Alien Nation (TV Series 1989–1990) Poster


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Great show
exocrine13 March 2007
This is one of the better shows out there. It deals with racism in a really positive way and isn't "preachy" or "cuddly". There are a few problems (Why would people who dissolve in salt water choose to live in a coastal city like Los Angeles?) but those are easily overlooked.

The show is really well done and makes some great references to todays society. The new race has drug and alcohol addictions, faces discrimination both inside and outside their communities, and struggles to integrate itself into the human world.

One of the ongoing jokes in the series is the newcomer names. They never had names on the ship so they are assigned names by a human agency. A lot of them are comical, like "San Francisco" but some of them are politically incorrect, like calling a mentally challenged newcomer "Albert F---ing Einstein". The middle name was dropped for the series but the character remains.

I recommend it, it is a great show.
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Memorable nation
Mr-Fusion12 February 2017
"Alien Nation" is a perfect examples of a well-executed spin off. The original James Caan movie was a decent buddy cop flick, but the premise really lends itself to long0for television; and there's some great character development here as a result. It's a good mixture of sci-fi and cop show, and the big themes - racism, slavery, xenophobia - are handled with subtlety. But the important thing is that you do grow to like these people, and it's a worthwhile investment.

I know that there were TV movies produced to settle the dangling plot threads, but part of me is still disappointed it was cancelled on a cliffhanger (Fox was still young; it didn't yet have a reputation for killing off quality shows).

A good show, nevertheless.

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Storylines that blend science fiction, drama and humor with a little bit of alien sexiness
bmaschi1 October 2019
We're currently watching this on Roku's Dust channel (October of 2019). Full series, over 17 hours. Excellent science fiction based on the movie from 1988. Probably a little better than the movie (which is unusual for a TV series). Cancelled too early. This should have run at east a couple more seasons.

Strong characters. Tight scripts. Storylines that blend science fiction, drama and humor with a little bit of alien sexiness thrown in. Sometimes the animosity between the two main characters is pushed. They can go from being close comrades one moment to arguing about food or odors the next. But this is definitely forgivable.

Look for Lori Petty in a great role in an early episode.
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A great show, pure and simple
lethalweasel31 December 2000
One of the best sci-fi and/or buddy cop shows I've ever seen. Like all really good science fiction, it comes up with an utterly improbable premise (namely that an alien slave ship lands on Earth and the humanoid ex-slaves must integrate into human society) and proceeds to be completely real within that premise. Without fail, every single episode of this tragically short-lived series was, in turns, touching, humorous and compelling.

If you can find this show on the air, watch it, its well worth it.
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pilot problems overcome
SnoopyStyle13 November 2017
It's 5 years after a disabled alien spaceship land in the Mojave desert. There are 250k alien slaves on board. The newcomers or derogatory called slags have settled into their new homes, mostly in southern California. Slave drivers called Overseers are rumored to have blended into the refugee population. Detective Matthew Sikes lost his partner to an alien gunman. He is assigned newcomer Detective George Francisco, the first in the LAPD. The Franciscos move into the suburbs and face varying discrimination. Salt water hurts them and sour milk gets them drunk. Humans calling themselves Purists oppose the newcomers. The two species try to overcome cultural differences as criminals on both sides take advantage of their new reality.

First, the pilot is compelling but overplays the discrimination aspect. They are literally burning a circle instead of a cross on the family lawn. The daughter's story works well and incorporates a nice new friend with the bullying story. The fountain story is too on the nose. The worst is Sikes firing his gun in the air like Martin Riggs going half-pretend-crazy during the school demonstration. Somebody really overplays the script. Then there is the rebel son. The rebellion is fine but the killing lays a deadly landmine for future episodes.

