180 Reviews
A Few Factual Corrections and a Comment
Gator195518 January 2006
First, there is not, and never was, an Aviation Officer Candidate School (AOCS) in Washington state. I would assume it was used because the true locale for AOCS, Pensacola, FL, wasn't suitable for some reason. Officer candidates going to AOCS already have their degrees and are undergoing training, physical and educational, to earn their commission. No, it's not four years like the Naval Academy, but then again, it's not four years of hell at the Academy, as another reviewer attempted to posit. Any officer commissioned through AOCS is an officer just like an academy grad and both, ultimately, can end up with regular commissions vice reserve commissions.

Next, the training at AOCS was fairly accurately portrayed in the movie. Lots of running, swimming, academics, inspections, etc. all intended to result in the individual becoming part of a team. Another reviewer, obviously not a Republican (LOL), detests this movie just because of his perception that it endorsed the philosophy of the Reagan years. Utter balderdash, of course. What this movie portrays, again fairly accurately, is the growth of a loner into someone who realizes, as Spock so eloquently stated in one of the Star Trek movies, "(t)he needs of the many outweigh the needs, or the wants, of the one or the few." Mayo learns to be part of a team; he learns to care for others and cease being a "user" of people in his life...an example he learned from his father.

The terminology, during the 80s when I went through AOCS, was still DOR..."Drop On Request." It was an "out" exercised by very few people, mostly because those of us in AOCS were already motivated to come into the Navy and specifically into Naval Aviation. The rigors, as stated previously, are presented fairly accurately although a little melodramatic in places, e.g., the altitude chamber. Never in all my years in the Navy did I see anyone "freak" out in the chamber, which is a required test, along with swim quals, every four years to remain qualified to fly.

The legend of the "Pensacola Debs" was presented to us early on in AOCS. Yes, there are stories, many of them true, of men meeting their wives while going through training in Penasacola, but I'd wager there's not a higher incidence in P'cola than there is at any military base or college town for that matter. Odd, but you put men and women in the same room and some will pair off, and some will marry and remain together forever. The bar in the film, TJ's, was based on a bar in Penascola named Trader Jon's. Trader had a running deal that if you caught him wearing matching socks, you'd get some prize...can't remember if it was money or drinks. Let's just say, he never paid off as far as I know. Trader died a few years back, but I'm pretty sure some of the stuff from his bar is probably at the Naval Aviation Museum at NAS Pensacola.

The Drill Instructor portrayal by Louis Gossett is VERY true to life! While they cussed us, screamed at us, pushed us physically and looked for what would "trip" us up, they also, in retrospect, wanted us to succeed. One thing they never did, and would have been severely disciplined for, was hit us, so the fight scene, while improbable, works in the movie. PTing us into the ground, though...you bet they did! This movie works for me because I lived the life both during the AOCS part and during a career in the Navy in aviation. The portrayals are pretty much spot-on and believable. Sure there's dramatic license, but there is in any movie! Anyone who believes Full Metal Jacket tells it "like it is" is delusional; there's plenty of dramatic license there, too. Relax, enjoy the movie. It's about personal growth, love, and sacrifice; all in all good things. Not the best movie ever made, but certainly not the worst!
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Realistic presentation of old-school romance
robb_7724 May 2006
Though ribbed by some critics for being a crude update of the formula film romances of the 1940's, audiences still showed up in droves to see this film and turned it into one of the biggest grossers of 1982. While the film may certainly follow the general formulaic outlines of the genre, director Taylor Hackford and screenwriter Douglas Day Stewart dodge sentimentalization with a healthy dosage of grim reality. This is no longer the ultra-glamorized world of old Hollywood; AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN is a movie about love in the real world. By not sheltering it's lovers from the harsh nature of humanity, the film manages to have a significantly greater impact as it works toward a deservedly optimistic ending.

In a role turned down by both John Travolta and John Denver, Richard Gere lends a brooding intensity that electrifies what could have been a bland protagonist. Debra Winger, with her down-home sexiness at it's peak, turns in a fascinating portrayal of small town frustration, and Louis Gossett Jr nearly steals the picture in a harrowing, Oscar-winning performance. In fact, Gere's relationship with Gossett's Drill Sargent is just as involving as his love affair with Winger. The supporting cast is also well-cast, with David Keith, Robert Loggia, and Lisa Blount delivering standout performances.
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He Will Be Both.
AaronCapenBanner23 September 2013
Richard Gere plays Zack Mayo, a prospective Navy Officer training cadet who must decide to gain control over his direction-less life, helped by a no-nonsense Gunnery sergeant(superbly played by Louis Gossett Jr., who won an Academy Award) who berates Zack, but all in the effort of making him into a successful Naval officer. Debra Winger plays his girlfriend, who is also struggling with her own life. They both have friends(played by David Keith and Lisa Blount) whose relationship mirrors their own, only with far different results.

