108 Reviews
Pleasantly surprised.
warrenth30 March 2010
For a movie that has almost no "names" attached, this is surprisingly good. The actors are well cast, their characters are charming, and the jokes are well paced. It takes itself just seriously enough that you don't feel insulted by the storytelling.

You can't have the wrong expectations. I think if you've seen the first and are expecting something similar you will be disappointed. I do however think this is a very well put together film. The pacing is solid, the comedy is more well done than a lot of big budget comedy from around the same time, and there are some well done quirky moments that really elevate the experience.

The main area that it falls down is the lack of depth. There is maybe one moment that really touches something real, but it's brief. The rest is straight adventure. But it's well done. Given the choice between seeing this again or re-watching the new Indie movie about crystal skulls, I'd choose this since it's at least as entertaining but doesn't let you down like Indie did.

The last criticism is perhaps the most damning. This is not a must see movie. If you live your entire life without seeing it, you'll be fine. I don't really even recommend it. But if you do watch it, I recommend you enjoy it for what it is and don't lament that it isn't better.

I would recommend it for kids 9-12. It's perfect for that age. Kind of scary, plenty of snicker and giggle moments. Plenty of cute. Plenty of weird.

There may be some language but it's situation appropriate and pretty tame. No nudity, a little cleavage, nothing you won't see on a visit to the mall.
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Good Parts + Random Junk = Mediocrity
lee-p-sherman12 January 2010
The enjoyable parts prevent this from being a truly bad film, but only just. The original "House" probably never made anyone's list of top horror movies, but it's entertaining in its own, modest way. I can't say the same for "House II." Nor can I honestly say it's a sequel. It doesn't feature any of the characters from the original. It's also a completely different house. The house in "House" was built on a weak spot between our world and the world of the dead, while the house in "House II" was built at the crossroads of time and space. This is, I believe, an important distinction. There doesn't seem to be any reason for calling this "House II," except to justify the clever subtitle.

But that's not the only problem. The filmmakers clearly didn't know what kind of film they wanted to make, and the result is a jumbled mess. It starts off promising, and is shaping up to be a good haunted-house horror film when it suddenly and inexplicably becomes a fantasy-adventure comedy, during which time the ghost that the movie once seemed to be centered around is never seen and hardly mentioned. Then, after the viewer has adjusted to the new premise, the ghost comes back, and none of the threads brought up during the middle part are properly resolved. It's all pushed aside for a dramatic dénouement, followed by a final scene that raises further questions rather than answering any of the many existing ones.

I should also add that this movie contains several insults to the viewer's intelligence, which I wouldn't excuse even if it were an out-and-out comedy. In one scene, our hero falls hundreds of feet, but falls into a portal that lets him out right above the floor in his own house. The problem is that his momentum shouldn't change, so he should still be dead. In another scene, a zombie is strangled until he loses consciousness. Just think about that one for a moment.

So why did I give this an average review? Because there are good points. It's original, for starters. It may be hugely disjointed with little internal logic, but at least it isn't just retreading old clichés. It features characters who you care about, because they're fairly believable and interesting. It boasts special effects that are well above par for 1987, and some visually intriguing scenes and designs. The humor, as misplaced as it may be at times, is often quite funny. And, above all, there is John Ratzenberger as "Bill Towner, electrician and adventurer." The part with him is just great, not just because of his performance, but the way his character is written, and the sequence's juxtaposition of the banal and the otherworldly. Sadly, he's only in that one scene. If the movie had begun and ended with him, it could have been an '80s fantasy comedy classic (but still wouldn't really be a sequel to "House"). Actually, there are at least three different movies in here, all of which could have been good if they hadn't been thrown together to form a single, unfocused movie.

"House II" isn't a winner, nor is it a complete waste of time. Watch it if the things I've described have piqued your curiosity, but don't expect it to be too entertaining overall.
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Silly Fantasy Adventure
claudio_carvalho24 March 2018
Jesse (Arye Gross) moves to his biological parents' house with his girlfriend Kate (Lar Park Lincoln) and soon he hosts his friend Charlie (Jonathan Stark) with his girlfriend. Jesse reads old documents and decides to go to the local cemetery with Charlie to unbury his grand grand grandfather to seek out an ancient powerful Aztec skull. They reanimate Gramps (Royal Dano) that soon befriends Jesse and Charlie. But demons cross gateways in the house to retrieve the magic skull and Jesse and Charlie need to go to other dimensions to retrieve the skull and keep Gramps alive.

