Wonderful Remembrance for the Lost Osage Oil Heirs
19 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Killer of the Flower Moon

The film tells of the Osage Indians, who after finding oil in their land, are riddled with mysterious deaths within their close knit community. Focusing on the lives of Mollie Burkhart and her family, the film pieces together a slow but harrowing awakening of a small family built under false pretense.

Okay, shocked how well paced the film is.

Interestingly, it took an different approach to the maximalist and "Hollywood" styling of Oppenheimer - a film I personally hated. It's just very direct and slowly build its story up.

It opened talking about how and why they are killing, how the White men of Osage is hateful and would use everything to get above the "unworthy" Indians - not so much glamorization just pure unadulterated hate.

It slowly quivers into much more sinister murders while it posits that the Osage's does know that they are targeted. In addition, the film posits that the Osage's are also a victim of new found wealth. A bunch of them where not in particularly great shape NOR does any take action (sans Mollie) with growing deaths in the area, which is a neat commentary to compliment the deadly ruthless ness of Hale.

The way it told the story reminds me so much of Edvard Munch (1974). Its pretty precise and almost documentary-like fashion. The details are direct yet substantial. And given that this is a true crime film, has elements that is both "Anti-Suspense" and "Anti-Western" that worked tremendously AND compares quite nicely against Marty's flashier fare.

And all and all, it just hits perfectly without being too much and also commenting fully on all sides. Everything was particularly fleshed out for your judgment. Its clearly for the Osage BUT is willing to show the problems on their side too.

The only real negative I would say about the story is how they handled Molly and her husband plight. They were somewhat trying to make it a story of love crossed against his Uncle's wishes. I wish they took a harder stance in his overall portrayal. That man did not love that woman - just from what the screen shown.

In addition, I think Scorsese was not particularly confident in portraying her. She was fully supporting all throughout the film AND that felt like sad for a film ABOUT the Osage Indians.

Performance-wise, even with a less screentime - Gladstone ate the scenes she was in. Her simple but effective presence gave depth in a character that is shoved behind the scenes. Sadly, I think the Oscar's would surely bump her down to supporting BUT she deserves that win. Di Caprio and De Niro is subdued AND wonderful in respective role. Plus points for De Niro's pitch perfect accent work. Very consistent to be honest.

Also, I particularly love how the sound in this film is mixed. Lot of silence in this one BUT compliments the slow burn element of the film.

Highly recommended BUT has some flaws.
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