64 Reviews
Belly Laugh Funny!
PredragReviews5 February 2017
I am in no way saying this is an award winning movie with award winning performances, but it does include a star-studded cast and plenty of corny jokes that are so indicative of the time period. Movie was great, plot was a cross between Bill & Ted, Rambo, and the Power Rangers I think but mostly for kids since there isn't and cussing in it that I can remember hearing. This is the type of movie I could watch over and over again. Hulk Hogan does an awesome job as Shep Ramsey, an intergalactic warrior who never takes time to relax after a mission. Shep's superior officer suggests that he goes to earth to recharge his ship and enjoy himself, but Shep wants nothing to do with Earth. After he lands, he finds an apartment at the Wilcox house. This is one of his best moves that had me laughing through out. Not so many movies by him have a theme.

Overall rating: 6 out of 10.
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Suburban Commando
phubbs15 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Holy tight ass spandex Batman! a vehicle all for Hulk Hogan! luckily Christopher Lloyd is there to save the day kinda. A alien warrior that oddly enough looks exactly like a human being must save Earth and the universe from another set of aliens who also happen to look exactly like Human beings! what are the odds?.

So for better of worse Hogan is an alien that is basically space Rambo, he wears unconvincing plastic looking armour and carries unconvincing plastic looking weapons with flashing lights on them. It all looks like its been made by a fan for a comicbook convention, basically very good cosplay.

The film also kicks off with a pretty bland looking 'Star Wars' rip or homage however you wanna look at it. Its virtually shot for shot as a huge lumbering spacecraft slowly glides over the top of your screen like the Star Destroyer in 'A New Hope'. We then see a pretty terrible looking space battle with familiar looking laser shots all over and the intro of the supreme bad guy who is a short bald human. Maybe a bit of 'Spaceballs' going on there, mirroring Rick Moranis.

Most of this film comprises of small action and comedy sketches set up for Hogan to abuse with his big frame. So you get various silly scenes where he beats up bad guys, stops petty crimes, helps kids, helps old ladies, the odd pratfall and goofiness due to his super strength etc...its all very predictable and childish but then it is a kids flick.

In all honesty Hogan is a reasonable comedy actor and does ham it up nicely, he is also clearly great with kids which is nice and adds a genuine gentle touch to the films infantile bits. The best part of the film is the pretty sweet alien monster costume which appear when the bad guy transforms (yep he was a nasty alien creature all along). This suit is actually pretty scary for a kids flick which isn't surprising seeing as its a Steve Johnson creation. Other than that the rest of the effect are tacky as hell but that does kinda add to the charm I can't deny.

A typical low budget looking B-movie affair that didn't really do anything other than give Hogan some work to do. but despite that it is a warm fuzzy little flick with a good heart.

