However, their lives are turned upside-down when Luigi's love-interest, Princess Daisy (Samantha Mathis) is kidnapped by the evil king Koopa (Dennis Hooper) and taken through a mysterious portal that lead to another dimension, where instead of apes, dinosaurs have evolve into humans. Can the Mario Brothers save the Princess or will Koopa get his way, and conquer not only the lizard world, but the human world, as well? Watch the movie to find out if you want to! Without spoiling the movie too much, I really have to say, that the movie really misused their artistic license, way too much. I really didn't like, any of the settlings or how any of the game characters, are portrayed. First off, what happen to the Mushroom Kingdom and Princess Toadstool? What is this Dinohattan BS!! How in the hell, did an asteroid create a different dimension by its impact and how did Dinosaurs turn into human-like creatures. It makes no sense. It's also really hard to believe that the asteroid that rendered the dinosaurs extinct hit New York City, when there is lot of evidence even in 1993, that suggests that the asteroid really struck what is now the Yucatan Peninsula. Also as much, as I love the Devo guns in this film; nobody devolved scientific right in this film. Humans weren't chimpanzees in the past. Goombas are not are seven-foot-tall reptilian humanoids with tiny heads. They are a species of sentient mushrooms. They should turn back into mushrooms, not dinosaurs! Also Big Bertha is a fish; how in the hell, did she turn into a spikey large black lady. I know that the computer-generated imagery and animatronic visual effects were still in their early primitive stage, but come on! At least, they could had done make up! Anthropomorphism creatures would make more sense, than just showing random normal human looking actor pretending to be creatures. The partial cheap animation, they used in the opening, was pretty awful. Not well-drawn. Maybe, I should be, glad they didn't do, the whole film in animation, after all. Unlike, other critics, I really didn't mind, the acting. Nearly everybody did alright, despite, not enjoying working on the film. Despite, for a large portion of the movie, Mario and Luigi trade color schemes, and the fact, that Luigi having no mustache. I still have mad props to both Bob Hoskins and John Leguizamo because the movie harsh stunt works, pretty much nearly killed them. Bob Hoskins was stabbed four times, broke his fingers, electrocuted and nearly drowned. Leguizamo suffer a broken leg, during the car chase. The only actors, I can say, I hate from the film was Fiona Shaw's performance as Lena & Dana Kaminski as Daniella. Both were was really hammy and not needed. They should have used Wendy Koopa & Pauline from the games, instead. I doubt, it would save the movie. This movie Bob-omb at the box office. The film obviously left room for a sequel in the ending with the cliffhanger, but any plans for a sequel were all, but cancelled due to the bad reviews and sales for the movie. So, heads up on quite a few important plot threads being still left unresolved when watching. Overall: I really don't recommended watching this film. In my opinion, it's not that watchable, even when I was a kid in the 1990s. Really, I have no nostalgia feelings for it. It's pure crap. This movie deserves to go down the drain.
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