"House II: The Second Story" is a silly fantasy adventure based on the first House with new characters. The plot is a comedy with silly (and some of them also funny) moments but never a sequel of the first film. There are many points without a solution but the film is entertaining and cult. My vote is five.

Title (Brazil): "House II - A Casa do Espanto" ("House II - The Frightening House")
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"Looks like you've got some kind of alternate universe in there or something."
Backlash00728 March 2002
House II: The Second Story (no pun intended, I'm sure) is a great example of lighthearted horror. I've loved this movie since I was a kid. I applaud Ethan Wiley, who also wrote the original, for making a sequel that is good enough to carry on the House name. A lot of people are blown away by the fact that this movie has nothing to do with Roger Cobb or his house. But what they were trying to do with this series was to inspire an anthology of haunted house movies, and not staying with the same house. Although having nothing to do with the original, House II still manages to continue its inventive legacy. For example, look at the scene where the cupboard pops open to reveal an ironing board. That's a conventional horror scare tactic and yet, it's not a cat that popped out. It's more creative than most genre pictures. Another tradition they seemed to maintain was having a Cheers cast member in the film. This time it's John Ratzenberger. Did you ever think you'd see Cliff Clavin fighting amazon warriors? House II is a very funny film too. There's more comedy in this one, but it's not over the top.

The cast helps to make the comedy work. Royal Dano gives a great performance as the kindhearted Gramps. He plays the funny parts just right, and has those sad eyes in other scenes that make you feel sorry for his character. The comical tag team of the heroes, Arye Gross (Soul Man) and Jonathon Stark (Fright Night) works well. But what in the hell is Bill Maher doing in this movie? And why wasn't he killed? The best lines of dialogue are between Jonathon Stark and Bill Maher:

Maher: "Who's your friend, Bozo the Clown?"

Stark: "No, Bozo the Death Machine."

And I can't forget to mention Harry Manfredini's score. It holds the movie together no matter what scenario you've just been thrown into. House II deserves more respect than it gets because it's a good horror/comedy (which is rare)...and your kids can enjoy it too.

Note for genre buffs: Kane Hodder was the stunt coordinator for House II and did a cameo as the gorilla guy. Dwier Brown, who plays Clarence, appeared in the first House as the Lieutenant in the Vietnam scenes.
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House of Misbegotten Boredom
Bogmeister25 May 2006
This House tale has nothing to do with the first "House" of a couple of years earlier and doesn't really qualify as a sequel even as it tries to capture some of that same wry humor, but it doesn't stand well on its own, being mostly non-sensical. Plot has to do with another house, this one with Aztec-influenced architecture, also with other-dimensional passages now and then. Some ghost or demon has been after a special skull for unknown reasons, killing the main character's parents 25 years earlier. The main character (Gross) goes after the jewel-covered skull by digging up an ancestor's grave and ends up resurrecting his great great grandpa (Dano) as a 100+ year old zombie. The pic then dwells on this old dude in unfunny scenes, but Gross and his buddy (Stark) also show why they never had great careers in the movies. The cast is uniformly lame throughout. It also all seems to be an excuse to have a few scenes in a prehistoric jungle, with brief dinosaur FX. Bill Maher shows up in a small role; he made his mark later in his Politically Incorrect & HBO shows. Oddly enough, the main connection to the previous film is that another actor from the "Cheers" TV show plays a part (Ratzenberger here; Wendt in the first one). The old guy's nemesis finally shows up near the end, still after that skull. It's all poorly paced and exceedingly dull, failing at the humor and just plain stupid - unless you're 6 or 7 years old, maybe.
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I Drank With a Zombie
Minus_The_Beer24 January 2011
Fun but dumb, "House II: The Second Story" is an altogether different tale than that of the original "House," starring William Katt. In the second installment, a yuppie couple (Arye Gross and Lar Park Lincoln) inherit a mansion, only to discover an alternate universe inside. Hijinks ensue when the lucky owner reunites with his undead great-great-grandfather and, along with his goofy buddy, battles baby pterodactyls, angry outlaws and Bill Maher.

