Poor Things (2023)
6.5/10. Overrated
12 March 2024
1) The misandry is strong in this one. Not surprising though, seems that this is the Holywood way from now on : Every man is dumb or pathetic or disgusting or criminal or childish. Condemning toxic masculinity is one thing. Condemning masculinity in its entirety, is another.

2) Seems also that in order to achieve Enlightment, you have to be a sex worker. It's so obvious i wonder why noone thought about this in the entire Human History. I guess Lanthimos is a pioneer. A Marco Polo of Wisdom. It made me so uncomfortable watching Stone's character dealing with this disgusting debauchery (I mean the "Paris" segment). But i guess it's a sign of toxic masculinity if you don't like watching a woman get humiliated. Lanthimos is beloved in Holywood because obviously he preaches Women empowerment. I didn't know that Humiliation/Depression = Empowerment. Happy to find out.

3) Sarcasm aside, this could ve a very good movie. I am a man but i would gladly watch a movie showing a woman's path to Self Actualization. Until the PARIS segment, i thought that this movie is something like that. And i was enjoying it. A very good dark fairy tale/comedy drama fantasy. Not just funny but even hilarious at times. German Expressionism meets Terry Gilliam or something like that. A visually stunning movie with GREAT acting. Stone was magnificent but the other actors were amazing too (Dafoe, Ruffalo, Carmichael etc). Not a brilliant movie but a clever one. I wish that Jerrod Carmichael had more screen time, his character was very interesting. But i don't wanna nitpick it, it was a good movie overall. Even with the misandry element.

However, the PARIS segment ruined this movie. Literally, one of the most unnecessary parts of all time. Meaningless, empty, vulgar. Even misogynistic i'd say.

And, of course, the ending. A ridiculously simplistic and naive ending for all brain dead people to enjoy.
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