The story promptly steps into it by catching the boy but somehow gets the equivalent of probation. It's the weirdest of rewrites. I guess the writers had no way of writing out of that predicament. It's the last major misstep. There are little questionable aspects like how the Overseers have a mark on their wrists. It seems like an easy to identify them. The show does find its footing. The relationships are compelling. I would give more time with the family. The daughter doesn't have enough screen time. This is a police drama and the school has no place in the show. The captain is a weak character but worst, he's played by a weak actor. Despite any shortcomings, the show worked for the most part and should have been renewed except for troubles at the network.
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Just as good as the movie
Coralknight28 November 2019
Capitalizing on the success and popularity of the movie, this series used many of the same plot devices and dynamics, yet eventually found a footing of its own. The aliens were in effect the "newcomers" or latest immigrants to the US that society was now compelled to absorb. Many of the episodes centered around what one would expect for any immigrants; settling in, retaining one's own culture, defining a new identity etc. At the same time, there was the "other-worldly" aspect (visible from the appearance of the aliens) which kept the viewers learning about their past little by little. On top of this, the show actually dealt with sub-themes of aging, sexuality (even homosexuality in one episode), caste-system, human (or alien) trafficking and other topics that are even relevant for today. Though short-lived, it really is worth watching.
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The Best Sci Fi Show I've Ever Seen
funky_cherry8625 March 2008
Normally I'm not a fan of sci fi but something about this series changed my opinion Alien Nation is probably one of the best cop shows that was on TV. A slave ship carrying an alien race known as the Tenctonese crashed in the Mojave Desert near the city of Los Angeles five years ago. They have been bred to have great strength and quick intelligence, hard edged Officer Matt Sikes, played by Gary Graham is teamed up with a newcomer officer George Francisco (Pierpoint). Although the two mismatched cops have many differences and issues they have to work together thrown into the mix is George's family wife Susan (Scarabelli), young daughter Emily (Woodland) and teen aged son Buck (Six). Meanwhile Sikes must also deal with his budding romantic feelings for his neighbor and scientist Cathy Frankel (Treas) a gorgeous newcomer.

What I like most about the show is the humorous and difficult moments that are displayed when prejudice is shown towards the newcomers, also it's interesting to see a romantic relationship developing between a human male and a tenctonese female but what's a love story without the hurdles of interspecies romance.

For fans of sci fi classics Alien Nation is the number #1 show to watch.
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Great show ruined by a mediocre and appalling finale
briandoodo10 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I can't over look what others seem to be over looking... The series has a great first season. It will keep you entertained at the very least. I was enjoying it all the way up until the finale...which has turned me off to even watching the movies that follow up the series...

A inappropriate romantic relationship with a HS student is how we end this season? How disgusting... and I can't over look it. Buck, is an alien character, I'll grant that, perhaps they age differently but it still feels disgusting and immoral. It still has perverse connotations...

For a series that centered around relationships human and non human, to end the series with something so depraved is an insult, disgusting and I can't over look it. I would have rated the series much higher...

I'm glad it's canceled if that's the sort of series it was turning into. At first what seemed an innocent, inspiring teacher/ student relationship between an alien, was interesting to watch but then suddenly it became something taboo, disgusting, immoral...

The relationship between the main character and his alien partner implodes and it's a cheap gliff hanger for season 1.... The series just ends terribly... I can't just look the other way and pretend that this series didn't start to go in the wrong direction.

