Broken Vows (TV Movie 1987) Poster

(1987 TV Movie)

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a film for television on a wet Sunday afternoon
josephemeryprank20 April 2009
usual TV fare really, and made in 1986 it has an awful array of big shouldered clothes that poor annette o'toole had to wear (that red coat is absolutely dire and the poor actress who played maureen has probably tried to burn every copy of the film in existence. not that i'm shallow of course... ). it was watchable because tommy lee jones is always watchable and the growing spark between him and annette o'toole's character was charismatic. the other actors were OK too but not a film i will keep to watch again because though it tries hard to be interesting something about it is irredeemably naff and lacking in any real style or substance
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Big city drama (with Tommy Lee Jones and Annette O'Toole) tackles the hard issues
Wuchakk9 May 2024
In a dubious neighborhood in Manhattan, a Catholic priest (Jones) starts to question his occupation after talking with a dying man (David Strathairn) and meeting the woman in whom the victim was once involved (Annette). M. Emmet Walsh is on hand as a know-it-all detective.

I guess "Broken Vows" (1987) is technically a television production helmed by a proven TV director (Jud Taylor) and this can be observed in the wooden delivery of the characters' dialogues (like they just learned their lines the night before). Once you get past that issue, however, this ranks with Tommy Lee's best movies, just don't expect the action thrills of "The Fugitive." Rather, it has 'thrills' in the sense of real-life drama, which can be more compelling than overkill action if done effectively, at least for the mature-minded.

Annette was still in her prime at 34 years-old during shooting and so was Frances Fisher, who has a smaller part as Maureen. Meanwhile Jones was 40.

I also appreciated the unexpected depiction of artists and their studios in the big city. I had a couple of friends in this uncertain line of work; one was my best friend at the time and his studio looked very similar to Stuart Chase's in the movie, aka Amil.

The film works on three fronts: There's the murder mystery, there's McMahon's struggles with the usefulness of his profession and the Catholic sect in general, and, lastly, the relationship of the two protagonists. As my title blurb suggests, the flick commendably addresses the good, the bad and the ugly of life's blessings & curses and everything in between.

The lowkey route is taken and the movie's the better for it. For instance, we sense what's going on underneath the surface, but it's not spelled out. Lesser flicks require a passionate sex scene to 'wow' the viewer whereas this one opts for a revelatory statement or the simple clasping & kissing of hands.

It runs 1 hour, 35 minutes, and was shot in Montréal, Québec.

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Faith can be damaged so easily.
mark.waltz9 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Spirituality is such a private emotion that the element of such beliefs in one person can be shattered by anything, if not completely destroyed as long as one continues to have some level of belief. For priest Tommy Lee Jones, the reasons he became a messenger of God's word start to make him question where he's heading, and coming across a dying man whose faith is stronger than his and whose connection to God seems closer. Jones, even as a young priest, has always been by the book, so he doesn't entirely relate to his congregation who see him as merely a metaphorical statue to whom they can speak to God through in hopes of finding enlightenment they'll never get from Jones.

Along the way in investigating the dead man's life, Jones meets several people including his girlfriend Annette O'Toole, pious mother Madeline Sherwood, artist representative Frances Fisher and detective M. Emmett Walsh, and along the way Jones learns how to see the world in a more open way, losing himself in desires along the way, and hopefully able to relate to humanity in a way that really helps people beyond just giving them penance. Milo O'Shea is the older priest who's his conscience and guide, already knowing what Jones has failed to grasp. Good performances helps this very talkie TV movie become a bit more focused, although the message of spiritual enlightenment is affected by the fact that church officials are human too and don't always offer clear answers.
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one of Tommy Lee Jone's finest
fuzzyewok14 April 2001
this is one of the most charming movies I've seen, but also with moments of drama, comedy and just all round good feeling. Tommy Lee Jones is excellent as always, and Annette O'Toole is wonderful as the girlfriend of the murder victim, and also Mr Jones's character's subsequent love interest. It is genuinely warm and moving without being too sweet or sickly as some love stories are. Mr Jones is a wonderful actor and this gives him yet another chance to shine as a priest torn between his duty to his calling and the woman he has come to love. Well worth a watch.
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False Advertising
rex-109-17103513 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This eye-roller begins masquerading as a murder mystery and ends up being a predictable rehashing of a Catholic priest's dilemma between his vows and a having the hots for a young woman determined to seduce him. Chop the murder mystery off the beginning and end and you have a formulaic treatment about faith and a complaint about the Catholic Church.

I'm not a Cathlic, but I've always liked relly good faith-crisis movies like A Nun's Story, the one with Audrey Hepburn, not the trite remake with Valerie Bertinelli. At least with the former, you learn a lot about the process, pageantry, and pain of choosing a life of celibacy.

In this film, you start out being fairly certain that the father is going to end up in bed with the woman. It's right in the title. He does it without much thought or contemplation. You're supposed to believe he was conflicted because of a couple of substance-free chats with the monsignor.

He doesn't seem very conflicted, other than his silent prayer in front of the altar after the deed is done. I'm not a priest and I'm not celibate, but could he really be so clueless as to not recognize how she toyed with him.

I'm trying not to fault Tommy Lee Jones, but the performance was lackluster, He didn't have much to work with.

