87 Reviews
Very funny movie with inspired teaming
gcd702 October 2007
Very funny cop/buddy movie that owes a lot to the inspired teaming of Gregory Hines and Billy Crystal. The script may not be much, but it has enough in it to keep the audience interested, while director Peter Hyams keeps the action and, more importantly, the comedy, rolling at a good pace. For it is the comedy that makes this picture.

Hines and Crystal are in great form. They play off each other wonderfully, and their comic timing is perfect as they deliver some hilarious lines. Situation after situation will have you in stitches in this film. Writers Gary De Vore and Jimmy Huston certainly have a sharp sense of humour.

Tuesday, July 7, 1992 - Video
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Hines and Crystal, cops of the 80's
Petey-1015 July 2011
Gregory Hines (Ray Hughes) and Billy Crystal (Danny Costanzo) form a cop-buddy duo who are after a bad guy called Julio Gonzales (Jimmy Smits).Running Scared (1986) is directed by Peter Hyams.Crystal and the late great Hines make a great pair as those two cops.And Smits makes a great villain.Joe Pantoliano also does neat job as a baddie they call Snake.Dan Hedaya is quite excellent as Captain.Darlanne Fluegel does very fine job as Anna Costanzo.Larry Hankin appears as Ace, and he's very good.John LaMotta is seen as Evidence Officer.Running Scared doesn't do anything that memorable to make it a classic, but it does entertain enough.The ending works, and the chase on train tracks looks pretty cool.To all those who dig buddy cop movies of the 80's this is worth checking out.
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entertaining bromance
blanche-24 May 2017
Billy Crystal and Gregory Hines star in "Running Scared" from 1986. Joining them are Jimmy Smits, Steven Bauer, Dan Hedeya, and Joe Pantoliano.

Danny and Ray (Crystal and Hines) are two Chicago cops who are sent on a vacation when they are nearly killed during a case.

The two go to Florida and decide to quit the force and open a bar. Since Danny has been left money by his aunt, he is able to buy a rundown building they can refurbish.

When they return to Chicago, the drug dealer that almost killed them, Julio (Smits) is working on a big drug deal. They decide to close that case before leaving the force. They find that, with an eye toward retirement, it's not as easy as they thought.

Comedians, for some reason, don't have a long shelf life in terms of film stardom - witness Jim Carrey, Adam Sandler, Robin Williams - after a time, even if they stay in movies, their roles become less.

Billy Crystal is another example. Marvelously funny, there's no doubt that some of his improvisational skills were utilized in "Running Scared," and he and the late Hines make a great pair. Though this isn't a great movie, it's definitely fun, filled with humorous repartee and one hilarious car chase. At one point, the two are robbed and beg to keep their wallets, especially their badges, which they show to the perps.

Many funny moments and some great music, including the wonderful "Sweet Freedom" sung by Michael McDonald. The actors also appear in a video of the song, which can be seen on youtube.
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wdeadder5 November 2002
It's predictable. It's typical. It's very 80s. It's also very good. As was said before, the chemistry between the two stars is incredible. If you liked Beverly Hills Cop, you'll love this film (in fact, I just watched them both back to back, and enjoyed them both equally). It is non-stop one liners that drip with wit. As 80s cop movies go, this is among the best. There are tonnes of great scenes.
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Good acting in this buddy-cop movie
nucksfan4life7 September 2002
Billy Crystal and Gregory Hines are an unlikely, but successful acting pair. They make "Running Scared" an alright movie. Both are funny and play off each other very well. The plot in buddy-cop movies is almost always the same, its the actors that make a difference in this genre of film. "Running Scared" works because the two lead actors give great comedic performances. Oh, and if you're ever feeling nostalgic for the '80s, watch this movie!
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final Jeopardy is on!
tomloft20007 August 2008
yes the plot is implausible,and so politically incorrect that you can't believe.but the film does what it sets out to do-entertain.this is ground that has been covered before(Beverly Hills Cop as an example),but never in a way that is as much fun.the screenplay is o.k.,with the best dialogue reserved for Hines-Crystal banter.the other characters are basically filler.but generally well done(Joe Pantoliano as Snake is great).there are a few dead spots in the film,but these are usually rescued by Hines and/or Crystal,who seemed to be having a lot of fun.there is a fantastic chase scene late in the movie that alone makes it worth watching.altogether this '80's buddy movie still holds up.mostly because of the insanity of the two leads.
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Good and unfairly forgotten action comedy from the 80's
Maziun30 November 2013
This is a sadly forgotten 80's action comedy . It's more comedy than action , but it's definitely an enjoyable and fun movie coming from not that bad director as other want you to believe - Peter Hyams. It's pure 80's fun that stood the test of time . The only thing that might be outdated is the super car chase (which I like) . The action scenes are done well and the final is really exciting . The movie is fast and funny.

