Review of NCIS

NCIS (2003– )
Used to be 10 stars but has gone WAY down hill after season 13
25 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This show used to be in my top 5 must not miss shows every week until season 14. I honestly don't know what they were thinking when they forced Bishop & Kasie on us. Those 2 have ruined the show for me. I can tolerate the other 2 newbies, Torres & Sloane, to a point, but they too aren't the best fit either. It was great to bring back Ziva this season as an attempt to keep us interested, but it's a little too late because the damage has already been done the last few seasons. I can no longer watch without cringing every time Bishop & Kasie are on the screen because they just don't belong on this show. So many other loyal fans have said the same things & it amazes me they haven't replaced these horrible characters yet, but maybe the plan is to end the show, so they figure why bother writing in better characters. Anyway, I just want to say how much I truly enjoyed every season up to 13. I put up with most of season 14 only because I love Jennifer Esposito & wanted to see where that was going, but the minute they forced that out of nowhere relationship Bishop had onto us & then had her go all crazy & murder that guy it made me sick to my stomach to watch after that. I actually forced myself to keep watching just because I kept thinking things would change & that maybe Bishop would get fired for what she did or get demoted, since that's what it seemed was going to happen, except nothing happened. I guess the writers just gave up trying after that. I finally stopped watching it weekly after Kasie joined the team, though because she's the absolute worst fit of any character that's ever been on the show & I just couldn't stomach watching it after that. Last month I went back to try & catch up before this new season started by trying to skip through the parts when she came on & parts where it was just Bishop, too, but it's just not worth the trouble, so I am officially done watching for good now. It's such a shame how they made it so many seasons picking good characters that fit well with each other & with Gibbs, but then they just stopped trying after season 13. Thanks for 13 great seasons at least.
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