Red Eye (2005)
First half is worth watching, second half loses luster
3 October 2022
Not a bad movie, but once it got to the halfway point it seemed like too much was crammed into a short period of time. Felt too short. The story does have some memorable parts. Nice little PG-13 thriller. Odd viewing it for the first time after 20 years of it being released. I was mildly surprised to have never heard of it with big names (in the present) like Rachel McAdams and Cillian Murphy. Parts of it are kinda hollow. One sad attempt at a side story personalization is with a little girl on the flight. It was a typical early 2000s context focus on an irrelevant character. Honestly thinking now this seems almost like a way to get younger audience members involved in the story. There's a small degree of cheesiness. But as having been very much alive during the time period it made nostalgic for those days. Captured the feeling of airports and air travel that I've grown up with. If there was more time given to the filmmaker to develop the second half of the story so it doesn't feel so rushed I would enjoy it much more.
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