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One of the Best Hogan Movies
Derrick_Cannon15 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This was cheesy maybe even corny, but it was also enjoyable. This was one of the first movies I ever saw on video so this brings back memories for me. Hulk Hogan may not have had an acting career similar to the Rock's, but in all fairness Hogan is the prototype that all wrestlers turned actors are judged. I won't get into that as I'd much rather discuss it when I review Rocky Three sometime next year. On to Suburban Commando Shep Ramsay(Hogan) is an intergalactic warrior currently battling the forces of the evil General Zuiter. In the midst of this battle he ends up blowing the power in his space ship. He then ends up on "Earth" a planet he'd much rather avoid. Elsewhere Charlie Wilcox(played by Christopher Lloyd is struggling with his job. His wife asks him to get a raise but Charlie just does not have the guts to do it at this point. Shep Ramsay lands and while observing the town spots a sign that says apartment for rent. It just so happens that the apartment is Charlie Wilcox's Tool Shed(or lack thereof). Charlie views Ramsey as a threat and tries to kick him out, but before getting the chance Shep helps the Wilcox family with their everyday obstacle. Charlie later blasts a wall that gives Zuiter and his crew directions to Hogan's whereabouts. If anyone ever wondered where the Undertaker gave his first major appearance this film was it. I won't spoil the finish but the bonds of Shep and Ramsey become greater and greater as the movie goes on. This film is what any Hogan movie should have been, enjoyable, funny, and sometimes even witty. I'll give it a six because it did reek of Campiness but the campiness worked in this type of movie.
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Laugh out loud funny
XoGents82oX20 December 2003
This movie gets funnier as I get older. Not a good sign, but oh well. Lets face it, this is no blockbuster film, but deep in your hearts that part of being a kid comes out and just laughs at this film. Hogan is the king of cheasy. The dialogue is hilarious and there really isnt a bad actor in this film. Lloyd is one of the better actors ive seen in my life and Larry Miller is always good for a laugh or two. Shelly isnt bad herself. I dunno, this movie fits some peoples humor and not others.
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Simultaneously likeable and awful
Red-Barracuda9 November 2021
Turns out this was a complex drama about an intergalactic warrior who winds up on Earth lodging with a suburban family from where he then fights a succession of baddies. This one is a star vehicle for Hulk Hogan, who is sort of the missing link between Lou Ferrigno and Russ Abbott; he's a likeable enough presence but with the caveat that his acting makes Miles O'Keeffe appear like Laurence Olivier. In this one, he does more or less what you expect of him, to that end skateboards get thrown into outer space, thieves get put in wheelie bins and cats are launched into outer space (actually, I am noticing a theme here even as I type this). Anyway, quite amazingly, there are some actual funny moments in this one, although admittedly none of them involve Hulk Hogan. But you have to take what you can get when you watch a wrestler movie I suppose.
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Hogan actually makes a watchable movie!
saint40524 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
After watching other movies with Hogan in the lead role like Mr. Nanny, I'm telling myself Hogan's acting career is through. I was stunned to see him in another film, this one made before Mr. Nanny. I must say after watching Suburban Commando, well done Hogan!

Hogan plays Shep Ramsley, a space warrior who has crashed down on Earth after destroying an evil emperor. Here on Earth, Shep must repair his ship, and rents a room in Charlie Wilcoxes (Christopher Lloyds) ownership. But while in the suburbs, the evil emperor sends out two bounty hunters to destroy Shep and Charlie, one of the hunters is my favorite character: Hutch played by the Undertaker. Can Shep and Charlie save themselves or more important, the world!?

Now this film is cheesy but in a good way. The special affects are crap, but in a very light way. The graphics looked like computer pixel generation but you forget all about it when Shep lands on Earth. Funny jokes include Shep punching a mime, playing an arcade game about defeating aliens, bombing the paperboy with his own newspaper, and trying not to get frozen by his own weapons. Chris Lloyd does a good job as the suspicious land owner who saves a girl by putting on Shep's warrior suit, blasting a hole through his wall, getting frozen by two bank robbers, and having to steal his angry bosses trophies to save Shep. Overall, good film and it shows that Hulk can at least act and do it well. If you had to pick one Hulk Hogan film with him starring as the lead role, choose Suburban Commando!
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Not Good, but Not Bad
Horrorfan19953 October 2010
OK, let's be honest, this isn't one of the greatest movies ever made but I can give it some credit for making me laugh once in a while, and even though some of the action was kinda boring, it was at least somewhat creative.

Even though Hulk Hogans acting isn't all that good, I will say that this is the one of those movies where an actor does bad in many movies but did good in a certain movie (Suburban Commando is one of his better films). Christopher Lloyd pulls of his role as Charlie very well and has one of the funniest lines of all time, I WAS FROZEN TODAY. But the rest of the acting was bad.

So in all honesty the movie is just stupid, but it tries to be good. If you want to watch it, then I see no harm in watching it, if you've heard of it then I say check it out as well.

