59 Reviews
Silly but I think I took it too seriously
preppy-322 November 2006
Southern belle April Delonpre (Sherilyn Fenn) is out of school and all set for a prearranged marriage with Chad (Martin Hewitt). However she meets Perry (Richard Tyson) who is low class and works with a carnival. They start having sex and falling in love and April's family is horrified...

Basically an R rated porno film for guys--there's plenty of nude shots of Fenn but very few of Tyson. I hated the film but I actually thought this was going to be serious. Obviously it's not. While the sex scenes are pretty hot and Fenn and Tyson have great bodies, the dialogue is pretty lame and the story has been done many times before. The acting is OK and Kristy McNichol throws in an amusing little performance (and goes topless too).

So as a silly little sex film for guys it works. It's gets a 6 for the attractive leads, some nice cinematography and the sex. Just don't take it seriously.
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Tongue-in-cheek and rather enjoyable.
gridoon26 September 2001
This film doesn't take itself too seriously, and neither should you. Zalman King's direction is ultra-stylish and Fenn and Tyson make an attractive couple (the film will appeal to both sexes). It still plays like an extended TV commercial with soft-core overtones, but at least it almost constantly keeps its tongue in its cheek, which turns out to be a big plus. Clever ending, too. (**1/2)
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Good steamy flick
adamcsmi12 February 2023
Things in this movie dont make a lot of sense, but it is rather enjoyable and well shot. Its a little more upbeat then 9 1/2 weeks and has a decent plot.

I do enjoy the soundtrack and cinematography of this movie, which is typical of Zalman King films of this era. Tyson and the lead Sherilynn Fenn have good chemistry. A particular highlight is the scene with the video camera.

If you like Zalman King and his style of movies you are sure to like this one. Its not an award winner by any stretch but it is a good way to zone out and enjoy some good TnA. It is not without shortcomings, but you will find it enjoyable.
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A good old fashioned bodice ripper!
BrettC9 April 2002
Okay, let's take this movie for what it is -- a bodice ripper romance novel put on the screen for you to enjoy. It's hardly anything more than that, but does it have to be? The film is set in the "deep south", but the faulty accents and in-and-around LA locations sometimes give it away. It's a highly stylized exercise in melodramatic erotica. There's no mystery here -- even the ending can be seen coming a mile away! Basically the plot is a Southern Belle sows her wild oats before her wedding, and finds herself torn between sensuality and stability. She meets a carny who offers her one last hot fling before she marries her boring college sweetheart. Which one will she chose?

What's to like? Sherilyn Fenn is radiant as April, and overcomes most all of the bad dialogue. She's a great actress! Kristy McNichol steals the few scenes she is in with a flair for comedy and easy earthy sensuality! Why is she not doing more? Richard Tyson plays a rough and tumble drifter carny who gets to pout and preen as a male "himbo" who is justly portrayed as good at one thing. The plot is silly, and you even get an over-the-top Louise Fletcher appearing as the matriarch who knows all too well that "lust fades, but financial security is worth everything!"

I love this movie though. It is charming in its own way, and sensual without being too graphic. Nothing is subtle, but it pays off as one of the most enjoyable Zalman King outings ever! Notice the almost "ALL WHITE" costumes! These people spend a fortune on bleach. Notice the hottest scene seems to be when Sherilyn Fenn and Kristy McNichol dance together on a deserted jukejoint floor. Notice the great soundtrack! Let yourself go, and enjoy an old-fashioned pot boiler romance filmed and acted better than it ever had a right to be.
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Burl Ives, bitches!
MBunge17 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
If you think you've seen it all, go rent Two Moon Junction. I can pretty much guarantee that seeing Burl Ives in this piece of crap softcore erotica will be unlike anything you've seen pop up in a film before. Unfortunately, Ives neither gets naked nor sings "Have a Holly Jolly Christmas" in this movie, which would have made it a "must see" for bizarre cinema. Instead you have to settle for seeing Sherilyn Fenn naked, a guy who could be Fabio Jr. suffering from what has to be premature ejaculation and a topless Kristy McNichol giving the best performance in the whole thing.

