14 Reviews
Heart ripping demon in the world of 80 's fashion
kaderabekm22 April 2006
After brief narration giving a bit of information about Lilith, an ancient demon transforming into seductive woman and killing horny men since the dawn of mankind, the infamous Night Angel crawls out of the hole in the ground in front of viewer's eyes. Viewer's eyes will be pleased by the fact the demon already looks like naked woman. The only thing that gives away Lilith's true identity is a disfigured hand with sharp claws. The devil woman changes the shape of the hand before she goes on her manhunt and chooses a head of well known fashion periodical as the first victim. The boss gives the mysterious beauty a lift, Lilith invites herself into his fancy house, seduces him and then slashes his throat with fingernails while rich man's little son watches in horror. She also removes heart from victim's rib cage. Soon, redaction of the magazine becomes a place of witchcraft when Lilith decides to spread evil in the printed form. Lilith first causes a fight between two men at the discotheque, one of them falls into elevator shaft, the other one is badly injured by broken glass. Lilith introduces herself as the right hand of magazine's new boss played by Karen Black and turns the whole staff into zombie-like creatures. Craig, one of the employees, doesn't like the change of magazine's style and becomes another man on Lilith's death list. He tries to defeat the demon with the help of his girlfriend and elderly black woman who knows Lilith's hideous secret... Night Angel represents a perfect example of 80's supernatural horror, packed with mechanical monster effects and latex gore.
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Siren's burning!
Hey_Sweden18 March 2018
An ancient evil entity named Lilith is reborn and assumes the shape of an incredibly sexy young woman (German-born Isa Jank, "The Wrong Guys"). Lilith proceeds to aggressively contrive her way towards being the cover girl for a fashion magazine called "Siren"; meanwhile, she goes about seducing and destroying various horny and mindless men. A virtuous employee named Craig (Linden Ashby, 'Melrose Place') doesn't like what she does to the office, so he teams up with a savvy old woman (Helen Martin, '227') to vanquish the demon. He also takes the time to romance Kirstie (Debra Feuer, "To Live and Die in L.A."), the sister of his boss Rita (Karen Black, "House of 1000 Corpses").

"Night Angel" is acceptable cheese ball fare, no more and no less, yet it does still hit the spot fairly well for anybody who's got a soft spot for this kind of thing. It's got plenty of lovely ladies and sex scenes to keep the audience satisfied, as well as some wonderfully garish makeup FX by Steve Johnson ("Night of the Demons"). It does improve as it goes along, leading to a major set piece of atmosphere and effects; the most memorable bit of business takes place around the 56 minute mark. Dominique Othenin-Girard ("Halloween 5") directs adequately, giving us enough "good" stuff to prevent our minds from wandering too much.

The delectable Ms. Jank, most of whose acting credits consist of TV appearances in her native country, does seem to be enjoying this moment in the spotlight. The rest of the cast is passable, if not inspired, although it's nice to see veteran character actress Martin in an actual heroic role. (At first, you think she's just some sort of pest.) Notable creature performer Doug Jones ("The Shape of Water") has his second credited acting role as shameless horndog Ken. Also appearing are Gary Hudson ("Road House"), Sam Hennings ("Seedpeople"), Twink Caplan ("Clueless"), and Phil Fondacaro ("Troll"). Roscoe Lee Browne ("The Cowboys") does the opening narration. Hennings bares enough of a resemblance to Klaus Kinski to be good for some chuckles.

All in all, an agreeable watch. It's worth sticking with just to hear that end credits song belted out by none other than Screaming Jay Hawkins!

Six out of 10.
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"I'm trying to save your soul".
lost-in-limbo26 December 2014
"Night Angel" for most part follows the typical staples of 80s supernatural horror with lukewarm results. It wants to be an erotic thriller with supernatural touches, but the uncanny aspect cheapens it. Considerably silly and weakly acted (with the exception of an always amusing Karen Black), and while uninspired, it's never boring due to competence in its polished direction and outrageous old-school latex make-up effects (thanks to some outlandish hallucinating nightmare sequences). Director Dominique Othenin-Girard was at the helm, who previously directed "Halloween 5" the year before and some of the visual and atmospheric aspects collide here. He sure does like the blue filter when staging the lighting. It's violent, sensual and brooding, but done in a rather tacky manner. Just look at the lust-filled orgy sequences. While serious in tone, some elements are tawdry then say shocking in what it aims to achieve and the dialogues at times can make you groan. The story centres on the fashion magazine industry where glamour and vanity attracts evil in the shape of an ancient evil demon in woman form. Nothing surprises in the writing with the usual raving character suddenly appearing and they know how to vanish this succubus. A mysteriously infatuating Isa Andersen might look the part, but acting-wise was less desirable and some of her delivery raised a chuckle. While across from her is a wooden hero in the shape of Liden Ashby and Debra Feuer fairs much better as his romance interest.