Billy Crystal and Gregory Hines have good chemistry together. It's fun to watch them arguing with each other. It's also refreshing to see they are already friends at the beginning of movie and know how to work with each other. They act like big kids and are adorable.

It was good to see Joe Pantoliano ("Memento") and Darlanne Fluegel ("To live and die in LA") in supporting roles. The soundtrack is nice with songs by Patti LaBelle " I know what I want" and Fee Waybill "Running scared" .

Good fun from the era of best action comedies. I give it 6/10.
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Crystal and Hines are an awesome duo
Mr-Fusion6 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
It's a funny thing with "Running Scared": even though this is thoroughly a Chicago movie (with that cold winter atmosphere), it's the Key West scenes that spring to mind when this movie is mentioned. I can't explain it.

This is a pretty by-the-numbers cop movie, with two wild man detectives bending the rules in the name of recklessness. It does have a pretty decent car chase (even taking a detour on the L), the shootout in the State building was surprisingly tense, and there's always the smokin' Darlanne Fleugel.

But the real magic is the chemistry between the two leads. Billy Crystal and Gregory Hines make for unlikely pairing, but it totally works here (and the movie hinges on their camaraderie, at that). And seeing these guys work together is absolutely worth the price of admission.

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A Delight
clay_thompson13 April 2006
There are films, when going in, you don't expect much and then are pleasantly surprised. This was one of those films. It was difficult for me to picture Billy Crystal as an undercover cop, but he was very good in this. The focus of the movie was mostly on Billy, but there was a wonderful chemistry between him and Gregory Hines. It is not a date movie, but is great to see with a buddy. If you are just a bit off center, and have a friend who is equally off center, but one who balances you, this is a movie that you can thoroughly enjoy.

I thoroughly enjoyed the movie and hoped we could have a re-teaming of Crystal and Hines, but Gregory Hines untimely death robbed us of that.

Watch it, and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy. Ohhhhh Nooooo!
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Great dramedey
marimbadaddy29 July 2006
I still enjoy seeing this film. Although it struggles a bit with the tug of war between trying to be a good action film and a good comedy, it ends up being a fun romp. It's kinda a less glitzy Beverly Hills Cop.

Billy Crystal is good, as well as Gregory Hines. Thought there are a few blatant jokes, most of the humor is borne of sarcasm and the interaction of the characters.

