Seedpeople (1992) Poster


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Invasion of the Seed Spawners
Vomitron_G3 August 2011
Full Moon's "Seedpeople" (1992) dates back to the time producer Charles Band still had comfortable little budgets to play with. The largely derivative story takes place in the small town of Comet Valley, where the citizens are being taken over by the seeds of an alien plant-like lifeform. Special effects designer John Carl Buechler and his team amp up the material with enjoyable creature designs and director Peter Manoogian maintains a decent pace to the events. Young Canadian actress Andrea Roth ("The Club", 1994) manages to stand out between the cast. Needles to say things get more than a little silly, but at least this is a Full Moon quickie that remains a fun watch for not too demanding sci-fi/horror lovers.
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Invasion of the body snatchers rip-off
trashgang26 March 2013
Have seen the trailer for this low budget horror I thought that it could deliver some goodies but sadly it doesn't. If you want to watch this boring flick just watch the trailer and you will have seen the best.

The people from Comet Valley, what's in a name, are under attack of some seeds growing in the forest. The first attack of the eggs looked promising, it was slimy and looked good. the second attack was also rather good with things flying out of the eggs and were sticking on faces. But from there the story becomes rather cheesy and annoying. There's not that much going on from then except some creatures being shown. They didn't look that good and were a bit laughable when rolling around in the forest but after 50 minutes into Seedpeople there was a bell ringing. This is a pure rip-off of Invasion Of The Body Snatchers (1956).

If you are into science-fictions from the fifties, sixties then this is your thing but people by know knew that that particular era is for me a not done. There's almost no blood to spot, and just have a look at a close-up of some teeth, pure rubber.

And for the geeks John Carl Buechler famous for his special effects did the second unit but under the name Doris Carloff and was also responsible for the creatures.

The further it goes the more it looks like Invasion Of The Body Snatchers. And yes, it got an open ending...

Gore 0/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 2/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5
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Full Moon plants its seeds in the body snatchers formula.
lost-in-limbo22 August 2009
Full Moon's 'Seedpeople' is a little composed late-night b-grade feature in the blatant frame of 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers', which does a lukewarm job with its by-the-numbers matter. It's beyond silly nonsense, but it has a likable charm and some spirit to it. Its starts off with a well-worn narrative of a survivor, geologist Tom Bains retelling the circumstances that led him to where he is now. In a small town known as Comet Valley, Bains comes in to investigate a possible meteorite from the past which had landed somewhere in the area. As soon as he gets there, people begin to act strangely and the town is soon under threat from outer space plants that arrived in the form of seeds. Their plans to pollinate humans can only be stopped by Bains and the town's crazy doc resident.

Harmless entertainment that doesn't waste much time, despite some stop and go passages involving minor side-dramas and stupid actions. Simple staples make their way into this slight premise (penned by Charles Band and Jackson Barr), as it's going for the light-weight paranoid creature features that filled the 1950s'. Sure the paranoia, suspense and attempts in cementing a gloomy air kind of falls flat with one of those endings, but it milks out a zippy attitude (due to Peter Manoogian's loose direction) and in the scheme of things uses the rural locations rather well. The goofy rubber special effects are a fair achievement, which are thrown around without a care to the world and the performances are nothing more than decent with the likes of Sam Hennnings, Bernard Kates, Andrea Roth and Dane Witherspoon. And hey there's no denying it contains some very convincing seed people acting… gee were they acting?

If you have an interest in Full Moon go ahead and if not, it won't make any difference. Acceptable low-scale fun by Full Moon.
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"What In The Ding-Dong Heck-A-Ma-Doodle Hell Is That?!"
azathothpwiggins1 January 2019
SEEDPEOPLE concerns the tiny town of Comet Valley, its citizenry, and those who start acting strangely. Tom Baines (Sam Hennings) is in town looking for meteorites, and to possibly rekindle an old flame with local innkeeper, Heidi Tucker (Andrea Roth). Baines has no idea that something is happening in the nearby apple orchard, involving a gigantic, alien plant, its nocturnal secretions, and the bizarre effects thereof. In short order, an invasion is underway!