Entertaining and old-fashioned(in some ways!) film is well acted by its stars, and has stylish direction by Taylor Hackford. Story is surprisingly involving(if a bit predictable) and builds to a satisfying conclusion with the winning song "Up Where We Belong".

A big hit that made its leads stars.
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Ajtlawyer5 July 2002
This has to be Richard Gere's best movie and the one movie I felt he deserved an Oscar nomination for. I read once that his role of Zach Mayo was first offered to John Denver. It is impossible to think of anyone else in the role which is one indication of how good Gere was. Lou Gossett, Jr. steals the show and gets a deserved Oscar as Gunnery Sergeant Foley. Debra Winger is also delectable as Paula, Zach's working class girlfriend. I had read that Winger had a real problem doing the nude scenes with Gere and felt very uncomfortable being undressed in front of the camera. Supposedly the scene in which she is crying while making love to Zach isn't because she's feeling passion, it is because she is feeling humiliated. The movie also had to snip out a couple of seconds of Winger flexing her hips a bit too much during a bed scene. Still one of the steamiest bed scenes in film history. The most riveting moment of the movie is when Foley is going to kick Zach out of the program and Gere frantically and desperately screams "DON'T YOU DO THAT! I AIN'T GOT NOWHERE ELSE TO GO!" All of Zach's arrogance is drained out of him and he is just a desperate kid begging for the only chance he'll ever have. Powerful moment. In the end, Zach gains maturity. Would you want to fly into combat with Zach Mayo or with Tom Cruise's Maverick in "Top Gun"? Zach Mayo, hands down.
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Watch it for Gossett's fine turn as the acidic drill sergeant.
katparker-8646212 August 2018
Taylor Hackford has created a melodramatic film focusing on blue collared people trying to find their meaning. Richard Gere enrolls in an air academy where he finds love and understand the importance of discipline and etiquette from a stern drill instructor. The characters are well developed, and the acting is superb all round from Richard Gere and Debra Winger to Louis Gossett(who won a best supporting academy award). I would not classify this film as a romantic one per-se, but more like a sweeping drama with a romantic ending. The locations are good- a different background rather than the usual Los Angeles or New York story is always welcome and the airbase scenes are well shot. An Officer and A Gentleman is a very good film buoyed by a fine story and some great acting.
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Shine That Buckle, Mister.
rmax30482310 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
"An Officer and a Gentleman." Good title. It pretty much sums up the story of Richard Gere's aviation midshipman undergoing a tough training course in the Northwest. He comes from a seedy background and is mean and selfish. He meets a girl from the nearby factory, Deborah Winger, whom he relies on for sex and comfort during his 12-weeks of misery. She, in turn, is the daughter of an unknown aviation cadet in a class twenty-two years ago, and is looking for a way out of this dead-end existence through marriage to a naval aviator. The two meet at a dance, exit the premises, go down to the beach and boff -- he for kicks, she because she's loose and likes him. Will Richard Gere overcome his egocentricity? Will he graduate as an ensign and go on to flight school? Will he realize that his feelings for Winger are more than those he would feel for just another play toy? Will be become an "officer" AND a "gentleman"? Answer: You don't need a Magic 8-ball.

It's kind of an interesting movie. It's certainly one of Gere's best performances. Under the torment of Lou Gossett Jr.'s Gunnery Sergeant, he's at one point reduced to a mud-covered tortured shambles and screams out abjectly, "I got no place else to GO!" His face is all twisted out of its handsomeness and his usual arrogance is nowhere in sight.

Winger's role is rather more complicated. If Gere's principal concern must shift from himself to the other members of the team, well, it does so on cue. But Winger's motives are ambiguous from the beginning, even to herself. She's interested in Gere from the start, yes, but she's also interested in HER career as an ordinary bourgeois, fixing bacon and eggs for her man in some exotic locale perhaps, bearing him children. Her motives don't change so much as they intensify as she comes to bond with Gere. And yet, rather than trap him with a false pregnancy or something, she's willing to give him up when he shows signs of reluctance to pursue their affair beyond the stage of an amuse-bouche.

Speaking of fake pregnancies, that's part of the subplot involving David Keith, a fellow classmate, and HIS girlfriend, one of Winger's coworkers at the factory. Keith gives up everything for his supposedly pregnant partner, resigns from the Navy, buys her a wedding ring and immediately proposes marriage so he can take her back to meet the family in Oklahoma where he has a job as floor manager waiting for him at J. C. Penny. FLOOR MANAGER? She is waiting for bread and he brings her stones. Like any sensible shark, she tells him what he can do with his wedding ring. After he goes to a motel and does it, he hangs himself.

