Alien Nation (1989–1990)
Great show ruined by a mediocre and appalling finale
10 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I can't over look what others seem to be over looking... The series has a great first season. It will keep you entertained at the very least. I was enjoying it all the way up until the finale...which has turned me off to even watching the movies that follow up the series...

A inappropriate romantic relationship with a HS student is how we end this season? How disgusting... and I can't over look it. Buck, is an alien character, I'll grant that, perhaps they age differently but it still feels disgusting and immoral. It still has perverse connotations...

For a series that centered around relationships human and non human, to end the series with something so depraved is an insult, disgusting and I can't over look it. I would have rated the series much higher...

I'm glad it's canceled if that's the sort of series it was turning into. At first what seemed an innocent, inspiring teacher/ student relationship between an alien, was interesting to watch but then suddenly it became something taboo, disgusting, immoral...

The relationship between the main character and his alien partner implodes and it's a cheap gliff hanger for season 1.... The series just ends terribly... I can't just look the other way and pretend that this series didn't start to go in the wrong direction.

It is of course a social commentary for race, political issues... but it didn't need to go there, some where perverse and twisted... For me this ruined the series.
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