April (Sherilyn Fenn) is an Alabama rich girl fresh out of college and soon to marry her rich, preppy fiancée Chad (Martin Hewitt). After masturbating in the shower while seemingly re-enacting a scene out of Porky's, April takes her sisters to a nearby traveling carnival. There, April comes to the sexual attention of shirtless carny Perry (Richard Tyson), who spends most of the movie alternating between jerk and a slab of beef. They have sex, which Perry videotapes with the camera that belongs to April's family. When Perry gets himself thrown out of the carnival after a scene that could have been lifted out of an old episode of The A Team or Matt Houston, April, Perry and a hyper cowgirl named Patty Jean (Kristy McNichol) hang out for a while.

After some Sapphic undertones between the two women, Patty Jean just leaves for no particular reason and we get another sex scene with April and Perry. Then April's grandmother Belle (Louise Fletcher) has the sheriff (Burl Ives) run Perry out of town. Perry comes back, however, and even though he's a penniless drifter who lives in a semi and is a foul-tempered drunk, asks April to run away with him. Well, he doesn't really ask her, but I think we're supposed to assume that's what he wants.

Does April run away with Perry? Does she marry her completely inoffensive fiancée? Why does Perry's dead dog get a viking funeral pyre? How could any woman go through as many different hairstyles as April in just two weeks? If you're anxious to find out the answer to these or any other possible questions about Two Moon Junction, you really need to get a hobby or a prescription for muscle relaxants.

This movie has a lot of Sherilyn Fenn in the buff along with the aforementioned topless Kristy McNichol and the oddity of seeing Burl Ives in a softcore erotica flick. If any of that intrigues you, and you can get it at a discount price, go ahead a rent Two Moon Junction. If you want anything at all more than that, forget about it.

The sex scenes in this movie are short, unmemorable and finally conclude with the camera spending an uncomfortably long time fixated on a nude and crying Fenn. McNichol's Patty Jean is the only interesting character in the entire story and none of them behave in a remotely believable or human way. The film doesn't even try and come up with a reason why April would screw around with this Fabio-like carny and it ends with a hilariously melodramatic action scene and a romp in a shower that makes you question if even these filmmakers thought there was a point to this story.

Two Moon Junction was largely writer/director Zalman King's big break. He went on from this to become the king of late night cable erotica with Red Shoes Diaries. I think his time and "talent" would have been better spent sacking groceries at Hy-Vee.
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Two Moon Junk
moonspinner5517 March 2001
It's a two moon travesty when peroxide blonde Sherilyn Fenn rebels against her society family and fiancé to rip the T-shirts off Richard Tyson, a carny hunk in tight jeans. Lousy attempt to mine the same erotic territory as "Nine 1/2 Weeks", but at least that film had a competent director...this thing's got Zalman King (you know right away where he's coming from: he keeps the girl naked and begging). Kristy McNichol shows up in a cameo played for high camp value (she gets naked too!). A couple of lines made me laugh, but film is embarrassing when it tries to get serious. The crux of this garbage is that Fenn's character can't make a decision without stripping and crying, stripping and crying. Maybe she should have dumped Tyson for McNichol? *1/2 from ****
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Absolutely hideous
hall89523 January 2008
Here we have a movie which fails in pretty much every way it is possible for a movie to fail. Terrible writing, terrible acting, terrible directing...what we have here is an unmitigated disaster. There isn't much of a story at all and what little story we have is basically just one ridiculous cliché after another. Sherilyn Fenn plays April, the young, beautiful Southern belle from a wealthy family who is about to marry some successful but boring guy. Inevitably she falls for the big, dumb hunk who shows up completely out of the blue. And there's your whole movie. That's it. Most of the dialogue is laughably bad but the filmmakers hope to distract you from this by having Fenn take off her clothes at regular intervals. Well, I guess we should be thankful for anything that distracts from the unintentional comedy which ensues anytime anyone speaks in this movie. Someone actually read this script and decided it was a good idea to make this movie? Fenn and Richard Tyson, who plays the object of her desires, are quite bad here but you almost can't blame them as the script gives them absolutely nothing to work with. This movie just miserably slogs along until just when you think things can't get any worse Louise Fletcher, playing April's grandmother, gives a quite serious speech about just how important her family's silverware is. Yes, they've been handing down these spoons for generations! Do you know who ate with these spoons? Oh boy, is this bad. It's the most laughable moment in a movie which is basically nothing but a series of laughable moments. An awful script, amateurish directing and some really lousy performances. That about sums it up. Terrible, just terrible. Stay far, far away from this one.
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Brude_Stone30 November 2008
4 Stars is too low for this surprisingly strong film. Yes, it's a Zalman King movie, but it was among his first and unlike probably everything else he did since, was a very good movie. It has a good, tight story and some very strong performances from its leads, especially Richard Tyson (who really should have become a big star but just never quite did for some reason).