Although a character in "Scream 2" cites the film as a superior sequel, "House II" does little to one-up its predecessor. Taking on a much lighter tone and with little to no violence, this sequel is more like a campy spoof of the first film, which in and of itself was a silly affair. No worries, though, as once you know what to expect, you can have a good time with the film. The performances across the board are light-hearted and fun, with plenty of lovable goofballs to go around (a sequel concerning these characters would be a good time). The score by Harry Manfredini is most memorable, as you'll be humming the film's main theme not long after the credits have rolled.

Writer/director Ethan Wiley may not have created much of a horror film, but his blend of the supernatural and absurd with a hint of Western makes for a winning recipe that just can't be matched. Those expecting bloodshed and jump-scares will be left in the cold, but perhaps with a few drinks in hand and with the right expectations, you'll find "House II: The Second Story" a film deserving of the title "cult classic."
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dem0nic12 July 2004
I have no idea why this movie has a higher rating then House 3 (a.k.a The Horror Show) which is actually quite good. .

House 2 is on the other hand is quite possibly one on the worst horror sequels you will ever see, if you don't believe me then try watching it..


IMO the original House and House 3 are the only good movies in the entire series.
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Nothing to do with House, but still great
BandSAboutMovies12 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Ethan Wiley, who injected the humor into the original House script, returns to direct the sequel, which comes from a story by Fred Dekker that Wiley adapted. If you disliked the comedy in the original film, well, get ready. This one has no interest in being serious.

Prologue: a young couple gives up their child before an undead gunman murders them in their mansion. That baby grows up to be Jesse (Arye Gross, who was the original voice of Kevin Arnold on The Wonder Years before Daniel Stern took over), who decides to move back into that house with his girlfriend Kate (Lar Park Lincoln, Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood). They're soon joined by goofball friend Charlie (Jonathan Stark, Fright Night) and his wannabe rock star girlfriend Lana (Amy Yasbeck, who met husband John Ritter on the set of Problem Child).

Jesse has insomnia, which leads to him digging through the basement. He discovers a photo of his great-great-grandfather (Royal Dano, who starred in plenty of cowboy films) standing in front of an Aztec temple with a crystal skull in his hand. In the background is Slim Reeser, his one-time partner turned enemy over the ownership of the skull.

At this point, anyone would be happy to discover this photo and move on with their life. But that's normal life. Here, Jesse and Charlie decide to dig up his ancestor's grave to find the skull. Imagine their surprise when Gramps is still alive inside his coffin. Compound that with the fact that he wants to bond with his grandson.

It turns out that the house was built with stones from an Aztec temple and that it contains gateways into other time periods with the skull acting as the remote control, if you will. The forces of evil are drawn to the skull, though, so the boys better be ready to defend it.

Meanwhile, a Halloween party ends up with the boys losing their girls and an appearance by Bill Maher as a record exec. A caveman also attacks the party guests looking for a skull and a baby pterodactyl and a caterpillar-dog come along for the ride.

To compound the film's weirdness, Bill (John Ratzenberger, who like George Wendt in House was a star on TV's Cheers) comes to inspect the wiring, but he's really an adventurer with a sword in his toolbox. He leads the guys through a portal - he's incredibly nonchalant about the proceedings - and helps them save a virgin who is about to be sacrificed.

During a meal where Jesse embraces his new family - yes, a family that includes a dinosaur and a dog-headed caterpillar - Slim makes his return, rising out of a serving dish. He shoots Gramps, who reveals that this is the man who killed Jesse's parents. Jesse defeats the evil gunfighter, but can't save Gramps, who tells him that its time to say goodbye.

The cops come to the house, alerted by all the gunfire, and prepare to fire on Jesse. He uses the skull to go back in time to the Old West, taking his friends and pets with him. The film ends with him burying Gramps and using the crystal skull to make his grave, as he follows the old man's dying advice and doesn't become addicted to the skull's magic.

House 2 is something else. It's never sure what kind of movie it wants to be, but it gets so strange that you just feel like you have to go along for the ride. The scenes with Bill are great fun and the ending drama always makes me tear up. And you have to love the caterpuppy.

If you're confused by the fact that this movie has nothing to do with the original House, the way the movie was released in Italy is going to blow your mind.
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Just pathetic...
Euse15 November 2005
After reading a review on this film and seeing it for only £2, I thought "How could I go wrong???"

I was (unfortunatly) mistaken....

