234 Reviews
The Avenger from Hell
claudio_carvalho8 September 2009
In the countryside, the quiet hick Ed Harley (Lance Henriksen) raises his beloved son Billy alone, working in his grocery on the side of the road. When three couples from the big city stop off at his store to buy some supplies, their leader Joel (John D'Aquino) accidentally kills Billy with his motorcycle and he does not allow his friends to call for assistance. In his hatred, Ed visits the evil witch Haggis (Florence Schauffler) that conjures the demon avenger Pumpkinhead to destroy the teenagers. Later Ed regrets and tries to call off the deal but he finds the price to be paid.

"Pumpkinhead" is a great slash movie of a demon called Pumpkinhead that is summoned by someone to revenge the death of another person. It is interesting to note that the boy is accidentally killed and five teenagers try to do the right thing, but the question is not to be fair or not: the boy's father is blind by his feeling of revenge, and only after calming down, he unsuccessfully tries to call off the deal, but it is too late. Therefore there is a good message about the danger of a revenge in the end. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "Sangue Demoníaco" ("Demoniac Blood")
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Fun eighties horror
goevikes18 November 2003
I will be the first person to stand up and admit that Pumpkinhead is, in some ways, as silly as it's name, but there's something there. It's just enough to elevate this above much of the other "Dead Teenager" dreck that was thrown at us in the glorious eighties.

First off, the monster is a doozy. Stan Winston was up to his usual standard of excelence and creativity, and he created a creature that, while not actually convincing, is alot scarier and easier to enjoy than most. Pumpkinhead is no Freddy or Michael Meyers, but he delivers.

Second of all, the plot is more intelligent than I have come to expect from slasher flicks. The "Kids" are more thought out than most disposable teens, and their motives are more understandable. They accidently take the life of a child, but most want to do the right thing and go to the authorities. Even the Jerk who doesn't is eventually persuaded. And Harley, the father who is the real hero AND villian of the film is much more human than his actions would suggest.

There is also a good twist at the end which I will not reveal here, only say that surprised me with it's subtlety, which is something you rarely see in a horror film that is more than 2/3 done.

Bottom line, I was pleasently surprised with Pumpkinhead. People who don't like horror films are unlikely to be impressed with it, except on a technical level because the effects and atmosphere are superb, but horror fans looking for a harmless new thrill may find it better than expected. It's smarter, wittier and deeper than the norm.

Pumpkinhead gets 6 out of 10 for technical expertise, great atmosphere and an above average story.
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His enemies are mostly dead, he's mean and unforgiving.
hitchcockthelegend2 October 2010
Pumpkinhead is directed by Stan Winston and stars Lance Henriksen, Jeff East, John D'Aquino, Kimberly Ross & Joel Hoffman. Music is by Richard Stone and cinematography comes from Bojan Bazelli. Plot sees Henriksen play Ed Harley, a loving and devoted father raising his young son on his own after the death of his wife. His world is shattered when a group of adventure seeking teenagers accidentally kill his boy in a motorbike incident. Struck with grief and fury, Ed seeks out a mountain dwelling witch that can invoke the demon Pumpkinhead to do his vengeful bidding for him. However, calling up Pumpkinhead comes at a cost to Ed as much as it does to the teenagers it now seeks.

Tho in essence it is just a creature on the loose killing the teens movie, so a stalk and slash piece if you like, Pumpkinhead is more appealing than most of its ilk. It's an old fashioned movie, rich on atmosphere, presenting a moralistic tale that's steeped in rural folklore and horror legend. It's also propelled forward by a damn great performance from Henriksen. Special effects guru Winston directs assuredly, with a strong visual sense and a knowing that as his movie shifts to the inevitable kill after kill sequence; he had to develop his protagonist first. It's during the first half where Pumpkinhead earns its stripes as Winston takes time to fully form the relationship between father and son, it's tender and very believable, so when the tragedy happens, Ed's reaction is totally understandable. We too feel vindictive such is the way Henriksen has let us feel the love.