The worst of the movie was the murder mystery itself. The opening scenes where he spends a few moments with the dying victim. Somehow out of that scene we're supposed to believe this man should be cannonnized if it weren't for his total anonymity.

At least four characters practically worship him, but the film only has about six characters with any appreciable screen time, not counting the victim himself. The priest quotes him like scripture near the end.

I can't say anything good about the murder mystery. This isn't a murder mystery. It's just happens to begin with a murder and end with a resolution. There are no McGuffins to sort out. Even though you could probably figure out who the murderer was in the first half, by the time you were that far into the story, you wouldn't really care.

I can't even admire Father McMahon. He's a terrible priest. It's a good thing he left, not that I would know much about what a Catholic priest should be like. It does seem that he would do more than give penance to people confessing with real-life questions. I thought it would have been better if the broken vows of the title were about how badly he let down parishioners who came to him for help.
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A little-known gem
victoria-simmons30 January 2014
This TV movie was so unexpected in its subject matter and so thoughtful in its execution that it blew me away when I first saw it in 1987. When it showed up again on Lifetime years later, I made sure to get it on tape.

Tommy Lee Jones is Father Joe MacMahon. One of several priests at an inner-city church, he is settling into middle-age and his unchallenging duties, which don't include any real outreach to the people in the neighborhood. Without realizing it he has settled into mediocrity. When he is called to the death bed of a man who has been stabbed, he is shocked and puzzled that the man--though nominally a Catholic--refuses the last rites of the Church, preferring to die on his own terms, secure in his sense of God, and without saying who stabbed him. It's not so much that Joe's faith is shaken by this encounter, but he is made aware of his own complacency. He sets out to solve the mystery of the man's life and death, so as to try to understand his perspective on faith. He is joined along the way by Annette O'Toole, the dead man's sometime girlfriend, and a romantic awareness arises between them that is played out with humor and grace.

This is one of the few movies that deals with questions of faith, and it does so thoughtfully. Despite the murder mystery and the Thornbirds sort of situation with the priest and the girl beginning to fall for one another, this is not a flashy sort of film. The reviewer who thought the film attacks the Catholic Church is quite wrong. What the film is addressing is the need for faith to be humane, active and mindful, whether in the Church or outside of it. The film moves quietly, the tension provided by Jones' questing intelligence and the sense he gives that Joe is awake and aware for the first time in years. Jones is supported by a fine cast, especially Annette O'Toole as the good-humored and decent, if slightly kooky, artist, and also M. Emmett Walsh, Frances Fisher, Milo O'Shea, David Groh, and Jean de Baer. A then-new David Strathairn has a tiny but pivotal moment as the Christlike dying man, convincing us that this is a man who would leave a permanent mark on the soul of the priest whose offices he so gently refused.

"Broken Vows" doesn't provide sensationalism or thrills. In fact, its few attempts to generate excitement or suspense feel artificially ramped up. But the beautiful writing, and the actors firing on all cylinders because they know they have meaty material to work with, hold us to the end. This is a movie of ideas that richly repays the viewer who enters its world on its terms.
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A softer, more sensitive Tommy Lee Jones
Doctor_Bombay27 March 1999
The roll of a rather naïve young priest, with plenty of shy, sex appeal gives Tommy lee Jones an opportunity to flex his acting chops in this made for TV film.

When he comes upon a dying young man, a man who professes his devotion to the church, rather than name his killer, Father Joseph McMahon (Jones) takes upon himself a quest to learn more about the man, and the circumstances surrounding his murder.

This quest opens the priest to a whole new world outside the sheltered existence of his parish. When he meets the slain man's girlfriend (Annette O'Toole), they begin an emotional intertwine.

Fine fare with above average performances and a good cast including David Strathairn, a striking Frances Fisher, M. Emmet Walsh, and Milo O'Shea.

Good, solid, emotional drama.
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Worth seeing due to an unusual performance by Tommy Lee Jones
ereyna23 November 1998
In Broken Vows, Tommy Lee Jones plays a shy, diffident Catholic priest who arrives at a crime scene just in time to give the last rites to the victim (David Straitharn). Intrigued by the slain man's last words, Jones sets out to find out more about him and the circumstances leading to his murder. For the first time, he ventures outside of the sheltered and ritualized world of the priesthood in which he has become immured and begins to meet people from all walks of life. In the course of his investigation, Jones meets the slain man's girlfriend, played by Annette O'Toole. The two immediately strike sparks off one another and an awkward, lively and tender relationship develops between the two. In a departure from his usual blustery macho roles, Tommy Lee Jones is in fine form as a young priest whose entire world is shaken as a consequence of a chance encounter with a dying man. The manner of man's death reawakens Jones' intellect and sensuality. For the first time, he questions the dogma that rules his circumscribed life and partakes of the life that exists beyond the doors of his church.
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Predictable Tripe
slappytheclown30 November 2001
This worthless movie was obviously created by someone who doesn't know enough about the priesthood to condemn it as much as they do. Falling back on every cliche about the priesthood they could muster, all the people who made this movie do is succeed in irritating and preaching with a type of blind passion that they condemn in the Church. I wish I never would have paid the $2.50 to rent it.
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