Didn't anybody else (apart from myself) think this film was just PATHETIC ?? How any body can call this a "horror, comedy or fantasy" is beyond me. The ONLY excuse this film has is that it was low budget and was made in 1987.

The are SO many 'goofs' in this film you wonder how they didn't notice them.

Personal opinion.......AVOID AT ALL COST !!
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Good follow-up to House
Red-Barracuda7 October 2021
This sequel has a whole set of new characters and a completely different haunted house to the first movie. Its not a bad idea actually, as it ensures the film can do its own thing more easily. Like the other film, though, it is a very light horror movie, which is stronger in its comedy moments, some of which were laugh-out-loud - John Ratzenberger was particularly hilarious in a cameo as an electrician who also deals with supernatural problems. All-in-all, I would say this is pretty much on a par with the original film.
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A waste of 88 minutes
disconnected8817 January 2006
As hard as it is to troll through all the years of terrible films I've seen, I do not think it is unreasonable to say that House II is the single worst movie i have ever seen. It was worse than the first one even.

The film starts semi promisingly with a couple moving into a massive mansion, which looks like a castle. In the middle of the night Jess can't sleep, so he gets up and wanders around. After hearing a sound, he explores, and the dud jump scene ruins any hope of some good horror. From this point onwards the film becomes awash in the sort of feeble storyline and bad acting that leaves the audience screaming in frustration. The plot flies follows no apparent path, and the action leaps from pre-historic settings, to Aztecs, back to reality, to the wild west so quickly that one wonders how the film received funding at all.

The reason I did not give this film 1 out of 10 is because it did have some moments of comedy, both physically and verbally. Unfortunately there is absolutely no horror, and what little comedy there is quickly falls flat. This film is a waste of both the $1.50 per month rental fee and the 88 minutes spent watching.
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Fun, campy 1980s horror/comedy/western.
slapayoda24 April 2005
This film is a fun, under-watched gem from the 80s. Fans of the first House have a lot to enjoy here. Certainly one of the only horror/comedy/westerns I can think of, but it works well in this picture. Don't expect Citizen Kane, but if you're looking for an enjoyable little flick, you won't be disappointed.

Interestingly, this film follows in the footsteps of the original House by casting a member of Cheers in a small role. In House, it's George Wendt, and in this film we get an amusing, if brief, appearance by John Ratzenberger. Jonathan Stark puts in an amusing performance as the Jim Carrey-esquire buddy, and Bill Maher shows up as well.
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Not very good a drop from the original, but it's still fun and watchable.
blanbrn7 September 2007
1987's "House II: The Second Story" really isn't that good of a horror film really more of a screwball spoof comedy that's cheap made and it doesn't follow the originals plot and the storyline is much different with unheard of actors at the time. You have a story that revolves around a murder that took place in a house 25 years ago, then it picks up to the present day with Jesse(Arye Gross) all grown up so he returns to his house where his parents were murdered too. Soon after moving in the old mansion style home with his close friend party animal and craved sex guy Charlie(Jonathan Stark) they discover the history and treasures of the house, and that Jesse's grandfather was an old west legend with a storied past. Yet that past comes back to haunt them after grandpa returns to life as an old friend he had a falling out with returns to settle the score old western gunfire style! Really the movie is campy and has a lot of funny parts not a lot of fright, and many of the stars were not well known. Yet some memorable cameos include now political spin talker Bill Maher as a record promoter, and "Playboy" POTM miss June 1985 the sexy Spanish and Cajun beauty Devin Devasquez she has a small part. Really nothing great but always watchable especially late at night for some entertainment fun.
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Very unique horror movie
G00fhunter30 August 2021
I am not sure what to call this genre of movie. Horror? Action? Western? Comedy? Caterpillar dog, yes. Aztecs yes. Zombies yes. Magic skulls? Cavemen and dinosaurs, Check. Not a bad movie at all, just a little all over the board, but comes together nicely in the end.5 out of 10.
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Creative story, good acting = Well worth watching!!
JetAviator8 June 2002
If you liked Army of Darkness... you will want to see this movie!