On to the second half where the magnificent creature makes its appearance and the blood starts to flow. Here the film is only let down by its relatively low budget and the fact that Winston has nowhere to go other than formula. The youths are the usual array of cocky, bickering shriekers, tho in fairness a couple of the girls here are at least scripted as being intelligent and capable of reasoning. But thankfully in amongst the carnage is Henriksen peeling off another emotional layer, as he starts to get conflicted about what he has done. A fine performance from an actor who is far better than his king of schlock reputation. Tho still rated averagely on some internet movie sites, Pumpkinhead (dreadful name in truth) has garnered, and earned, a big cult fan base. Popular enough to warrant a solid 20th Anniversary DVD release, there's a chance that it will find more fans along the way. It deserves it, if only for Henriksen, the creature, and the attention to art design and detail. And of course if you like the stalk and slash formula anyway? Well it delivers there too. 7/10
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Inventive Monster Movie
utgard1421 December 2013
A group of young adults heading to a cabin for the weekend accidentally run over and kill the son of country storekeeper Ed Harley (Lance Henriksen) and then drive away. Driven by grief, Ed goes to a witch for help raising a demonic creature known as Pumpkinhead to wreak vengeance upon his son's killers. Directed by special effects wizard Stan Winston, Pumpkinhead is one of the most original and underrated horror films of the last thirty years. Lance Henriksen is terrific, as is John Carpenter favorite George Buck Flower. The best scenes go to the witch Haggis, played by Florence Schauffler under a ton of makeup. Every scene involving the witch is gold. On the minus side, the kill scenes are not terribly inventive and are done with a minimum of suspense, despite the terrific atmosphere Winston has set up with the dark and misty backwoods locale. And, of course, praise should go to Winston and his special effects crew for creating a unique creature like Pumpkinhead to begin with. I'm sure the dream of every special effects artist who grew up idolizing Jack Pierce, Willis O'Brien, or Ray Harryhausen would be to create a memorable monster of their own. Winston did just that with this film.
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Enthusiastically, if slightly amateurishly, made horror hokum
CuriosityKilledShawn25 February 2006
"Keep away from Pumpkinhead, Unless you're tired of living, His enemies are mostly dead, He's mean and unforgiving, Bolted doors and windows barred, Guard dogs prowling in the yard, Won't protect you in your bed, Nothing will, from Pumpkinhead."

So goes the poem by Ed Justin. I've never heard of it previously. I'm assuming it's more of an American pop culture thing.

Stan Winston may be the man behind many of todays horror icons and creatures but how exactly does he hold up as a director? Not that great I'm afraid to say. But let's be reasonable. This film is almost 20 years old (it was completed in 1987) and Winston has no doubt improved in many ways since. But what he lacks in style he makes up for in enthusiasm.

The ever-brilliant Lance Henrikson (the man with THE coolest voice in the world) is Ed Harley, a backwoods shopkeep who's Milky-Bar Kid-lookalike son is killed by reckless dirt-bikers. After this surprising sad and touching scene, Ed visits the house of a mysterious old hag who has ties with the forces of darkness. Wishing vengeance upon the bikers he is sent on a mission to dig up the remains of a demon buried in a pumpkin patch. With his blood thrown into the mix of an evil spell, the demon is soon resurrected and goes about his usual mission of killing people who deserve it.

And so begins a series of scenes you've seen many times in numerous Friday the 13th films and the subsequent rip-offs. Only instead of a masked killer you get a very tall, weird looking creature that looks a lot like the Xenomorph from the Alien series. Despite Winston's usually awkward framing and cutting, he does pull off a couple of good scares and generates a decent amount of atmosphere. But the constant unnatural lighting, floodlit woods and fog effects get a bit annoying.

Pumpkinhead is, essentially, a tribute to urban legends and ancient scary stories told for generations before TV and mass-communication came along. In that sense, Pumpkinhead ranks alongside other mythical characters such as Spring-heeled Jack, the Skunk-Ape, Shadow People and El Chupacabra. Many of these characters are in the public subconscious, but like I said, perhaps the Pumkinhead myth is too uncommon outside of America to make that kind of impact.

Plus, there is good amount of story going untold. The whole idea of Harley and Pumpkinhead being connected through blood and bloodlust isn't developed too well and the film should have had a stronger showdown between them. The mysterious old hag could have had a bigger part too.

But if you're in the mood for undemanding horror, with slight irony, mild mythology, an interesting killer and one of the coolest actors ever (Mr Henrikson, take a bow) then go for it. Don't expect anything groundbreaking or memorable.
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Better at building up (spoilers)
MichaelCarmichaelsCar16 November 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Southern Gothic, a most deliciously specific sub genre, has hardly been explored in the American cinema, and one may not approach 'Pumpkinhead' with any expectation of artistry, but the movie surprises. It surprises as an accomplished and authentic-feeling example of Southern Gothic, better than 'Deliverance,' but nowhere near as good as 'Night of the Hunter,' and also as a morality play with a streak of dark irony.