There is a terrific martial arts slug out at the end in which Gossett, the instructor, manages to save himself only be delivering a hard kick to Gere's family jewels. I haven't quite figured that out yet. Why was an unfair blow necessary? Granted that Gere must discover that he can be defeated. As far as maturity goes, he has a lot of catching up to do. But surely he knows by now that life is unfair, so he doesn't need a painful reminder. Is it just that the writers didn't want to risk showing Richard Gere being beaten in a fair fight? That's kind of how it looks. By the way, writers, when a man is kicked there he doesn't fall to the ground in a fetal position and choke. He falls to the ground in a fetal position and screams bloody murder.

The script is part of the problem with this film. Absolutely nobody could be as naive and stupid as David Keith's midshipman. He's a nice guy but he doesn't seem to have any insight at all, into himself or into others. He doesn't deserve to be a naval aviator. He deserves to be a Steward's Mate Third Class.

It's as if the writers figured something like, let's put Richard Gere through midshipman training so we can watch him suffer, and then we'll have him fall for Deborah Winger. This schematic skeleton is then fitted out with disproportionate, sometimes flabby limbs and extrusions. The script really needed some buffing, at least as much as a midshipman's buckle. It's a colorful movie, with plenty of interesting action and some nice performances, but it's a bit sloppily done.
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Hard Edged Cross Genre Romance
Theo Robertson18 September 2012
Just imagine how awful this is for a movie premise today " Pretty boy actor trains to be a pilot whilst falling for a girl in a film that has multi million selling hit theme tune " Familarity does of course breed contempt and it's amazing to think this movie is 30 years old . AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMEN is a trend setting film and as a production it is a stroke of genius . Think about studio execs and film producers sat in an office somewhere:

" Okay guys New Hollywood is over , the films are crippling the studios and if Coppola or Cimino have anymore freedom we're going to be bankrupted . Anyone got any ideas how to reverse this ? "

" Hey let's make a relatively cheap film that'll appeal to both boys and girls . Maybe we could bring out an official soundtrack album in order to market the movie . Free publicity via the pop charts "

I use the word genius literally . Simple genius at that . It's a film that will appeal to red blooded men and women . The only problem is that by the time TOP GUN became a massive hit the film makers at Hollywood studios had become addicted to this so much cross genre of later years like PEARL HARBOR were in danger of sinking the Hollywood studios . Perhaps if they concentrated on character they would have saved themselves a lot of money

Looking back on this movie it's surprising how hard edged it is . If you've only seen the TV version it's something of a shock to hear the F word uttred a few times. The locations are also very gloomy and the characters aren't entirely likable or played by people from a model agency . In short there's a large amount of realism involved or least compared to its successors . What does let the film down slightly is a couple of cheesy scenes such as the climatic scene where two characters pop off somewhere " Not to talk " . But at the end of the day this is a very effective military/romantic drama
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More true than you might think.
elvismanson18 February 2005
I went to Navy OCS (for ship drivers, not aviators) a year after this movie came out. A lot of us considered it one of the best movies ever made. Despite the fact that there is some serious license taken with reality, the movie captures the intensity and high stakes of OCS, and how people who barely know each other become bonded so quickly; how the least likely candidates sometimes become the star performers; how some people are changed beyond recognition by the experience. There was never a lack of old hands like Sid's father, telling you you had it easy because of some difference in the rules he didn't enjoy 10 years earlier. DOR is translated by Foley as "drop on request". In 1983, the terminology was DE, which meant dis enroll. I always wondered what happened to the candidates in my class who DE'd. The ones who graduated I kept running into in the fleet, sometimes in places like the Philippines. The most unrealistic thing about the movie was the premise that local girls want to marry officer candidates. Not so in Pensacola or Newport RI, where OCS was in those days. The locals actually called us behind our backs "cockroaches" because we wore all black and had to run away to our barracks by 10 pm. The second most unrealistic thing was the foul language. That comes later, in the fleet, but not in OCS. No we did not have martial arts duels. All in all, however, the essence of the experience, if not the specifics, is found in the movie. One of our marching songs went "left right left right / you HAD a good job and you LEFT / you're RIGHT!" We really did have nowhere else to go. I say 10 stars. The VHS version gets only 8 because of changes to the soundtrack songs.
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Perfect film for Gere but...............
stephen-195624 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
There is no doubt who steals this film. Richard Gere is perfect as Zak Mayo, David Keith and Debra Winger are decent support, but the film is taken over by the brilliant Louis Gossett Jr. He is fantastic as sergeant Foley and every scene he is in he takes over. Otherwise, I found the film entertaining, but soppy and silly in parts, especially the ending although I'm sure this is the ending most expected. Keith's suicide scene is well played, as are scenes in the bunkhouse, but in my mind the best parts of this film all featured Louis Gossett Jr.
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A Classic 20 years on...
staceym25 September 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has certainly survived the test of time, in that it can still provoke a happy yet poignant tear when everything turns out for the best in the end. And that really is the source of its appeal.