This movie is a comedy, horror, fantasy type similar to "Army of Darkness". House 2 however, has nothing to do with the original release of "House". It is a stand alone movie. Good acting and a creative story line make this well worth watching!
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I could have watched evil dead 2 twice but i had to see this at least once..
mad9630617 February 2021
Ah yes the 80s i was born in the last part of the 1970s so for me its a special time right ..just the very fact that the OG ghostbusters appeared in sync with my existential walk through life to this day both puzzles and amazes. thus it started a longer voyage from the 80s block all around the mulberry bush of horror films via the section of the local video store.. and on this day in 1987 i was waiting for this movie to come out right but some older person shoved me out *move it kid* and took house 2.. however i was tbh hypnotized by another movie that was released to vhs the same week. evil dead 2. my mom grumbled i had let house 2 slip through my still growing fingers.. sat through ed2 with me and mostly amused until the waterfall of multi colored "blood" left her running to see if she folded towels. i loved evil dead 2.. in fact i built a 15 foot tall monument to ed2 in my yard 13 years later which stood until the local city counsel had demolished by court order. but anyways the next week i made a choice. to watch house 2. i remember it had nothing to do with house 1. the movie that had scared me quite a bit a year prior and the then 7 year old hiding under a sheet recalled the richard mull army zombie "big ben" very well and wasnt let down he wasnt featured again in this light hearted "horror movie" .. well the next part is hard to talk about. over years i brooded about it. i started to withdraw from socializing and even spent time in counseling. after decades long struggle i relented. folks this movie is just deeper than the original house and well.. only i understand what seemingly everyone else has missed. house 2 isnt a horror comedy. house 2 is without a doubt one word: scary. in fact it is the scariest movie that has ever been ever made. house 2 is a pit of evil and sin more deranged than ted bundy and charles manson combined. fair warning iif you watch house 2 be prepared to sleep with the lights on. forever.
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Very Cheesy But Fun 1980s Horror-Fantasy Story
gavin694220 February 2012
The new owner (Arye Gross) of a sinister house gets involved with reanimated corpses and demons searching for an ancient Aztec skull with magic powers.

Ethan Wiley (who wrote part one) wrote the story and also takes over as director, with Sean Cunningham staying on as producer. Wiley's background, interestingly enough, was in practical effects for "Return of the Jedi" and "Gremlins" working under Chris Walas. Steve Miner, the director of part one, was too busy making "Soul Man" to return, but did make his mark just the same: he recommended the lead actor, Arye Gross.

Special mention must be given to Gregg Fonseca (1952–1994) who was production designer and made a tiny budget look like a big movie. The set designer does not often get much credit, but this is the sort of film where they should: look at depth and richness of the sets, and the wide variety Fonseca had to create. If the budget really was as low as they claim, he was working his butt off to get the job done.

Some have said this film is "boring", but this is simply not true. If anything, it could be accused of being silly or just too much nonsense. But, for whatever reason, this is largely what is most appealing about the film... In fact, this film is generally better than the first, though it makes far less sense and it does not quite have the acting power that you get from William Katt. John Ratzenberger does outdo George Wendt, however, with all due respect to Wendt.

What may have gotten the film a bad rap is its reception from horror fans. This film is like a "Friday the 13th" reunion, with Lar Park Lincoln, Kane Hodder, and Sean Cunningham. Not to mention other behind-the-scenes players. And that may be harmful, as those expecting horror really are not going to find it here. Despite the ghoulish cover art, this is really a "fantasy adventure" film. There is no blood or guts and really nothing in the way of scares.

This film is followed by a part three (sort of, with "The Horror Show" not even using the same title) and a part four that actually picks up where the first left off... such a bizarre, unpredictable franchise, even by 1980s standards. Either two or four of these films is available in a box set from Arrow Video, depending on your region. For "House II", they not only ported over an earlier audio commentary, but add on a full-length documentary on its making, with interviews from not only the usual suspects, but some lesser-seen faces such as Chris Walas.
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Pure 80s cheesefest
kannibalcorpsegrinder17 October 2023
Years after his parents are brutally murdered, their son and his wife decide to move into the house with several friends of theirs where they learn about the family mystery involving a sacred bejeweled Aztec mask and have to keep it safe from forces wanting to use it.