Lean at 86 minutes, the film's build-up is exquisite. Lance Henriksen, excellent here as a highly physical, laconic grocery store owner in rural Rural, U.S.A, lives alone with his son, who is his sole companion after the death of his wife. The movie carefully and quite skillfully establishes the importance of this boy to his father, and this gives almost unbearable gravity to the boy's accidental death at the hands of six urban motorcycling youths. The movie's handling of this situation is brilliant and completely devoid of cheapness or exploitativeness, and the underrated Henriksen reveals himself as an actor of depth and significance.

There is moral and material conflict among the youths, who retreat to their cabin. One of them, a violent and dominating thug, is on probation for DUI, and taking responsibility for the boy's death would likely yield a prison sentence. Meanwhile, Henriksen consults an old witch to unleash the titular demon, one who's only been rumored about in campfire tales and bedtime stories, to avenge his child's death, and subsequently undergoes moral turnaround himself.

The last third of the film lacks weight or interest, as the demon dispatches each youth against the sudden protests of Henriksen. It's almost as though the director, Stan Winston, wanted to avoid hunt-and-slay elements altogether, and went through the motions as quickly as possible. While this is admirable, this portion of the film almost completely lacks flair.

It's forgivable, though. Not many horror films are as good as this, which is concise, atmospheric, and manages to provoke both thought and genuine emotion, with wonderful supporting players like Joseph Piro and Buck Flower that augment the film's rural ambiance with an enchanting authenticity.
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The Spirit of Vengeance is a flawed cut above most monster movies.
ryanpersaud-5941530 October 2022
The Good: I remember visiting the Canadian side of Niagara Falls as a kid, and going through Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum, and every single time, being utterly terrified of the "horror section" of the museum. Of all the wax figures, Pumpkinhead always scared me the most.

Since then, I guess childhood fear and literally thousands of other options meant I never ended up watching Pumpkinhead. Now that I have, I can say this movie really surprised me. I really liked the folksy, dark fantasy aesthetic, I think it begs for the movie's universe and lore to be expanded on. I left the movie wondering about how many other human dramas Pumpkinhead intervened in. I wonder about where he came from and how the townsfolk knew about him. That's the sign of a great horror concept.

Lance Eriksson is phenomenal here; he grounds the movie in a sort of realism and pathos that you don't often get with these types of movies. The relationship between his character, Ed, and his son, Billy is sweet and effective; you understand the man from the first 5 minutes, and can immediately understand the depth of his pain. Which, makes his summoning of the demonic avenger Pumpkinhead at least seem...understandable.

I also liked the tension generated by the tragic incident, where a group of (mostly) insufferable teens accidentally kill Billy. I like how there's another layer of the story, namely, how these people are going to figure it out and what they're going to do to fix the situation. Maybe I expected them to be a bunch of bodies for Pumpkinhead to kill or something, but I found the film way more interesting because of how their story develops.

But of course, Pumpkinhead himself. He has such screen presence, viewed so terrifying by everyone around him, there's no way you don't buy into him and get a little spooked yourself. He's treated as all powerful, unstoppable, and I can totally see why he's a key figure in the horror pantheon.

The Bad: Stan Winston's weaknesses as a director do kind of show here. There's some truly baffling acting at times, a lot of bad editing, and the first portion of this movie just feels...off. There are moments that end unexpectedly, where the music is too loud and inappropriate...just little aesthetic things that annoyed me throughout the movie. It definitely gets better as the movie goes on though.

I also felt the music needed a more ethereal and fantastical than it ultimately was. I couldn't help but feel the Hellraiser music would work super well here.

I also hate to say this, but as cool as Pumpkinhead is, the technical limitations the filmmakers had in 1988 means that we often can't or don't see Pumpkinhead kill anyone. He often seems like he's standing above or around people, but clearly not interacting with them, if that makes sense? I know it's not really fair, but being so used to contemporary CG, where you see fantastical creatures interact with regular people all the time, it's just kind of distracting.

This movie has the longest opening credit sequence I've seen in a long time. It's not only long, but it's really bad too.