College graduate Zack Mayo (Gere) enlists in the Naval Officer Candidate programme to realize his ambition of flying fighter jets, and also to escape a haunted past of his mother's suicide and his alcoholic sailor father.

While training, not only does he have to survive the Drill Instructor (Gossett Jr) but he also recognises the solitude that has been holding him back his whole life. Throw Debra Winger into the mix as the girl looking for a husband amongst the class and David Keith as Mayo's best friend with his own problems, then you have this classic movie.

I have seen this movie many times and it never gets boring. Richard Gere is at his most powerful here and I don't think he's ever had a better role. The supporting cast is also solid, with Gossett Jr. firmly deserving his Academy Award and Winger proving once again that she is thoroughly underrated by Hollywood.

A firm 10/10 from me.
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The repression of individuallity is a "Good Thing" - Discuss.......
ianlouisiana18 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Calling "An Officer and a Gentleman" the best film Mr Richard Gere has ever appeared in may seem like damning it with faint praise.However,it is a personal triumph for him as the arrogant - seeming Naval officer - cadet with a chip the size of the U.S.S. "Missouri" on his shoulder. Son of a roistering sailor who makes "Popeye" seem like Tiny Tim,Zack Mayo - in desperation seeking a family - type environment - enlists in the U.S.Navy O.C.S..Toughened on the streets of Navy Towns all over the world he possesses fitness and bloody - minded determination but little else.The Navy's task is to maintain his two attributes but teach him others that might seem antithetical,teamwork,compassion and awareness of others. Tney've been making movies about these kind of things since that rather strange Mr Griffith first pointed a camera and shouted "action". The tough D.I. who you just know will end up respecting the squad maverick,the feisty gal you go to jeer but stay to cheer,the screw - up whose life the maverick will save,the best friend who will die so that the maverick can redeem himself,the way the squad gradually becomes a team and grows to love the gruff D.I...................yes it's all the stuff of a hundred clichéd films from West Point to Catterick. Mr Gere and Mr Gossett(along with Mr Jack Webb the best D.I. on film, Mr F.Lee Ermey being ever - so - slightly a fictional creation of the anti - military Mr Stanley Kubrick and Mr Gustav Hasford)dominate the movie.Miss Deborah Winger seems rather unhappy as the factory - girl/Cinderella who finally gets her handsome prince.I found the obligatory sex scenes unconvincing and uncomfortable. Mr Gere however,displays the necessary energy,resentment and sheer grit to convince as the none too pleasant hero. Some may find the rather totalitarian assumption that the repression of individuality is somehow a good thing a little disturbing.But ultimately,Authority is seen as a rather benign paternalism which Mr Gere clearly accepts having rejected that of his own father. Happily,"An officer and a Gentleman" is more "Carry on Sergeant" than "Full Metal Jacket" in that it shows the more acceptable side of military training and shows it as being rather like that at a rather posh school,where the former rebel gets the prize for "Improvement",i.e. conforming.But,somewhere in Zack Mayo,there is still the spirit that made him the rebel he was.
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Great story of self-discovery made even better by strong performances
jaspertown7718 June 2002
'An Officer And A Gentleman' is a brilliant film with great performances from Richard Gere, Louis Gossett Jr. and Debra Winger. Richard Gere embodies the character of Zack Mayo, a troubled young man who, due to neglect and ill parenting by a military father, signs up with the Navy to get some direction in his misguided life.

Mayo's life is made even harder by the ball-busting Sergeant Foley (Louis Gossett Jr.) upon his arrival at the barracks, and he struggles to find his place. However, he does find it in himself to stand-up to the overbearing Foley and his own inner-demons and, during the course of the film, goes from being selfish, weak and undisciplined to considerate, strong and determined. His will, as well as the love of the beautiful Paula (Debra Winger) and the guidance of Foley, makes him stay the course and lifts him 'up where he belongs'.

Richard Gere is great in adding layers to what could have been a poorly drawn characterisation. Mayo is not always the 'good guy' and is more often than not a complete prick. Nevertheless, he undertakes a journey of self-discovery where he refuses to become a carbon copy of his father and takes hold of his own destiny, turning himself into the man he wants to be. Gere has never been better on film than when he screams, `I got nowhere else to go!' at Foley in such a heartbreaking howl that the audience can literally feel his pain.