Sort of a crackpot combination of INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS and CRITTERS, this Charles Band / FULL MOON production is far better than it should be. Made entirely of cheeeze-corn, it still manages to be watchable, all the way to the "twist" ending...
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BandSAboutMovies27 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Seed pods from space land in Comet Valley and start incubating people and hatching more of their evil kind in a plot that in no way references or has even seen Invasion of the Body Snatchers and totally has Dan O'Bannon's back when people accuse him of stealing from Shivers and It! The Terror from Beyond Space.

Peter Manoogian did direct Eliminators, so we should forgive him for this one.

Man, I set myself up by trying to do more than thirty Full Moon movies in a week, didn't I? I'm struggling at 2 AM to say something nice about this movie. At least they didn't make this another sequel to The Curse? It's something to bring home if Critters is out? At least the poster is nice?
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This movie is kind of the pits...
Aaron137511 November 2014
This horror film was not entirely bad. As with most horror films crafted by Full Moon Studios back in the day, good or bad, it was very short. Meaning, that even if the experience is completely horrid, you at least have not invested a lot of time into watching it. Many of their films run under an hour and a half, many under an hour and twenty minutes. So, while you may be watching something that is not very good, chances are with Full Moon, you will not be watching it for very long. Another thing you get from time to time with Full Moon Studios is what is essentially a retelling of a better known story. With the film, Meridian, you basically had a retelling of Beauty and the Beast. With this film you get almost a remake of, Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Not a particularly good remake of it either, but not completely horrible either. Just another in a long run of horror films, that have some good ideas, but a lack of execution prevents it from being really good, or in the case of this film good at all. This one is a bit boring and if you have seen a good deal of horror films you know exactly where it is going and how it is going to end. Though how the film played out made one think that there is no way that the film reached this outcome unless a lot of people dropped the ball in glorious fashion!

The story has a man in a hospital room rambling about something that needed to be checked on in his hometown. An FBI agent comes in and wants the man to recount his tale, so he does. We then flashback to when he first arrived at his hometown of Comet Valley. He wants to find pieces of a meteorite that is depicted in a drawing in a cave; however, something is not quite right in town. At the local bed and breakfast which is run by his ex, her niece seems to think the housekeeper is some sort of monster. Her father goes out to his farm and finds a strange growing pod like thing and is promptly covered in ooze that turns him into some strange creature. Soon, more and more people seem to be coming under something's control. An old man everyone refers to as Doc, but is thought of as the town crazy seems to know what is going on, but as the man who has come back to town and Doc try to stop the strange phenomenon it may already be too late.

The movie has some interesting qualities, but as I have said, you know where it is going. Every time they come back to the guy recounting his story to the FBI agent the agent always is like, "That is interesting, what about Doc…" Granted, when one sees how the guy came to the hospital and what led to him getting a concussion, one has to wonder how the heck did things come to that point. Also, one also has to wonder how he knew what had come of Doc. The Invasion of the Body Snatchers thing is very apparent throughout as you have your emotionless people, pods and a scene at the end where a truck has the pods and the guy runs after the truck. There are monsters in this one, but as much as I prefer monsters that are created rather than the computer generated ones of today, these look a bit goofy and at times roll around like the creatures in the Critter movies. Not a whole lot of bloodshed in this one and no nudity, which is not rare for a Full Moon film. Usually, they go all out or they hold it back to the point of being a bit dull which is the case in this one. Still, there are worse ways and worse films to spend your time on and at least you don't really spend much time on this one.
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Are you one of them or us?
nogodnomasters28 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Tom Baines (Sam Hennings) returns to Comet Valley to investigate a meteor only to discover it is a pod that is infecting people and taking them over. Charles Band style special effects in a made-for-TV quality script.