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Generally stupid
ericstevenson21 July 2017
This is the first and hopefully only movie I've ever seen that stars Hulk Hogan. There actually was at one point where I was into professional wrestling, but that was a long time ago. I even recently looked at a popular lengthy clip on YouTube. I guess pro wrestling for me is pretty cheesy and corny. Wow, that's tasty! Well, this movie ended up giving me something like that. It features Hulk Hogan as an alien warrior who comes to Earth to meet up with Christopher Lloyd to stay away from bounty hunters. The acting is pretty bad and there's really nothing unique about the film at all.

There's a couple of funny lines in there, but definitely not enough for a full movie. I never realized how prolific Christopher Lloyd was. I really hope he's not a guy who's mostly motivated by money. I think this could have been funny and entertaining if it was like a short film or possibly a sketch. That's really all the time you need to tell a story like this. And yes, it was interesting to find out the origin of the Nostalgia Critic's "I was frozen today!" line. He should use that more. The pacing is poor and it's not very rewarding. *1/2
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Hulk Hogan - Epic Fail
The-Sarkologist9 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is sort of Star Wars meets the Terminator meets a nice fellow who likes to help out people. Suburban Commando tries to be a caricature of our society and seriously fails. It is funny but only through its outright stupidity. My friend laughed at the movie and said that it was basically rubbish. When I first saw it a few years back I thought that it was good, but now it is simply full of clichés with a bad actor (Hulk Hogan) showing off his choreographed pro-wrestling skills. He is no commando, he is a pro-wrestler throwing people around. The one thing I like about the movie is the effects and the fact that it is sci-fi. I have a weak spot of sci-fi but I don't think I can sit through the bad acting and the pro-wrestling falseness again.

The movie is about a commando that single handedly destroys a huge space cruiser and the evil dictator flying it and is then commanded to go on a holiday on Earth. That he does and he claims to hate the place, though when he is on Earth he suddenly takes the role of the Good Samaritan. When I watched Hulk Hogan walking down the street all I could think of is that he seriously suited the role of an alien, and he didn't even seem to have make up on. I remember the days of pro-wrestling and now, in the late 1990's, it seriously seems to be dead. There is probably a group of hard core followers, but I never really hear of it anymore.

Hogan is trying to follow Arnold Swartzenegger and has seriously failed. This movie does not stand apart and Christopher Lloyd steals the spotlight from Hogan for his acting ability. Lloyd plays a weak willed architect that is constantly pushed around by life. When this is revealed you instantly know that he is going to go on a big adventure with Hogan and come out of it with more guts and is able to stand up to people. The movie claims to be one of the 90's, but it is only scratching the surface of a new era of bleakness and satire. Suburban Commando is a silly movie that tries to be something that it is not. Suburban Commando depicts the suburbs are a nice place to live with a few silly problems that a superhero can solve, but the movie does not fall into the caricature that Edward Scissorhands creates. It is a good place for people to live and the only disturbances are intergalactic aliens. It does not create a social order whose greatest enemy is itself, as can be seen with movies like Edward Scissorhands. Though this movie claims to be 90's, it is not.
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A comedy without too much claim!
RodrigAndrisan19 July 2018
Burt Kennedy charmed my childhood with films like "Support Your Local Sheriff!", "Good Guys and the Bad Guys", "Support Your Local Gunfighter", "Hannie Caulder". Recently I saw "All Kind Strangers" with 3 excellent actors in the cast: Stacy Keach, Samantha Eggar, John Savage. Like the script of "All the Kind Strangers", the script of this "Suburban Commando" it's also not great. I watched it with pleasure, because the experienced professional old Burt Kennedy knew how to make a nice film from a second-hand script. I'm not a Hulk Hogan fan but he's not bad in the role of Ramsey. It's a pleasure to meet again the crazy pair Christopher Lloyd and Shelley Duvall. And the old Jack Elam, a veteran of many great westerns. The film starts with a Star Wars inspired scene and has some cool tunes along the way: Robert Jason with Almost Like Paradise, KC & The Sunshine Band with Do You Wanna Go Party.
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A Painful Movie
irishgreg24 September 2000
I should have known it would be bad since it starred Hulk Hogan, but I was not prepared for just how bad it was. One of the worst movies of all time. It was nice to see Mark Calloway (WWF's the Undertaker) as a villian (actually a flunky). However, I can't think of anything else remotely entertaining about this movie.
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One of my favorite 1990s classics
Monstrel20 January 2007
This movie gets into my category of favorite classics of 1990s. Sure, it is more kids movie than even a family movie, and it can not compete with glowing old stream-liners like Back To The Future, not to mention recent Harry Potters, etc., still, it delivers the unique combination of funny comedy and warm atmosphere of kindness and personal achievement. You can rarely meet this combination in movies nowadays.