Debra Winger is also good as Paula, a downtrodden factory girl trapped in a small-minded small town with a lack of opportunities for women. She not only finds a way out in her love for Mayo, but the hope of a better future somewhere else. Louis Gossett Jr. also stands out as the foul-mouthed, domineering Sergeant Foley who proves to be pivotal in Mayo's journey.

With a great soundtrack, strong performances and the most rousing and emotional final scene in a film since 'Rocky', 'An Officer And A Gentleman' deserves its place among the classics of film history.
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A romantic military movie?
MovieRat-230 September 1999
Those who are looking for a Full Metal Jacket type of film, don't even bother.

I was anticipating the typical "boot camp" sort of film but instead I found a Romance that was covered in sheep's wool (a military background).

If viewed as a love story, you won't be dissapointed. If viewed as a another "Boot Camp" film...you will probably be dissapointed.

Yet what most people fail to mention, or even realize, is that this film has the most realistic and best fight scene ever! The third or second to last scene where Mayo has the little brawl with his DI (drill instructor) is absolutely fantastic. It doesn't follow the normal Hollywood or Hong Kong fight were the hero or the main character goes out and wipes the floor of his opponent. This fight does something totally unheard of...it lets the "bad guy," in this case the DI, win!!!

My rating: 7 for a Romance; 4 for a Boot Camp film
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textbook Hollywood crowd-pleaser, circa 1982
mjneu593 November 2010
One of the big hits of 1982 offers a perfect example of the artfully packaged hokum passing for entertainment in Hollywood at the time. The story supposedly relates the triumph and transfiguration of white trash Richard Gere into the naval aviator of the film's title, following his introduction to the usual hazards of cadet life: punishing training exercises, antagonistic drill sergeants, conniving debutantes, and so forth. Debra Winger is one of the latter, and the uncomplicated blue-collar appeal of her character helps to alleviate the often tortured exposition of the hero's rite of passage. The film's most obvious shortcoming is its unfocused script (which needs to develop a second, parallel love story to throw the first into relief), followed by Richard Gere's total inability to appear sensitive or insecure. The enormous success of the movie can be traced to the marketing skills of its producers, who wisely sold it as a slice of glossy, inspirational junk food. Enjoy it as such, but don't expect the memory to linger.
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For every student of screenplay this is a must. A classic.
GLYNNE18 April 2002
A movie that you can watch over and over again and find something new. There really is something for everyone and for those who follow classical screenplay protocols this is an absolute must. The timing of events and the pace of those events is absolutely perfect. Richard Gere is really extremely good and in fact as time goes on his role may actually turn out to be one of his best. He has such a fragile bravado in this tale of selfish loner turns good. Debra Winger and Louis Gossett are also outstanding. It is a movie that you either love or you hate and, over the years, the critics have very much wanted to play it down but there is no doubt in my mind that it is a classic tale well told with every aspect of "the cinema" used to its fullest extent
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Appealing and charming film with strongly effective interpretations and a highly emotive ending
ma-cortes17 August 2020
Zack Mayo (Richard Gere) is a young man who has signed up for Navy Aviation Officer Candidate School , he enters at school because he doesn't know what else to do with his life , as he wants to become an aviator , while his father (Robert Loggia) being a womanizer , drunk and bad soldier . Gunnery Sergeant Emil Foley (Louis Gosset Jr. winning a deserved Academy Award as the stiff-upper-lip commander) is the boot drill instructor who has to train and evaluate the newcomer recruits , and will clearly find Zack wishing to prepare himself . As recruits are taken to their limits on a training course and a lot of it is pretty abrasive stuff . Along the way Zack meets Paula (Debra Winger) , his love interest , a girl who has little beyond family , and must decide what it is he wants to do with his life while becomes a better person despite himself . Eventually , he gets the help of the two-fisted Gunnery Sergeant and his new girlfriend .

A decent romantic/soap opera movie made this ¨An officer and a Knight¨ a ¨must watch¨ in 1982 that is still attractive but extremely sentimental and corny . One of the oldest plots released in Hollywood , especially in the Golden Age , perhaps that's why it works so well . Well worth watching in spite of the standard Hollywood premise , usual elements and wrapped package of commercial ingredients . Although Soap Opera has never been art , this one results to be entertaining , stirring , dated and predictable too . Richard Gere and Debra Winger take the romantic genre as close to it as any of the past three-hankerchief classics . Richard Gere gives an acceptable acting as a young drifter becomes a brat recruit who has a bad attitude problem while attempting to complete his work at the Navy Officer Candidate School .Gorgeous Debra Winger provides a really sensitive and emotive performance. Special mention for Louis Gosset Jr as the tough sergeant who whips him into shape . Furthermore , David Keith as his kind Catholic friend with real feeling and Lisa Blount as the ambitious girl who sets her sights on marrying him . And other brief interpretations from fine secondaries as Robert Loggia , Lisa Eilbacher , Graze Zabrinski , Victor French , David Caruso , Ed Begley Jr , John Laughlin , Tony Plana and Harold Sylvester .