"She's Satan's whore wife"!
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OK thriller with everything in
KGB-Greece-Patras14 November 2003
OK - I have to admit it: I love old school 80's & 90's era, electro/disco music and this decadent atmosphere that you CANNOT really find in todays mystery/horror/whatever films (there are exceptions, of course).

This one isn't too dumb, really. Compared with lots of silly hollywood 'horror' this one is much much preferable. We even have enough style, music and few gore effects to get things going. And of course, as you have probably understood by now, there's an evil mistress that is trying to rule the world. And then, the final supposedly climactic ending sequence. This is quite an OK viewing, with quite pleasant & amusing characters.

No masterpiece, by no means, but should be OK for most horror fans and fans of that particular atmosphere I described above.
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Has its moments.
bombersflyup17 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Night Angel has qualities, some work, some don't, not coming together overall.

The acting isn't great across the board, with Johnny Cage from "Mortal Kombat" in the lead role and a pretty over the top and poor Isa Jank as Lilith, though visually the part. No time's ever taken to breathe, with any sort of "normality." Also, the old lady spoils the mood and the ending cheesy.
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Trash has a new name...
paulclaassen25 September 2022
Bloody hell, this was bad!! My review should be short and sweet: this was trash. Absolute garbage!

I mean, seriously, could it have been any worse? From the opening scene I realized I was in for something utterly pathetic, and I couldn't have been more spot on! 'Night Angel' is seriously bad in every way - from the acting to the premise to the execution.

Isa Jank stars as an ancient demon, Lilith, who - as the synopsis indicates - seduces and kill men. Ok, but why? What does she has to gain from doing that? Is it just for fun? She doesn't gain any power, and it doesn't enhance her as a demon or being in any way, so what's the purpose?

This one-dimensional film has bland characters with no back story whatsoever, and no character development. It's just a bunch of ideas thrown together trying to depict all men as one track minded horny idiots. There's hardly a mentionable inciting incident, and nothing propelling the film from the second act into the third. And then there's the boring climax.

'Night Angel' doesn't explain anything and there's no character motivation. Just nothing! Please, please, please let me for get this!!!

Would I watch it again? Are you kidding me???!
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Interesting horror film
mitsubishizero5 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
As someone who's fascinated with succubi mythology, I thought it was pretty good. Sometimes the acting can be hammy especially with the faces they make but it's still scary nonetheless. A succubus infiltrates a fashion empire as part of her plan to spread evil across the world. Slowly she takes it over and enthralls almost everyone who works there. It's up to the head designer and his partner to stop her while also avoiding her enthrallment like the rest.

The effects still hold up even today. The bar scene where the main character basically unknowingly survives hell and the transformation scene at the end's both terrifying and cool. The acting's pretty solid though as mentioned before it can get a little hammy at times.

The story's interesting in that while it's been done before they do add a modern twist to it. Even a little commentary when you think about. All in all, this's a good underrated horror film that I would highly recommend. Dive into the dark abyss and see for yourself.
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Pretty good
pearceduncan24 January 2001
Night Angel is a reasonably well made horror movie. A lot of it is rather dumb, but it's all pretty entertaining.

Isa Andersen looks great as Lilith, but she can't really act. Director Dominique Othenin-Girard does a lot better here than he did with Halloween 5, which is just as well. The script is a bit silly, but the movie is saved by some excellent setpieces and surrealistic photography.

It's no classic, but I reckon it's worth a look on a slow evening.
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OK, but nothing too special
slayrrr66618 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
"Night Angel" is an okay horror film.


