Stone Cold (1991) Poster


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Much better than i thought it would be (worth the 2 hours)
disdressed122 November 2006
this is a surprisingly entertaining won't win any awards for originality.this plot line has been used several times,sometimes to better effect,sometimes a matter of fact,Charlie Sheen would star in pretty much the same movie,Beyond the Law,one year later(1992).both are comparable efforts.any way,in Stone Cold Brian Bosworth,an ex football player,takes on the role of of the undercover cop.He does a surprisingly admirable's strange that his film career didn't take off,as his acting ability equals(probably surpasses) that of Stallone and Shwarzennegger when they started out.He is certainly better than Van Damme.Lance Henrickson is well cast as the chief bad guy in the film.action abounds in this movie,leaving pretty much no dramatic moments.of course in most movies of this type,there is zero character development,but that can be forgiven in this case.the movie knows what it is and doesn't try to be something it's is pure fun.oh,yeah,i almost forgot.William Forsythe also plays a baddie and is brilliant as always.this is definitely a great way to entertain yourself for 2 hours. 6/10
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Empty headed action flick - But it's still a lot of fun...
joebloggscity28 April 2018
I just saw this in a retro showing, and it's really one of those films that you shouldn't enjoy. It came out at the tailend of the muscles action era which was at its height in the 80s.

We don't need to bother about the storyline. Our badass hero has not any acting skills and is out to bring down a biker gang from hell. Lots of explosions, lots of female exploitation and sexism, bad one liners and terrible dress sense, yet it's so much fun. It's so wrong but you can't help but go along for the ride.

As a throw back, it's fun and downright silly escapism. Granted I was finding the sexism too much at times, but apart from that it's a fun night's viewing. Give it a whirl.
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Brian Bosworth proves here he was a better actor than professional football player.
Aaron13758 November 2010
My summary is not much of a compliment as the Boz as he was known as back in the day was a horrible NFL player and an over hyped college one. The Boz as about attitude and an image and college football recognized this by giving the Butckus award to Alabama linebacker Cornelius Bennett instead. That being said, Brian was not a horrible actor, kind of a Dolph Lundgren type where you put him in the right position and he will succeed. I am afraid his football career may have helped him get into Hollywood; however, being run over by Bo Jackson is an image that hurt his chances of becoming a sustainable star. This film has over the top action, violence and sparse nudity here and there and it failed during a time this type of movie should have done well.

The story, dude is a cop who is on suspension and he stops a grocery store robbery that involves like four guys and automatic weapons. Sure, guys with artillery like that hit the local supermarket for the big score! Well he is soon recruited to infiltrate a biker gang and take it down as they are out there killing priests for no real reason. There are big deals going down and stuff. Look, it is a brainless action film, best not to dwell on the plot and let the explosions make you say, radical!

As I said, Brian Bosworth did alright here, they did not give him too much to do as he mainly walks toughly here and there. Lance Henrickson on the other hand seems miscast as the leader of a biker gang. Why not someone with some size so you can have a decent fight at the end as poor Lance puts up a worse fight in this than the Joker gave Batman in the first Batman movie. Lance looks way more at home in the priest costume at the end!

So lots of explosions, lots of strutting around like one owns the place, more explosions, some boobies and even more explosions. Seriously, I do not think a motorcycle explodes upon impact in a fireball the size of some sort of C4 explosion. Still, that is what makes the movie sort of fun, makes it a bad movie that is sort of good at the same time. This movie failed at the box office, but a few changes and I think it could have done good, I bet if Canon had made this film it would have turned a profit as this is the type of film that was their signature. I do not really see it as an MGM film, even though that is who made it. So, turn off your brain and give it a view, it may be bad, but it is not boring!
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Wonderfully over-the-top actioner
Wizard-814 March 2004
STONE COLD was such a big bomb in theaters, it not only put an end to the Stone Group film company, but derailed Brian Bosworth's chance of a post-football career in theatrical movies - it was several years later when Bosworth made his next movie, which went straight to video. Though Bosworth's utterly mediocre performance probably also explained why the major studios wouldn't give him another chance. Yet the movie is utterly enjoyable all the same, because it is so relentlessly over the top in just about every department. I knew I was onto something special when someone in the first minute emptied a machine gun into a shelf of Ritz crackers! Incredibly violent (the first cut got an NC-17 rating), sleazy, and with a climax that not only must be seen to be believed, but makes you wonder just how they got permission to do so... this is a must for fans of '80s action movies. Yeah, this came out in 1991, but if RAGING BULL is considered a '70s movie in spirit, why not?
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Really good fun
masonsaul11 March 2020
Whilst the plot is very formulaic, Stone Cold is still really good fun. Brian Bosworth gives a really good lead performance and proves he is a very capable action star. Lance Henriksen is great as the villain. Its well paced and builds effectively to a satisfying, over the top and action packed third act. It's well filmed and Craig R. Baxley's direction is good. The music by Sylvester Levay is also good.
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The "Boz" rides to the rescue
sol12186 December 2003
******SPOILERS****** Far fetched movie, even by Hollywood standers, about a biker gangs assault on the state capital building in Jackson Mississippi in order to save a fellow biker "Trouble" Owens,Billy Millon. "Trouble" Owens was sentenced to death for the murder of a Baptist minister after he was already sentenced to 45 years in jail for the same crime! Doesn't this violate "Trouble" Owens' constitutional right against double-jeopardy?.