It contains sensitive and exciting musical score but composed by means of synthesizer by Jack Nitzsche and it won an Academy Ward for best song : Up where we belong sung by Joe Cocker . As well as colorful and evocative cinematography by Donald Thorin . Filmmaker Taylor Hackford keeps just the right balance between the sublime and the embarrasssing , making this one one of the best of its kind . However, being rated ¨Parents Guide¨ for abundant profanity , nudism , and simulated sex . This director Taylor Hackford is a good professional , producing , writing and shooting , as he has made notorious films of all kinds of genres, such as : Parker , Ray , Proof of life , Dolores Clairbone , against all odds , Chuck Berry Hail Hail Rock , The idol maker , White nights , among others . Rating : 7/10 . Better than average . Worthwhile seeing for Richard Gere and Debra Winger fans .
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you're in the mood for military drama, you can watch it
melinetto9 May 2021
I have to say that generally, i like the film even though the performance of Richard Gere is very inadequate. I don't know the reason really but usually, i don't feel like enjoying the performances of him in his films. I think the best performance of his is in Chicago as the character of Billy Flynn. He was so good in that film, like oscar-worthy good. Anyways, back to this film again, Debra Winger is really good as the character of Paula Pokrifki. And Lisa Blount gives a fine performance aswell. But you know, above all of that, Louis Gossett Jr. Did some real incredible work, gives an amazing performance as Sgt. Emil Foley, hands down.

Except for my personal opinion for Richard Gere (lol), if you wanna watch a romantic military drama movie, i think you'll like it.
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Richard Gere's career-best performance
Ruskington15 October 2020
This rather glossy look at Navy life may be a bit lightweight and aimless but it is lit up by some strong lead performances and memorable high payoff moments.
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The best of its kind
Wuchakk21 January 2014
Released in 1982, "An Officer and a Gentleman" was the obvious inspiration of films like Tom Cruise's "Top Gun" and "Days of Thunder." "An Officer and a Gentleman" was the first and best, by far.

The plot similarities are obvious: They all include the angry young man who needs to prove his gifting, the uncompromising mentor, the encouraging babe, the craft, the arena and the doomed buddy. In "An Officer" the angry young man is Richard Gere as Mayo, the mentor is Louis Gossett Jr. as Drill Instructor Folely, the babe is Paula (Debra Winger), the craft is aviation basic training, the arena is a Naval academy and the Puget Sound area of Washington (shot on location) and the buddy is Sid Worley (David Keith).

Thankfully, the film doesn't get bogged down telling the back-story of Mayo. Instead, it ingeniously shares his past in a matter of minutes at the very beginning. It's all we need to know to understand why Mayo is the way he is. And then we're off to basic training where he's tested. Does he have what it takes? Can someone as lowborn, aloof and un-trusting as Mayo make it as an officer?

Debra Winger and Lisa Blount shine here as Mayo and Worley's babes. Winger is alluring in a humble "girl next door" type of way (she out-shined Lynda Carter as Wonder Girl on "Wonder Woman," which is hard to believe), but Blount is even more alluring -- yes, despite the negative aspects of her character. I'll just put it this way, she really fills out a pair of jeans, lol.

Both couples get intimate way too quickly, but maybe this is one of the flaws of the "Puget Debs" and explains why they have a problems getting marriage material, if you know what I mean. Besides this, time has to be condensed in a two-hour film.

BOTTOM LINE: If you're in the mood for a film of this ilk "An Officer and a Gentleman" is the best of the lot.


INSIGHTS ABOUT THE ENDING (***SPOILER ALERT*** Don't read further unless you've seen the film):

An officer is a military leader. Drill Instructor Foley's job is to weed out those who can't hack it as an officer. It's an important job because people's lives in combat are dependent on the quality of the leaders and Foley takes his job seriously.

Foley rightly pegs Mayo as a lowlife loner from the outset -- a wannabe officer -- and therefore puts on the pressure. This is especially so on the one weekend where he has Mayo to himself. Foley does everything he can to make Mayo break AND quit, but Mayo doesn't. He breaks, indeed, but he refuses to quit on the grounds that he has no where to go. At the end of this scene you can see that Foley develops respect for Mayo (which you get a glimpse of earlier when Mayo does extremely well on the obstacle course).

