12 Reviews
* Out Of Five
bronsonskull7216 March 2006
Nick Cassavetes (Son of John), Mike Norris (Son of Chuck),Eric Douglas (Son of Kirk) star in this pointless sequel which finds them cast as gung-ho commandos who go to the middle east to keep a nuclear weapon out of terrorists' hands, along the way these commandos are aided by Russian commandos led by John Ryan (Not John P. Ryan) their mission goes well and they bring the terrorists down without breaking a sweat, which is why this movie is such a dud. One of the problems faced in Delta Force 2 was that Chuck Norris and his team seemed invincible and therefore the action was fairly one sided, in Delta Force 3 this is taken to an extreme level and therefore none of it is excited. Also the movie is poorly staged and cheaply made making it an embarrassing effort at best. Worst of all is that where as the first two had the coolness appeal of Lee Marvin,Robert Forster, Martin Balsam,Robert Vaugn, John P.Ryan, Billy Drago,Richard Jaeckel and (maybe) Chuck Norris, Delta Force 3's biggest name is Nick Cassavetes. Wow.

1/5 Matt Bronson
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Fathers and sons
BandSAboutMovies7 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Helmed by perhaps the best action director Cannon had, Sam Firstenberg, and written by the team of Boaz Davidson, Andrew Deutsch and Greg Latter, this Delta Force installment may have no Chuck Norris, but it does have his brother Mike as Greg Lassiter, the Delta Force point man. It's actually a movie of sons and brothers, as the commander, Major Charlie Stewart, is Nick - son of John - Cassavetes, intelligence officer Lieutenant Richard O'Keefe is Matthew - son of Arthur - Penn and explosives expert Sam is Eric - son of Kirk Douglas.

Terrorist Kahlil Kadal (Jonathan Cherch) wants America out of the Middle East or he'll wipe Miami off the face of the Earth using suicide bomber Anwar Hussein (Dan Turgeman) who attacks TV producer Wendy Jackson (Candace Brecker) and puts her in a wheelchair, which he later uses to hide his bomb in the hopes of setting it off on national TV.

Meanwhile, Delta Force must team with Russian Spetsnaz commandos and go on a mission to El-Qutar, Sudalia on the hunt for Kadal. Charlie and Captain Sergei Ilyich Leskov (John Ryan), the leader of the Russians, can barely get along and the mission goes bad, so bad that Russian Pietre Ivanovich (Mark Ivanir) and Sam get killed and Greg gets wounded.

Of course, Charlie and Sergei get it together and get so good at killing as a team that one of them knifes the bomber's foot to the switch while the other one shoots him right between the eyes live on national TV. God bless America. God bless Delta Force.
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Despite its lack of perfection, it's still probably worth seeing if you enjoyed the first two Delta Force entries.
tarbosh2200013 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Wouldn't ya just know it, now there's a new terrorist on the block, an insane homicidal madman named Kahlil Kadal (Cherchi). Evidently, he has a real beef with Miami, Florida and he wants to blow it up with a nuclear device. His motivation for just exactly why he wants to do this is never truly explained, although Miami Vice did go off the air two years before Kadal went nutso, so maybe that's what hacked him off so badly. It's really anybody's guess.

The only logical way to counteract Kadal, so believes the President (of the United States) is to call in The Delta Force. Charlie (Cassavetes), Sam (Douglas), Richard (Penn) and Greg (Norris) - to avoid further confusion that's Nick, Eric, Matthew, and Mike, respectively - join forces with some Russians, Sergei (Ryan) (of COURSE his name is Sergei), and Irenia (Hasfari). Will the combined forces of the DELTA FORCE, a Russian, and a woman be enough to thwart Kadal's nefarious plans? And who will win THE KILLING GAME?....and what is THE KILLING GAME?

So, yes, there is a third installment in the Delta Force series, and no, it does not feature Chuck Norris. It does feature Mike Norris, so the Norris quota is satisfied. Apparently, Chuck was going to be involved with the project but he backed out at some point. Much like Death Ring (1992) (which also starred Mike Norris), with its infamous box cover touting the appearances of "SWAYZE - NORRIS - McQUEEN", it appears that Delta Force 3: The Killing Game is throwing in all its chips with the idea of featuring celebrity sons in the main roles.