Guide: No swearing, sex, or nudity.
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Seeds of horror.
HumanoidOfFlesh27 July 2004
Peter Manoogian's "Seedpeople" is a silly horror film about people being taken over by a plant monsters in a small town of Comet Valley.The action is slow-moving,the monsters are completely unscary and there is no gore.The film is a blatant copy of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers",so anyone who is looking for some new ideas will be disappointed.The monsters by John Carl Buechler are among the most laughable movie creatures in recent years.The script by Jackson Barr is truly lame and the direction by Peter Manoogian ("Demonic Toys","Eliminators") is not better.The film may be marginally entertaining,if you're in the right mood.My rating:5 out of 10 and that's being really generous.
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The Root Of All Silliness
Cardcaptor_Jim9 December 2009
A geologist returns to his home town of Comet Valley to search for a meteorite that landed several years ago. He stays at a bed and breakfast run by his former girlfriend (who looks ten years younger than he does). It turns out that giant alien seeds have landed and transformed the locals into emotionless, mind reading zombies. Our hero teams up with the local scientist / drunk to stop these "Seedpeople" from taking over.

If the plot sounds familiar, you may have seen one of several versions INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS. The plot is hardly original, the acting is very poor (everyone has a moment where they shame their acting coaches) and the special effects are not so special. Yet, I love this movie! Why? Because Hollywood horror movies these days are all filled with CGI, obnoxious characters, loud music and explosions in place of an actual story. Hollywood is obsessed with remaking classic movies that insult the intelligence of fans of the original films or making endless amounts of torture porn sequels instead of coming up with an original idea. SEEDPEOPLE has very little in the way of digital effects, choosing to use physical effects instead, doesn't try to hide its low budget and offers likable characters and low key music. Yeah, it's an unofficial remake, but it doesn't insult me like current remakes.

I'm not sure why no composer is listed in the opening credits, but can someone explain why Holly Fields is said to be 21-years-old in the "Videozone" (making of) segment, when her birthday is listed as 1976? That would make her 16 in 1992. Also, the narrator of "Videozone" says Peter Manoogian directed DANGEROUS TOYS (actually DEMONIC TOYS). This didn't take away from my enjoyment of "Videozone". But why isn't there a trailer on the region free DVD?
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A cheesy rip-off
Leofwine_draca20 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
SEED PEOPLE is another cheesy rip-off from Full Moon Pictures, written by Charles Band who probably had the idea after watching INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS and THE CURSE as it's a mix of the two. Meteorites land in the wood and spray their finders with alien goo that transforms them into the titular menace. Although the budget is big for a Full Moon film, this is still cheap and derivative, let down by bad acting and sluggish pacing.
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Seedpeople is cool
coolwes212027 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Seedpeople is singlehandedly the greatest piece of cinema in the known world. Without Seedpeople my life would be a sad and dull place. YAY SEEDPEOPLE! The best quote from the movie is "What in the ding-dong-heck-a-ma doodle-hell is going on here?" Wow seedpeople is really cool, so cool that i can totally write ten lines about it. Seedpeople is so cool that Bubba watches it every day, with Amy. Seedpeople is their movie and they watch it every time they want to. Seedpeople is so great that i suggest everyone run out write now and buy it. Even if you hate the plot, you'll love the awesome special effects and the comedy that ensues when Bubba becomes a seedpeople
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Harmless time killer.
Hey_Sweden3 March 2017
For a little movie that shamelessly imitates "Invasion of the Body Snatchers", the Full Moon production "Seedpeople" manages to entertain to a mild degree. It stars Sam Hennings ("Pawn Shop Chronicles", 'Memphis Beat') as Tom Baines, a geologist who returns to his rural home town of Comet Valley. He's there for work purposes, to check out local meteorite activity and give a lecture. He finds that these so-called "meteorites" are actually alien seeds. And these seeds have already begun to take over the area residents. Tom has to team up with local eccentric Doc Roller (Bernard Kates) to save the day.

