Review of Poor Things

Poor Things (2023)
Still not certain where this movie took me, but it was a great ride.
10 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
"The Alien Has Landed" + "Frankenstein" in a steampunk universe.

Still not certain where this movie took me. Guess I'll have to watch it again, or perhaps a couple more times.

However I am certain that it was a great ride. I am also absolutely certain that I'll enjoy the re-watch, and not just for the pornographic elements, which are many, varied and all quite tasty.

What is less certain is if I got the whole message. Actually I' m certain that I did not. Some dialog is spoken softly and some is in French. For that I will require a DVD with pause, rewind and subtitles. Again, I won't mind for the above reasons and more.

"Poor Things" drops you into a steampunk alternate reality, with physical and biological rules that are significantly bent from our own.

Once reality was severely bent, I had zero problems maintaining my suspension of disbelief (a sad FAIL in so many many other films). From me, that is high praise to the writers, editors, and director.

Elaborate glass plates depicting unreal landscapes were not jarring - we are in an alternate reality and we are quite busy with storytelling/storywatching.

Example: A supporting character notes that the protagonist's long luxurious hair grows very very quickly. Then it indeed gets longer and longer as the movie progresses. Nice touch!

Can't wait for the DVD. I suspect that some very strong story beats ended up on the cutting room floor. Hope they're included in either a directors cut, or a "deleted scenes" special feature.
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