I still believe that it is among the sexiest movies ever made, and that is not possible if you do not care about the characters or are drawn into their passion. Most movies of this type fail to engage the viewer in the story and so the passion and sexuality suffer, but that is not the case here. One doesn't need to watch this movie as an excuse for some cheap titillation, it also delivers as an enjoyable film as well.
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No movie has ever sucked so bad
pmbeatlefan27 August 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I'm shocked to see how many people want to just go on and on about how great this movie is!!! For the person who said when he/she gets someone to watch it, they want to watch it again - I find it hard to believe. I only watched it because I was at a friend's house one night with a bunch of other women and this one girl had brought it along to watch. It had been her mother's favorite movie (before she committed suicide) so no one wanted to tell this girl we didn't want to watch it. When I saw Sherilyn Fenn was in it, I thought I might like it after all (since I was a Twin Peaks fan). Well - it was terrible from the get go. The plot - if you can call it that - was so stupid and contrived. I couldn't believe it would hold anyone's interest. Then - personally - I found the lead man, Perry, repulsive. Yeah - great body - but did anyone bother looking from the neck UP? It was all just an excuse for soft core porn. A bunch of poorly scripted scenes thrown together to try and make an excuse for soft core porn. That's all this is. ** SPOILER ** A guy breaks into your home and you find him in your shower and start a hot and heavy affair with him? PLEASE! Flag on the play! No - you don't - you call 911. And no matter how horrible he was - she kept going back for the sex?? Yeah right! She was so pretty she could have had her pick of men. She could have found another hunk who wouldn't treat her like dirt if she wanted to step out on the boring fiancé. I had trouble holding my tongue throughout. "Give me break"! was heard frequently throughout, and not just by me. No one wanted to tell this girl after that not one of us liked that movie even one little bit and could not understand why it would have been her mother's (or anyone's) favorite. That's me and 4 other women - all thinking it was absolute trash. Now - if you get off on soft core porn - go ahead and get a thrill. Otherwise - PASS!
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Hot date flick... Sherilyn Fenn before Twin Peaks fame and blonde...
wooley8514 October 2007
gets it on with hunky,I mean top choice Richard Tyson. Those scenes burn up the screen...

Check out the scene at the carnival where Fenn sees bare-chested Tyson... George Thorogood and the Destroyers in background.

Great supporting cast of Burl Ives and Louise Fletcher( One Flew Over Cucukoo's Nest/nurse Ratchet fame)

Fenn and Tyson melt the screen. I was surprised when I "stumbled upon this flick" back then after reading a lukewarm review in the NYT. The part the "Times" forgot was the erotic/almost soft porn love scenes. Whew!
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Watch while keep aside your brain
sarkargourab-8986616 April 2020
Don't waste you're time for watching this idiotic film.If you love to watch some nipple onscreen then, go for it and also watch it while your brain leave aside. One of the worst movie I have ever saw, no story at all, can't figure out the purpose of protagonist , poor script writing. Feel bad for the actress, worst break for her as an actress.
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Haunting dreamlike story of passion set in a small southern town-actually this movie is magnificent.
triple817 August 2003
Warning: Spoilers

One in awhile a motion picture comes along that, while not Oscar material, makes it's mark as unforgettable. This was definitely such a movie.