Although it's not a particularly good movie, "Seedpeople" is a passable bit of schlock. It gets by due to some amusingly goofy looking monsters, a fair amount of gore and slime, and pretty tacky effects work. The location is fairly picturesque, and there's some decent atmosphere to go with it. One of the best touches is that there's only one way in and out of this town, over a bridge that's shut down for repairs during Toms' stay. The cast includes people like lovely lady Andrea Roth ("War", "The Collector", 'Rescue Me'), Dane Witherspoon ('Santa Barbara'), and Sonny Carl Davis ("The Whole Shootin' Match", "Last Night at the Alamo"), and many of them are sincere if also rather nondescript. If "Seedpeople" has an MVP, it would have to be the effectively nutty Kates, who does bring the exposition to life.

It's hard to completely resist the cheesy charms of something like this, if you're like this viewer and have a soft spot in your heart for such genre fare.

Some folks are sure to dig the ending.

Six out of 10.
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The Root of all Evil...
barnthebarn22 March 2005
Seed People contains some great acting. It also features fairly strong gore, especially during the death scenes. The townsfolk, for some unexplained reason, show little surprise, or amazement at the moist, sucking plants (huh?, exactly!). Andrea Roth makes an attractive 'herione' and alongside lead gent Hennings sizzle with chemistry. Bernard Kates (as Doc) is certainly over playing his mad scientist role a bit but its all part of the fun. The stupid 'open-ending' does not help one bit, presumably paving the way for a sequel but something more satisfying here would perhaps have made such a follow up more feasible. Despite being a little steady and ridiculous in parts this is never far from good fun. The original idea is from Charles Band. The music is by Perry Bullington but musical services are provided by Richard Band Productions.
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At least the cover was cool, right?
willywants17 October 2004
The sleepy little town of Comet Valley has been invaded by plants from outer space. Intent on taking over the Earth, the space plants have found a way to pollinate humans, thus turning them into walking seed carriers. Can the resourceful residents fight off the alien invaders, or is the planet doomed to become an alien garden? pretty lame sci-fi film. This was around the time that full moon films started to get cheap and it shows. The story is weak. The acting is passable at best. The production values are as mundane as the screenplay is. The creatures look goofy. "Seed people" is destined to collect dust on the shelves of bargain basement video stores. Unless, of course, people who drool over direct-to-video fodder, such as myself, prowl such places, once in a while finding a real hidden gem among other direct-to-video cheeseballs. "Seed people" is, unfortunately, just that: A direct-to-video cheeseball. Not a terrible one, just an average one. watchable at least. But not really recommended. 3.5/10.
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If you're looking for a bad, campy horror film that doesn't take itself too seriously, this is for you
kevin_robbins22 May 2023
Seedpeople (1992) is a Full Moon Entertainment film that I recently watched on Tubi. The storyline follows a small town known for comet activity where a meteorite crashes and a mutation forms in the woods. An alien infestation breaks out and people start dying all over the city. Can the local sheriff stop the aliens and save mankind?

This movie is directed by Peter Manoogian (The Dungeonmaster) and stars Sam Hennings (Four Good Days), Andrea Roth (The Collector), Holly Fields (Spider-man 2) and Anne Betancourt (To Live and Die in LA).

The concept for this picture felt like a cross between Invasion of the Bodysnatchers and Critters, but not executed as well as either of those franchises. The creatures were more fun than good as most of the scenes felt like they were executed by puppets and stuffed animals. The flying sequences by the monster are really bad. It's unfortunate because some of the horror elements and kills are well done and some are atrociously bad. This is a fun watch if you're looking for something lighthearted and campy.

Overall, if you're looking for a bad, campy horror film that doesn't take itself too seriously, this is for you. I would score this a 4/10 and recommend seeing it once.
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Sour Mash Garbage
saint_brett17 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Full Moon Productions is a company I hold in low esteem.

The only good movie to come out of it was probably 'Mother's Day.' No, wait, that's a Troma release.