While Nick Cassavetes and Matthew Penn kind of fade into the rest of the Israeli scenery, Eric Douglas explodes off the screen with a somehow-recognizable je ne sais quoi. Director Sam Firstenberg did two things right with DF3:TKG - One, he made Islamic terrorists the focus and not some nebulous, politically-correct threat. This predates Path to Paradise (1997) by quite a few years, and Homeland by many more. Two, he gave Eric Douglas plenty of screen time. His Jerry Trimble-esque antics liven things up. Whenever he's around Douglasin' it up, the movie improves.

The idea of the U. S. and Russia working together was a hot new idea at the time, fresh off the Berlin Wall falling. Of course, there are tensions at first (along with a silly training sequence), but, of course, this "Delta Force 2.0" (or should we say Delta Force 3.0) joins forces to combat the real threat facing both nations. Naturally, after training is complete and the battle begins, there is plenty of punching, kicking, shooting, blow-ups, and a very rapid-fire string of underground bombs (?) that are not far off from underground ninjas. Which in themselves are not far off from Bugs Bunny.

But, sad to say, there are issues here that put a damper on things. The middle section drags, and, as in a lot of Firstenberg films, there is no character development whatsoever. We never really get to know or become emotionally invested in our heroes. Sure, there are a lot of "war heroics" (what war is this again?), but what does it all mean when the characters we're spending our time with are one-dimensional? Yes, I know we're talking about Delta Force 3 here, but I still don't think that's an entirely unreasonable request. But, to counterbalance all that, we do get some funny death noises from the people that do expire, which sound a lot like satisfied grunts. It's hard to know whether they've died violently or have just eaten a large meal.

DF3:TKG doesn't really "feel" like the prior Delta Force films, it kind of feels like its own thing. Despite its lack of perfection, it's still probably worth seeing if you enjoyed the first two Delta Force entries.
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Just plain silly
SMalamud19 September 1999
So, the Russians sent a woman as part of their special force? GOOD ONE! This had me down on the floor laughing. Obviously, the lead character needed some prize for his troubles and it couldn't just be some Arabic village girl, so I understand. But it's just TOO funny! The rest of this movie is so easily forgettable, it's not worth discussing.
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Worst army movie ever
oded_506 December 2009
The thin plot is weakened by poor acting and worse army skills. The soldiers combat in a hostile state shirtless, shooting only from the waist, never aiming, but always seem to hit the forehead. They never crouch or lie down for better aim, they rather stand up in clear sight. The Arab enemies never shoot from behind a shelter, they too are always standing up, usually in the middle of the corridors. The chase scene in the end of the movie is ridiculous. The Arabs send all of their vehicles to the same spot where they are all butchered at once. The interrogation scene in the airplane is preposterous, as the US army interrogates the terrorist with a pull-down screen, without the terrible noise of the engines sounding anytime. What a waste of time...
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Wrong Conclusion. Same Result.
refinedsugar13 June 2024
If I may say so, 'Delta Force 3: The Killing Game' doesn't sink because Chuck Norris is gone. It's just a generic 90's actioner with a b-movie cast made up of less famous sons and such. It's the lack of memorable set pieces, too many cliches that is the real killing blow. It's still a Cannon Film so there's cheese including gratuitous boobs within the first 30 secs and setting off a minefield.

In Moscow a suicide bomber hits a peace conference of foreign delegates and the mastermind is terrorist leader Kadal. He sends a tape to the American government making demands to pull out of the middle east or he'll detonate a nuclear bomb on US soil. Delta Force under the lead of Maj. Stewart (Nick Cassavetes) are sent in to get him, but along for the ride are Russian Spetsnaz lead by Cpt. Leskov (John Ryan). Tensions ride high between the men and there's some friction, but more importantly they have to stop the bomber in Miami now that they know his identity.