The story centers on April(Sherilyn Fenn) a rich southern belle engaged to a preppy southern boy who then meets Perry a drifter/carnival worker(played to perfection by Richard Tyson) and falls head over heels for him. There are thousands of movies made every year with a familiar theme like this. But there is something special and really unique about 2 moon junction that makes it a cut above the rest.

Besides having two absolutely magnificent looking stars two moon junctionalso has atmosphere, sensuality and a great supporting cast including an appearance by Kristy Mc.Nicol. Never boring, the movie is set in a small southern town and manages to capture to a tee, the luminous beauty of the south. Besides it's lovely southern feel, the film has an electric sensuality about it, that coupled with a certain dreaminess, a mystery in most every scene makes the picture irresistible. I'm not a major fan of movies like this but two moon junction was an amazing pic that never received much recognition beyond the "it's hot" type.

I don't know why Fenn and Tyson never became big stars. Both were made for these roles and have an on screen chemistry that contributes a lot to making this movie unforgettable. In fact they are so believable and the chemistry so apparent early on, that the audience is rooting for them from their first meeting. The rest of the cast,particularly an amazing, sassy, Christy Mc.Nicol, and a scheming Louise Fletcher were great too. There is a type of dream like, quiet to this movie, every scene is pivotal to the ultimate ending, the only gripe I have is the ending which while alright was to quick and could have been expanded on a little. Still, this movie(easily) gets a 10 of 10.

Through the years, whenever myself and my fellow movie goers turn somebody on to this film inevitably the same thing happens. They, at first don't want to watch it, then after viewing it, like it so much that they want to see it again. Says a lot about the picture....

Anyone who has ever loved with a kind of mindless passion will be able to relate to this. The magic of the film is also in turning everyday things into objects of mystery. (Look at what they do with a simple carnival!)Many may not agree with me, but I give it 10 of 10-easily. They took a subject matter that has been done over and over again and turned it into something with mystery and intrigue.
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A good movie for what it is
wnterstar16 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is an erotic, romantic B-movie. The actors go a bit over the top at times, and it's a cookie cutter plot with very little originality. There is nothing that stands out in my mind as being memorable about the soundtrack and the cinematography is decent.

It isn't great cinema, but that doesn't mean it's a bad movie. There is something about this movie that gets to you. It's funny and touching and definitely makes a statement.

Oh, and it has Richard Tyson...talk about eye candy! Don't get me wrong, Sherilyn Fenn is great, but any woman who sees this movie understands it a bit more because Tyson is so sexy! Not a bad way to spend an evening!
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Old_Reprobate8 October 2008
Without a shadow of a doubt, this is the worst film I have ever seen.... and, over a period of 50 years watching films, I have seen many bad ones. The script is embarrassingly risible, the direction is pedestrian but the acting is dire, dire, dire..... how come these people get paid?. The two lead characters look, for most of the film, like the cardboard on the back of a cereal packet. I have never rated Sherilyn Fenn very highly... her performances in both Boxing Helena and Twin Peaks were, to put it mildly, amateurish but in this film she makes even a piece of dead wood look like an Oscar winner.

I managed to sit through only 20 minutes of this rubbish before switching off the DVD and throwing it away! Erotic???? There's more eroticism in a wet paper bag floating down a drain in a rainstorm! Zalman King should take up dominoes instead.... he certainly can't direct a film and, as for his script..... my 5 year old grand daughter can string words together to create better, more interesting and cohesive sentences than his.

This is an insult to the film industry.