Lilith, (Isa Andersen) an ancient demon, is reborn in the present as a young woman. She starts going on a killing spree, which worries the head of a fashion magazine, Rita, (Karen Black) as all the victims are employees. Craig, (Linden Ashby) the staff photographer, caught between Lilith and Kirstie, (Debra Feuer) Rita's sister, and as the murders of the magazine's staff turn to the various models on staff, he can't help but notice that Lilith is always close to the murders. When she starts dictating staff policies and directions, he fully believes that Lilith is something else and tries to stop her.

The Good News: I was actually surprised to find a few things in here that were really good. The film has some gore effects in here, including a nifty slit throat, a heart pulled out, and some glass shards slicing up the leg. There are some other kills in here, but those are the ones that feature the best effects on display. The finale also has some great moments in it, including the final incarnation of Lilith, who looks quite impressive and the design is pretty well-executed. The lead-up is excellent, with an extended series of chases inside a forest. These are the highlights of the movie, as it features some nice deaths, effects, and even a couple moments of mild suspense thrown in as well. One provides a cheap jump, as we focus on one person, running around in the dark, with it being silent as well, until a character jumps out and grabs them. It's quite a nice scene, and the set-up for a pretty entertaining finale. The frequent hallucinations and dreams throughout are pretty inventive and quite creative. The middle one, with a series of freaky images that meld perfectly into the tone of the movie, borders slightly on the comical but is capable of getting some small creeps in. It's a pretty nice sequence.

The Bad News: There wasn't a whole lot of convincing elements in here that indicate this would really happen. It doesn't make any real sense as to why a creature of such power as Lilith demonstrates in the film would chose to take the route she takes. It's basically just a series of events strung together to see how much nudity they can get away with before they're required to kill someone off. As usual with these kinds of films, when there's no kills or nudity on screen, it can be taxing to keep interested in what's going on at times, due to the nonsensical happenings on display. A demon with unlimited powers in the universe takes over a glamor magazine to take over the world? It's quite a stretch to believe that, and as such, there's not a large amount done to make it believable. It sort of happens, and the characters have to deal with it when they finally discover what's going on. Aside from the finale and a key sequence in the middle that is pretty nice, there's next to no action in here, and that leaves the film with another strike against it. Add to that the fact that most of the technical merits here are questionable at best and it's a little more than below average.

The Final Verdict: It's not a total waste, but most of it's good parts is towards the end, so the beginning can be quite the pain. It's an all right film, but not that special. Worth a look for fans of the genre, but others should exceed with caution.

Rated R: Full female and rear male Nudity, Graphic Violence, some language and a couple sex scenes
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Delivers What You'd Expect it To
Michael_Elliott23 July 2018
Night Angel (1990)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

Above average horror film has an evil spirit taking over the body of a beautiful woman (Isa Andersen) who then goes out and uses her sexuality to seduce men and kill them.

NIGHT ANGEL doesn't have a very detailed story but it really doesn't have to because it pretty much delivers in every way that you'd expect it to. If you were renting this movie back in the day or seeing it late at night on Cinemax, you'd expect nudity, sex, gore and violence and that's pretty much what the film delivers. Fans of this type of thing will certainly find a lot to enjoy here.

I think a lot of the credit has to go towards director Dominique Othenin-Girard who made this right after the somewhat disasterous HALLOWEEN 5. This film here allowed him to experient with his European feel and I thought this added a lot of good style to the picture. The sexuality is certainly a tad bit more erotic than you'd typically see in a horror film like this and there's no question that the director wanted to push this aspect.

I also thought the cast was quite good and especially Andersen who plays the sex object. She does a very good job with the performance and she certainly knows how to milk that sexuality to where all of these men would fall for her. Linden Ashby, Debra Feuer, Gary Hudson and Karen Black are all good in their roles as well.

Horror fans will be happy with the blood level here as the demon rips out the hearts of her lovers and this leads to some great red stuff. The violence is pretty much what you'd expect from a film like this so all is good on that level. NIGHT ANGEL certainly isn't a masterpiece and it is flawed but at the same time it's a good entertainment.
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Ridiculous Fun
rachelrachel-3343113 October 2021
Mythical creature, Lilith, returns from some strange swamp and decides to become a fashion model because it will allow her to influence more people over to the darkside.