It is of course a social commentary for race, political issues... but it didn't need to go there, some where perverse and twisted... For me this ruined the series.
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Good show, golden oldie, glad my parents made me (AKA forced me to) watch it.
DrowningDogma23 January 2011
This deserves 15 out of 10. Man oh man....watching this show with my parents is so fun! Shame on the negative people! Great! GREAT SHOW. May it have a great remake like V's or BattleStars! Fun to watch, good characters, believable plots...maybe 'new' Hollywood should take notes. Seriously. The action is fun, it has good 'morals' for a show like this. It's what shows are supposed to be. It takes you out of reality and puts you in a world with a (fairly) deep plot, fun characters, good lessons, and cool fights! It's sort of like Miami Vice with aliens! The parts with the bad guys always baffles me. The bad guys that kept the people on the ship always tend to be smart and vicious yet human bad guys spout of pitiful remarks that tend to get them killed. Seems like they'd learn. lol, any way....if you haven't seen the show...Do! It's well worth your time and money!
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What happened?
blackjack432001-119 October 2018
One season and, bam, it's of the best sci-fi series on TV in years, totally underrated and should make a come back . Jeeze Louise, they are doing a whole lot of up dates and remakes, most of which they shouldn't and those who deserve a second chance never see the light of a new day.
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Why did this Series only last One Season???
MrsScott8 February 1999
This series is fantastic! I do not understand why it only lasted one season. It gave us so many insights into the relationships between people of all "races". It allowed us to see the pain of "inter-species" relationships and the acceptance of beings "different" from us. As the series unfolded, it was uplifting to see how people can overcome their differences to get along and thrive on earth. There are so many lessons that we can ALL learn from this series. We can get along in peace and harmony.
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great names
egwicht7 June 2006
How can you not like a show with names like Kenny Bunkport, Norman Conquest, Phil Dirt, Al Fresco, Polly Wanakraker, Marina DelRay, Gail Warning, Rick Shaw, Terry Firma, Carey Onbag, Patty Melt, Len Guini and Paul Bearer. My children and I watched each week just to see what name they would come up with next. The fish out of water aspect was the best part of the show. The deadpan delivery of the newcomers who were oblivious to what was going on around them made it as much of a comedy as it was science fiction. In order to appreciate science fiction you have to suspend disbelief and if you can't do that then you won't get it at all.
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Buddy cop/sci-fi show
horrorfan00024 August 2016
I was hugely disappointed when this was cancelled.Although looking back i cant say i'm particularly surprised given the network it aired on.FOX network has a long history of cancelling cool sci-fi shows without giving them a fair chance.Their biggest blunder of course being Firefly.You know their regretting that one especially.

I think i loved the buddy cop aspect of the show more than the sci-fi aspect.And that's coming from somewhat of a sci-fi/horror nerd.This was due to the great chemistry stars Gary Graham and Eric Peirpoint had with each other.Even if your not into sci-fi it works great as a cop show.Just with sci fi elements.Wish it had lasted longer than 1 season but at least we were treated to 4 follow up TV movies.Rarely does a 1 season cancelled show get that.In fact i can't think of any other.
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Incredible well-written
jonathanmarklund26 December 2021
Tv-shows back in the 80s did not have the same budget as tv shows have today. Most of this was shot at a sound-stage, and you can tell. The make-up is very clearly make-up. The special effects are pretty cheap. But the writing is what really stands out. I do like that we get to see real stunts, real explosions, real make-up and real actors. But you do have to take into consideration that this entire show had a smaller budget than a single episode of Game of Thrones.

However! This show is incredible well-written. The actors are doing a well enough job, but none of them are good enough to carry this show, so it really comes down to the script and this is one of the best written shows I've seen in years. It's actually really really poignant and weirdly relevant. This show made sense in the 80s, it made sense 20 years ago, and it still makes sense. Heck, it might turn out to become even more relevant as this era goes on.

I like how they build up the show over time. The first episode was a little bit underwhelming. Maye the first 2-3 episodes was a bit weak, but it grows from there. As we get to know the characters better and better over time, and we see them grow; the story becomes deeper and holds more meaning.

Yes, this show actually has character development. So keep that in mind. If you don't like a character right of the bat. Don't be surprised if they'll grow on you towards the end of the season. In fact, the show as a whole just keeps growing and growing on me.

This is probably one of the best tv-shows of it's time and I would still put it on my top 20 of all time.

You really really need to give this one a chance. If you love sci-fi; This is a must. But even i you don't. I would still recommend this. This show is so much more than what you might think it is from a first glance. It really rewards those that decide to stick with it to the end.

I highly recommend it.
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A really wonder science fiction show.
jeffman5200122 January 2005
"Alien Nation"is a science fiction show that is well done,well acted and well created by Kenneth Johnson(The Incredible Hulk, and V). The series dealt with a lot of issues, especially racial issues,and cultural issues too.