To make things even more interesting the bikers plan to knock off Brent "The Whip" Whipperton, David Tress, the state take no BS D.A who's running for governor on the Law & Order ticket. The "Whip's" platform is that that he'll, if elected, do everything in his power to break up notorious "The Brotherhood" Bikers. That's the biker gang thats involved in murdering law and religious leaders who threaten their criminal activities and who pushed for the death penalty being imposed on the convicted biker leader "Trouble" Owens .

Brian "Boz" Bosworth, Joe Huff, a Mobile Alabama undercover cop who specializes in infiltrating biker gangs is recruited by the FBI to get the "goods" on "The Brotherhood's" leaders Chains, Lace Henriksen, and Ice, William Forsythe, as well as uncover their plans to spring Trouble Owens from jail. If it weren't for the final five or so minutes of the movie "Stone Cold" wouldn't be worth watching with has "The Brotherhood's" explosive assault on the state capital building and "The Boz" coming to the rescue, by air, just in the nick of time before they can get away.

"Stone Cold" gets muddled as soon as it starts with sub-plot after sub-plot bogging down the story and confusing the audience. But it's more then worth sitting through just to see the showdown at the end of the movie between the bikers vrs the police FBI and the US army which will not disappoint and more then make up for the boring and confusing story up to that point.

Even though he can't act a lick Brian "Boz" Bosworth is very imposing and physical in the movies incredible action scenes. It's only when he reads his lines that you can't keep from chuckling and wondering if this role that "The Boz" is playing as an undercover agent for the FBI is nothing more then a comedy shtick for a "Saturday Night Live" TV show.

Henriksen and Forsythe easily steal the acting honors in the movie as the crazed and insane bikers leaders Chains and Ice. Chains even gets religious in order to get close to and take out the hated state DA Brent "The Whip" Whipperton. It's the what looks like deranged and foaming from the mouth D.A Whipperton who comes across as vicious and obnoxious as any of the crazed bikers in the movie! And mind you "The Whip" is supposed to be one of the "good guys".
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Out cold...
fmarkland3214 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Brian Bosworth stars as John Stone a police officer who goes undercover to infiltrate a band of bikers who are planning on killing a senator and are becoming a problem with the FBI, National Guard and the Senator in question. Lots of carnage ensues. Only in the late 80's and early 90's could a movie this stupid get made. However I loved it! There are so many demented exchanges that I couldn't help but just enjoy what was on screen. My favorite moments of zen were "Times like this remind me of my father's last words, Don't son that gun is loaded!", "You have a clean up on aisle 6" and "He can't his head's all messed up!" suffice to say the last is in reference to a decapitated mobster. (Great stuff) The movie is gloriously dumb with action sequences which make no sense and only exist to give the maximum level of carnage. (Great stuff) Indeed the climax is so wonderfully goofy as to a courthouse that has been massacred(This has got to be the worst security ever) including one such demented moment when the head biker (Lance Henriksen) guns down the begging senator. This is the kind of movie that you watch when you feel that Road House is just too intellectually complicated and not nearly violent enough. Of course for this viewer the more violence the merrier and the stupider the better! Great stuff.

* * * out of 4-(Good)
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What a waste
jfgibson7310 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I have the exact same problem with this movie as I do with Road House. Both start out as big, loud, dumb action, and it is 100% fun. Then, it takes itself WAY too seriously.

