Marathon Man (1976) Poster


Laurence Olivier: Dr. Christian Szell



  • Christian Szell : Is it safe?... Is it safe?

    Babe : You're talking to me?

    Christian Szell : Is it safe?

    Babe : Is what safe?

    Christian Szell : Is it safe?

    Babe : I don't know what you mean. I can't tell you something's safe or not, unless I know specifically what you're talking about.

    Christian Szell : Is it safe?

    Babe : Tell me what the "it" refers to.

    Christian Szell : Is it safe?

    Babe : Yes, it's safe, it's very safe, it's so safe you wouldn't believe it.

    Christian Szell : Is it safe?

    Babe : No. It's not safe, it's... very dangerous, be careful.

  • Christian Szell : Well, what are you going to do now, shoot me?

    Babe : No, I don't think so.

    Christian Szell : [referring to the diamonds]  Then you're going to take these from me? If I could say a word about that...

    Babe : No, you can keep them. You can keep as many as you can swallow.

  • Christian Szell : The gun had blanks, the knife, a retractable blade. Hardly original, but effective enough. I think you'll agree. I'm told you are a graduate student. Brilliant, yes? You are an historian, and I am part of history. I should have thought you would have found me interesting. Frankly, I am disappointed in your silence.

    Babe : Why do you have so little accent?

    Christian Szell : I had alexia as a child. Alexia is a disease...

    Babe : I know. It's where you can't understand written speech.

    Christian Szell : Highest marks. At any event, my writing is childish still, but I'm a fanatic about spoken language. I envy you your school days. Enjoy them fully. It's that last time in your life no one expects anything of you.

  • [Szell begins to torture Babe by using a dental probe and a mouth mirror to check for cavities] 

    Babe : [the probe hits a cavity]  Ow.

    Christian Szell : That hurt?

    Babe : Uh-huh.

    Christian Szell : I know. I should think it would. You should take better care of your teeth. You have a...

    [hits the cavity again] 

    Christian Szell : quite a cavity here. Is it safe?

    Babe : Look, I told you I can't...

    [Szell stabs the probe into the nerve; screaming in pain] 

    Babe : AAH-HA! AAH! Aah!

    [Babe's painful screams and moans continues] 

    Karl : You thinks he knows?

    Erhard : Of course he knows! He's being very stubborn.

    Babe : [Moaning in pain]  Ohh, wait. Please. Please, don't. No. No.

    Christian Szell : It's okay.

    Babe : Huh?

    [Szell then opens a small bottle of oil of cloves, in which he applies it in Babe's badly aggravated cavity to kill the pain] 

    Christian Szell : Isn't that remarkable? Simple oil of cloves, and how amazing the results. Life can be that simple:

    [holds up the oil] 

    Christian Szell : Relief...

    [and the probe tool] 

    Christian Szell : Discomfort. Now which of these I next apply? That decision is in your hands. So... take your time... and tell me... is it safe?

    Babe : Please, stop. Please, stop. Please.

  • [Szell prepares to torture Babe a second time] 

    Christian Szell : Oh, please don't worry. I'm not going into that cavity. That nerve's already dying. A live, freshly-cut nerve is infinitely more sensitive. So I'll just drill into a healthy tooth until I reach the pulp. Unless, of course, you can tell me that it's safe.

  • Christian Szell : [to Babe]  You're weak. Your father was weak in his way, your brother in his, now you in yours. You are all so predictable.

  • Christian Szell : Well, can I trust you?

    Doc : You never could. You only had to.

    Christian Szell : We're talking about my safety.

    Doc : May I be candid?

    Christian Szell : Yes.

    Doc : I couldn't give a fuck about your...

    [he gets stabbed by Szell] 

  • Christian Szell : I was in a state of hysteria, you know.

    [referring to the open suitcase filled with diamonds] 

    Christian Szell : Don't you want to take a closer look than that?

    Babe : No!

    Christian Szell : You see, uh, in a sense, one becomes more emotional with age. First after a lifetime of being taken by friends and enemies alike, and then just when you think you have your possessions sure, your health begins to go.


    Christian Szell : That is, of course, the ultimate theft!

  • [after Szell tortures Babe by drilling into a healthy tooth, he still gets no information about Babe's brother, frustrating Szell] 

    Christian Szell : [shouts]  Erhardt!

    [Erhardt steps into the dental room] 

    Christian Szell : He knew nothing. If he had known, he would have told. Get rid of him!

    Janeway : I don't think you've heard the news.

    [Szell steps into Janeway's office] 

    Christian Szell : What is that?

    Janeway : You're leaving tomorrow on the 1:00 flight.

    Christian Szell : You are a very confident young man.

    Janeway : It's all a front. Just think of me as any other young executive on the come.

    [Janeway sees Karl and Erhardt dragging a badly tortured Babe] 

    Janeway : You're uncontrollable. What you offer us is valuable, but it's not worth the chaos you're causing.

    Christian Szell : And if I am unable to conclude my business by 1:00?

    Janeway : Well, you'll just have to manage that, won't you? As far as we're concerned, Mr. Szell, you're a relic, and you're on your way.

    Christian Szell : Thus far, I find you rather detestable. May I say that without hurting your feelings?

    Janeway : Praise from Caesar. I'm just doing my job. I believe in my country.

    Christian Szell : So did we all.

  • Janeway : I don't think he knows anything. And I think he knows too much.

    Christian Szell : You can afford to think what you wish. I can't.

  • Christian Szell : The land of plenty. They were always so confident God was on their side. Now I think they are not so sure.

  • Christian Szell : You'd like to fight, wouldn't you? It will not happen. I'm much too old and far too smart for that, but we must talk truthfully. Are you to be trusted?

    Doc : No.

    Christian Szell : Is that the truth - or are you trying again to upset me?

  • Christian Szell : What? This is madness. Mad.

See also

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