I guess the only good thing to come out of Full Moon Productions was the character Blade, but then those 'Puppet Master' movies weren't so hot.

What did Full Moon Pictures release that was above 1/10? Definitely not 'Robot Wars' or 'Doll Graveyard.' Tonight, I'll be observing 'Seedpeople.' What sort - sesame or pumpkin? I can't imagine what cucumber seedpeople would look like as a movie monster.

What looks like either Scotty from 'Evil Dead' or Mark from 'Massacre at Central High' is strapped down in a funny farm, resisting happy juice injections, and he kind of resembles Richard Marx as well. He begins by narrating his childhood upbringing in Hazard, on the outskirts of Comet Valley County.

Is that Peter Fonda? Or Drew the Dueling Banjo fella? It's confusing because he also has the face of Brian Bosworth.

Either way, whoever this Multifacet person is, they move into a halfway house that belongs to exiled Scientology members who worship meteorites that have already transfigured people in the community. The start of the movie is so lazy and crosses many double foot-faults and false starts that it doesn't bother explaining how the townsfolk became possessed. This is why I struggled - not at times - but all through this garbage. It fails to set a basis for its foundation and sets no platform to spring off from.

Oh yes, the famous female anatomy tree scene with the stick at the 12 minute mark. I thought this came later in the movie. I believe this movie is R-rated for this scene alone. I literally poked fun at this scene myself on YouTube years ago (the video is now removed.) What looks like Johnny Cage or karate actor Ken McLeod pokes a dowsing rod into a furry tree reproducing organ and arouses it to climax, resulting in the secret of the ooze cocooning him in a bed of sticky liquid where he's reborn as a rolling, hairy ball that a dung beetle pushes uphill.

They roam around the countryside with no purpose, can alternate into Transformers, and resemble a Critter who meets a Gremlin and crossed between Bill Paxton in 'Weird Science.' A young Cyndi Lauper picks up the Griswald's home camcorder as she films footage of bigfoot or UFOs when attacked by a beast creature from another movie.

Oh, great timing! I go out for one minute to get some movie time snacks, and I come back only to miss witnessing two irrigation rustlers being attacked by 'Troll 2' popcorn this time instead of seminal tree fluids.

Is that Dr. Giggles from 'Night of the Scarecrow?' Either way, he turns into Buttered Popcorn Man, and I haven't been paying attention to one word said in this trash.

Didn't Stephen King play the same popcorn character in 'Creepshow?' 'Seedpeople' is about a bunch of backwoods inbred hicks who still think white lightning is the main event. They're being indoctrinated into believing space craters have infected their soil - 'Invaders From Mars' - which causes their water to turn yellow, just like in Colorado.

A lunatic scientist who resembles The BTK Killer believes in roadkill and 1980s neon men's wear. Is he the Doc Brown of this movie with that mindreader gadget on his head?

Some of the actors in this movie move and talk like they're wired up to a remote control. (And everyone thinks 'Halloween 3: Season of the Witch' is a horrible movie. Let me tell you, Halloween 3 is miles ahead of thousands of other horror movies.) This guy looks like MacGyver.

I got left behind at the start of this movie, and I'm 50 minutes in now and still don't have a clue what the movie's actual mission is.

The legion guy from MacGyver, or Man-E-Faces from He-Man, whoever he is was seriously miscast as the lead in this. Poor choice. It should have gone to some young buck, as the movie wants the viewer to believe that there's some chemistry between him and the lead floozy, who's young enough to be his daughter.

What looks like an Ovion from 'Battlestar Galactica' makes its customary cameo for a few fleeting seconds. (Was it really in 'Battlestar' all that much?) The BTK thinks he's Tron, or something.

The remote control people are possessed by some Pizza Hutt potato tuber in the earth that fragments into pieces of oversized clam gyros or calzones that are harvested and distributed out as approved gospel literature of some sort. I'm really struggling with this one. Between this movie and the lady sitting next to me at the library here and her breath, I'm really struggling to hold my own.

