Godzilla (1954)
Gojira: The birth of a legend
7 July 2018
Godzilla or otherwise known a Gojira was the debut of the legendary titular character and arguably one of the most high profile pieces of Japanese cinema to date.

It tells the story of this gigantic creature coming out of the ocean and going on the warpath after being woken by nuclear explosions. The humans argue as to what to do with the situation, kill or study. But how do you kill something that big and that has already withstood massive radioactive blasts?

Godzilla is very ahead of its time and though the sfx are badly dated they look great for something made in the 1950's. For the most part it looks and is acted really quite well, though our leading lady was seven shades of awful.

One of the movies biggest flaws is its pacing. The movie doesn't have a traditional beginning, middle and end in fact the finale really creeps on you and isn't all that great itself.

Regardless of its flaws Godzilla has to be considered a classic that launched a franchise that is still ongoing over 6 decades later.

The Good:

Visually ahead of its time

The Bad:

Godzilla logistics make no sense

Odd moments of literally no audio

Some ropey editing

Weak finale

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

If nukes don't work on something, try bullets, if that doesn't get a pitchfork?

Japan makes strong bridges!

Japanese women are renound for overacting to fish suffering

Prayer accomplishes nothing, oh wait I already knew that
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