The Ugly: Pumpkinhead, as I mentioned before, should've been a bigger and better franchise than it ended up being. The studio, MPCA, did not have confidence in the film and literally released it the same weekend as another film THEY PRODUCED, called...Child's Play. One became a major horror franchise that continues today, and the other never really got a chance to be.

Instead, Pumpkinhead has a direct-to-video sequel and two TV movies. All, i have been told, are pretty trash. It sucks because there's a lot of potential with this franchise and I wish there was more to it, honestly.

But it's also a testament to this film's quality that despite having ONE good (if imperfect) film to its name, Pumpkinhead is still considered by horror nerds to be one of the most iconic movie monsters ever.
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This was so bad.
timewarpagain27 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I am usually a big fan of 80's movies, especially horror ones. But this one...so bad. This movie lacks any kind of suspense. The acting is bad (even for a B- flick like this). One of the biggest mistakes this movie makes is that it shows us the monster right in the beginning of the film, taking away any kind of suspense that otherwise would have been there (Jaws was scary because we did not see the monster. Blair Witch was scary because we did not see the monster). Pumpkinhead looks to friendly and stupid in order to be taken as an evil force sent from hell. The effects are okay for an 80's movie. but that is abot the only good thing I can say about it...
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Underrated Horror Flick
Ithaqua198713 April 2007
Pumpkinhead is a criminally overlooked 80's horror movie that stands up there as one of my favorites of the entire decade. It is exceptionally well made by first time director Stan Winston who shows more skill behind the camera than one might expect from someone primarily known for special effects. Most of the lead actors do a very good job, with a few exceptions, however Lance Henriksen brings an enormous amount of credibility to the whole thing. I have great respect for character actors such as Lance and this is some of his best work. The creature itself is well conceived however it is hidden in shadows throughout most the picture which allows the actors and the story to take center stage, much to the film's benefit. Overall this is one of the best Halloween movies ever made as that is the perfect time of year to watch this movie. It's dark, it's Gothic, and it's damn cool.
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Underrated Horror From 1988
Foutainoflife2 October 2023
A film about a monster that can be called upon when backwoods folk feel they need vengeance after having been grievously wronged, Pumpkinhead has never got the acknowledgement that it truly deserves.

The story is simplistic and easy enough to understand which is a bit cookie cutter but great nonetheless. It's not drawn out and everything moves at a great pace. The actors are absolutely decent with Lance Henriksen playing Ed Harley the distraught father and best known for his role as the artificial human/robot, Bishop, in Aliens (1986). What is super great IMO are the practical effects that, while dated, still look really good today.

It's understandable that this film was overlooked seeing as how 1988 was a pretty big year for horror. Michael Myers made a comeback, we got our first introduction to Chucky and Jason made his 7th appearance. Hellraiser II, The Serpent and the Rainbow, Poltergeist III all came out with Nightmare On Elm Street 4: The Dream Master being the highest grossing film in the genre. (Unless you count Bettlejuice as horror rather than comedy.) It really was up against some tough competition.

If you're a horror fan, Pumpkinhead should be on your watched list. The franchise went on to produce three additional films but they were only so-so and couldn't match the original. I don't mind suggesting this to friends or giving my fellow horror fans that have yet to add it to their watched list a hard time about it. It's simply a monster must watch.
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Good fright, bad plot.
only_an_ocean_away5 June 2001
The movie's ability to scare a person is great and deserves to be saluted, but the overall plot is so dragged out that some of the scariest moments are when you're waiting for something scary to happen. I'm a horror flick fan, but this film is just... boring.
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Very well executed film
Stomach Monkey22 March 2001
This film stands as one of the most underrated I have seen. It has a compelling story of a father's love and the powerful grip of vengeful desires. It is well acted, has amazing creature affects, and takes the road less traveled by most horror films. It takes no easy ways out. The plot prefers to turn slowly into a gnarled tale of battling with an inner demon. The lighting in the fog and the mere visual presence of the witch, Haggis, with her wispy hairs in the fire light, are genuinely creepy. I think Lance Henriksen gives one of his best performances in this film. Definitely give it a look if you haven't yet.
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Typical B-horror flick with a 70s taste
OllieSuave-00715 August 2022
This is a typical B-movie horror flick about a man summoning a demon called Pumpkinhead to do away with a group of teenagers. It's like those teenagers in 90s slasher flicks meeting a 70s-style monster with similar results - running, screaming, hiding, more running, and twists and turns.