The importation of alien literature is intercepted, and a final showdown sees the unpossessed and mutated Muppet creatures go to battle over sticks of dynamite and electric current boobytraps, leaving me questioning why I only ever watch garbage every time.

This woman's breath is not of this earth.

Neither is this movie.
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Don't judge before you watch it
xrxatz-5534310 September 2019
OK maybe is old but that's not mean that is bad. For me it was a nice classic since fiction movie with an unexpected end. I recommend you to watch it.
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so bad 4.3 is overrating it.
jacobjohntaylor12 February 2023
This movie is awful. This movie is overrated. It is so awful. 4.3 is overrating it. Can not believe how bad movie movie. I give it 1 out of 10. It is not scary at all. It is badly written. If you want get scared see Invasion of the body snatchers (1956). This is so bad even invasion of the body snatchers (1978) is better and that was an awful movie. The body snatchers from 1992 which is a remake of Invasion of the body snatchers is real scary. But this is a pile of poo poo. If you want to get really scared see the 2008 remake of Invasion of the body snatchers which is called The Invasion. But this is not scary. This is just poo poo.
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Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) Rip-off
claudio_carvalho26 June 2022
"Seedpeople" is a rip-off of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" (1956). The storyline is the same, with modifications of the details only. If the viewer has ever seen the 1956 masterpiece, will see that there is anything new in "Seedpeople". My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): "Sementes do Mal" ("Seeds of Evil")
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Enjoyable B-Film
nepeta-099952 December 2019
If you're familiar with Full Moon Features or the b-film sci-fi genre then then give this movie a try. It's got a similar feel to others greats such as CHUD or Killer Clowns from Outer Space.
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Seedy seeds
jrzzrj7 November 2021
If you are an analytical critic of B-type Sci-Fi flicks of this monster type, you will tear this movie apart with negative comments. However if you are more relaxed and love the type of excitement and horror of the good ol' days, you will enjoy this one. Pop some corn, get a soda pop.....and enjoy.
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Cheesy? Lame? Dull? Boring? Rip-Off? Low Budget?
BHorrorWriter16 April 2001
The answer to all the questions above....YES!!

I remember the first time I saw the poster for this movie in the Video store by my grandmothers apartment. I was maybe 10 or 11, and has been an instant fan of early Full Moon movies. When this finally arrived at the video store, I rented it the next time I stayed over my Grandmothers. I remember thinking that it wasn't too bad but what did I know at that age. Anyway....It stuck in my mind for all these years. Maybe a year or two ago, I happened upon this video in a small video store (similar to the one by my grandmothers, which has gone under and is now a baptist church), and I rented it. I have not seen this movie in any of the main stream video stores, and picked it up. Watched it again, and realized: It was a slow paced, rip off, at times dull, and boring movie, which does have bad special effects, silly looking monster (though I do like them). This movie is not scary, the acting is better than most of the full moon movies nowadays. I don't know...I love Full Moon movies, mostly the older ones from when they started out....I own upwards of 30+ Full Moon movies, and continue to collect them...I got this little gem, in far better than mint condition on ebay, like most of the older ones I have.....This is a movie to have in a collections, like mine....I am a Horror Movie Freak and have some of the worst ones made....but they are fun to watch...pick out the mistakes, hate the way they always end...etc

I would have really liked to have seen a sequel to this one....however, Full Moon only makes sequel if the videos do well...Or it is one of the Puppet Master Movies....When 10 years have passed almost, and i don't think I will see the sequel.....i could write it, but Full Moon does except from unknown writers....

Also, take in to condiseration this movie probably had a budget of like 300-500 thousand if that. Their movies now only have like 100,000 and under....since their separation from paramount, the movies seem a little worse..

watch, rent, buy this is for fans only.....