Even if someone offers you money to watch it... don't.... avoid it like the plague!
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I love this film!
surfkidds15 March 2000
Okay, so certain aspects of Two Moon are predictable, maybe even hokey. Who cares? Sherilyn Fenn and Richard Tyson are phenomenal (both in looks and acting), sets are great, and the cinematography is even better. Music is killer and classic. The supporting cast, including Louis Fletcher (Nurse Rachet!) and Burl Ives, does an outstanding job!

I've been watching this film since if first came out, and I still watch it every time I get the chance. Can't wait to get a DVD player so I can see the widescreen version. This movie definitely ranks in my top ten favourites. Make sure you rent/buy this movie - it's well worth it. Unless you're staking your professional reputation on it, this movie is a definite two thumbs up!
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Everything about this movie sucks
LuxuriousWoman16 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
It deserves less than a one to be honest.

Let's dissect this...

The woman

Why does she not want her husband? He's decent looking, rich, and nice. I guess he's pretty boring, but still. Why would she even want to leave him? I could honestly understand her if he were ugly, but he's not!

Also, I think she has low self-esteem, or she was sheltered. She is an attractive thin white woman with blond hair and blue eyes (standard of beauty) and she's rich. If she wanted an affair, she can have her share of attractive an decent men.

The guy

He doesn't take no for an answer, ugly, creepy, and a violent jerk. The first red flag was at the carnival, he wouldn't take no for an answer. Nothing annoys me more than a persistent guy that keeps on going after you have made it clear that you're either in a relationship or don't want him. I literally lied and said I had a boyfriend to a guy that was asking me out, and he questioned, "what's his name?" Like, screw off man, I don't owe you an explanation! Rant aside, this isn't romantic, this is plain annoying. I'm totally on the side of the rich fiancé.

He even broke into her house to take a shower, which is beyond creepy. She, however, decides to sleep with him. I also like how she was shocked later on that he was a jerk who flirts with random women. Like??? How is that shocking? He remained consistent throughout the movie, which is a jerk. At a point in the movie, I wasn't even mad at him anymore. She let him treat her that way.

What's with the movies of this time having grudge sex scenes and love of bad boys. *Looks up astrology transits of that time* Scorpio in Uranus, makes so much sense. Love of hot and cold, along with sex and fighting.

Edit: I hate this problematic trope. Get the boring and nice rich guy, or the mean, but fun, poor guy. Let's go into the surface of this. Not rich guys are boring and/or nice, and not all poor guys are mean and/or fun. Some rich guys love to travel and do fun events (outdoors, travel, eating, music, dance, etc). Some poor guys aren't into all of that. Then we go deeper. It's asking women to settle and implying that nice people are boring. Just because you're nice, doesn't mean you're boring. Plenty of nice people go out, socialize, do sports, dance, go to concerts, etc. Some boring people keep to themselves. It's also asking women to settle, and for the poor choice at that. When asked if I would have a nice boring rich guy or fun, but mean, poor guy, I would choose the boring rich guy. Sure he's boring, but I can use his money to have fun on my own if it comes down to it. Though I would mostly likely just get a wealthy guy that I have a lot in common with.
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Good Performance by Sherilyn Fenn
Uriah436 December 2015
Born into a very prestigious and powerful Southern family, "April Delongpre" (Sherilyn Fenn) pretty much has her life planned for her as she is supposed to marry the son of another rich and respected family nearby. Although she doesn't quite love her fiancé, "Chad Fairchild" (Martin Hewitt) he is certainly nice enough to her and for that reason she doesn't actively resist her upcoming marriage to him. Then one day she just happens to meet a poor and wild young man named "Perry (Richard Tyson)" and suddenly her passions get the best of her in the worst possible way. Now, while any film featuring Sherilyn Fenn in a soft-core sex role would normally get my attention, this particular film turned out to be somewhat disappointing due in large part to the slow pace of the movie from start to finish. Likewise, although her performance was quite good, I would have preferred the vivacious, brunette version of Sherliyn Fenn found in "Boxing Helena" over the blonde, demure type presented here. Of course, the role called for a more classy personality but for some reason it didn't quite resonate as well in the overall context of the story. Something just wasn't right. Again, the slow pace didn't help in that regard either. In any case, from what I understand Sherilynn Fenn did not enjoy making this movie but even so she was the only reason this film wasn't a complete disaster as she was absolutely stunning. Be that as it may, I have rated the movie accordingly. Average.
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Fully realized cheesy sexploitation
SnoopyStyle12 April 2015
Sorority girl April Delongpre (Sherilyn Fenn) is a respectable daughter of a powerful Alabama senator engaged to Chad Douglas Fairchild. She's literally the Queen of the ball. They seem happy together and her father likes him. Then the carnival comes to town. While everybody is away, carnie Perry (Richard Tyson) breaks in and takes a shower. April gets intrigued by the danger and has an affair with the hunky carnie. Her grandmother Belle Delongpre (Louise Fletcher) suspects her of straying and assigns local sheriff Earl Hawkins (Burl Ives) on the case. While she's riding with Patti Jean (Kristy McNichol), the carnival has a breakdown and a brawl ensues. She falls deeper into that world. Belle and Earl try to get rid of Perry.