Later, Mayo disregards breaking the record on the obstacle course (which he was definitely able to do) in order to encourage Seegar (the female recruit) to finally make it over the wall. Foley sees that Mayo's no longer the aloof and selfish loner he was when he rode in on his motorcycle. He's matured; he's developed character. It was already there, of course, but the boot camp training has brought it to the fore, and Foley sees it.

After Worley's tragic death, Mayo confronts Foley while he's drilling the platoon. Foley informs Mayo that they all know what happened and even tells him they're sorry about Worley. He didn't have to do this and it shows that Foley isn't just an honorable man, but also that he cared about Worley. After all, Worley was only one week away from graduating! In a sense, he was one of Foley's kids. In other words, Foley and the platoon were grieving too. But Mayo was closest to Worley and he's crazy with shock & grief at this point. He insists that he's going to quit, to which Foley tells him to meet him for a fight. Sure, there's some testosterone in his words, but he actually does this out of respect for Mayo as a last ditch effort to keep him from dropping out.

And Foley doesn't "kick his axx", as some claim. It was essentially an even match and Foley barely walks off the mat, which is the only reason he technically wins. But that's inconsequential. The purpose of the fight was to run Mayo's steam out so he didn't make a rash decision in an obvious moment of grief & anger. Foley accomplished his purpose. Once Mayo was no longer blinded by rage he makes the right choice and graduates.

This is why he thanks Foley at the end.
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Vivid characters and story make this a classic.
triple813 December 2003
I was quite young when I saw this and not into movies this deep, heck I was a kid! Yet this powerful film touched me and I never forgot it.

There were so many various relationships going on that between the characters, if the movie had just been about one of those it might have gotten boring but each one of these individuals were so fascinating in their own right, that it never did get dull. Officer isn't a film one can watch at any time, it's so heavy you really have to be in the mood for it. I would definitely call this a classic.

I will comment on Debra Winger because as good as everyone was Winger hasn't been commented on as much and should be. Her character Paula was gritty, tough and so likable. She was easily as good as anyone else in the movie(I miss not seeing her in current movies, she's amazing).

This isn't my absolute favorite film but its one of the most well done films I've ever seen.
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7.5/10 - "Don't you eyeball me!"
alexduhamel9419 September 2023
This was a beautiful movie. Amazing cast and great score.

Before watching it, I really thought that this movie was all about a love story. But it wasn't! Yes, there's a love story, but it's also about strength, friendship, sacrifice and determination. Is it the best movie about all these subjects? No. But it's worth the watch.

It reminded me about movies like Top Gun and Full Metal Jacket.

Richard Gere had an Oscar-worthy performance in this movie (shocked that he wasn't nominated!) and well deserve Oscar win for Louis Gossett Jr.

Overall this movie is a classic and it aged very well. I recommend it for movie lovers.
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Don't believe the naysayers, this is a true uplifter.
hitchcockthelegend25 April 2009
Zack Mayo, after years of being shunted around with his woman chasing, alcoholic naval father, decides to up sticks and join the navy himself. He plans to fly jets and enrols at a tough Naval Aviation Officer Candidate School. Very much a loner and used to doing things his own way, Zack must tow the line if he is to succeed. Forming friendships and taking on a romance with a local girl, he may just make the grade. But he has to convince not only his tough no nonsense drill instructor, but also himself.

An Officer And A Gentleman has been bogged down over the years by being labelled as a chick flick, a film they say, that is for the soggy handkerchief brigade. Not so say I. Yes love is a critical strand here, not only finding it after years of being closed off from it, but also to keep it after seizing the day. But it's as much a film about determination as it is about conquering love, in finding strengths from within to achieve ones goals against seemingly badly stacked odds. It really is a film that essays that triumph of the will spirit so lacking in many similar pictures that followed this 1982 piece. There are some incredibly great sequences here, chiefly during the training programme, from Mayo's continuing conflict with Sgt Foley, to a devastating turn of events with a friendship. This film royally packs an emotional punch.

The cast are uniformly excellent, Richard Gere as Mayo is pitch perfect and it pays to notice that he was a 32 year old man playing an early 20s rookie, it's a testament to his undervalued ability that nobody noticed. Debra Winger was nominated for a Best Actress Award for her portrayal as Mayo's love interest, Paula Pokrifki. It's believed that Gere and herself didn't get on off screen, it isn't noticeable, though, because the chemistry sizzles and the resulting end product is one of a joyous returns. Honours have to go to Louis Gossett Jr., though, rightly winning the Best Supporting Actor Award, his performance as instructor Sgt Foley is towering and one of the best of the 1980s. David Keith and Lisa Eilbacher also turn in strong performances, and Taylor Hackford's direction is smooth and without intrusion. The involving screenplay and tidy editing are also noteworthy, and the theme song "Up where We Belong" took home the gong for Best Original Song.

