First Blood (1982) Poster


Brian Dennehy: Teasle



  • Teasle : Are you telling me that 200 of our men against your boy is a no-win situation for us?

    Trautman : You send that many, don't forget one thing.

    Teasle : What?

    Trautman : A good supply of body bags.

  • Trautman : I don't think you understand. I didn't come to rescue Rambo from you. I came here to rescue you from him.

    Teasle : Well, we all appreciate your concern Colonel, I will try to be extra careful!

    Trautman : I'm just amazed he allowed any of your posse to live.

    Teasle : Is that right?

    Trautman : Strictly speaking, he slipped up. You're lucky to be breathing.

    Teasle : That's just great. Colonel, you came out here to find out why one of your machines blew a gasket!

    Trautman : You don't seem to want to accept the fact you're dealing with an expert in guerrilla warfare, with a man who's the best, with guns, with knives, with his bare hands. A man who's been trained to ignore pain, ignore weather, to live off the land, to eat things that would make a billy goat puke. In Vietnam his job was to dispose of enemy personnel. To kill! Period! Win by attrition. Well Rambo was the best.

  • Teasle : He was just another drifter who broke the law!

    Trautman : Vagrancy wasn't it? That's gonna look real good on his grave stone in Arlington: Here lies John Rambo, winner of the Congressional Medal of Honor, survivor of countless incursions behind enemy lines. Killed for vagrancy in Jerkwater, USA.

    Teasle : Now don't give me any of that crap Trautman. Do you think Rambo was the only guy who had a tough time in Vietnam? He killed a police officer for Christ's sake!

    Trautman : You're goddamn lucky he didn't kill all of you.

  • Teasle : [Teasle is giving Rambo a lift]  So where you heading?

    Rambo : Portland.

    Teasle : Portland is south! You said you were heading north.

    Rambo : You got some place I can eat around here?

    Teasle : Theres a diner about thirty miles up the highway.

    Rambo : Is there a law against me getting something to eat here?

    Teasle : Yeah! ME!

    Rambo : Why you pushing me?

    Teasle : [haughty]  What'd you say?

    Rambo : I said why you pushing me? I haven't done anything to you.

    Teasle : First of all, you don't ask the questions around here. I do. Understand! Second, we don't want guys like you in this town, drifters. Next thing we know, we got a whole *bunch* of guys like you in this town. THAT'S WHY! Besides, you wouldn't like it here anyway. It's just a quiet little town. In fact you might say it's BORING. But that's the way we like it. I get paid to keep it that way.

    Rambo : Yeah, boring.

  • Deputy Lester : [referring to the mistreatment of Rambo]  I was just talking to Mitch, and he said that Gault and a couple of the deputies were... a little hard on the guy.

    State Police Capt. Dave Kern : Assholes!

    Teasle : It doesn't make one goddamn bit of difference, Dave, and you know it! If one of my deputies... gets out of line with a prisoner then the prisoner comes to me with it. And if I find out it's like he says I kick the deputy's ass! *Me*! The *Law*! People start fucking around with the law then all hell breaks loose! Whatever possessed God in heaven to make a man like Rambo?

    Trautman : God didn't make Rambo, I made him!

  • Rambo : There's one man dead! It's not my *fault*! I don't want anymore hurt!

    Teasle : Freeze! Stand right where you are! Give yourself up!

    Rambo : But I didn't do anything!

    Teasle : I'm warning you boy, don't make a move or I'll blow your head off!

    Rambo : [shouts]  I didn't do anything!

  • Teasle : They found Rambo's body. As a matter of fact, it stole an army truck. Blew up a gas station the other side of town.

    Trautman : The kid is resiliant. Now why don't you forget what you're thinking and clear out while you can?

  • Deputy Mitch : Why don't you let the state police handle this?

    Teasle : [Grabs Mitch by the neck]  Look! Look at him. Look at him! That's Art Galt, boy. He and I were friends when your mama was still wiping your nose! Now he's dead. He's dead because of that psycho out there. Now you listen, boy, and you listen to me good. I'm gonna get that son of a bitch and I'm gonna pin that Congressional Medal of Honor to his liver. And I'm gonna do it with you or without you.

  • Trautman : You picked the wrong man to push.

    Teasle : No, Trautman. HE picked the wrong man!

    Trautman : That boy's a *heart attack*! He may be the best the Special Forces ever trained. Anything *you're* gonna throw at him, he's been through a hundred times worse! In WORSE places than this!

  • State Police Capt. Dave Kern : Why didn't you leave the kid alone in the first place?

    Teasle : Dammit, Dave, you think this kid just waltzed into town, announced he was a Medal Of Honor winner, and then I just leaned on him for the hell of it? I tried to do him a favor, I treated him like he was one of my neighbor's kids. I did my job, Dave, I booked him for vagrancy and resisting arrest.

    State Police Capt. Dave Kern : You seem pretty motivated on this one.

    Teasle : Why don't you go out there and take a look at what's left of my men? You'll see how motivated I am, Dave, and if that doesn't do it for you why don't you go have a talk with Art Gault's widow?

    State Police Capt. Dave Kern : All right, Will, I read you. Listen, I got twenty-five men I can bring up from Monroe.

    Teasle : [calming down]  All right Dave, I can use them. We've got a lot of ground to cover.

  • Trautman : [to Teasle, who is equipping himself for a final showdown with Rambo]  You're going to die, Teasle.

    Teasle : Everybody dies.

  • Teasle : [to Lester upon hearing that the helicopter pilot won't come back]  If he gives you any shit, cite him for obstruction on the spot.

  • Teasle : [noting dirty American flag patch on Rambo's ragged military jacket]  You know, wearing that flag on that jacket, looking the way you do, you're asking for trouble around here, friend.

  • Teasle : [after dropping off Rambo outside the city limits]  If you want some friendly advice, get a haircut and take a bath. You wouldn't get hassled so much.

  • Teasle : What the hell's the matter with you guys? He's one man... wounded!

  • Teasle : Goddammit, what the hell do you think this is? Some kind of a circus?

  • Ward : Just roll it across. Roll it across!

    Deputy Sergeant Art Galt : Push it.

    Ward : It won't work that way, it'll only smear. Roll it across!

    Deputy Sergeant Art Galt : Look, sonny boy, if you don't put your grubby hand there, I'm gonna to break it off!

    [Rambo refuses. Galt slam the fingerprint supplies with a nightstick] 

    Deputy Sergeant Art Galt : Put it down, you dummy!

    Sheriff Will Teasle : Art, what the hell's going on down here?

    Deputy Sergeant Art Galt : Nothing I can't handle.

    Ward : He won't let us print him well.

    [Rambo wipe of the ink with a sheet] 

    Ward : Leave the ink on your hand!

    [Sheriff Teasle finds out the problem with Rambo for refusing to be fingerprinting] 

    Sheriff Will Teasle : Just what is your problem, huh? Listen, hardcase. As things stand right now, you're facing the end of a 90 day incarceration. Plus a $250 fine, which you don't look to me like you can pay. At 10:00 tomorrow morning, you're going up in front of that judge. And you're think we're tough. We're gonna make you more presentable for your courtroom appearance. Between now and then, you can just impress the hell outta me by doing exactly as you're told.

    [Take the wrapping paper and thrown out] 

    Sheriff Will Teasle : Clean him up.

  • Deputy Lester : [Teasle wants Lester to recall the helicopter pilot]  What do you want me to do, Will?

    Teasle : I want you to do what I told you to do, damn it! Get that chopper back here now. Out!

See also

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