The Last Boy Scout (1991) Poster

Damon Wayans: Jimmy Dix



  • Jimmy Dix : You don't like women much do ya Joe.

    Joe Hallenbeck : [about his wife]  At least I liked the guy she was fuckin'. He was my best friend.

    Jimmy Dix : Nah man, he was a scumbag private detective.

    Joe Hallenbeck : All private detectives are scumbags.

    Jimmy Dix : Yeah, but that scumbag tried to get you killed.

    Joe Hallenbeck : Yeah well, friends can't be perfect. I wish that water wasn't wet, I wish the sky wasn't blue and I wish that I didn't still love my wife. Ahh, life sucks!

    [reaches for a glass of wine] 

  • [Jimmy is being approached by a bunch of goons] 

    Jimmy Dix : Right now, I'm trying to figure out which one of you looks the most like my dick. If you got something to say, say it. Otherwise get the fuck outta here.

  • Scrabble Man : Drop the gun, Hallenbeck.

    [takes Joe's gun and tosses it] 

    Scrabble Man : Bit late for a stroll, don't you think?

    Joe Hallenbeck : Yeah, you girls oughta be gettin' home.

    Jimmy Dix : Yeah, streetlights are on.

    Jake : Shut up, fuckface.

    Joe Hallenbeck : I'm fuckface, he's asshole.

    [Jimmy smiles sarcastically, in agreement] 

    Scrabble Man : Jake?

    [Jake punches Joe in the face] 

    Scrabble Man : Apprise Rodney Dangerfield here of his situation. Perhaps we can dispense with the fun and games now, yes?

    Joe Hallenbeck : You want the envelope, right?

    Scrabble Man : The envelope, very smart. See, Jake, here's a man who knows when a situation is untenable.

    Joe Hallenbeck : Good word.

    Scrabble Man : You like that word? And you do have that envelope, don't you?

    Joe Hallenbeck : Better give up, Jimmy. We're dealin' with a couple of geniuses here.

    [Jake punches Joe in the face again] 

    Jimmy Dix : Alright man, just leave him the fuck alone!

    [Jake kicks Jimmy in the groin] 

    Scrabble Man : Leave him alone? Sure, whatever you say. Jake attacks his job with a certain exuberance.

    Jimmy Dix : Shit, we're bein' beat up by the inventor of Scrabble.

    Scrabble Man : He's still in a good mood, Jake. Kick him again.

    Joe Hallenbeck : All right! You want the envelope the hooker had, right?

    Jimmy Dix : She wasn't a hooker, Joe.

    Joe Hallenbeck : Shut the fuck up.

  • Jimmy Dix : Man, you couldn't protect a cup of warm piss.

    [throws ice at Joe] 

    Joe Hallenbeck : Why don't you just go ahead and hit me?

    Jimmy Dix : Excuse me?

    Joe Hallenbeck : Come on, chicken shit. Bust me in the chops. You don't think an old guy like me could hurt ya, do ya Jimmy?

    Jimmy Dix : So now you know my name?

    Joe Hallenbeck : James Alexander Dix. Quarterback for the L.A. Stallions, '89-'90. Banned from the league on gambling charges, allegations of drug abuse. Another tragic tale of wasted youth.

    Jimmy Dix : [stands up from his chair]  Now you're starting to piss me off.

    Joe Hallenbeck : It's about fuckin' time. I'm Joe Hallenbeck.

    Joe Hallenbeck : [Joe reaches out his hand, Jimmy slaps it]  I'm a private detective.

    Jimmy Dix : You're like a fuckin' lowlife to me.

    Joe Hallenbeck : At least I didn't shit my talent away on coke.

    [Jimmy tries to punch Joe, who subsequently blocks his punch and pushes him on the ground] 

    Joe Hallenbeck : [noticing his spilled whiskey]  I spilled my warm cup of piss.

  • Jimmy Dix : [37:16]  What, you don't believe in love?

    Joe Hallenbeck : Yeah, I believe in love; I also believe in cancer.

    Jimmy Dix : What, they're both diseases?

    Joe Hallenbeck : Yeah, something like that.

    Jimmy Dix : I'd love to meet the bitch that fucked you up.

  • Jimmy Dix : I figure you gotta be the dumbest guy in the world, Joe. You're trying the save the life of the man who ruined your career, and avenge the death of the guy that fucked your wife.

  • Joe Hallenbeck : Where are you goin'?

    Jimmy Dix : To the bathroom, okay. You wanna come? The doc said I shouldn't lift anything heavy.

    Joe Hallenbeck : No, I'll pass.

  • Joe Hallenbeck : [32:01]  Leather pants?

    Jimmy Dix : Yeah.

    Joe Hallenbeck : What's something like that run?

    Jimmy Dix : Six-fifty.

    Joe Hallenbeck : Six hundred and fifty dollars?