Some critics have called the film sexist, oh come off it people! It may come as a shock to them but a lot of women do actually want to be carried off by some dashing hunk, similarly, a lot of us men are more than willing to be the ones carrying the maiden! And lest we forget that the characterisations here carry much depth. 9/10
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Better than I expected
Groverdox26 March 2019
For most of "An Officer and a Gentleman", what was on screen felt fairly familiar. It's a story of a young man going through military training, so of course we get the diabolical drill sergeant, scenes of rope climbing and obstacle courses, unlikely friendship between mismatched bunkmates, moments where the hero thinks about quitting, only to change his mind...

The movie does have a couple of things that stand out about it, though, and to my mind make it worth watching. For one, the great actress, Debra Winger, plays the love interest, and she's one of those actresses you just can't imagine hitting a false note, or turning in a clichéd portrayal. She just feels really authentic.

Another unexpected step was the character arc provided for David Keith, the best friend of the protagonist. His story goes somewhere I was not expecting.

R. Lee Ermey/Sergeant Hartman is probably always going to be the definitive drill sergeant, but I still warmed to Lou Gosset Jr. in the role, though the movie didn't make that easy.
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Loner rebel Richard Gere joins the navy to become a pilot and find himself with the help of his friends, lover, and generic tough drill sergeant in this romantic drama
slflister30 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Let me preface this with a statement about myself, for me, it's really difficult to like a romantic movie because I cant enjoy it unless it feels real to me, and making fake love seem real isn't easy. However the reason the love in this movie doesn't feel real to me isn't because the acting is bad or because there's just no chemistry between the two main lovers, Richard Gere and Debra Winger, the issue is that this entire movie is just a gigantic pizza which is 80% cheesiness and 20% movie.

The movie only ever manages to have one genuinely good part, the climax, when David Keith offs himself in a motel room with a belt in the shower, something truly sad and something that made me feel a connection to his character and disdain for his ex-lover who had pushed him off the edge. Shortly after however it seems like the movie just forgets this whole entire incident with little collateral damage beyond Gere mouthing off to the gunnery sergeant and having a grudge match that leads to (not even joking) Gere getting kicked in the balls and lying down in the fetal position after him and Gossett exchange a few pseudo karate kicks.

Its a shame too, mostly because Gere's character could have been much more interesting, what with his background being raised by his alcoholic father in the Philippines and ports around the world, but the movie seems all to eager to move past that and just get to the part where he's a nice guy and marries the girl. Really he's only ever a jerk in the beginning and his jerkiness is only ever mildly apparent. yet they still try to make him seem like some disturbed rebel when the only edgy stuff he does is karate, riding motorcycles, not talking about feelings, and having a stash of boots and belt buckles he fenced off to his bunk mates, a kind of ridiculous plot point which leads to him and the sergeant having beef, but what was his purpose in doing it anyways? did he need money? did he just want to be edgy? did the screenwriter just want him to be edgy?

The worst part is the end, if this were a cheese pizza the last slice would literally just be a melted piece of a cheese wheel, of course he commits to Winger and goes to her upon his graduation and lifts her up in the air joyously in love a mere 20 or so minutes after his closest friends suicide, and the credits roll leaving me, the audience, wondering where the last two hours of my life went with nothing to show for it but the memory of a crappy cheese pizza of a movie without a single pepperoni or topping in sight.

smh 4/10
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Engaging and Engrossing Melodramatic Fare
Chiron19876 October 1999
An Officer and a Gentleman is a well-crafted melodrama set against the back drop of the elite Naval Aviator training facility in upstate Washington. Richard Gere portrays Zachary Mayo, a young man and son of a career sailor who has risen from residing above a house of ill repute in the Philippines to becoming an officer's candidate destined to fly jets.

Gere is terrific as Mayo, and works incredibly hard to combine the complex emotions of the character with his seemingly, simplistic facade. Gere is supported by a great cast including Debra Winger as the young factory worker who yearns of a better life with Mayo, David Keith as a cadet who's not all that he seems, and the legendary Louis Gossett, Jr. as Gunnery Sgt. Emil Foley, Mayo's adamant and hard-edged drill instructor who remains Zach's total bane of existence. Gossett won a well-deserved Oscar for this role, and he remains the true highlight of this film.

Some have called An Officer and a Gentlemen out-dated, improbable, and too melodramatic, and perhaps it is all of these. But, it is so entertaining and so enthralling, I find it easily to become enveloped by the picture's story and characters. You want them all to succeed, and you feel for them when they fail. This is the true mark of a truly great film.

Highly recommended.
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