Not My Kid (TV Movie 1985) Poster

(1985 TV Movie)

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A family in denial gets a big wake up call.
mark.waltz15 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Young Viveka Davis seems to be the perfect daughter for a seemingly really nice family, but no family with teenagers comes out unscathed. It takes more than just one night out with her not usual crowd for Davis's parents (George Segal and Stockard Channing) to see what Davis is hiding, and this results in Davis being placed in programs and halfway houses in efforts to get off the stuff. At times, this seems like something you'd see on an 80's after-school special which dealt with issues like this, and throughout there are all sorts of cliches and melodramatic dialog that makes this barely at times seem barely above an exploitation movie made decades before.

The teenagers in the programs presented mainly look far too clean cut to represent the stereotypical teen drug addict, all middle or upper class, from private schools, and surprisingly all white. The monologues of those suffering from addiction range from over-the-top to shockingly realistic, with outbursts from a few participants rather forced, abd a lot of the film comes offas finger waggjng and preachy, treating this kind of rehabilitation as some kind weird cult. Channing and Segal really don't get to do all that much, so the film at times seems like a complete waste of their talents. Davis is better than expected, surprisingly good for an actor I never saw in anything else. This could have been so much better, but a frequently laughable script and poor direction prevents that.
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Dated, but still gets the point across
mykidcasey27 September 2006
I could understand why a lot of young people find this TV movie lame, but don't forget it was made 20 years ago and times have change. The movie is actually realistic on the going-ons that happen at some rehab centers; I have a sister that went through a similar ordeal (for an eating disorder) and what she described to me reminded me very much of this movie.

The story is about a teenage girl from an upper-class family named Susan, (portrayed wonderfully by Viveka Davis), who falls in with the wrong crowd and gets involved with drugs. The parents are blind to their daughter's drug abuse until she is involved in a car wreck causing the father to become suspicious of his daughter's behavior. Despite the mother's denial that their precious daughter would stoop to drugs, the father is finally convinced of his daughter's problems and firmly puts her in rehab. Susan puts up a fight and gives the counselors a rough time and even escapes, but eventually gets with the program, and father and daughter are reunited.

Yes, the movie is dated, but it's not horrible. It brings to light the evils of drug abuse involving teenagers and how it not only affects the user, but their entire family.
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It was torture...
TheQball19 March 2007
This is supposed to be an anti drug related film... I can't agree. I saw this movie when we had about drugs at school. Why? This movie is far by the worst you will find. I recommend either better films like Traffic, Requiem for a Dream or Trainspotting. The end was so disgusting, so American and happy that I started to have suicide thoughts. The acting was horrible. I have never seen so much overacting in a entire film. The only decent actor in this film was Andrew " Scorpio " Robinson.

The message of the film was clear but drowned in the poor quality. Don't watch it. Worst of the 80's I'd say.
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Very Powerful
brockdavis79 October 2005
As a 14 yr old girl I was shown this movie and found it so powerful that today, at 25 I still remember it clearly. I have not touched a drug because of that movie. It put me off to the extent that I was never even curious or tempted to try drugs despite my surroundings and friends that provided me with many opportunities. The graphic details shown here are very effective and the message given is potent.I hope that this movie is shown to many teenagers in an effort to prevent drug use. I plan to show it to my children. As a 14 yr old I do not remember taking notice of the acting skills in this movie so perhaps it would not be entertaining for grown-ups but I would definitely call it a "MUST" for teenagers.
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In your face kinda movie
huggiepoo17 February 2002
I thought this movie was very good. I remember seeing it when I was 11 years old and not believing that there were actually teenage drug users. Growing up as sheltered as I was, this movie was very graphic to me. The girl that played the lead role was very believable as a drug addict.
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Health Class Torture
CinemaChick1714 March 2002
I am in the process of watching this film in health class AND IT WILL BE ON THE TEST! Possibly one of the worst films I've been subjected to in my education, with an intrusive soundtrack and junior high drama club performances. Plus we all know people who take uppers, downers, PCP, LSD, heroin, coke etc. and have abortions look perfectly fine to their M.D. fathers. And when somebody hasn't showed up at school for a month they never contact the parents to ask what's going on. Stockard Channing should be ashamed that she even showed up to the set. DO NOT WATCH.
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great movie
cbenson7728 April 2006
I absolutely love this movie. I used to rent it about once a month when I was just a kid. I finally found it on e-bay and when I get it, I will probably watch it about once a month again.

I think it should be shown in school as well.

But like when kids are in 6th grade.

Sad to say, but 7th grade might already be to late for some kids.

I would definitely recommend this movie.

Great 80's TV flick!

Vivika is really good in here.

Stockard and Goerge are also very good in this movie too.

Should definitely see it!
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Good and accurate
lifebuilders17 January 2007
I was a young teen when I saw this movie and it was very compelling in my opinion. I lived with an older sibling who was on drugs and I related to the younger sister and parents in this movie. It was kind of like watching my home life on TV. Luckily the drug user in the movie had a great opportunity for effective help. Hindsight being 20/20, I think my parents would have handled the situation the same way it was handled in this film. I do believe it is a great movie to show impressionable kids as a warning and a front row seat to what life is like for the family of someone who chooses to go down the path of drug use.
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I don't know a word... maybe... horrible?
malkatz15 March 2002
UGH! I totally agree which the reviewer above, who said it was vile. And do NOT waste your precious money on seeing it to see whether or not it's descripted accurately here. Trust me, it was horrible. And I've seen two year olds act better. Within the first few minutes, I already felt as if I were going to throw up.
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The BEST film EVER made!
PillBoxSpecial18 November 2003
Forget that this is a TV Movie of the Week (unless thats a plus in your book, as it for me). Viveka Davis (Viveka Davis, who later played John Cryer's foxy girlfriend, Emily, in Morgan Stewart's Coming Home, rent it now!) shines as Susan Bower, a 15 year old girl just trying to fit in, be cool with the older kids & please her parents all at the same time. George Segal & Stockard Channing play her rather oblivious parents. And Tate Donovan plays her friend Ricky (with a bitchin' Suicidal Tendencies shirt... get that dude a Pepsi!). Olivia D'Abo is it for all of 30 sec & if you blink, you'll miss her. But there's simply no missing Nancy Cartwright's mullet... it's a character in itself. Anyway, back to Viveka Davis, she plays the role of Susan brilliantly. I remember seeing this film (it's not a movie, it's a FILM damnit!) when it aired as a kid & wishing Susan was my friend. Me & my friends to this day quote this movie constantly & watch it on a regular basis & yet very few people know what we're talking about when we mention it. Someday I'm gonna make "Be Honest Susan" t-shirts with Viveka Davis' picture from the video box (yes I own it, are you kidding me?) and it's gonna the next big craze!!! Hey, anyone out there have episodes of Sweet Surrender on tape?

Viveka Rocks! Luv ya Susan!
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This film is weird
alexk90742345626 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This film is very abnormal even by tv movie standards.

When arrives at the program the family are told that another teenager will be over seeing susan and that susan will be lead by forearm.

The rules of the program forbid susan from wearing make up, listening to radio or watching tv.

There is one scene were client called arnie is disclosing their drug use and feelings and at the end of scene he sits down and the group say at once we love you.

In the next scene we see susan isn't going home she is being forced to live with another member of the program and that member's family. This family has went to the extreme measure of nailing the window and blocking the room door.
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