There are several good action sequences, including an original car chase on train tracks. The film also features a good soundtrack, with some very 80's music. The pace is still pretty good, even compared to modern 90's and 00's films which are now extremely face paced.
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Running on Full
sol-14 July 2016
Disciplined after blowing the cover on an undercover operation, two Chicago cops consider retiring and opening a bar until an opportunity arises to capture the drug lord who they had been after for years in this action comedy starring Bill Crystal and Gregory Hines. The pacing of the movie is all over the place with a montage of the pair vacationing coming off as a particular distraction from the crime thriller central subplot, but the film survives on account of the great chemistry between Crystal and Hines. The pair's constant bickering and bantering over who fired which shots works very well and there are several memorable moments, ranging from the pair stripping down to their long underwear at gunpoint to the pair coaxing a henchman (a young Joe Pantoliano) into letting them arrest him. While there are highlights for sure, the climax is unfortunately not one of them, and everything seems so ludicrous and overblown at the end, with a key supporting character conveniently being kidnapped no less, that it is difficult to become immersed in the action. The rivalry between the pair and another duo of more athletic police officers also only works around half the time since the other two severely lack charisma. Overall, 'Running Scared' may be a bit of a mixed bag, but it is at least curiously different to the original script, conceptualised as a vehicle for Gene Hackman and Paul Newman (!). The film is often credited as sparking the buddy-buddy cop action comedy trend of the 1980s, though 'Freebie and the Bean' might deserve that honour instead.
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Why No One is Calling This a Classic is Beyond Me
monkeysgalore14 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I honestly really enjoyed this movie, and I still can't believe I had to go looking for movies almost identical to this to find it. Everyone who talks about buddy cop action comedies says "48 HRS", "Beverly Hills Cop", "Lethal Weapon", "Red Heat", "Stakeout", "Tango & Cash", "Rush Hour", and then new ones, like "21 Jump Street" and its sequel, "2 Guns", and the "Bad Boys" movies. But really, this movie predated all of the aforementioned films except for the first two, and it's still not receiving the kind of credit it deserves.

This 1986 action comedy features Billy Crystal and Gregory Hines as Danny Costanzo and Ray Hughes, two Chicago cops who are looking to retire. The two are on a stakeout when they see a drug dealer they recently put away, Julio Gonzales, on the street, and this leads to the eventual bust-gone-wrong, where the two unwittingly blow the cover of two cops trying to nail Gonzales, but they do end up catching him. Gonzales makes bail however, and Danny and Ray are instructed to take a vacation, and they head to Key West, Florida. Once they get back, they put in gear and pull out all the stops to and Gonzales.

Peter Hyams did a great job directing here, and he really let Crystal and Hines carry the movie, and didn't rely on an overabundance of action to make the film work. Letting the two leads have fun really made the film both more enjoyable and memorable, but when the action did come, he directed it pretty well, and nothing was ever too far-fetched, the train track car chase aside. I'll definitely be on the lookout for future works from Hyams, and I also enjoyed his 1988 buddy cop film, "The Presidio", though this film was much more enjoyable in my opinion, both as an action film, and just a film in general.

As far as comedy goes, it's excellent, and there are some great laughs. Crystal and Hines have legendary chemistry, and they play so well off of each other it's insane. The script really gives them room to work and joke around, and a lot of their dialogue seemed improvised, which only added to the charm of the movie. There are also the scenes with the obligatory antagonistic pair of cops who dislike the protagonists, and those didn't get old either.

There is, honestly, little to offer in the action department, but what is there is slick, well-made, memorable sequences that seem at least somewhat realistic. There is a small shootout in an alley near the beginning, a shootout on a boat on a dock, a shootout in an apartment, a fast-paced car chase on train tracks, and a final, explosive shootout in which Danny and Ray head into a large building, armed to the teeth and aided by two other cops, to get Gonzales and save Danny's ex-wife. The car chase especially was very memorable, and might actually rank among my favorite film car chases.

As I said, this film is criminally underrated, and its really only recognized by 80s action/buddy cop film enthusiasts like myself, though even in those circles I feel it doesn't really get its due. It was greatly overshadowed by the obviously superior "Lethal Weapon", which started the buddy cop fad that the 80s and 90s were so in love with, though this film should get more credit for revolutionizing it, along with "48 HRS" and "Freebie and the Bean".

I would definitely recommend this film, and it's such a classic, well-made example of a buddy cop film. 10/10.
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When it's good, it's very, very good.... but when it's bad it's horrid.
barnabyrudge29 June 2004
Peter Hyams is a director who always delivers exhilarating action sequences but struggles to fill the quiet moments in his films with anything of substance. Yet again he has fashioned a film which is intermittently terrific - especially when the emphasis is on action - but during moments when plot and character development are thrust to the fore, things become decidedly mediocre. Still, at least Billy Crystal is on hand to provide some memorable verbal wit.