Night Angel isn't a movie with lofty storytelling goals. It seems to just want to entertain with a little nudity, sex, and gore and it does that just fine. Isa Andersen is appropriately alluring and sexy as the lead and it's always nice to see Karen Black even when it's in a somewhat tiny supporting role. The creature and gore effects are the real reason to see this and they don't disappoint.
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Nifty overlooked horror outing
Woodyanders4 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Lovely and lethal succubus Lilith (a spot-on smoldering portrayal by gorgeous brunette knockout Isa Jank) poses as the cover girl for a popular fashion magazine as means of seducing and destroying men. It's up to nice guy art director Craig (a solid and likeable performance by Linden Ashby) to stop her.

Director Dominique Othenin-Girard relates the original and absorbing story at a brisk pace, ably crafts a strong sensual'n'spooky ooga-booga atmosphere (a descent into a deliriously lust-crazed hell in which a wild anything-goes orgy occurs rates as a definite trippy highlight), and delivers several startling moments of nasty gore. The clever and inspired script by Joe Augustyn and Walter Josten makes nice use of the fiercely competitive world of fashion modeling. The bang-up cast keeps this movie humming: Debra Feuer adds plenty of winning spark as the sassy Kirstie, Helen Martin contributes a spirited turn as feisty voodoo lady Sadie, Karen Black does her usual fine work as agency head Rita, Doug Jones amuses as geeky horndog Ken, and Gary Hudson jerks it up well as the smarmy Rod. The glossy cinematography by David Lewis provides a striking stylish look. Kudos are also in order for Steve Johnson's marvelously grotesque make-up f/x. An unjustly neglected sleeper.
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The perfect end to the awesome eighties decade of horror
tvcarsd22 November 2021
This movie has pretty much all the best stuff that comes with a good 80's horror movie. The execution of the plot is what usually tells 80's horror movie apart from all other decades in my opinion. There always has to be some extravagant action sequences involving some sort of sexualized pain infliction, lots of heavy gasping and strip dancing sex scenes with some guts on a spring styled gore to top it all off. Check, check and check!

So this movie introduces us to Lilith, a cool demon for an eighties styled horror to center around. Here in this movie they have decided to depicted her as the incarnation of lust and embodiment of evil with a tiny call out to Pazuzu (see if you can find it). Her powers are mostly psychic enabling her to send images into people dreams and thoughts and also move objects around telekinesis like. Lilith was very well portrayed by German actress Isa Jank in this movie whom I've never seen before in any horror and I thought she did an amazing job on this role while being very sexy.

Acting wise we also get some familiar faces from horror which should be a welcome sight to many. I was surprised to see B. J Turner here as well as I am a fan of the movie Scarecrows (1988) too and now this movie. I barely recognized Doug Jones, the man is a true chameleon much like Jenette Goldstein both of whom are always worth seeing, Jenette not being in this movie though but they are worth comparing.

Phil Fondacaro's appearance is unfortunately barely even cameo its so short but good never the less as is Roscoe as the narrator. Karen Black on the other hand was great also but seen plenty of times through out the movie, very enjoyable performances all round and truely leaves you wondering what people were thinking rating this movies so low and easily places this movie in the top 5 most under rated horrors of the 80's both due to how few people who have actually seen it and how poorly it has been rated by those who have seen it.

As I wrote earlier, there is a plethora of 80's horror elements in this movie and it would require a very long review to cover them all. Eitherway I will say that it was refreshing to watch a horror and not at all feel the need to fast forward at any point. Also being a fan of weird horror I should point out that this movie does come with a few flash in the pan weird body horror moments mostly towards the end, nothing quite as extreme as Society (1989) though but still welcome.

If you like under-rated horrors like this I would recommend the following: Impulse (1984), Xtro (1982), Nightwish (1989), Spookies (1986), Subspecies (1991), Dead and Buried (1981), The Dark Side of the Moon (1990), and Silent Madness (1984). All worth the watch if you can find them.
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* * out of 4.
brandonsites198120 August 2002
A demon assumes the guise of a woman and becomes an editor at a fashion magazine. She lures men into her spell and then kills them. Not much of a premise and with rather poor acting, but the director makes this work. The effects have style and look rather good, the sets are creative, and the photography is inventive. The lead looks her part very well, but just can't act to save her life.

Rated R; Violence, Nudity, and Sexual Situations.
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