    Jimmy Dix : Yeah.

    Joe Hallenbeck : They're pants.

    Jimmy Dix : Yeah.

    Joe Hallenbeck : You wear them?

    Jimmy Dix : YES.

    Joe Hallenbeck : They don't, like, have a TV in them or something?

    Jimmy Dix : Nope.

    Joe Hallenbeck : I am very old.

  • Jimmy Dix : Feel like I've been rode hard and put away wet.

    Joe Hallenbeck : What the hell does that mean?

    Jimmy Dix : It's horse talk, man.

    Joe Hallenbeck : They got the brothers ridin' horses now, huh?

    Jimmy Dix : Yeah, cars're gettin' too hard to steal.

    Joe Hallenbeck : You ever wear, like, a little cowboy hat?

    Jimmy Dix : [laughs]  I'm really good, man. Maybe I could take your daughter out. What's she like?

    Joe Hallenbeck : She's like thirteen years old, and if you even look at her funny, I'm gonna stick an umbrella up your ass and open it.

  • Jimmy Dix : [to himself]  Okay, what would Joe do at a time like this? He'd kill everybody and smoke some cigarettes.

  • Jimmy Dix : I'm saying again for the cheap seats, Lieutenant. I DON'T KNOW WHERE JOE HALLENBECK IS! That's my fucking statement! Write it down and shove it up your ass.

    Lieutenant Benjamin Bessalo : I could nail you for obstruction.

    Jimmy Dix : You couldn't nail a two dollar whore.

  • [while Joe is dancing a jig] 

    Jimmy Dix : You know, for a dancer, he is one hell of a detective.

  • Jimmy Dix : If you go any faster we're gonna travel back in time.

  • Jimmy Dix : Shit happens real easy, starts out painkillers, Demerol because your fucking knees are shot, before you know it you're chewing Codeine with your pancakes. Then a truck comes out of nowhere then you're talking to the God and say, "hey, help me out big guy, I pay taxes, I go to church, What's with this dead wife and kid shit?" But he isn't answering because he isn't taking any calls that day, then I get a call from the league, and they're saying, "Hey kid, your career is over." I ask "why?" "Because you gamble." Why is there an injury report in pro football? Nobody else has one, only pro football does.

  • Darian Hallenbeck : The hell's that number on the back of your head? Is that like a license plate in case somebody tries to steal it?

    Jimmy Dix : No. It's a football thing. It's my high school number.

    Darian Hallenbeck : So when do you graduate?

    Jimmy Dix : ...You wanna be left alone, don't you? I'll be in the kitchen, over here.

  • [On pulling up to Joe Hallenbeck's home] 

    Jimmy Dix : Wow, an actual house. I was thinking a cave with... skulls and shit.

  • Jimmy Dix : Hey, man. You ever play ball? You've got a good build.

    Joe Hallenbeck : What are you, a fag?

    Jimmy Dix : No, I'm just trying to break the ice.

    Joe Hallenbeck : I like ice. Leave it the fuck alone.

    Jimmy Dix : Oh, you're a lot of fun to be with.

  • Jimmy Dix : Hey, ugly! Looks like our evidence got blown up. I think we might have to get some more.

    Joe Hallenbeck : Just won't let go, huh? You're like a dog with a frisbee.

  • Joe Hallenbeck : Since it's the '90s, you don't just smack a guy in the face. You say something cool first.

    Jimmy Dix : Like, "I'll be back."

    Joe Hallenbeck : Only better than that. Hit him with a surfboard...

    Jimmy Dix : "Surf's up!"

    Joe Hallenbeck : Something like that.

  • [Joe and Jimmy are trying to tell the bodyguards in a car about a bomb] 

    Joe Hallenbeck : Now what are you doing?

    Jimmy Dix : I'm drawing them a picture.

    Joe Hallenbeck : What is that?

    Jimmy Dix : It's a bomb.

    Joe Hallenbeck : It doesn't look like a bomb, it looks like an apple with lines comin' out of it. They're gonna say "Don't open the briefcase, it's full of fresh fruit!"

    Jimmy Dix : You wanna draw the damn thing?

    [Jimmy shows Joe the drawing of a bomb with "BOM" written below] 

    Jimmy Dix : Happy?

    Joe Hallenbeck : Are you kidding me?

    Jimmy Dix : [shows the drawing to the bodyguards]  Always criticizing my shit. I can't do nothin' right.

    [the bodyguards shoot at them] 

    Jimmy Dix : Oh, shit!

    Joe Hallenbeck : I forgot to tell you. "Bom" means "fuck you" in Polish.

    Jimmy Dix : Hey, that's not funny, man. I almost bought it there!

    Joe Hallenbeck : Tragic loss to the art world, let me tell ya.

  • Joe Hallenbeck : Hey flash, rescue attempt?