Two Chicago cops, Crystal and Gregory Hines, are busily trying to put various scumbags behind bars for drug crimes. Their main target is Julio Gonzalez (Jimmy Smits), a big-time drug lord who constantly eludes their grasp. For a while, the guys leave wintry Chicago and sample the good life in Key West, Florida, but ultimately they just can't let unfinished business lie. Against their better judgement, they return to Chicago to finish the one job they've still got to complete.... the capture of Gonzalez.

Hyams delivers one simply awesome chase in which the heroes pursue their quarry by car, but somehow end up driving on the city's elevated-railway tracks. He also manages to squeeze in a genuinely funny scene in which Crystal makes a wacky anonymous phone-call, complete with goofy voice. However, Hyams is let down - yet again - by the periodic lulls in his story. The whole Key West sequence is boring, even though it bears relevance to the plot. And on too many occasions, Crystal's marital troubles interfere with the story (again, they are certainly relevant, but are played in a very dull way). It's worth watching Running Scared once, but during subsequent viewings it might be advisable to fast-forward through the dreary scenes to get to the good bits.
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very bad script
ElTotor30 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I like Billy Cristal and I discovered Gregory Hines in this movie, he is a great actor. I also usually love Buddy movies that's why I was terribly disappointed by this one. First of all, the plot starts really late, around 25 minutes of the film, when we learn that the body in the street was a cop's one. Before that, we just knew who will be the bad guy, not really how and why. So the first part, even with funny moments, is kind of plot less and a bit boring. Then, we are finally interested in the plot, the heroes scr*w it on the boat with two other undercover cops (who aim like sh*t)and then we lost another 10 minutes of the movie with a plot less 80's montage + scene about heroes forced holidays just to learn they decide to quit (maybe it was still original at this date) and to buy a bar (that will never be a real dilemma for them, we Spectator already know they won't really quit and it doesn't seem to be really important to them either). So, back to the action now, many script problems will occurs: - Bad guy or antagonistic forces are not enough dangerous or are well portrayed. we never really care about them, we never feel danger for the Buddy cops so we never really empathized. - Love story is totally cliché except the one with Hines that is funny. - Investigation and cocaine story is poor. - Action scenes are really poor and danger or dilemmas never really present so we're not really involved in the movie as the way they succeed in danger is not really rewarding most of the time (what was the rope scene at the end by the way???!!! Why did he climb just for that??!!) - Lot of strange things like fake snow or the way they throw bullets in the car, clearly aiming for the head, while smiling.

Of course, there are nice jokes here and there, the movie is full of good will and it is a real positive movie but it doesn't make a good movie. And I'm the first to be sorry for that as I enjoy watching Buddy movies. 5 out of 10 (but it could even deserve less than the average note).
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The original buddy-comedy action film
ManBehindTheMask639 May 2012
"Running Scared" was released one year before "Lethal Weapon". Followed by "Tango & Cash", "Last Boy Scout", and "Showdown In Little Tokyo". "Running Scared" seems to be a forgotten 80's classic. Not many people mention it when discussing great buddy-cop films. But they should.

The chemistry between Crystal and Hines is magical. Both actors bring a lot to the table and their comic timing is perfect. They make a great duo and it's a shame a sequel never followed. This film is ripe for rediscovery. Some great actors pop up in supporting roles as well. If you dig any of the buddy-cop movies that followed it, watch this film. Good action, good laughs, great movie.
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Show me another career they let you shoot people.
hitchcockthelegend27 March 2019
Running Scared is directed by Peter Hyams (also on cinematography duties) and written by Gary DeVore, Gary DeVore and Jimmy Huston. It stars Billy Crystal, Gregory Hines, Steven Bauer, Darlanne Fluegel, Joe Pantoliano, Dan Hedaya, Jon Gries, Tracy Reed and Jimmy Smits. Music is by Rod Temperton.