As far as cheesy 80s horror flicks go, this is one of them. There is so much cheese in here that it drips off the screen with a lot of ease, including all of the standard hallmarks of cheese. It has everything from corny acting and dialog, scenes that have no sense being there, cheesy jumps, effects, and atmosphere which are all elements here that feature some of the cheese. The way the film plays out is also prevalent in the cheesy style as things in here make no sense from a logical standpoint but do if they're going for this kind of cheesy atmosphere. The sequence involving the dinosaurs emerging from the second story room is the best one to exemplify this, featuring some goofy effects work alongside the silly creature concepts. That so much of this comes off as much an adventure story as a horror film is pure cheese at its finest which makes it a lot of fun to watch. Since this was such a cheesy film, it became very hard to believe what was going on. It was nice to view a lot of the jokes and crazy situations that made the film a lot more fun to watch, but it ultimately made it pretty hard to swallow. The suspension of disbelief required to accept this story is quite large, and the cheese factor is the main cause. Even though they were nice character development scenes, the scenes of Gramps partying were a pain to watch. They weren't really all that funny or creative, as they were the kind of gags that come to be expected from films with that kind of plot device. We've seen it all before in similar types of movies, and it doesn't offer anything new. There really was no use allowing him to marvel at the wonders of technology, which we knew would happen but are so clichéd that it's hard to take them seriously. These lower the fear of this one to such a degree it's possible not to call this a genre film at all regardless of what takes place here.

Rated PG-13: Violence, Language and giving alcohol to animals.
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Entertaining, but nothing more
the-antichrist-is-near30 December 2020
The acting is not the problem, but the script itself is a bit all over the place. Some stuff being way too cartoony or unrealistic (like the Pupperpillar) to still be able to take this movie serious. Overall more entertaining than the first House, but with a slightly rushed and at the same time boring ending.
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Western? Fantasy? Horror? A mess.
insomniac_rod20 November 2004
The first time I watched "House II" was on a Saturday morning. I remember having a spooky hang over and switching channels on cable.

TNT had this weird schedules and aired the movie at 10 a.m.

Now I understand that TNT's intention was to play a fantasy/horror movie for children. I prefer to think of that possibility than actually the channel's intention to play a horror movie.

The thing is that "House II" is a mix of western movies from the good 80's with comedy, and horror. I actually felt bad for the "grandpa". That's the only thing that this movie made me feel. Absolutely no scares, gore, or anything. This is the kind of horror comedies that are that bad that are not even funny. I spit on this movie.


Bull's eye: The soundtrack is the same as in Friday the 13th part VI! There's a scene where one of the characters is about to fall from the cliff, pay attention to the score.
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Very flawed but still fun
pennb-538439 February 2023
House 2 is a decently fun movie. It isn't really anything spectacular and definitely nowhere near as good as the first movie but i was still able to have a good time with it. I think the biggest problem for me is that the first movie was a horror comedy and this one is.... just a comedy. Any semblance of horror is totally gone and it plays out more like an extended episode of an old fashion Saturday morning kids show. When it works though, it's really enjoyable but it does fall flat just as often as it doesn't. Like I said, it is still a fun time but I just wouldn't go into it expecting too much.
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Mindless, uninvolving, amateur garbage.
blearyeyes18 April 1999
I like horror movies. I've seen a lot of them in my time, and House II has to be one of the worst attempts at the genre I have ever seen. The first film was weak enough, but to top it with this splattering of childish and irrelevent plot, characters and emotions, not to mention the rather stupid special effects, I found myself wondering why I had even bothered.

I remember when it first came out how the kids in my class at school were so excited by it. I never saw it then, but I can see how the average 11 year old of the time would find it funny. But for me, a seasoned horror buff, there was nothing even vaguely amusing, gorey, or even mildly violent about the film as a merit.

They call it Horror/comedy...is this just a way of excusing its lack of merit in the horror or comedy genres?

The only saving grace in the film was that the stunts were performed by Kane Hodder, who played 'Jason' in several of the "Friday the 13th" films, but even that is just a point of interest rather than an extra star to the film.

Boring, Bloodless, Unfunny. Don't even remotely consider it, even if you have a "get one free" voucher at your video store.
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A house of fun
Since the original House proved to be a hit at the movies and on video producer Sean Cunningham quickly asked Ethan Wiley for a sequel, though instead of going back to the original house a new spooky dwelling, and story, had to be found.

The new house (which has Scooby-Doo written all over it) has 20-something yuppie Jesse (Arye Gross) move in with his girlfriend Kate (the beautiful Lar Park-Lincoln). His manic friend Charlie (Jonathan Stark), a music agent, arrives with his new diva discovery Jana (Amy Yasbeck) to help him thru the unfamiliar first few days. The house is where Jesse's parents were mysteriously killed when he was just a baby and it full of many curiosities.