What I also like is that the struggle of good and evil is going on more realistic sci-fi level than usual (no mystically flying superheroes and other such things). And the Hulk Hogan's character is perfect for him. This movie is probably Hogan's best. Christopher Lloyd also performed great (as usual), and the acting of many supporting characters was solid good and fit the plot precisely.

So if you want the entertaining comedy for your family and you want to chuckle at some scenes for yourself, watch this movie. Hogan there looks like a big kind-hearted superhero uncle, so your kids will love him.
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Not That Bad
aesgaard4126 May 2001
I'm not a science fiction fan, but I like this movie. I may be biased as a Hulk Hogan fan, but this is my favorite of his films. A lot of it is pretty dumb and borders on the absurd, but the best and funniest scenes are his trying to fit in on Earth, and the odd partnership between him and straight-laced Christopher Lloyd. Accepting Hogan too quickly as the space hero he is, Lloyd gets to play one harried husband with a spaced out wife played by Shelley Duvall. Larry Miller, funny as he is, is annoying as the boss, but Jack Elam is wasted as a shell-shocked neighbor in a neighborhood of wierdos. Roy Dotrice has an unexpected cameo, but the worst part of the movie is the unconvincing villain who comes across as a kiddie show bad guy. Two of Hogan's wrestling cronies play bounty hunters who take part in a cartoonish John-and-Larry fight scene. Altogether, the movie has a lot of faults, but few really good scenes.
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Great nostalgic movie.
Silly, horrible, but jus a good film to remember as a child. Hogan, Shell Duvall, and C Loyd we're all funny. It's a bad movie don't get me wrong but it wasn't meant to be a great movie. It was meant to be just as it was and is. Hulk Hogan coming off his kinda success from the movie No Holds Barred to this was jus meant to capitalize on more fame and notoriety for the wrestling world. Not to mention it also gave Mark Callaway "Undertaker" his first feature film role before he became the undertaker. All kids fans of wrestling or not should watch this film. It family fun entertainment bit don't go into watching this a an Oscar film. Jus accept it as it is and enjoy the night.
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Great Fun Throughout
Big Movie Fan25 June 2002
Out of all the movies Hulk Hogan has starred in this is probably my favourite.

Like I said on my summary, it is great fun throughout as Hogan plays intergalactic warrior Shep Ramsey who ends up on Earth after an encounter with evil villains. It is fun to see Shep adjusting to life on Earth (watch out for one scene where Shep locks a cruel dog owner in the back of a car and lets the dog go free)and to see him battle the evil bad guys who are after him (one of them played by Mark Callaway who is still wrestling as The Undertaker).

The dialogue is pretty good throughout the film and as usual, Hogan is playing a moralistic character. Shelley Winters and Christopher Lloyd do a fantastic job as well.

All in all, a great film and I just loved Shep Ramsey's suit in the movie.
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Extra Cheesy kids movie...Lots of Stars
rochfordsimon1 May 2020
I gave this a 4 because I loved it as a young teenager. It doesn't hold up with age.

Awful special effects, soundtrack, story and acting by Hulk Hogan.

