Poor Things (2023)
A triumph and a miracle.
14 February 2024
I've never written a review here, but inside me, I feel the deep necessity of seeing this movie succeed and become a classic. I hope this, among other reviews, will push more people to experience this outstanding product at the theater because it deserves all the attention in this world.

This is not a movie from 2023, this is a timeless piece of art, a slap in the face to some directors who are too much inside their egocentric bubble and take for granted that their name is enough to make a good movie.

Lanthimos, on the other hand, has the ambition and humility to not take anything for granted. His movie considers and elevates every tool cinema offers to tell this story uniquely.

Take cinematography, for example: the extreme wide fisheye accentuates the absurdity of the situation, the zoom amplifies emotions and engulfs you, the playful bokeh ridicules formality, Ektachrome film saturates reality just like the eyes of a child seeing the world the first time would.

The set design, the prop design, the costume design, the music. They all are spectacularly crafted, bizarre and over the top, yet nothing of it is gratuitous: everything is to tell Bella's story from her very unique point of view.

The character's arch is unlike anything we have ever seen. All the nuances between each stage of her development suggest a crazy amount of dedication from Emma Stone and the director. It is a miracle how smoothly she transitions from being an illiterate and an infant to an adult and a philosopher.

Let's not even mention how the rest of the characters surround, and often suffocate, Bella in a way that not only is perfectly functional to her development, but also metaphorical.

And lastly, this movie is brilliantly audacious! The world and cinema DESPERATELY need more movies like this where sex is something that defines a character and makes it human - we are sexual beings and it shouldn't scare us!! Bella's character is the definition of honesty because, while of course naive, she doesn't hide from her desires as she has no notion of our society's constructs. This movie should open our minds and let us think how irrationally scared we are about our bodies. And I say this especially to American society!

Executives, people are starting to get sick of remakes. Please give more money to this man and let him always express himself to the fullest extent. You'll be rewarded with an original product that is also financially successful.
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