6 out of 10
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A guilty pleasure from my childhood
Rodd_Munchright19 May 2013
You ever have that one horror movie when you were a kid that you thought was the scariest thing ever even when everyone thought it was dumb, and it probably wasn't until your teens that you realized why it was dumb? Well for me Seedpeople is that movie.

The movie itself despite claiming to be "based on an original idea" seems to copy from pretty much every evil plant from space movie from the 50's and 60's like Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Day of The Triffids, and It Counqured The World, as well as every "guy goes back to his old home town finds out ancient evil alien force landed there, and he has to stop it from taking over world" story, and just a dash of John Carpenter's The Thing.

Long story short a state geologist named Tom Baines goes to his old home town of Comet Valley so named because legend has it a comet landed there to do a study on how he believes the comet was actually a meteor, and it's still there with many of townsfolk believing they found pieces of the meteor.

Tom also stays at his ex girlfriend Heidi's bed and breakfast where he has to deal with her new boyfriend who's also the town sheriff, as well as Heidi's niece who's paranoid about the housekeeper, and later her father not being who or what they appear to be, and a crazy scientist named Doc Roller who's paranoid about everyone in town.

Little does Tom or anyone else know that the meteorites aren't meteorites but seeds to an evil alien plant that grows into these weird dandelion/tree hybrids that spray people with pollen causing them to come out as the film's titular multi eyed fanged plant creatures.

Not only that but humans who have been turned into alien plant creatures are digging up the rest of the alien seeds so that the alien plants can grow all over the world.

The thing about Seedpeople is that it has some interesting ideas, and the monsters themselves look pretty creepy, and it tries to take it's story seriously but at the same time the story moves at the pace of it's monsters which is slow, most of it's scariest moments happen early in the movie not to mention a gazillion plot holes.

For instance it's explained that the monster's weakness is UV radiation yet they move around in daytime even in monster form just fine, and it seems kind of strange for plant creatures to be hurt by sunlight since most plants need it to survive.

Also what happens to the extra mass of the people when they become Seedpeople since some are relatively thin people, and relatively fat as plant monsters but one of them is pretty fat as a human, and quite small as a plant monster.

Not to mention one of them has the ability to give people wet willies, and make them work for the aliens but it never explains if it turns them into plant monsters as well, and we just don't see their plant monster forms or if it just controls them.

It also get's to the point where the movie resorts to giving us these facts about plants to explain why evil plants from space would be scary.

I suspect that a lot of the film's problems stem (pardon the pun) from it's idea was bigger than it's budget, and that a similar movie or even a straight sequel or remake with a bigger budget might do better.

All in all if you'll pardon the pun there's the seed of good idea here but it never grows beyond other cheesy late 80's early 90's DTV horror movies.

Til then don't poke any strange plants you see.
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Enjoyable low-budget variant on "Invasion of the Body Snatchers"
Woodyanders1 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The citizens of Comet Valley are being taken over by seeds from an alien plant that has taken root in the area. Geologist Tom Baines (a likable performance by Sam Hennings) investigates the strange goings-on. Director Peter Manoogian, working from a compact script by Jackson Barr, relates the entertaining premise at a steady pace, maintains a serious tone throughout, crafts a nice isolated small town atmosphere, and stages the alien attack set pieces with verve. The competent acting by the earnest no-name cast keeps the picture humming: Andrea Roth as feisty innkeeper Heidi Tucker, Dane Witherspoon as jerky deputy Brad Yates, Bernard Kates as nutty drunk Doc Roller, Holly Fields as the petulant Kim Tucker, and Sonny Carl Davis as the amiable Bud Mosely. The special effects are pretty gnarly; the giant tumbleweed monsters in particular are a real hoot. This movie deserves extra points for the surprise downbeat ending. Moreover, there's a cheap'n'cheesy charm to this film that's impossible to either resist or dislike. Adolfo Bartoli's cinematography makes neat occasional use of a prowling Steadicam. Bob Mithoff's understated moody score does the brooding trick. A fun little B-flick quickie.
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