Family Guy (1999– )
Watch This for Fun, from Childish to Hi-Brow
20 August 2023
You have to be able to quickly switch gears between story line, gags and cut-away but its all fun. Quality and content has swayed to and fro from season to season but it continues to put out fun goofy and offbeat humor that can at times be very poignant. There are those that don't care for its type of humor but an interesting coincidence that I have found is that many of those people are watchers of like the the voice and or the walking dead. I find the walking dead aspect to be intriguing because to follow that show you have to be able to suspend belief in reality to accept the pretense of a Zombie apocalypse but then also find comedic gags to be too far out there. Character alliances come and go with episodes and seasons but my favorite is the Stewie and Brian duo. Perhaps the single best aspect of the show are some of the otherwise unrelated cut away gags that poke fun at random aspects or instances in life.
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