It's not an extremely captivating movie, with few new materials here (though, the witch character was quiet amusing). But, it's mindless fun if you're into horror films and will give you some nice entertainment and a little scare.

Grade B-
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Wasted talent
counterrevolutionary9 March 2003
Better-than-usual direction, cinematography, and production values lift this movie above the complete craplitude which is normal for the slasher genre.

Unfortunately, poor acting, atrocious dialogue, a derivative and silly-looking creature, and the hackneyed monster-kills-teenage-jerks-in-the-woods plot don't permit it to rise any higher than sub-mediocrity.
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Well Made Horror with Soul!
Dellamorte_Dellamore0716 January 2006
This film is pretty classy for a horror film. Everything about this movie has such simplicity, the plot deals with themes of "KARMA" and "VENGANCE", as the movie opens with A family locking themselves in their cabin while a man is stalked and killed outside, the little boy of the family peeks outside and sees the man being killed by a monster in the shadows. It's now the present and the little boy is a grown man ED HARLEY (THE GREAT LANCE) who is a widower and has a small boy. All is fine and dandy until a group of city kids, a motor bike accident, a creepy witch, and a demon that is resurrected and called "PUMPKINHEAD" changes all that, ED and the teens find out the hard way that "WHAT COMES AROUND GOES AROUND".

Great Monster...I remember the design for Pumpkinhead gave me the creeps..especially the far shots of it hiding in trees, the first opening chase scene is creepy because you don't understand what is going on. The witch scenes are also done with so much dread...I love it.

Stan Winston is a very talented director giving the simple monster after teens story more depth and soul. I really felt for Ed and his Grief. How many horror movies do you know that do that?...The blue and orange filters really give the film a nice look. A forest never seemed creepy.

The soundtrack hits all the right notes and elevates the movie to more creepy level.

Some minor complaints would have to be the teens don't get enough screen time..I liked the majority of them but they get killed way too soon (you'll see)...more range and development would have been nice...but on a whole..this movie is all good...nice direction..and themes. Creepy Ending

*** out of ****
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Classic in-the-grind 80s horror
greyKbarclay21 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is a good folk horror film about a cautionary tale.

Lance Hendrickson portrays Ed Harley who lives alone with his young son Billy. When tragedy strikes him in the form of his only son's death he is overcome with a powerful grief and vows for revenge against the city teenagers whom mowed down his boy. He uses the being of Pumpkinhead, an entity which once resurrected is hellbent on killing all those it needs to. No one can escape it.

This film is definitely a slow burn but as soon as the Pumpkinhead comes to life all the action starts and it doesn't really stop. As always Stan Winston does an excellent job at bringing the being to life in an all encompassing manner filled with fright. The design of the creature was seamless and disconcerting, especially that creepy smirk it does whenever it has gotten one of its unfortunate victims. It's just some quick and slick 80s horror film fun. A great flick for a horror marathon.
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Worth A Second Look
Cobbler17 May 2000
Warning: Spoilers
(SPOILERS) I recently watched this film again for the first time in at least ten years. For me, PUMPKINHEAD's merit is derived not from the stalk-and-chase finale, but from the intense, emotional opening act, in which the screenwriter takes time to develop an affecting father-son relationship, only to have it destroyed in a split-second by an unfortunate accident. I honestly felt for Henriksen's character because I understood the deep loss he had to endure. I will never forget the intense look of hurt and rage that flashes across the face as he's carrying his dead son into the store. The teenagers' guilt and helplessness also was very palpable and intense for me.

Although I appreciated the mood & atmosphere, as well as the folklore/myth aspect of PUMPKINHEAD, I think the second half of the film, in which the kids are stalked by the beast, is less interesting and definitely less effective. The stylistic lighting and sometimes disjointed murder scenes, in which you can never quite tell what's happening (Pumpkinhead seems to scurry and fly around at will), were an admirable approach-- but I never forgot that I was watching a MOVIE. I almost wished for a more naturalistic approach, like THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE, for instance. (But that's just my opinion.) I also was impressed by Pumpkinhead's script, it's actually very well-structured and one seemingly minor character ends up playing an important role in the story. And like I said, Henriksen gives one of the horror genre's best performances- I'll never forget the scene in his truck when he thinks his son has come back from the dead. 7/10
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Rather enjoyable late 1980s creature feature...
paul_haakonsen4 November 2021
The 1988 horror movie "Pumpkinhead" from director Stan Winston is actually a classic horror movie in its own rights.