The opening scene in Stone Cold was maybe one of the best beginnings I've ever seen. It was completely ridiculous, but that was what I was looking for--80's action so stupid you smile through the whole thing. By the end, I had lost my smile. Rather than continuing to have the hero easily triumph over cartoonish bad guys, the movie starts to get dramatic and even a little tense as the innocent victims begin to pile up. Having Brian Bosworth infiltrate a biker gang should have been as silly as an episode of C.H.I.P.S., but they went for the emotion. Just like Road House went from being fistfights with drunken goofs to being a total bloodbath, Stone Cold went from being light fun to a drama about a terrorist bombing. That just sucked all the fun out of it for me. Sorry, but I just wanted to be entertained.
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Boz=2 awesome 4 a shirt!
spynine2 December 2001
You haven't seen this much male shirtlessness in a film since Planet of the Apes (1968). Boz struts his bare torso around and you know that was the reason the film was made. That and the thick, beefy one-liners delivered with a total absence of any emotion whatsoever.

Watching this historical nugget of 1991-era sensibilities was like hopping into the Wayback machine set for "LAME", though somehow it's entertaining. Perhaps that is the central mystery of the film: How can something so horrible be so AWESOME?!

Boz's hair defies both logic and taste and manages to evoke the diametrically opposed forces in early 1990's hairstyles: Thick product vs. rockin' windswept "do". Black roots juxtaposed with platinum blonde tresses hanging like a mudflap down his beefy neck while the top and sides are all "bidness" crewcut as evidenced by his ability to infiltrate both the Salsa club and the greasy biker compound.

Rent this movie and watch in rapt horror/delight as "The Boz" tears a searing hole into your heart!
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Very Enjoyable Guilty Pleasure, That Has Lots Of Cool Action! With Fun OTT Performances! And An Excellent Finale
callanvass14 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This is a very enjoyable guilty pleasure, that has lots of cool action, with fun OTT performances and an excellent finale!. All the characters are good, and the story while routine is pretty cool, plus Brian Bosworth and Lance Henriksen both deliver fun performances. It's completely predictable, and while Brian Bosworth isn't a very good actor he entertained me big time! plus it had some really cool stunts throughout!.The opening is really wicked, and to be honest the only reason I rented this was because, i have never really seen anything with Brian Bosworth so i decided to tape it and surprisingly enough i enjoyed it!, plus this is a cult classic in my opinion!. Bosworth and Illana Diamant had pretty good chemistry together, and there are plenty of explosions and exciting chase scenes to keep one entertained!, plus one of my favorite moments was Lance Henriksen dressing up as a priest to get into the courtroom. It's pretty well made,and some of the dialog is hilarious!, plus all the characters were quite likable. This is a very enjoyable guilty pleasure, that has lots of cool action! with fun OTT performances and an excellent finale!, and I highly recommend it. The Direction is very good!. Craig R. Baxley does a very good! job here with solid camera work, cool angles and keeping the film at a very fast pace!. The Acting is fun if nothing else. Brian Bosworth is not a very good actor at all, however he kept me very entertained, he was fun to watch, and blew lots of sh*t up, had some cool lines,and was one big dude, I liked him. Lance Henriksen is great here he was wonderfully OTT, a lot of fun to watch, quite menacing, and really seemed to be enjoying himself, he can do these roles in his sleep though!(Henriksen Rules!!). Illana Diamant is beautiful and did fine with what she had to do i liked her,she also had decent chemistry with Bosworth. William Forsythe acts with his Cigar, as I didn't care for his character, he was OK, but he can do a lot better then this. Sam McMurray and Richard Gant are good as the FBI agents. Rest of the cast do fine. Overall I highly recommend it. ***1/2 out of 5
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What were they thinking?
arraychannel4 June 2019
The Wizard of Bos should have stayed in his professional football career instead of drifting over into acting. Not only is he terrible at what this film demands of him, he's completely stiff. There's this one scene that takes place is a strip club and you can tell that Brian Bosworth is distracted by all the dancing naked ladies around him. The acting in this movie is complete and utter crap from everyone except Lance Henriksen, who tries his best with what he's got, and William Forsythe, who is completely wasted. The climax is seven minutes long and is simply mediocre. It's not thrilling or exciting or anything of the sort. The movie is ~90 minutes long and, thankfully, those 90 minutes go by rather quick, which I was surprised at. I will give this movie credit for at least trying to be an alright action movie, but everything just drags it down. If you're into watching bad movies like I am, this is a must-see. But, if you're not into that sort of stuff, don't even bother with this film.
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This Is More Like it!
themadmullah25 August 2006
Sometimes, just sometimes you see a film that rocks your world. A film that normally you wouldn't even pick off the shelf unless someone told you about it. Stone Cold is that film.