But it's fun to see some old and young faces of then famous or yet to he famous entertainers.
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Hulk Hogan fights evil-doers intergalactically!
shadowmario-4647018 July 2022
As a girl who was born in 1985, I know pro wrestling was all the rage, especially with Hulk Hogan. I wasn't big on pro wrestling, but then I had seen this underrated film starring WWE (which was WWF at the time) wrestler Hulk Hogan when watching this movie countless times on Showtime.

Well, where do I start? The film is hysterical at many scenes. The scene with the car alarm was one that had me rolling on the floor laughing. Then there was the one with Shep Ramsey beating Sega's After Burner arcade game ("GIVE IT UP DRAGOS! GIVE IT UP!"), which had a pretty explosive (pun intended) ending. The scenes with Shep giving the street mime hell were funny.

I won't give away much of the movie, but there are many other well-known actors/actresses other than just Hulk Hogan. Christopher Lloyd (Back To The Future, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, etc.) plays Charlie Wilcox, whose hobby shop is made into a vacation cabin, which Shep Ramsey rents. Along the way, two bounty hunters (one of which who is played by Mark Calaway aka The Undertaker) are going after Shep Ramsey.

The funniest part of the film is when Charlie is frozen by the bank robbers, and when he's taken to the place where Shep is charging his ship, he unthaws and utters the most notable line that Christopher Lloyd would ever utter in the course of his acting career (other than saying "Great Scott!" when the guy was Doc Emmett Brown in Back To The Future): "I WAS FROZEN TODAY!" (as a side note, my aunt had the privilege to work with Christopher Lloyd who starred in a film she was doing called Senior Moment, which I suggest you folks stream by means of Amazon).

Even though Suburban Commando wasn't the best in the box office, it was still pretty funny when I would watch it.
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Watched it Once as a Child...30 Years Ago
johnfanning-5322815 August 2021
The top line says it all. I rented it on VHS. Thought it would have been humorous to the 10 year old child I was at the time. I was mistaken then, and have not tried to revisit it since.
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fun movie
movieman-140825 May 2023
A good movie? Of course not but fun and should please its target audidence. Hulk hogan and christopher llyod were both fun in this. If you are fan of either of them this should entertain you. I liked it i say this in 1991 as a double feature with ernest scared stupid. A fun comedy nothing more but is not supse to be it works on the level its supose to. So watch and enjoy. Its hulk hogan second best film rocky 3 is they only fim he was in i would call good rest are just for fun like this one. Im adding this sentence just sdd more because my review was to short. Im trying to think if i had anything else to add i cany think of anything.
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dumb and cheesy
talllwoood131 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It's almost so bad it's good. This movie starts off with some of the cheesiest CGI and worst acting I've seen in a while. From everyone in that opening part, except that bald guy who isn't on steroids. The bad guy of the movie General Suitor. After seeing the opening of the movie it sets the bar low for my expectations.

What kind of forgetful name is Shep for Hulk Hogans characters name. I kept thinking it was Chef like in South Park. I'll just save myself some brain cells and call him Hulk for this review.

The dad hates his job and is not appreciated. His boss is the typical bad boss who takes all his credit. It becomes the Hulksters job to get the father some confidence in this movie extravaganza full of CGI as fake as WWF was back in the 90s. The movies score is dreadful that first rap song goes on longer than certain STI wrestlers would get from ring rats (groupies) back in the day.

This movie is so poorly written. Almost everyone is "jerks" and are so over the top you'd think you're watching a traumaville film such as Nuke'Em High directed by Lloyd Kaufman. The husband and wife are so poorly cast. Sure they look like every day Americans but neither have any chemistry together and I would never have picked them, especially how poorly cast the mom is. I probably watched this movie just because I wanted something to laugh at. However it's not the worst movie I've seen this week. I have a theory that the army soldier who is on his lawn playing in what looks like a really creative looking flower bed thinking he's still an army soldier was the nut who wrote this movie.