Oddly enough, then I've never really paid much attention to the "Pumpkinhead" movies. I remember watching the 1988 original movie back around the time it was just out, but never took a particular liking to it. Then I watched the third movie some years ago, but again never really were won over. But then I opted to sit down in 2021 and watch the movies back to back.

And I have to say that while I had watched the 1988 "Pumpkinhead" movie once, I had been missing out on a good horror experience in the classic sense of a creature feature. And writers Mark Patrick Carducci, Stan Winston, Richard Weinman and Gary Gerani definitely managed to conjure a wholesome and entertaining horror movie with the script for "Pumpkinhead".

Yeah, this is horror the way they used to make them, so if you enjoy the horror golden era of the late 1980s, then "Pumpkinhead" should definitely be something for you. Trust me, I found this movie to be much more interesting and entertaining than I initially remembered it to be, after having sat down to watch it again in 2021. The storyline proves to be entertaining from the very beginning and up to the end.

The movie is nicely carried by Lance Henriksen in the lead role, And while I weren't particularly familiar with the young cast in the movie, then they definitely put on good enough performances, and it was something that fit right into the late 1980s horror movie genre.

What I do like about "Pumpkinhead", aside from the storyline and Lance Henriksen, it was the creature design. The design of the demonic conjured creature in this movie was very interesting and the props department definitely did an amazing job in bringing Pumpkinhead to life on the screen. And it was especially fulfilling that the creature was given so much screen time and most of the time in adequate lighting that let you see the design and the details clearly, whereas many horror movies back in the late 1980s were filmed in rather dark locations devoid of proper light.

If you haven't already seen the 1988 movie "Pumpkinhead", then by all means do so if you get the chance, because this is a very enjoyable and entertaining horror movie.

My rating of "Pumpkinhead" lands on a seven out of ten stars.
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Over-rated Crap. Ignore It. Rubbish.
alangiruk30 March 2003
Dont be fooled by positive reviews of this Crap movie. I looked up reviews of this, was impressed and purchased a copy expecting to be frightened and intrigued. I got neither. I cannot believe this film actually spooked viewers. I mean, Pumpkinhead kills his victims in the exact same way every time. Hand reaches down from the tree, hand grabs the head...snore...

It is unbelievable boring. I wanted to fall asleep while watching it, while my brother and his friends left the room to play the PS2. Its just totally Over-rated. I have never been impressed with Lance Henriksen and this film does nothing to change my view. CRAP.
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Stay away from Pumpkinhead, unless you're tired of living...
Gafke1 November 2003
Most critics (who actually get PAID to critique films, unlike me, HA!) really hated this movie, dismissing it as yet another "brainless teen" slaughterfest and slamming it with either one star or a big fat turkey. I've never really understood this. Okay, it's not ever going to win an Academy Award, some of the acting is atrocious and much of the incidental music was cheesy and had me rolling my eyes, but the basic story is quite good. Six city teens on a vacation in either the Appalachians or the Ozarks, make the mistake of running over a little hillbilly boy with a motorcycle. 5 of them want to do the right thing and call the police, but the 6th, a hulking moron with a police record, takes his friends hostage. By the time he comes to his senses, it's too late. The dead boys father has been to see the local Witch, who in turn has summoned the Demon of Vengeance: Pumpkinhead.

There's really not a lot of gore here, and no sex whatsoever. The "typical teens" here actually appear to be in their early twenties, and are hardly the faceless victims you usually find in these kinds of films. The real menace lies with the hill folk, many of whom look like the genuine article; inbred and dangerous. Lance Henriksen turns in a great performance as the dead boys father, blinded (most understandably) by grief and anger, yet still compassionate enough at last to try and reverse what he has done. The monster, Pumpkinhead, is really cool looking, created as it was by special effects man Stan Winston, who also directed. The atmosphere and mood of this movie are constantly menacing, even in the bright light of day, and Pumpkinhead seems to bring an aura of electrical storms with him wherever he goes, the sound of cicadas and the flashing of heat lightening most unsettling. The Witches cabin in particular is a magnificent set piece. Worth seeing at least once. The "professional" critics are NOT always right.