The buddy buddy action/comedy cop formula has proved to be a most viable filmic commodity over the years. It gathered apace in the 1980s and right at the forefront is this often forgotten fun little treasure.

Plot has Hines and Crystal as Chicago cops, tough and full of wise cracks, they are tasked with trying to bring down high profile drug dealer Julio Gonzales (Smits). The timing is unfortunate because after a holiday in Key West the boys decide they have had enough of police work and want to retire there. Can they bring down Julio Gonzales? Can they stay alive in the process? Questions to be answered in an entertaining hour and forty five minutes.

The chemistry between Hines and Crystal is set in stone, they are a great pairing and very quickly you warm to them. As per genre requirements some of their character's methods are unconventional. the gags are thick and fast, and crucially very funny - while the support slots are nicely filled (Pantoliano a joy).

In the mix as the two cops ponder retirement is the looming presence of two younger cops ready to step into their shoes, which of course makes for sparky rivalry. There's the emotional beat of "the ex-wife" as a critical plot development, though amazingly Fluegel is under written and hardly in the piece! And Smits never fully convinces as the chief villain, but he also is weirdly under written.

Basically if you have a kink for this type of genre piece, especially ones produced in the 80s - and to have an understanding of that decades style of film making - then there's a good time to be had here. 7/10
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My coke! My cooooooooooke!!
culwin9 November 2001
Oh sure, there are PLENTY of movies about running. And then there are movies about being scared. But if you are looking for the one movie that combines BOTH, then this one is for you!! Actually, this is just another buddy cop movie along the lines of 48 hours. What more do you need to know? Nothing spectacular, but it makes fine entertainment at 2 in the morning. Watch Billy Crystal make funny voices and laugh.
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Not a movie I love but it's ok
utgard1419 November 2020
80s buddy cop movie that has a pretty good reputation, but for some reason I've never been able to get that into it. I like the leads and they are by far the best thing this movie has going for it. They have a nice friendly chemistry and banter well with one another. I can buy these guys as buddies. But the story is just as routine as it gets even by 1986 standards. Also Jimmy Smits is the villain. Who's afraid of him? Criticisms aside it's not a bad movie. It's very watchable thanks to Hines and Crystal but it does feel a little blah and ultimately forgettable. But hey I do like the soundtrack.
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Bad guys get the cool cars....
FlashCallahan19 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Danny and Ray are two street wise cops in Chicago. When they are almost killed on a case, they are forced to take a vacation by their captain.

Key West offers a substantial change over frozen Chicago. They decide to quit and open a bar in Key West.

Upon returning, they find that Julio, the drug dealer who nearly killed them has made bail and is trying to complete a giant drug deal.

They decide to complete their case against Julio before quitting, but then begin being careful.

Their effectiveness drops as they find they can't operate the way they did before if they don't have the edge of a long time commitment....

This is another one of those movies that disappeared without a trace, and has never really popped up on TV for nearly fifteen years.

It's not the best buddy cop movie of the eighties by far (thats Lethal Weapon), but it's still fun movie while it lasts.

Crystal and Hines are the best of friends and this is clear because Crystal always walks into Hines' apartment when he's getting down and dirty with the ladies.

They laugh and swear and get into scrapes, and take a vacation. This is a strange scene, as it just shows them as a pair of awful awful people, and the worst thing about it is the fact that Crystal is all oiled up and flexing his muscles.

And then it's back to basics, Jimmy Smits is back on the street, and the guys must get him before the end of the film.

We are then treated to a coupe of car chases, with a few one liners and an impressive final set piece.

It's a shame i've seen this film quite a while after it was made, because I have seen so many buddy cop movies since and they have been a lot more slickly made and are a little more entertaining.