Starring man of the day Brian 'the Boz' Bosworth this low budget action vehicle is one of the most fun actioners that I have ever seen. What's right with it? In terms of your normal studio producer films … very little. The acting is poor, the script dreadful, continuity (especially the hysterically bad bike chase) is just atrocious and that's just the opening few scenes.

But this film hits where it needed to. The action. The set pieces are a by numbers low budget master class, how to make the most out of very, very little. Henrikson is a superb villain and Bosworth makes the most of his limited abilities to chew the scenery whenever it gets into his way.

As I said not a perfect film but pretty damn perfect nights entertainment.
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An astoundingly bad movie (that's actually rather good)
philipwright5 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
As another reviewer wrote, it's a 'Wonderfully Over-The-Top' stupid action movie.

I actually started watching this thinking it was the Tom Selleck 2005 original Jesse Stone TV movie 'Stone Cold'.

I was about ten minutes into it before it dawned on me that I was watching the wrong movie.

I was going to give up on this total nonsense when it struck me that, despite myself, I was actually enjoying it anyway.

It's an unoriginal plot with a main actor who really can't act. But it DOES have Lance Henrikson, one of my favorite actors. And, even though he's almost unrecognizable, has ridiculously corny lines and is overacting the whole time, he actually turns in a sterling performance.

Even Brian Bosworth's wooden performance actually kinda works.

The violence is so far over-the-top it becomes good. But don't watch this movie for any redeeming qualities or concepts or anything. It IS better than 'Plan 9 from Outer Space'. But only just. Even the ending is bad - with Lance Henrikson and another simply acting out Alexander Godunov's final scene at the end of 'Die Hard'.

This is a movie that has no right to work. But I freely admit I enjoyed all one hour and 32 minutes of badly-acted violent bloodbath.

And I think you will, too.
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Possibly the worst movie ever put on film
omega3172 July 2000
If you've seen this movie you know what I'm talking about. Any movie store that carries this movie should be forced to put up a disclaimer disassociating them from any lawsuits that may be brought on by their sickened customers. On the upside though, fans of professional wrestling will be able to quickly identify the inspiration for "Bad Ass" Billy Gun. Seriously, this movie has no redeeming value whatsoever. Infact, it's so unkettle it should be criminal.
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Stupid fun!
Phantasiii4 September 2019
Think "Commando" with bikers, all of the misdirected machismo from "Road House", and every other action movie trope you can think of, all nicely sliced and diced together. That is "Stone Cold". It never tries to be more than what it is. It has a simple setup far as story goes, decent action, it's well shot, has fast pacing, and pretty solid acting all around.

It's an early 90's movie about a cop going undercover to catch a biker gang, what more are you expecting out of this?

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Delivers exactly what it promises ..... mindless entertainment ...........
merklekranz22 March 2011
Very entertaining action film with a memorable hero, Boswoth, and a very memorable villain, Lance Henriksen. Naturally, airborne motorcycles crashing into helicopters requires a certain, check that, a total suspension of disbelief. Henriksen is at his evil pinnacle in this film, espousing some extremely quotable dialog to boot. Logic is totally thrown out the window, in favor of a quick pace, great stunts, and brutal brawls. Very few films are as action packed as "Stone Cold". There are several moments of very dark humor mixed with the mayhem, and if you are in the mood for mindless entertainment, here is a movie that delivers exactly what it promises. Recommended of its type. - MERK
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Bam Bam the Biker.
hitchcockthelegend10 November 2012
Made for two reasons one feels, the first was an attempt to elevate then Gridiron star Brian "Boz" Bosworth into a movie star, the second was to hopefully take a bite of the action cake whipped up by Arnie, Sly and Bruce et al. The first thing didn't happen, Bosworth has languished in low grade schlock ever since, but in spite of its low rating on internet forums, Stone Cold is a gloriously over the top action movie that wouldn't have looked out of place on either of Arnold and Sly's resume's.

It's pretty standard in plotting, Bosworth is a no nonsense cop on suspension who gets thrown a bone by way of an undercover operation. His task is to infiltrate a gang of Hells Angels type bikers who are basically killing big suits and running amok. The gang is led by Chains Cooper (Lance Henriksen) and his second in command is Ice (William Forsythe). Proving his metal as a tough biker dude, Bosworth gains their trust but plots to bring them down with help from one of the "lady" bikers who clearly doesn't belong in such company. Cue carnage, fights, stunts, wonderful bikes, cheese laden dialogue, nudity, ridiculous mullets (Bosworth winning the award for worst mullet of the 90s) and a finale so over the top it's as thrilling as it is daft.