PS - Don't bother watching "Pumpkinhead 2: Blood Wings." I've never seen a more horrible sequel with a more annoying cast of arrogant teenagers who deserved to be killed. Banal, moronic waste of film.
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Good 80's Horror/Revenge Flick!
gwnightscream7 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Lance Henriksen stars in this 1988 horror film directed by late, special effects genius, Stan Winston. Henriksen (Near Dark) plays Ed Harley, a country storekeeper who lives with his young son, Billy (Matthew Hurley). Soon, Billy is killed in a motorcycle accident involving city teens. Ed seeks revenge and begs an old witch to help him in which she conjures up a demon, Pumpkinhead (Tom Woodruff Jr.) to rid them. Ed becomes afflicted with images of the killings and tries to stop Pumpkinhead from finishing the job. Henriksen is great in this as usual, Woodruff is creepy as Pumpkinhead and Richard Stone's score is chilling. Henriksen also worked with Winston on "The Terminator" and "Aliens." I recommend this good 80's horror/revenge flick.
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The kind of movie a bunch of teenagers would make if they had the equipment
Superunknovvn18 January 2006
"Pumpkinhead" was the first directing job for make-up wizard Stan Winston. You can hardly overlook what Winston's main occupation had been so far. Pumpkinhead, the monster itself, does look pretty neat (even if its design is totally ripped off of H.R. Giger's Alien), but that doesn't mean that we should see the creature as often as we do. In fact, Winston seems so proud of the job his make-up team has done that he wants to show as much of it as possible and we all know that less is often more when it comes to horror movies. "Pumpkinhead" leaves nothing to your imagination and that's not scary at all. In the whole movie there are hardly any effective jumps, because Winston fails to create any kind of suspense or atmosphere. The score gives it all away beforehand and most of the sets look so cheap, they could have been taken right out of an episode of "Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman" (a series more horrific than "Pumpkinhead" could ever hope to be). And don't expect much gore, either. The most explicit death scene you'll see is one in which a guy get's stabbed and thrown into the air, which isn't as exciting as it might sound. However, "Pumpkinhead" suffers the most from its bad script in combination with horrible editing. What could have been a half-decent story, was totally ruined by unbelievable characters, idiotic dialog and silly cuts from one scene to the next. By 1989 such mistakes just weren't forgivable anymore. Seriously, this is the kind of movie a bunch of teenagers would make if you'd give them the equipment and teach them a thing or two about how to handle it. For anybody over the age of 14 "Pumpkinhead" is hardly enjoyable unless you have a liking for cheesy 80's horror flicks (like I do). Everybody else should stay away.
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What a folktale!
lost-in-limbo16 May 2006
Ed Harley lives with his young son in the country, where they live a simple life and run a small store. Some city teens stop by at the store and get on their bikes for some fun. While this is happening Ed leaves his son to look after the shop as he delivers a item to a customer. When Ed arrives back he finds out his boy has been accidentally killed by one the careless riders. In fist of anger he seeks out an old lady who can summon up a demon which shall exact revenge on those involved in the death of his son. However, Ed starts to realise it was a bad idea and he eventually finds out that conjuring up this demon comes at a price.

Oh hail, B-legend Lance Henriksen! It's Henriksen's burning conviction and special effects whiz Stan Winston's masterful monster design that lifts this B-grade monster feature out of the very ordinary mould. I can see why those factors get highly praised. Pretty much it's typical 80s horror fodder, but on that point I found this minor piece be an enthralling backwoods shocker that's effectively creepy and ominous in its set-up. The atmospheric air just has that feel of the old style monster flicks. I found it to be a vivid treasure in that department with the empty woodlands being so chillingly, foreboding in presence. The dread of it all just swallows you up! Especially the glum conclusion. The night scenes are sensationally staged with very classy touches with the moon's rays shinning through, swirling mists and the shades of blues flood the screen with great impact. Director Stan Winston (making his debut) utilizes the scenery with skillful execution by giving the film such an organic feel and producing some blinding images within some eerie and thrilling set-pieces (the transformation scene being one). Chiming in also is that of the score which creaks an unsteady terror with it's alienating chords. I thought the dark feel and slick look of the film is perfect and that's rightfully so.