That said, it's choc full of eighties cheese and Crystal and Hines are great together.
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dabooneman819 March 2004
This is great movie for fans of (the late great) Gregory Hines or Billy Crystal.I not too big on Crystal,although Analyze this/that were funny.I like this performance more.He played a serious role,especially

when someone kidnapped somebody he loved.He and Hines cracked jokes and worked great together.It took me nearly 13 years to finally watch it,uncut,commercial free, unlike they show on TBS or TNT or any other.I have this thing about watching Movies on tv,(No Nudity,no cursing,edited scenes and commercials)You're not seeing the movie as it was intended.So even though i would glance at it for a second,I"d turn from it.I rented it at blockbuster in 99'bought Vhs in 2000.Dvd in 2002.Even though,I knew of it and saw it at various video stores.I finally got around to it. I love the title song playing in the opening sequence with the city of Chicago and it's people. It had great music all around, especially the Michael McDonald classic"Sweet Freedom". Every time i heard it on the radio I thought about the movie.It had a music video go with it, that had Hines and Crystal singing,dancing,and acting funny. I wish the Dvd had put that and a director's commentary on there along with the outtakes. It had a bunch of funny scenes -too many to name.Having to give their pants up for Julio Gonzalez(Jimmy Smits)and the jokes that followed.Or when they're hanging upside down in a trash compactor arguing about $10 dollars-.I love the scene where Hines and Crystal get held up,but the criminals bolted in their car ,and i looked as if they got away,but the truck forced them drive back into Hines and Crystal.The smile those two give each other are priceless.When a kid at a house of a lady they're questioning keeps giving Hines the bird.The lady shuts her door.Hines knocks,the kid answers and Hines gives him the bird Yelling "Yessssssss". Their vacation time in Florida had good scenery-motorcycles,women,fishing boat,roller skates, and the idea to retire from the cop business.Oh,yes and "Sweet Freedom"playing through it.The Chase from the airport onto train tracks was awesome.The shootout in the building, in the last scene in the movie was good.These scenes are few of many, that stand out to me.This movie had action,witty dialogue,smart,intelligent-just plain great and funny.Now Hines and Crystal took different film routes after this. Crystal -comedies,So his one and only action movie he did a great job,.It was a physical role for him too.Running,jumping, shooting.He had a seriousness about him too.Hines went onto-action,and dramas .So in that time and space ,they were wonderful . If you liked Beverly Hills Cop,Bad Boys-one similarity is Martin Lawrence and Will Smith get held up for their car ,like Hines and Crystal for their wallets. The movie worked the same formula for the genre as those.Sad it wasn't as big at the box office like them.That's probably why a sequel wasn't made.Although the chemistry was there. Commenting on it- "makes me wants to go and watch it right

now!!!!!!" I give it a 10 out of 10********* R.I.P - Gregory Hines
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"Great 80's Action-Comedy!"
gwnightscream21 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Gregory Hines, Billy Crystal, Darlanne Fluegel, Dan Hedaya, Joe Pantoliano and Jimmy Smits star in this 1986 action-comedy. This takes place in Chicago, Illinois during Christmas time where we meet wise-cracking cops, Ray Hughes (Hines) and Danny Costanzo (Crystal). They try to pursue drug-dealer, Julio Gonzales (Smits) and are almost killed. They're forced by their Captain (Hedaya) to take a vacation and go to Key West, Florida where they think about retirement, but decide to wait to catch Gonzales. Fluegel (To Live and Die in L.A.) plays Danny's ex-wife, Anna and Pantoliano (The Goonies) plays Snake, a thug who deals with Gonzales. This is a great 80's flick, Crystal and the late, Hines were great together and I also like Michael McDonald's song, "Sweet Freedom." If you enjoy buddy-cop flicks, definitely check this out.
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How can a movie that cost so much be so bad
easmax23 May 2005
I watched the first half of this movie before dinner and the last half after dinner. It kept getting worse and worse. And I am a fan of Billy Cystal.

It must have cost a lot of money to make this flick. and there were a some funny scenes . The cops chasing the bad guy in a car on the train tracks. Asking a woman who is watching a sunset in Florida what happened. But for a comedy I found very few things that even caused a smile... What it did cause was boredom .