Acting wise? Bosworth is wholly unconvincing but it scarcely matters in a production such as this, and surprisingly he's not the worst actor on show. No I'm not talking about Henriksen and Forsythe, both of whom are perfectly cast and playing it with a glints in eyes, but the supporting cast leave the most to be desired, with Richard Gant particularly struggling to pitch the tone right. But does it matter in the grand scheme of things? If you are rolling up to watch Stone Cold then you really should have some idea of what sort of film it is. Artistically it's on a straight to video level, but as an action film pulsing with 80s type muscle? It delivers entertainment once the brain is put on snooze for 90 odd minutes. 7/10
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If You Don't Like The Boz, You Are A Terrible Human Being
tarbosh2200012 May 2010
Ah, "Stone Cold"... what a classic! In the Tradition of "Cobra", he puts the "force" in "enforcement"! John Stone (The Boz) is a cop who goes undercover in a biker gang to weed out the leader, Chains (Henriksen) and his dangerous crew.

Okay, the plot isn't much, but how about that Mullet! Only in 1991 can you get away with that hair. Boz has a couple of good lines like "Cleanup on aisle 4", very reminiscent of Cobra's "I don't shop here".

Henriksen always puts in an excellent performance. He's at his best as the villain. Forsythe looks young (and a little heavy) here, but he doesn't disappoint. The climax at the courthouse is hilarious! You gotta see it to believe it! One of the funniest cop movies ever, "Stone Cold" will always hold a special place in my heart.

For more insanity, please visit:
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Story sucks, script sucks, the action sucks, the villains are cool.
docchainsaw20007 September 2003
Cliche-filled movie about undercover cop Bosley infiltrating biker gang lead by Henricksen and Forsythe. A good opening scene and great performances from Henricksen and Forsythe are a plus, but you've seen it all before.
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Truly Stone Cold
Tierneyweiser28 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie truly is awesome. Its fun all the way through. There's rarely a moment of downtime in the film. The action sequences and the acting is so over the top that it makes the movie work. The violence is high here with over the top crazy explosions. In a beginning scene a head biker shoots a cars door and the car explodes like a bomb went off under it. In another scene above the courthouse Bosworth jumps out of a helicopter, through a glass roof and onto a marble floor, a good 60 ft drop, he rolls out of it and kills a bad guy. Truly something not to be missed. Great over the top action. Kudos to Lance and William for playing such awesome bad bikers. They were the definition of scum and they played it beautifully. This movie is a early 90's action gem with an over the top "Commando" like feel. Great watch for any true action lover.
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Boz--the original "Stone Cold"
invictorious7 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The release of this movie in the early 1990's elicited a question: Who is Brian Bosworth? Why care if he stars in a film? Answer: Bosworth was 'the Boz', a big name football player for the Seattle Seahawks. His short career as a professional footballer ended because of injuries. With his athletic career ended, a pattern of low-budget films began. Perhaps it was his football persona which enabled him to get the lead as an undercover cop in "Stone Cold".

It is an action film with lots of guns, explosions, fighting, and trash talking. Stuff wrestling fans can appreciate. Well-built, brash and cocky with a mullet hair on field, 'the Boz' had the traits to be a pro wrestler. He is the original Stone Cold. A latter interview indicated it was all calculated self-promoting. As in pro wrestling, outlandishness has value. His closest brush with pro wrestling was as a commentator for the failed WWF/NBC venture in the XFL football league in 2001. Fours years later, Bosworth was cast among former and active wrestlers in "The Longest Yard." Bosworth starts off as maverick cop Joe Huff. He first thwarts a supermarket robbery, cementing his role as the formulaic, buff, handsome hero who saves the day. Later, he's forced into going undercover to take down a biker gang—the Brotherhood. It's a biker gang under the leadership of Chains (Lance Henriksen), and his 'deputy' Ice (William Forsythe). Add Six Pack, Greek, Nancy, Mudfish, Gut, Tool and the complete set of the gang's top names are listed. Under his new name, John Stone, Huff does some illegal stuff to build him his gang rep: getting into fights, selling drugs and meeting Chains.

