Wonder (I) (2017)
Very nearly a wonder
24 February 2018
Loved the book, one of my recent reads and one of the ones that really resonated with me. Really admired that a difficult subject that similarly resonates with me was being explored. Like feel good films with doses of humour and sentiment exploring serious concepts. Love 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower', also directed by Stephen Chbosky, that 'Wonder' is often compared to. A lot of the cast have also done good previous work.

'Wonder' generally did live up to high expectations. It was not quite a wonder but it very nearly was. Is it as good as 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower?' No, not quite. It is a very good film though, and is also one of the most faithful book-to-film adaptations there is (there are not many of those around). A few changes, but not ones that harm the film at all and it doesn't suffer as much as other book-to-film adaptations at compressing, the impact that the book had and its spirit is very much intact.

Not a flawless film. The narration is overused and over-explanatory, there are far worse cases in film but it definitely could have been used less and didn't need to tell us as much as it did when it could have been shown just as effectively and would have not confused the storytelling at all. The ending also goes a little too far with the sentiment, feeling a little too maudlin and contrived.

However, 'Wonder' had inspiring, well-intentioned messaging, and even when past my school days it inspired me and made me think how my bullying suffering could have been handled better on my part. It really resonated with me as somebody who has been there, being bullied in school mercilessly for being "different from the norm" and my difficulties (physically and socially) and found myself identifying with Auggie every step of the way and admired how he overcame everything. Personally actually bought how he was accepted (it certainly works for different people, and while some will not find it truthful, as someone who actually was accepted quickly when changing schools regardless of my problems it rang true for me).

The comedy is not overdone and is genuinely amusing and warm in a gentle fashion, never distasteful, and the emotional elements were very poignant and brought tears to my eyes. The feel good elements had a real charm and warmth and there was a lot to be inspired by. A couple of other elements are also touched upon, including courage in the face of adversity (something that was true for me after leaving school and going to music college) and how friendship and family are portrayed, also very much identifiable and powerfully done.

'Wonder' is a beautifully filmed and directed film, sympathetically written and scored and always involving.

Can't fault the cast. Jacob Tremblay once again, after his performance in 'Room', gives a revelation of a performance that is very easy to relate to, it is completely insignificant that an able-bodied actor portrays a disabled/deformed character (John Hurt in 'The Elephant Man' portrayed a heavily disfigured character, as a notable example, and Hurt was far from that) contrary to a couple of comments made.

Izabella Vidovic also impresses hugely, Owen Wilson is warmly restrained and one would be hard pressed to find a Julia Roberts performance this gentle or endearing.

Overall, very good and very nearly a wonder. With less and more subtle narration and an ending that rang true more, it could have been. 8/10 Bethany Cox
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