This is a cheesy sexploitation B-movie. It is definitely one of the better made of its genre. The dialog is cheesy. The plot is ripped from a romance novel. Richard Tyson looks like he's from the cover of a romance novel. Sherilyn Fenn is probably above the material. One can't really complain about the script or the style. The movie knows it's cheesy and fully embraces it. It's sort of like 50 Shades or Nine 1/2 Weeks. It even has Hervé Villechaize in it.
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A Southern belle has second thoughts about getting married after meeting a carnie hunk
Wuchakk22 October 2018
Freshly graduated from college, a sultry Alabama debutante (Sherilyn Fenn) is sidetracked from her semi-arranged marriage in a couple of weeks by a hunky carnival worker (Richard Tyson). Louise Fletcher plays the unbending matriarch, Kristy McNichol a street-smart trucker and Burl Ives a seasoned sheriff.

This is a drama/romance that would fit into Southern Gothic. Unlike most of these films, "Two Moon Junction" (1988) curiously throws in softcore nudity and sex. If that turns you off, I suggest staying away. I think it's the main reason people look down on this flick and write it off as "sexploitation trash" and "a romance novel put to film." I wouldn't know because I've never read one, although my wife encouraged me to read one once (because it had fantasy elements) and I couldn't get past the first chapter; too much kissy-kissy.

If you can get past that or roll with it, this is an entertaining Southern Gothic with a worthy script and the social mindfood thereof (I'm not getting where people say it comes off as if it were written by a 10 year-old, not at all). There's a hypnotic quality to some of the proceedings, like the haunting "Poison Ivy" (1992), but without the melancholy.

Tyson as the roustabout looks like a more rugged version of Val Kilmer, albeit with darker, longer hair. Fenn is surely beautiful and shown tastefully (and unnecessarily) nude in the last act, but she's actually outshined by McNichol in her physical prime. Seriously, Kristy is just stunning and worth the price of admission.

The script was well thought out and includes several gems, like the deep communication through the windows of the soul phenomenon and the dilapidated mansion that April (Fenn) and her friends used to hang out at when they were teens, calling it "our place." Then there's the sheriff, who's in the pocket of the matriarch, and his respectful, but no-nonsense dealings with Perry (Tyson); and the latter's love for his dog. Also, the commentary on the gulf between the Southern aristocracy and the "riffraff" is insightful. Should April mind that gulf and be well compensated or go with her heart? Either way, it's a risk.

The film runs 1 hour, 44 minutes and was shot in Los Angeles County, California. The producers do a pretty good job of trying to make Southern Cal look like Alabama, but you can tell in a few scenes.