The gang's focused on helping one of their members, Trouble Owens (Billy Million), who's serving what amount to a life sentence for murder. But DA Brent 'Whip' Whipperton (David Tress) wants a death sentence! Under heavy military and police security, Trouble's taken to the state's Supreme Court to hear his fate. The Brotherhood storms the place for a bittersweet climatic shootout which gave this movie a let-up from a clichéd ending. High body count everywhere! In a damn cool sequence, Huff walks from the building all bloodied. Police and National Guard forces rushes forward, at times looking back at Joe. He gets more attention from the news media, as reporters ask question and photographers take pictures. But cops hold them back. He's also curious to civilian onlookers. Joe ignores all of them and keeps walking like it was just another day. It's all behind him. No more worries or obligations. People surround him with curiosity. He looks to the side. Freeze Frame. Cue Music. Credits.

Although he continues to act, Bosworth hasn't reached the level of top action star. One desire if movie-making was like pro wrestling: Elevate the Boz.
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Bosworth limited
SnoopyStyle27 January 2016
Joe Huff (Brian Bosworth) takes out a hold-up gang in a supermarket all by himself. A violent motorcycle gang called The Brotherhood led by Chains Cooper (Lance Henriksen) and his right-hand man Ice Hensley (William Forsythe) is murdering and causing havoc. Suspended Alabama cop Huff is forced by the FBI to go undercover to infiltrate the gang.

This has some good action scenes especially for a B-movie. It's got a couple of solid actors, Henriksen and Forsythe, to play the fun villains. It all boils down to Bosworth. I don't expect much and that's what he has. He has a limited range. I wouldn't call him charming. He lets his size do most of the acting. I also wouldn't call him stiff. He can walk. He can talk. However he can't do more. He is at most second tier and more realistically third tier action star material.
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When You Need A Man's Man Movie, Go With "Stone Cold"
bayardhiler9 March 2013
In the 80s and early 90s, there were a number of movies that may not have had the most solid story, but what the they lacked in story they more than made up for in action, all kinds of mindless action that any red blooded American could sink his teeth into. 1991's "Stone Cold" is a perfect example of this; despite not having the best written story or being the best produced film, you still can't help but be entertained. The film follows the story of a rough and tough cop Joe Huff (Brian Bosworth, aka The Boz, former NFL player who tried his hand at acting and while he may not be a great actor, he does do a decent job for the role) who is forced to go undercover in a vicious biker gang known as The Brotherhood, who's motto is "God Forgives, the Brotherhood Doesn't" (a motto that was almost certainly borrowed from the American Outlaw Association or Outlaws MC, their's being "God Forgives, Outlaws Don't). While going undercover, the Boz faces all sorts of dangers, be it from fights, guns, knives, explosions, but above all, from the gang's infamous leader, Chains Chopper, played by the always entertaining Lance Henriksen. Even though this is far from being standard A material, Lance dives into his character, producing one of the best bona fide psychopaths in the history of action cinema and thus making the movie all the more better because of it. You also have William Forsythe in an equally menacing role of Ice, Chains' right hand man and constant bump in the road for the Boz. Then there is the beautiful Arabella Holzbog (sadley, I can't seem to find any info on her) as Nancy, Chains' old lady (biker slang for wife or girlfriend) who ends up falling for Huff, not realizing that he is a cop which leads to tragic results. All in all, if you're a guy and in the mood for a man's man movie, filled with plenty of action and hot naked women, plus some really nice motorcycles, then "Stone Cold" would be a great way to spend some time on Sat night. Also starring Sam McMurray and Richard Gant. 8 out of 10. PS Although this is more of a man's movie, women may get some enjoyment out of seeing Bosworth without a shirt and, in one scene, wearing nothing but a speedo. Hint guys, this a good way to sell this to your wife or girlfriend for movie night.
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Classic 90s Action Movie
JakeRfilmfreak7 March 2023
An awesome B action movie with all the trimmings. Fist fights, guns, explosions, and bikers.

(Brian Bosworth) stars as Joe Huff, a cop who goes undercover infiltrating an outlaw biker club called the brotherhood. Led by club president Chains (Lance Henriksen), the brotherhood is planning to kill the District Attorney and free one of their brothers from jail.

Bosworth's performance is not the greatest of all time but works well with the b action genre. On the other hand Henriken is absolutely great as the main villain.

The plot is not very original, but the movie overall is very entertaining. I'd recommend it to any action fan.
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Stone Cold (Yup your a POILCE)
hotwheelerd1 June 2019
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