Highway to Heaven (1984–1989)
Fulfilling show for ALL +atheists
3 May 2020
To start with, I'm an atheist & still love this series, so it's not at all an offensive religious theme, it's basic human kindness & respect, being good deep down, that's the goal & Landon helps troubled souls in his various "jobs" for god. With 111 episodes there's plenty to binge through on Netflix:)

I remember watching this in younger simpler times & as one reviewer put it, as does the show pilots dialogue, 1980 nor 2020 are those days! But as Landon says we can change it by being kinder & choosing to trust sooner. The values in the series closely match my own, even being an atheist, I've been part of religions before & understand the concept, the stories, etc.

I never saw the full series in sequence so grateful for tech like Netflix streaming, I can binge watch the show & it's way better an offering than what else is on tv these days. I highly recommend a rewatch or real run through watch of the series in sequence. We can all use that heart warming feeling, the smiles & laughs, the serious problems Landon takes on & how perfectly he deals with them.
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