Though, it's not without its flaws. The main one being the scratchy writing with it being riddled with clichés, loose characters and repetition. The premise and feeble script could have done with a polish up, because the urban legend of this rural demon does make for an interesting viewing. Thrown up in the story are some thoughtful questions and a emotional edge, but still it was kinda lacking. The stock characters are reasonably an unlikeable bunch, but thank goodness Lance Henriksen gives out a powerful and hypnotic performance that you totally feel his hurt. While, the rest of the cast were modest even if their characters are vague as can be and had very little to work with. Now the other star of the film was the magnificent, but horrific looking demon that's simply grand in stature and hands out punishment with such ease by toying around with it's victims in such a cruel manner. Death scenes might be brutal, but if you want some gore out of those moments… there is some bad news. There ain't any. Some blood, but no gore. But if you're looking for some suspense leading up to the kills it seems to mishandle those moments by being very foreseeable. Pacing wise the film is solid even though after the intense beginning it seems to stall for a while, well that's until Pumpkinhead reappears and things really do get going with it's quest for relentless horror.

A solid and creative effort overall that relishes from it's visually brooding direction, superior lead performance and convincing monster design.
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Revenge is a dish served with pumpkins.
Coventry5 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Generally considered to be a minor classic in the tremendous 80's horror offer, "Pumpkinhead" mostly benefices from Lance Henriksen's strong lead performance, the solid direction job by Stan Winston and the compelling atmosphere that ideally balances between harrowing drama and exciting horror. It may take a little while before the story really swifts into action-gear, but at least the introduction of the characters and the build up towards why the titular demon gets summoned is well-crafted and involving. Widower Ed Harley lives with his young son and owns a grocery store in the rural outback. His peaceful life abruptly comes to an end when a bunch of city-teenagers accidentally run over his beloved son with their motorcycles. Overcome with grief and fury, Ed seeks contact with a local witch capable of resurrecting a powerful demon to extract blood-vengeance. The hideous demon with superhuman strength immediately goes after the teenagers and isolates the entire area with petrifying anguish. Ed soon regrets having unleashed this supernatural evil and teams up with the last remaining teenagers to destroy it. The titular demon's head isn't exactly shaped like a pumpkin, he merely owes his name to the fact his remainders were buried in a fields were pumpkins are cultivated. He's a tall, relentless and bloodthirsty creature that looks an awful lot like the extraterrestrial monsters in "Aliens". This shouldn't really come as a surprise, since the talented special effects team was responsible for both movies. Director Stan Winston is an effects artist as well, and thus he perfectly knows to depict the demon at its most menacing. And not only the creature's design is scary! The ominous forests, the superb lighting and the superstitious supportive characters all contribute to increase the tension-level as well. Lance Henriksen starred in numerous low-budget horror features that aren't worth bothering, but "Pumpkinhead" easily ranks among his best roles. His imposing charisma and cheekbones do most of the acting here, but Lance nevertheless remains a mighty fine action hero. There are sublime supportive roles for Florence Schauffler (as the uncanny witch) and George 'Buck' Flower as the wise elderly man.
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I thought it was distinctly average
callanvass28 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
A bunch of kids head into the country for a time of relaxing and drinking. During a dirt bike race, Ed Harley's kid gets in the way and is inadvertently killed in the process. Seeking vengeance, Ed Harley goes to an old witch, to conjure up a demon known as "Pumpkinhead" to kill the kids. Not only does Ed Harley have a telepathic relationship with Pumpkinhead, but he begins to regret conjuring him up in the first place

I'm not among the general consensus of considering this a good horror movie. In all honesty, I thought it was rather boring. It has good use of location, decent atmosphere, along with a solid performance from Lance Henriksen. My major problem with this movie is the setup is not nearly as riveting as it likes to believe it is. It doesn't take advantage of the immense potential that it has. I would have liked to see a bit of a longer movie. More build up of frustration, pain and angst from Henriksen's character would have done this movies wonders. At around 80 minutes or so, it feels rushed and far too short to maximize on things like it should. The creature is actually extremely well done. Not only is it intimidating, but creepy as well. Stan Winston did a fantastic job with it. There isn't any "true" evil in this movie, aside from the Witch & Pumpkinhead. I did like the idea of a conflicted Lance Henriksen. I'm just disappointed they gave him little to work with. Henriksen is great in the lead role. He manages to overcome the script weaknesses and deliver a memorable show. I can't really say the same for the rest of the cast. Overall, I thought it was rather bland myself. It seems to have quite a following, so go ahead and see it. It isn't something I particularly cared for

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