The Tenctonese are a race that were slaves who came to earth cause of their ship crashing in the Mohave Desert in 1991. The Tenctonese are from the planet Tencton, they have the ability to adapt in any environment, they learn fast and live a little longer than Humans,they are known to us Humans also as Newcomers.There are Humans who don't like the Newcomers, they are called Purists, the Newcomers are called Slags, the word "slag" is a racist term by the Purists.The Newcomers that don't like Humans much call us Humans, "Terts".

Human cop Matthew Sikes, played superbly by Gary Graham(All The Right Moves, Robot Jox, and The Last Warrior), is a cop who lost his former partner to a Newcomer in a robbery. Sikes's new parter, a Newcomer cop, Det. George Francisco, played awesome by Eric Pierpoint(Invaders From Mars, Forever Young, and Liar Liar), work together to fight crime. The two Detectives have their disagreements on certain issues,but work great together. Cathy Frankel, played awesome by Terri Treas(Seven Brides For Seven Brothere, The Nest, and House IV)is Matthew Sikes's Newcomer neighbor who he develops a relationship with her later on, Capt Bryan Grazer, played by Ron Fassler(Camp Nowhere, Child's Play 3 and Gremlins 2), Det. Dobbs, played by Lawrence Hilton-Jacobs(Welcome Back Kotter), Albert Einstein, a Newcomer janitor, played by Jeff Marcus, are some of the members of the precinct.

George Francisco's family consists of Susan Francisco, played by Michele Scarabelli(Air Wolf),Buck Francisco, played by Sean Six, is a teenage Newcomer who has got into some trouble, but has got better, though he has resentment towards Humans. Emily Francisco, played by Lauren Woodland(The Young And The Restless), is a young Newcomer girl who is a nice girl who is smart.

I was very upset that Fox canceled "Alien Nation"in 1990, but they did redeemed themselves by making 5 "Alien Nation" TV movies, "Alien Nation:Dark Horizon", "Alien Nation:Body And Soul", "Alien Nation:Millinium", "Alien Nation:The Enemy Within", "Alien Nation:The Udara Legacy".

I give this show 10/10 stars and 2 thumbs up.

The "Alien Nation" TV series was based on the "Alien Nation" movie that came out in 1988.
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The Pilot Episode fits right in today's headlines
conehead-7194011 June 2020
Gary Graham is a very underrated actor. This series pissed off someone in the studio because it didn't;t make season 2. Very good writing, acting for the late 80's It's not Babylon 5 but it's up there. They talked about subjects that are commonplace now, but made people uncomfortable back then. Worth watching, owning.
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Absolutely Amazing Show
kyden-5763911 January 2020
Love this Show, Watch It, that's All. But only lasted 1 season ?!? But it did have several TV movies that were Great.
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I think i posted before, But something else
kyden-5763914 January 2020
Someone bring this show Back !! Don't know why no one hasn't. Just finished binge watching the series and TV movie's. It's still Great from then to 2020. Bring it back plz.
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OK, I don't do scifi, but...
bux4 September 2001
Having grown up in a household where Science Fiction was Dad's staple, I never really picked up on it, preferring more real-life drama. Having said that, this show is about the top of the line for TV scifi. The characters are believable, fully developed and imperfect.The acting is top-flight, and the stories, mostly carrying a message, are not overly burdened or preachy. The culture, habits, language, slang of the Aliens is presented in a matter-of-fact manner. Other than Heinlen or Finney, this is about the best scifi I've come across. And I don't like scifi.
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"This is really not what real Sci-Fi is all about"
lonelydude-211 May 2001
"Alien Nation" the TV series as well as the following TV movies was all together lame, poor-quality science fiction that severely lacked in intelligence and class. Here you have a cliched flying saucer making an abrupt crash landing on Earth and in five short years these aliens have already been assimilated, widely accepted, and living ONLY in the United States and ONLY in Los Angeles. Not a bright premise.

"Alien Nation" was really a cheesy cop show with some stupid-looking ETs thrown in nothing more. I also believe that the subject matter basically dealing with racial equality was extremely overplayed and overrated. As a species, we humans have yet to get along with one another let alone welcome with open arms, aliens from outer space if in real life they really exist at all.

Bottom line: the show sucked.
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