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80's movie
ehrldawg7 March 2011
A southern débutante cant decide weather she want to marry a future southern senator or be with the woman of a carnie.

Despite the fact this movie pushes the envelope of the definition of an R rated movie. The truck driver is a good hearted,alpha male,good ol boy. All the women want him,all the men want to be his friend.

Kristy McNichol drive the Kenworth big truck.

Kristy McNichol is a permanent A list actor.

Louise Fletchers' performance is outstanding!!

Sherilyn Fenn,Kristy McNichol,Kerry Remsen, and Millie Perkins are all hot!!

---One Truck Drivers Opinion---

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This movie has it all!
mm-3914 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Two Moon Junction has it all for an erotic fantasy. The gal is rich, bored, and non challenged (because everything is given to her). Expected to marry one of the members of the yacht and keep the rich Southern family tradition alive. A rugged, macho and streetwise carnie comes to town. The stud is rough with her, challenging which interests her. The challenge creates a stir for the wild, primal, un safe and un certain man. Boring and safe gets traded for the bad boy. There is bit of adventure mix with pure lust! She likes to fight and tests him, but give in wanting to give into her weak side and be dominate by desire. In the end, there is family push back and at her wedding the choice between safety, and the wild must be decided. I bet it was a wild fling which burns out. 7 stars.
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Eclipse of unfulfilled promises
freestyleonthemove9 March 2002
What to say? This movie fails to deliver a believable story, interesting characters and good juicy sexy scenes. The only reason to rent this movie would be to watch an easy drama, that with the help of a reasonable plot will deliver some exciting and intriguing sexual encounters. Unfortunately that's not what happens.

The story is silly and full of cliche'. The director's opinion of sexiness and sensuality seemed to limit on showing Richard Tyson's character too many times bare-chested. The actual sex scenes were obvious, boring and overplayed by the soundtrack. Just for fun, it was interesting to see a young Milla Jovovich, and a cameo of Kristy McNichol, plus the guy from "Fantasy Island" Herve' Villechaize.

Some of the comments here have described this movie among the most exciting ever seen.... Well, if you are 12, or you work for the movie producers, maybe. Our suggestions, if you want to see a good movie that fulfill the promises of passion, great chemistry among the 2 lead actors and wonderful love scenes, are "The end of an affair", or "The last tango in Paris".
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Watching this movie on a date will get you some loving!!
imayadatty23 February 2011
The first time I saw this movie I was in college and I went to a girls house to hang out, she put in the movie and told me that it always got her hot. Well she was right! The plot and acting is pretty lame but it has the desired effect. This movie soon became the "sure thing" movie among my friends when having girls over to watch a movie. Every one of us had a lot of success thanks to this movie! The girls never realized that they were watching a movie that was made to get them hot and bothered. I had my wife watch it, and she thought the movie was pretty B rate....but the results were the same!!

I love this movie!!!
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An unsure women ends up destroying many things
amitjodha9920 November 2023
A film that makes you think, it's too real in some aspects.

When you are jumping the gun on your marriage, life gets too confusing, every decision seems monumental, life changing and the perspective shifts immediately. This is more true if the woman has the entire day to think about these changes, at some point things start making you nervous.

And in that moment, at your weakest, you are most prone to make mistakes. These mistakes help you find yourself, but at the same time, it also makes you compete with your own bright side and your own dark side.

Ultimately, it's multiple lives that can change forever from just one decision, and it's difficult.
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simpleguy20510 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
i think the script given to the director of the film before making the film was blank.coz the end result is utter crap.the love scenes seem like beautiful lady is the arms of a horse.

the saving grace is the gorgeous and sexy fenn.

i don't think the male lead is so dumb that not even a maniac would fall for him.and it is shown that she falls for him while she is engaged and he is poor also.

the is no love ,no story,no chemistry.

a ten year old would have written better dialogues and i male lead is just pathetic seems "misplaced" even is love scenes are shot poorly don't watch it for your own good
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