Mike Norris (son of Chuck) fires off guns and does martial arts once. Eric Douglas (son to Michael) is the demo expert who befriends his Russian equivalent Pietre (Mark Ivanir). Cassavetes here in a b-movie acting role before he went on to bigger success as a writer & director. The cold war trope about US vs Russia baked into the men who in predictable fashion grow to respect each other. 'Delta Force 3' is watchable, but doesn't offer rewards for sitting thru it's exercise in "been here, seen that".
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Action Packed Thrill Ride
sdejong15 July 2004
To me, DF3 had the best plot of the 3 films, however the lack of Chuck Norris brought the intellectual achievement down. This movie missed Chuck's cool catch phrases, and his ability to shoot rockets out the back of his bike. This movie was somewhat of a disappointment, but overall, I still give it my approval. I would recommend it to someone who likes action, and wants to be entertained without all the glory of Hollywood superstars. When compared to other 3rd installments of trilogies, it still is up there with the best. Much better in comparison to the Godfather 3, and Die Hard 3.


Don't submit to the man, fight the power!
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Delta Force 3: With Extra Cheese
toxiemite16 February 2009
I am often guilty of buying dvds that most people would use as drink coasters. My most recent purchase was Delta Force 3.

I am a big fan of the first movie and enjoyed the second... but without Chuck Norris's beef on the screen I was expecting part 3 to be a piece of shyte. It was cheap and I figured I'd give it a go considering that I'd always wondered about it.

And so last night I sat down and gave it a go.... surprisingly I was aptly entertained. While it's no masterpiece, Delta Force 3 delivers the goods. It may struggle for star power (most of the players are sons or bothers of Hollywood A-Graders) but it makes up for it with a nice little terrorism plot and some nifty action sequences. The rattle snake blasting scene was something I hadn't seen before.

Sure there's plenty of cheese here... most of which is delivered by Mike Norris (son of Chuck) but its the cheese that makes 80s & 90s action flicks good. As with the original movie, there's some interesting parallels to the current terrorist-laden climate we are in right now.

If you're a fan of the other two movies, I recommend this one. Don't listen to the naysayers.
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This definately isn't related to Chuck Norris's original Delta Force!
MastfLvr31 August 1999
Delta Force 3 is your typical mindless action fest that you usually get stuck watching at 3:00 am on HBO when you can't seem to sleep and there's nothing on regular tv but news, infomercials and endless loops of Sportscenter. With this movie unless it's a real good case of insomnia your problems will soon be over...because for an action movie its pretty boring and the acting isn't anything to write home about either. Not to say it's horrible, it's really not bad...it's just not good either. It's one of those movies you watch and then you just kind of forget it eventually because it wasn't very memorable. I will say this about it though they did use a creative way to get the bomb in a tv studio.That was about the only memorable event in the whole movie.
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What is the appeal of this sequel?
Zorin-24 October 1999
No Chuck Norris and no Lee Marvin, what is the appeal of this sequel. For Norris fans, not much. "Delta Force 2" suffered without Lee Marvin but at least still Norris. "Delta Force 3" doesn't have either. This is a poor direct-to-video sequel that has nothing to do with the previous films and is a waste of time.
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Another Case of Nepotism
DrunkenMaster20002 August 2004
The back of the box reads: "Featuring the sons of Hollywood's biggest screen heroes ..." I'm sold! No Chuck Norris, so Mike Norris will have to do. Not as strong as the original, and not as silly as Part 2. The great Sam Firstenberg does deliver the goods. Eric Douglas (son of Kirk) is pretty good as one of the Delta Force commandos; he'll most likely never win an Oscar but he sure looks good with a machine gun! The way Nick Cassavetes disarms the boomer in the finally with a bowie knife deserves a look. Hey Nick - "Give me Delta Force 3 over The Notebook any day!"
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Glyn_y2k327 October 2003
This is an absolutely rubbish movie with lame special effects, crappy plot and even worse acting! So if you wish to see a movie with an ounce of class stay away from this mess.

Erm.. nuf said i think.. in conclusion.. WORST MOVIE SERIES!!!! EVER :@:@:@:@:@:@:@!!!!!
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