A Real American
18 May 2023
I first saw 'Surburban Commando' in theaters when I was 11 years old. Naturally I grew up on WWF and Hulk Hogan was my favorite wrestler. This movie didn't ask very much of me. Hogan plays an intergalactic tough good guy who finds himself on Earth after a failed mission to capture an alien bad guy.

Shep (Hogan) navigates a culture that is very foreign to him. This leads to some slapstick comedy. Some which works and some that doesn't. YMMV. Hogan isn't an actor with great range, but the straight forward plot plays to his strengths. There's some PG-13 moments of action and fistacuffs and he comes off very likable.

Veteran actors Christopher Lloyd & Shelley Duvall play the two adult parents of a family he ends up renting a place to stay from. Lloyd is a mild, meek man who let's his awful boss (Larry Miller - who was born to play these roles) treat him like dirt. Due to Shep's appearance though by the end he's a changed man and finally makes a stand for himself.

Fans of the Hulkster or those who enjoy family friendly slightly cheesy entertainment of the 90's with a gleam in their eye for nostalgia will enjoy the proceedings. You can also keep an eye out for wrestler Mark Calloway (The Undertaker) here.
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