Hulk meets the family because he needs a room to rent. He lies saying he's from France. The dad spots a ray gun and the kookie fun begins! It alerts some bounty hunters who look cleaner than most wrestling fans or North American anime loving weeabos. Is it just me or have steroids gotten way better the last 30 years? Hulk doesn't seem that big compared to some steroid monsters now. The movies jokes are so dumb not even someone blessed with the IQ of a 10 year old would find them funny. The dad somehow finds the space ship.

One of the cheesiest moments in the movie is Hulk playing that video game in the arcade and beating it which gets him an applause. Did they put the cabinet in a childrens lost and found? Seriously no kid there looks over 7. The other has to be when the thugs go into the bank and it looks like a blizzard or bukakke film just happened

The tracker to find his gun reminds me of something out of GTA5 in a side quest where you have to find this junk for the cult you join and you have to find trash near this farm.

I bet RC Cola regrets sponsoring this most likely front movie. I doubt they made their money back on this. How hard this movie bombed it didn't just bomb.. brother.. it power bombed off the top ropes at wrestlemania VIII (8).

Some other nitpicks The X ray glasses are really poorly done and edited in. The secretary loves her pistol too much. How is she not in prison. During the fights the lines are so cheesy and poorly choreographed like an episode of Monday Night Raw or Smackdown today whatever it is now between whatever jobber (person who takes a dive) is trying to help make a boring up and coming wrestler seem awesome to sell more plastic and t-shirts with their names on it. Hulks one liners are awful. Did he make them up on the spot?

The bad guy of the film I jokingly call the lawsuit from the black lagoon. The bad guy is playing pretty much the same role Raul Julia did in Street Fighter The Movie meets a typical Patrick Stewart (StarTrek) character such as when he played the alien over lord in Saints Row 4. Before the man transforms if I had to bet money I'd say the dad could beat up the alien lord.

The highlight for me at the end is Hulks pants.
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runbei-220-75760422 November 2011
Sweet and amusing. Maybe you need to watch it when you're very, very tired, like Mr. Hulot's Holiday. Or maybe the ideal venue would be a crowded matinée showing packed with teenagers just out of school, like PeeWee's Big Adventure. I dunno, I smiled a lot - the script was self-consciously corny and silly, but very well-done silly. Or maybe you need an IQ temporarily 30 points lower than your best shot. Can't help thinking that if you liked Harold and Maude or Ferris Buehler or Stripes or (parts of) Caddyshack (cut to Carl Spackler), you'd be amused, too. In the immortal words of Jean-Paul Sartre, "Au revoir, goph...uh, aliens."
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6'7 space invader taking over
redcrossaint26 September 2022
Suburban Commando (1991)


Some movies could only be made within the barriers of somewhere around 1989 to 1992. There are some things that are instantly recognizable from different eras, like swing dancing or flappers from the 1920's, or post-war 1950's suburban homes. There is a movie that is instantly recognizable from 1991, too, a movie that stars Hulk Hogan, the famous (now infamous, with all that behind-the-scenes drama over the past years) wrestler, a fish out of water tale, and a campily entertaining screenplay and generally genial direction. That movie is "Suburban Commando" - and boy, is it recognizable from its era.

By the early 1990's, Hulk Hogan had reached superstardom. He was huge - and had already (or at least attempted to) conquer Hollywood two years earlier with the successful "No Holds Barred" which is also a movie that could only be made in 1989. He had tried to venture out into a real movie career; like Arnold Schwarzenegger (which this film actually has references to) or Chuck Norris, both professional athletes like Hogan before becoming massive movie stars. "Suburban Commando" was a genuine failure, however, and nothing really came of it. Hogan, you can tell, really wanted a movie career. Well, with this film, I don't think it's hard to see why he's not in a lot of movies.