Crafted in a bizarre Gothic-Aztec style the house itself is a marvellous set and the many rooms and passages are as mysterious to us as they are to Jesse. Sitting on one of his many mantelpieces is a crystal skull that fascinates him for some reason. He even misses his housewarming party while studying the skull's history.

His studies lead him to dig up the grave of his great, great grandfather, or Gramps (Royal Dano), where he discovers the old coot isn't dead, just in limbo. The person who possesses the skull is granted eternal youth but it also warps the space-time continuum within the House.

Gramps comes home with Jesse, is more enthralled by Kleenex boxes and TV than the mysteries around him and ducks for cover whenever someone from another time comes to steal the skull. Just like the first movie, different rooms lead into different time zones. Jesse and Charlie have many hilarious adventures battling caveman, dinosaurs, Aztecs, and an evil cowboy called Slim, the one that killed Jesse's parents and betrayed Gramps over a century ago.

House 2 has so much careless abandon and zany plot twists that it is totally impossible not to enjoy it. I would have absolutely loved this as a kid. The idea of secret passages and other worlds hidden beyond the walls of the house would have been utterly compelling to my child imagination.

One of the weaker aspects of this sequel is that it has more SFX and animation by Phil Tippet's stop-motion workshop and less by Dreamquest. The matte paintings are gorgeous but the dated dinosaurs look hokey in a few shots. If you can just squint during these moments you won't notice.

Clinton shill Bill Maher even manages to show up as a music producer who is interested in Yasbeck and is mighty suspicious of Jesse's antics. John Ratzenberger (this makes both movies star one of the "Cheers" barflies) appears as a repairman/adventurer who assists Jesse and Charlie battle some Aztecs. Look out for Kane Hodder in an ape costume at the Halloween party. Jesse adopts a fluffy, little baby pterodactyl and a strange creature called a Caterpuppy, a cross between...well you know. You need an open mind and a suspension of disbelief to accept the sheer madness in this movie.

Don't be put off by the "horror" movie aesthetic as this is perfect family entertainment that perfectly blends lovely, heartwarming moments with comedy and fantasy. Watching Jesse bond with a great, great grandfather he never knew is so endearing and bittersweet, and the comic timing is pitch perfect. If you're not watching House 2 with a big smile on your face or shedding a tear at the end then there's something wrong with you.
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Analog_Devotee4 June 2021
House II seems to sacrifice some of its predecessor's charm in order to shift its outrageous goofiness into overdrive. This isn't necessarily a bad thing. The experience between said two films doesn't feel very correlative, though I only found this to be slightly less enjoyable. I can certainly see, however, how some people might find this sequel to be more enjoyable, depending on their taste.

Also, Cliff Clavin shows up to further my Cheers/House universe crossover theory (hah).
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More Fantasy than Horror
boyinflares28 December 2006
Originally believing "House 2: The Second Story" to be along the lines of the rest of the "House" franchise, what I thought was a horror franchise, my main reason for watching it was because one of my favourite actresses, the glamorous Lar Park-Lincoln was starring in it. How wrong I was. Park-Lincoln does not "star" in the film, she merely "features", and in a variety of fabulous eighties outfits I must add.

"House 2: The Second Story" revolves around the bizarre adventures that Jesse (Arye Gross) and his friends have in a strange house when he inherits it following the deaths of his birth parents some years ago. The adventures are all out-of-this-world and and an unusual array of creatures feature. Lar Park-Lincoln plays Jesse's girlfriend, the sultry Kate, and as usual Lar gives a great performance (with what little she has to do) before she is written out along with Amy Yasbeck, who plays Jana, the girlfriend of Charlie (Jonathan Stark), Jesse's bumbling friend. The late Royal Dano plays Jesse's long-dead great-grandfather, and John Ratzenberger gives a terrific, albeit brief, performance as Bill the electrician.

Even though "House 2" is rather campy, plodding and certainly not a horror, it is watchable, if not for Park-Lincoln's brief appearance, or the decent acting of Arye Gross, then for the great puppetry and special effects, which were actually quite good for the late 1980's. And, hey, we all live a bit of Fantasy don't we?
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