I am a fan of Billy Chystal and was surprised at how unfunny this so called comedy was. It must have cost a lot of money to make this movie, They should have made a shorter movie and spent the money on the dialog.

I give it two stars rather than one because of the photography.
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Terrific Movie
jmorrisonisgod22 March 2005
Yes, it suffers from the same implausibility and shallowness of virtually all 1980s movies, but if you can't laugh while watching this you have no sense of humor. Gregory Hines, who is a very underrated actor, put in a sparkling performance, proving that he was more than just a good dancer, and Billy Crystal, well, he's Billy Crystal. Add to the mix a very early Jimmy Smits appearance (as a criminal, ironic in light of his future role on NYPD Blue) and a good performance by Joe Pantaliano and you've got yourself an entertaining evening for adults of all types.

Given that it doesn't try to be something that it's not (which is a great buddy movie), I give it 10 out of 10. It was definitely the best of its genre.
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Funny, entertaining, unpretentious, if not totally believable action comedy
LeroyBrown-216 February 2009
This movie brings back a lot of memories for me. I was living in Chicago at the time this movie was being shot and it was on the news once or twice. I only saw it recently as I really did not want to see a movie with Billy Crystal and Gregory Hines as a couple of tough cops. Neither one looked like they can take down a girl scout let alone Chicago's toughest criminals. Neither one even know how to hold a gun properly. Plus at the time male cop buddy movies were a dime a dozen.

The movie is about a couple (Crystal and Hines) of Chicago cops who suddenly find themselves on the trail of a big time drug dealer(Jimmy Smits). When the guy gets out on bail the boys are so mad that their captain tells them to cool off and they go to Florida. I'm not sure what their respite in the Sunshine state had to do with the movie but it was enjoyable to see Florida during the Miami Vice era again, complete with women in tiny bikinis. Anyways the boys get the idea of retiring and running a bar, but first they have to finish the case.

Getting back to Chicago means it's time to get back to the case, which means there are going to be shootouts and car chases, typical of the buddy films of that era. The action sequences in the film are very good. They were fast paced and very well done. Not amateurish at all. There are several gunfight scenes, one in particular that really sticks out was shot in the then newly opened State of Illinois building. The car chase taking place on the 'L' or elevated train alone is worth putting this film on your Netflix list. It's easily one of the best car chases from that era.

Casting Mr. Hines and Mr. Crystal as cops was a curious choice. As I said neither of them looked like they could take down a Girl Scout, but they sure do know how to deliver funny lines. Billy Crystal in particular certainly knows how to make things funny. When he was in shadows pretending to be an old lady and when he was pretending to be his boss on the phone. His comedic range is pretty good. Others in the cast played their role basically straight and really without much originality. They're all just straight men to the two leads.

"Running Scared" is a good action comedy that has no pretension of being anything else. It's a funny and entertaining. I have to say I'm a little biased because I lived in Chicago a long time and seeing the city again brings back so much memory. I mean I remember having been in some of the locales. Also I have to say seeing this movie is a reminder how lovely Darlanne Fluegel was. She played Billy Crystal's ex-wife. She's as lovely as Sharon Stone was during this era and a much better actress.
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terrible Chicago film
arnis1214 February 2002
Sometimes there's a film so bad that you just keep watching in awe. This is one of those films. Of course I can't help that I'm biased. I'm from Chicago so I watched the scenes closely for accuracy and I don't find Billy Crystal funny at all. And I can't stand all that English style photography(Tony Scott etc) with the smoke machine working overtime and all the flourecent, soft lighting. I suppose we're supposed to believe that Billy Crystal is really from Chicago because he wears a Cubs jersey. Oh and the plot. If you really think about it, these guys should be locked up, not the bad guys, since they're more dangerous. And of course there's the cliché of the cops on the verge of retiring. But the funniest scene is the climax where the good and bad guys machine gun other to death in The Thompson Center(A state building!) Of course it's a cool building, but it's the equivalent of making a huge drug deal at the White house.
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