"Suburban Commando" is your classic early 90's fairly tale. It literally opens on a direct copy of the original beginning of 1977's "Star Wars" which shows how desperate this film is. Hogan stars as a galactic hero who's just managed to save himself, but must escape, where he must go to earth. He remarks, "I hate Earthlings..." (while speaking English, of course). After landing in a random location, Hogan ends up with a common suburban family of two kids and a husband and wife (played by Christopher Lloyd and Shelley Duvall). In order to charge his spaceship, he must reside on Earth to wait for his spaceship, where he ends up living with the suburban family, and has a hard time fitting in with the "Earthlings" - which, to him, are quite bizarre creatures.

Nothing new here. The story is phoned in, really, and Hogan cannot act whatsoever, delivering a performance of "grrrrrrr" for just about the entire movie. I laughed a lot at him.

But, to be honest, this is a movie that is very obviously aimed at children, and is very appealing to children. I would be lying to say I didn't enjoy it in my own guilty pleasure kind of way. There are actually a few funny moments; for example, there are moments in Frank Cappello's script that are actually very witty, as in a scene where Hogan claims his lack of knowledge about the human kind and American culture comes from being French. A very funny moment; another comes from Hogan explaining his intergalactic duties to a next door neighbor who's a war veteran, to which he exclaims, "things certainly have changed since '44!" I liked this scene too. "Suburban Commando" is very much like a sitcom of the era, with some unoriginal ideas and laughable dialogue. But I enjoyed it enough to say that it's not really that bad - just mediocre, with some standout unintentional laughs.
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intergalactic warrior spends a few weeks on earth
nathanno18 January 2009
This was one of my favorite movies as a child, and it still is. If you are willing to set aside your critical attitude and accept this movie for what it is- a funny, escapist entertainer- then you will love this movie.

I won't summarize the movie, since other comments have dealt adequately with it. Let me just say that Suburban Commando has a great plot, is very well-written, and delivers in both the comedy and action departments. It is also definitely the best Hulk Hogan movie (I say this after watching the horrible Mr. Nanny).

It's been 17 years already, Hulk, how long do we have to wait for Suburban Commando 2?!
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Corny but fun family flick
cstover-2846825 September 2019
I was about 9 years old when I first saw this movie. As a kid I really enjoyed it a lot. After seeing the horrible 4.5 rating, I thought maybe my fond memories of it were just based on nostalgia and nothing else, so I decided to watch it again as an adult to find out. After watching it recently, I still am sticking by my opinion. While it's certainly no Oscar worthy movie, it clearly never tried to be. It was meant to be a family friendly and fun comedy film, nothing more. And I think it succeeded very well at that. So if you've never seen it or have and want to share that experience with your own children, I definitely recommend you do. It's a fun way to pass an hour and a half
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A Real American
refinedsugar18 May 2023
I first saw 'Surburban Commando' in theaters when I was 11 years old. Naturally I grew up on WWF and Hulk Hogan was my favorite wrestler. This movie didn't ask very much of me. Hogan plays an intergalactic tough good guy who finds himself on Earth after a failed mission to capture an alien bad guy.

Shep (Hogan) navigates a culture that is very foreign to him. This leads to some slapstick comedy. Some which works and some that doesn't. YMMV. Hogan isn't an actor with great range, but the straight forward plot plays to his strengths. There's some PG-13 moments of action and fistacuffs and he comes off very likable.

Veteran actors Christopher Lloyd & Shelley Duvall play the two adult parents of a family he ends up renting a place to stay from. Lloyd is a mild, meek man who let's his awful boss (Larry Miller - who was born to play these roles) treat him like dirt. Due to Shep's appearance though by the end he's a changed man and finally makes a stand for himself.

Fans of the Hulkster or those who enjoy family friendly slightly cheesy entertainment of the 90's with a gleam in their eye for nostalgia will enjoy the proceedings. You can also keep an eye out for wrestler Mark Calloway (The Undertaker) here.
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