    Jimmy Dix : Blow me.

    Milo : You must be James.

    Jimmy Dix : [sarcastically]  James?

    Joe Hallenbeck : He does that with everybody. He calls me Joseph.

    Milo : I trust you're alone.

    Jimmy Dix : No, I got the fuckin' Vienna Boys Choir with me. What, is everybody stupid around here?

    [thug slams his head into car bonnet] 

    Joe Hallenbeck : Just you, kid.

  • Sheldon 'Shelly' Marcone : Give him the key or I'll have you kneecapped.

    Jimmy Dix : Whoops.

    [Jimmy throws a "Shredder" shotgun shell into the fireplace] 

    Jimmy Dix : Look like nobody gets the money. That's one of those new plastic keys.

    Sheldon 'Shelly' Marcone : Get the god damn key!

    Jimmy Dix : [to Joe]  The kind that shred.

    Joe Hallenbeck : Darian, get down!

  • Jimmy Dix : Alex was my son, I used to be married, one Sunday away in Miami my wife couldn't come because she was eight months pregnant, she walking down La Brea boulevard, out of nowhere a pickup truck jumped the curb POW! she never knew what hit her she died, but Alex lived in a incubator for seventeen minutes, just enough time for one dream, then he died, I think about him all the time, I threw for three hundred yards that day while my wife and kid were dying, I played the game of my life, life sucks.

  • Joe Hallenbeck : I swear to Christ, Junior, if I survive this fuckin' case I'm gonna dance a jig.

    Jimmy Dix : What?

    Joe Hallenbeck : I'm gonna dance a jig, I swear to Christ.

  • Jimmy Dix : You're a real bastard, ya know that, Joe?

    Joe Hallenbeck : And then some.

  • Jimmy Dix : It ain't right.

    Joe Hallenbeck : No, it ain't right.


    Joe Hallenbeck : This ain't no game, flash. Real guns, real bullets. It's dangerous.

    Jimmy Dix : Danger's my middle name.

    Joe Hallenbeck : Mine's Cornelius. You tell anybody, I'll kill you.

    Jimmy Dix : You ever watch "Soul Train"?

    Joe Hallenbeck : Shut the fuck up.

  • Jimmy Dix : She gets evidence to use against 'em, right?

    Joe Hallenbeck : That's right.

    Jimmy Dix : So now we have the evidence.

    Joe Hallenbeck : What we got, Junior, is Marcone and Baynard by the nuts and that is why I love America.

  • Jimmy Dix : It's called a vocabulary. You got one of those?

    Joe Hallenbeck : Sorry, my subscription to JUGGS magazine ran out.

  • Jimmy Dix : Come one, Cory, let's go.

    Cory : Wait, I gotta wait for Hallenbeck.

    Jimmy Dix : Are you in some kind of trouble?

    Cory : It's nothing serious, let's just wait for Hallenbeck.

    Jimmy Dix : Is there some guy bothering you?

    Cory : Seriously, let's just wait for Hallenbeck.

    Jimmy Dix : Hallenbeck's a bum. What's he gonna do, light a match and breathe on the guy?

  • [Joe and Jimmy arrive at the stadium and see Marcone's car] 

    Jimmy Dix : Hey, that's Marcone's car.

    Joe Hallenbeck : Come on!

    Jimmy Dix : [pulls out his keys and scratches the car]  I've always wanted to do that.

    Joe Hallenbeck : You should've shit on it.

  • Harp : Hey, last time I saw you drink straight vodka was 'cause you just cheated on Cory.

    Jimmy Dix : Yeah, well, why don't you pour me another?

    Harp : Oh, man. You didn't? You gotta be crazy, partner, cheatin' on her.

    Jimmy Dix : I gotta be somethin', Harp. 'Cause nowadays all I do is lose friends, drink, and nail anything with a heartbeat.

    Harp : Yeah, well, uh, just stay on that side of the bar, huh?

    Jimmy Dix : [effeminately]  Oh, Harp.

  • Jimmy Dix : [37:16]  You don't believe in love?

    Joe Hallenbeck : I believe in love. I believe in Cancer.

    Jimmy Dix : You're saying they're both diseases? I'd love to meet the bitch who fucked you up.

  • Jimmy Dix : Hi, you're nobody.

    Joe Hallenbeck : Shhh, don't tell anyone.

  • Jimmy Dix : [Jimmy has just survived being thrown off an overpass and is now trying to calm startled motorists]  It's okay. It's okay, folks. It's okay. It's okay. Thank you. Thank you. Danger is my middle name. Don't try this at home, folks. I'm a trained professional. There's me, and there's Super Dave.

    [Passes out] 

  • Jimmy Dix : Do you want to get kicked off the planet?

  • Jimmy Dix : Wow! An actual house? I was thinkin' like a cave with skulls and shit.

See also

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